Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs


Rabbit dachshund refers to representatives of hunting breeds of dogs and is the smallest among them. The animal was specially removed for rabbits hunting to climb into their narrow holes. The dog came to change then popular albino ferrers. The variety of rabbit dachs was formed and closer to the beginning of the 20th century. Now the dachshunds are the status of decorative dogs and are extremely rarely used in hunting. However, if you make training, the dog will easily develop its predator instincts necessary for hunting.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_2



(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)


The average

(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)

Need care


(Rating 2 out of 5)

Cost of content


(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)

Attitude to solitude

Moderate time

(Rating 3 out of 5)

Security qualities

Bad guard

(Rating 2 out of 5)

* The characteristic of the "Dachshund" breed is based on the assessment of the experts of the site and feedback from the owners of the dog.


Before you find out the breed standards and its differences from dwarf tax, you should study its history. Dachshunds, like cats, animals with a rich ancient history. The first images of dogs were found on the walls of the tomb of the Pharaoh Tutmos III. The picture showed an unexplored creature with shortened legs and an elongated muzzle, standing next to the usual hunting psy. The image dates back to approximately the second century BC. In Assyrian sculpture, there are also exhibits of short-legged dogs.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_3

But these creatures can not be called the ancestors of modern dachshunds. It is believed that the fees began their pedigree from the Clacks. Animals are close to the exterior, similar to the characters. German breeders have invested tremendous labor in rabbit dachshund. The challenge consisted in obtaining small-sized dogs, but quickly, capable of penetrating narrow holes, simultaneously maneuvering them for prey.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_4

The blood of a dwarf Pincher allowed the dachshunds to acquire their tiny sizes, but at the same time suffered the nature of the animal or exterior. As a result, breeders decided to move away from the idea of ​​obtaining puppies by the method of intergenerate crossing and chose the selection path. Representatives of mini-breeds broke together, producing us the light of miniature puppies, which breeders were selected by the desired parameters, repeating this chain until the desired result is reached.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_5

At the beginning of the 20th century, the breed was put on stream.

The appearance of the dog corresponds to the standards attributed to the dachshund breed. The total animal sizes: the embossing of the animal's chest is 30 cm. The growth is not higher than 15 cm, the weight of crumbs up to 3.5 kg. The parameters of rabbit dachshunds are examined when the animal reaches the age of one and a half years.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_6

Exterior parameters.

  • The head is elongated, gradually narrowing to the nose. Absorbing arcs are pronounced, narrow nose, straight. The skull is flattened, the stopper does not protrude. His absence indicates the presence of greyhound blooded pieces, which is not allowed.
  • The jaw is strong, bite scissors, teeth are tightly closed. The lips are tightly adjacent, dry. Dark dogs have black or brown lip pigmentation.
  • The eyes are medium, oval, not convex. Rainbow brown in any saturation. Marble dachs permissible blue-eyed. Eyelids tightly tight eyeballs.
  • The ears have a mini-dach guns freely hang from the head, highly planted. Ear tip half-circular. The level of excerpt of the ear falls on the zone of the crimson or lower.
  • The neck in an adult dog is long, with a protruding muscular, visible a camp that goes into the withers. The skin does not hide, does not form a fold.
  • Body housing elongated. The back closer to the croup drops. Bulk Oval, Kiel is traced, forming in the sides of the depressions. The belly of the dachshund must be touched, but not too hard.
  • The tail is visually on the same line with the back. Permissible saber-shaped tail shape, a small bending of the tip.
  • The limbs are shortened, strong, in parallel located. Artistic angles are pronounced. Elbows directed back. Oval legs, fingers tightly pressed. Pillow paws chubby. Claws tough, short. Muscular hidden, stand out.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_7

Properly developed animal is easily moving, moving in a squeezed step. Jumping elastic, free.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_8


The rabbit dachshund is a calm animal, does not show sudden aggression, the nervous system of the dog is stable. Dachshund is vigilant, with self-esteem, brave. These features allow the animal to be easy to get around in the house with his other inhabitants, people. Dachshund is considered an excellent companion.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_9

Breeders also note the manifestation of animal independence, signs of mind, speed of reactions and decision-making. Dachshunds are sensitive to pressure, rudeness, physical punishment. Friendliness, the softness is pronounced in this breed.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_10

By the cons character should include jealousy. The dog shows a sense of ownership of the owner, to personal toys, things. However, it relates well to other family members and get used to them. Rabbit dachshunds need permanent games, entertainment, with pleasure run for objects.

An animal is curious that it allows him to make contact; If the owner prohibits a pet to explore something, the pet will obey.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_11

Dachshunds also show such traits such as stubbornness, trick. This is part of hunting instincts, they allow the dog for a long time to be in rabbit badges, not allowing the prey to get out of the asylum.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_12

Bravery is another feature prescribed by this animal. Brave dachshunds with ease rush to large game, such as boars. Dachshund courage is not a shade of recklessness, all its solutions weigh the animal. With regard to production, the dog shows aggressiveness, perseverance.

The famous zoologist L. P. Sabaneyev described a rabbit dachshund as an intrinsic, clever, but at the same time an annoying animal, able to show syndicatiness, malleavy. Russian scientist emphasized that the dog is suitable for home content. Acute hearing and mind do not allow the dachshund to bark.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_13

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_14

Life expectancy

On average rabbit dachshunds live 12 years. Signs of aging begin to manifest themselves on the eighth year of life. An animal becomes less dynamic, problems with joints arise, the appetite decreases, the wool loses its shine, white hairmers appear.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_15

An animal aging is at different times, some individuals begin to show signs aged 7 or 10 years. Factors affecting the occurrence of old age: weight and growth of animal, breed, health condition. Little dogs tend to live longer their tall fellow. There are cases when the feces lived to 20 years.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_16

When an animal entry during the aging period, the owner needs to adjust the diet of the pet, change the rules of content. Be sure to be twice a year to drive a pet for inspection to the veterinarian, test blood tests, urine. More attention should be paid to the teeth of the dog. It is regularly cleaning the oral cavity, remove the dented stone, treat their dears.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_17

In the process of calculating the animal wool, it is necessary to feel the PSA body for tumors. View ears, eyes, paws.

Reduce the number of physical exertion: the old animal will be enough for several walks per day. With the appearance of heavy breathing, rapid fatigue, the PSA should be immediately left to the veterinary clinic.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_18

Comparison with carlikova

The main difference between rabbit dachshunds from the dwarf - size. Dwarf dachshunds increase not more than 21 cm. Chest girth in the animal is 30-35 cm, the weight is about 4.5 kg. Dwarf individuals are also long-grazing and short-circuit. When choosing a fee, it should be done on the external characteristics of the animal. Buying a small pet, you can slip and ordinary taxis. Therefore, it is better to take animals in nurseries, where each individual has its own documents in which the entire pedigree PSA is recorded. Or acquire an adult individual and navigate its size.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_19


In rabbit dachs, three types of woolen cover are distinguished.

  • Short-saving individuals , or in a different way smooth-walled - wool smooth, hair firmly adjacent to each other, to the body of the PSA. The fur coat is thick.

  • Long-chest - Soft hair, shiny, about 5 cm long. Wool is no longer. Long hairmakes form expressive eyes in the limb area, on the neck and body in the abdomen. The shock is developed.

  • Hang-covers - Coarse wool, in the area of ​​the muzzle forms a beard, the abnormal arcs are like shaggy eyebrows. On the rest of the body of the dog's body, the wool is short, improved.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_20

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_21

Rabbit Taks

The breeds are diverse, divided into monophonic, two-color and pattern.

  • Monophonic. Red color is represented by light or with yellowish subtock. This is a standard color of rabbit dachshund.

Palemy is a variety of red color. Color saturated, beautiful. It is allowed to have black tips, which are called the Casual Color. White spots located on the animal breast can also be present.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_22

  • Two-color. Presented a combination of two shades.
  1. Black and soda. The whole body of the animal, with the exception of the area on the face, limbs, sternum, neck is painted in black. Selected zones are formed by hairs of a light brown shade.
  2. Chocolate-soda. Differs from black only with a shade of the main color. In this color it is a saturated warm-brown tone. Bright areas in contrast are not highlighted.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_23

  • Marble fees. The main color of marble individuals is black, gray or brown. Animals look unusual and very attractive. On the body of the dog is formed a drawing of chaotic stains of medium size. Spots can be gray on a black background, wheat and dark brown on a gray background.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_24

  • Tiger. The color is represented by fawn or red with a variant with dark vertical narrow stripes. As a rule, the spots are clearly traced on the sides of the pet, ears. The drawing is attractive, unique. Rigid sweeps can be painted in the so-called color of the color, expressed by light and dark flowers. Each hair on the body of PSA is a two-color. The back, sides, the neck and belly of the animal are painted with light gray-black wool, while the head, paws and the tail of the pet will be monophonic, black and light brown tones.

For all rabbit taxes, the black wool color without sangs, as well as the white color are disqualified.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_25

Conditions of detention

Home mini-dachshund is unpretentious in care. Pet wool must be cleaned weekly brush with a natural pile. For long-grazing dachs, a furminator is used - a special brush that allows you to avoid the formation of chatins, accelerating the molting process. During the period of molting, the dog's wool is deduced every day.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_26

Water procedures are held once per season. Animal in itself is a clean, avoids dirt. Pots love water, with pleasure on their own battle in open reservoirs.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_27

Caring for teeth is reduced to periodic cleaning of the oral cavity with the use of dental powders or pastes. This procedure is required, rabbit dachs are easily formed a dentist. Remove the raid can also be dry food, hard delicacies made of animal veins.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_28

Claws of PSA are cut into with a cunning case if necessary. Usually, claws are naturally stepping during a walk through stony surfaces. If the animal is old or rarely walks, claws are processed once every two weeks. Cutting should be done neatly, perform in the light so as not to hurt capillary vessels.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_29

Special concerns require ears and eyes of a pet. They are regularly examined for the presence of dirt, mucus or insects. Daily cleaning after walks will reduce the risk of infections, breed diseases. Care is performed using special lotions deposited on a cotton disk or cotton wand. Movements must be roving, the ears are allowed to wipe the tool.

It is advisable to control the movement of the pet in the apartment. The structure of the spine dachshund does not allow jumps from high surfaces: sofas, chairs. It is impossible to give a ps to get up on the hind paws.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_30

Being kids, pets are protected from access to stairs. It will be better to make a dog in your arms. Puppies are not taken for the pitch, since this method of transferring the kid can provoke the displacement of the vertebral discs.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_31

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_32

Also at the young age, the dog is easy to teach to go to protect the need for a tray or on the pellery. It is recommended to purchase a soft bed with low-side fifteers. Dog's house should be placed in a place protected from drafts and high noise.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_33

An animal requires toys, it is desirable to buy many different models for him. The place for feeding must be equipped with bowls placed on the stand - so the pet will be easier to absorb food, drink water.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_34

What to feed?

Rabbit dachshunds are prone to obesity to avoid it is necessary to maintain the correct diet of the pet. It is forbidden to give the pet feed from the table. Driving food should not contain a high percentage of fat.

The diet includes fisher, meat. These products occupy 2/3 of the volume of food used. The rest falls on fermented milk products, vegetables, cereals.

The diet is the active dogs calculated from the calculation of 90 kcal per kilo weight.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_35

Adding vitamins and minerals to the food is due to the tendency of the rock to the pathologies of the bone system. Products necessarily contain calcium. The amount of minerals should be balanced, otherwise the excess of a single substance can have a negative effect on the animal body in the form of sediments of salts in the joints and spinal bones.

The fiber allows you to protect the pet from the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, from the colitis and the occurrence of enteritis.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_36

Food is served finely chopped, boiled, without adding salt, spices. It is not possible to feed the products that have passed the smoking procedure canned marinated.

When feeding "drying" is allowed to introduce into the diet of wet feed. Clean drinking water should always be freely available. A bowl is advisable to place a little away from the cup with feed so that the water is not contaminated.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_37


An animal, like all the conifers, requires socialization, education so that the pet grew into attentive, affectionate, patient creation, capable of behaving properly with a person. A sharp mind, the ability to independently make decisions may aggravate the situation in the behavior of the dog if it cannot be trained from infancy.

During classes with a pet, it is forbidden to use physical punishment, shout and angry PSA. All correct commands are required to be supported by positive reinforcement - delicacy. The ears of the dog is almost not amenable to train, such individuals are better to give to work to the focus-film specialists.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_38

The process of training should occur in a game form. You should not expect that the pussy will immediately understand what is required of it. Do not press the dog, show and teach it to your teams voice, action. Teams are given clearly, without a scream.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_39

Good memory allows rabbit taxam to remember a large number of teams. The most important age for training is 2-6 months. During this period, the animal is the most curious. At the same age, the puppy teach to walk with a leash. Hunting instinct can force the animal to chase cats, squirrels. While the favorite fully will not fade all the teams and rules, he must constantly follow control, including during walking. The fenced area does not guarantee that the favorite does not work out the pit and does not run away.

Rabbit dachshund is a pretty kid capable of feats. An animal companion will enlist mischief and, perhaps, even breaks the rabbit while walking through the forest.

Rabbit dachshund (40 photos): description of long-haired and rigid, smooth-haired and other types of breed. Dimensions of adult dogs 22828_40

More information about rabbit taxes can be viewed in the video.

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