Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes


If you decide to make a small dog of miniature sizes, then you should pay attention to dwarf dachshunds or their even smaller brethren - rabbit. This is the perfect version of the apartment four pet, which, as a result of his little dimensions, perfectly fit even in a small Khrushchev and become a devotee and a fun friend.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_2

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_3

Just do not discount his hunting qualities that will have to find peaceful use. Therefore, before you have a mini-dachshund, you need to study her character well, find out how to care for it and what to feed, and also - how to choose the right puppy.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_4



(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)


The average

(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)

Need care


(Rating 2 out of 5)

Cost of content


(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)

Attitude to solitude

Moderate time

(Rating 3 out of 5)

Security qualities

Bad guard

(Rating 2 out of 5)

* The characteristic of the "Dachshund" breed is based on the assessment of the experts of the site and feedback from the owners of the dog.

History of origin

At the end of the XIX century, in Germany, the goal was set out to create such a kind of taxes, which would be able to break into the holes of the smallest rodents in the holes (ferrets, rabbits, foxes, badgers). To do this, it was necessary to reduce the standard dachum in the sizes, while maintaining its hunting quality. And the breeders did it. So the dwarf dachshund appeared, which weighed only 5 kg, almost 2 times less than its predecessor And after it was created and an even more miniature option - the rabbit dachshund, with a maximum weight of 3.5 kg. The nature of the new subspecies of the breed remained the same as their senior fellow, they differed only more modest compared to them by dimensions.

Over time, the dwarf dachshund has lost its original hunting destination and has become one of the most popular types of miniature dogs for decorative breeding.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_5

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_6


All dachshunds, including dwarf, Very bright and characteristic appearance.

  • The main features of the breed are lowerness and a long native torso, which helps dogs to squeeze into the deepest holes.
  • Another distinctive feature is very short, but thick and powerful paws. Moreover, the forelimbs are much stronger and stronger than the rear, as they perform a more important function - they roll the land to get to their prey. Paws can be a bit twisted, but the breed defect is not. Takes are running pretty quickly and thanks to good endurance capable of overcome very long distances.
  • Despite the small size, the dogs of this breed are strongly developed muscles. They have a dense body with a wide protruding thread and a long tail.
  • Puffy dachshunds also do not confuse with any other breed. The head of the dog has an elongated shape, narrowing to the nose, big bokes hanging on the sides and strong jaws.
  • The weight of adult dwarf dachshund can reach a maximum of 6 kg, and rabbit even less - 3.5 kg. The growth of the first varies from 16 to 25 cm, and the second grows in a height of 10 to 15 cm, males are usually above the bitches.
  • But the main parameter for which the variety of fees is determined - sternum girth. In dwarf, this indicator is 30-35 cm, and rabbit is less than 30 cm. Just on the basis of the volume of the chest (or OGK), a particular type of dachshund is determined. However, this can be done only after reaching one year old.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_7

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_8

The sizes of the puppies of all species are almost the same, so it is better to buy kids not from private breeders, but in nurseries with a good reputation.

Also, when choosing a puppy, you need to see how at least one of his parents looks like to make sure that you did not sell the baby's kids standard instead of mini.

By the color of the dachum can be divided into three types.

  • Monochrome (or clean) - These are uniformly painted dogs, their color can be red, chocolate or pale yellow.
  • Two-color At the same time, one of the colors always dominates, and the second is a few tones lighter and is located as if in the form of individual spots on the body. The main thing as a rule is black or brown, which complement the bright areas on the tips of the paw, on the sides of the muzzle and in the chest area.
  • Three-color or spotted (most often there are marble or tiger colors) - these are the rarest and unusual varieties of dwarf dachshunds.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_9

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_10

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_11

Character features

Dwarf dachshunds possess a cheerful, vitality and affectionate character. Of these, excellent companion dogs are obtained, which love to communicate with their owner and are ready to follow him anywhere, accompanying him in long hiking. However, to get such a devotee and obedient four-legged friend, you need to actively engage in its upbringing.

Dachshund requires constant contact with the owner, especially this is important in puppy age when the nature of the character and habits of the dog occurs. She can't be alone long - from boredom the dog will start to twist everything around: scratch the wallpaper, tear things, spoil shoes and what "lies badly". Therefore, if you are not ready to give your pet enough attention and your time, then it is better to prefer another breed. If the dachshund is granted to herself, then you will get an aggressive, wayward and naughty dog ​​that will do what it will do, without recognizing the authority of the owner.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_12

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_13

Dachshunds are very active parties who need to spill their energy somewhere. Therefore, they need long walks (3 times a day for no less than half an hour). During the walk, it is necessary not only to go through a long enough distance, but also play with a pet and work out the team. They also need to somehow implement their hunting instinct. Therefore, they love to dig the pits and hunt everything that moves: birds, fish, mice.

Since the blood of hunters flows in their veins, they are inherent in such qualities as perseverance, patience, stubbornness and incredible courage. However, with improper upbringing or in general, it is not the absence of these character traits can achieve extremely degree and move into stubbornness, self-fully and complete ignoring the owner's will. It is advisable to work out with your pet from a kinologist. You can start doing this from 4 months of age.

Plus the breed is that the dachshunds are very smart, smart and easily trained, so easily master teams and norms of proper behavior.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_14

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_15

During training, it is preferable to use a positive reinforcement, that is, give a dog "yummy" or praise it for a correctly performed action. In no case can not be roughly handled with Taksa, shouting on it, and even more so beating. These dogs are very touchy, vintage and will be crucial to the humiliation of their dog dignity. Dachshunds should have only one person she will consider the owner. However, all family members, she perceives as their flock and refers to them benevolently and with love.

Since the dachshund is a very egocentric dog with a big sense of self-esteem, it is desirable that she was the only four-legged favorite in the house, otherwise jealousy to other pets, which can pour into serious aggression towards them. Knowing the characteristic of dwarf dachshunds, you can decide, it is suitable for you or not.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_16

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_17

How many years do you live?

It has been scientifically proven that the life expectancy of small dogs is higher than in major fellow - their body wear out more slowly. Dwarf dachshunds on average live up to 12 years. But with proper nutrition and good care, they can overcome the 15-year frontier. And if your pet is lucky not only with the owner, but also with genetics, he has chances to meet even his 20-year-old anniversary.

To extend the life of your four-legged friend, you need to fulfill the following non-hard recommendations.

  • In order to prevent viral diseases, it is necessary to vaccinate your pet every year, as well as protect against ticks during their activity.
  • Regular visits to the veterinarian and the surrender of analyzes 2 times a year will reveal a possible disease or a violation of a work of some organ at an early stage. After all, it is known that it is better to prevent the disease than to heal then.
  • Surilization of bitches and castration of males prevents tumors of genital organs, and in females - also the mammary glands.
  • One of the weakest places in the taxa is the spine. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid excessive load on it and various injuries that an animal can get, jumping even with a small elevation - chair or sofa.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_18

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_19


Mini-dachshunds can differ not only to the color of wool, but also its length and texture. According to this parameter, they are accepted for three types:

  • Shorthair (or smooth-haired);
  • long-haired;
  • Hard-haired (the rarest view).

With short-haired dachshunds, the trouble is the least, since the length of their hair does not exceed 3 cm. Such such dogs are wiped after a walk with a wet rag, and you can use a brush more than 1-2 times a week. Long-haired and rigorous dachshunds have a significantly richer chapel, as well as underlying, it means that they will need additional care - periodic haircuts and daily combing.

In the spring and autumn, when the street is dirty and slightly, wash the "hairy" dachshund will have much more often than their smooth fellow.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_20

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_21

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_22

From each other, these two species differ quite strongly. They have a different texture of the hairproof.

  • Long-haired hair is soft, smooth and gentle to the touch, lightly goes. The longest wool on the ears - because of this feature in the face, they resemble spaniels. Wavy "strands" hangs from the sides, the chest is slightly lower than the neck are also covered with dense curly hair, and the fluffy tail is crowned.
  • Hard-haired dachshunds are distinguished by abundant vegetation mainly on the face - they have a mustache and beard, which makes them a little similar to the terriers. They also have elongated rigid coarse hair on the chest and on the body, although their length is less than that of the previous type.

The most common type of taxis is, of course, short-haired. Rigors for Russia are quite exotic, not very popular and in other European countries, although there are often in their native Germany.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_23

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_24

Comparison with ordinary taxi

The main difference of dwarf dachshunds from ordinary are only its dimensions - height in the withers, grumps of sternum and weight. They are less than a standard variety. It can be noted that mini-dachshunds have a more stubborn, wayward and plump character than their generic team.

For other indicators (color and length of wool and other external parameters), all representatives of this breed are practically identical. Hunting qualities are equally developed both in the usual and in a small dachshund.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_25

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_26

How to choose a puppy?

Buy a puppy follows in a nursery that has all the necessary documents for the implementation of dog breeding activities. Preference should be given to experienced breeders who have long and successfully operate in the market. In the choice of nursery, you can focus on the recommendations of acquaintances or at least read feedback on a particular "seller" TAX on the Internet. You can also seek advice in the canine communities.

The conscientious breeder must provide the future owner all the necessary documents: Veterinary and puppy passports, as well as a pedigree dog. Between him and the future owner of the puppy must be concluded a contract of sale confirming the fact of the prisoner.

You can buy a puppy from 1.5 months of age when he has already stopped needing motherly milk and learned to eat independently. By this time, he must be projected and instilled.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_27

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_28

Be sure to get information about the puppy's parents, it is advisable to see mom and ask for a photo of the Father, to find out his character. In appearance, the parameters and behavioral features of the parents can be judged about how their kid will be when it becomes an adult. Especially this data is important if you plan to use their descendant for breeding or participating in exhibitions.

And finally, the most important stage is the direct choice of a puppy. To determine what kind of baby make the four-legged member of his family, advice will help below.

  • Rate the appearance of the puppy. It must be the average set: not reconcist and too fat, but not thin and bony. Choose a puppy with a well-pronounced muscular corset and with straight, without deflection, tail and back.
  • One of the main parameters is the quality of wool. It should be silky and shiny, and its color is rich and bright. Dull cover may indicate problems with health or shortage of vitamins and microelements in the body. Also, the wool must be evenly thick, not harsh and dandruff.
  • Wet nose, clean ears and the absence of purulent elections from the eyes - mandatory components of a healthy puppy.
  • Be sure to open and inspect the mouth of the baby. In the norm of the gums and the language of the little "taxy" of bright pink color, and in the mouth there should be so many teeth as it should be at his age.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_29

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_30

Watch all the kids and choose a vigorous, playful, fun and bold puppy, but not showing aggression to your brothers and sisters. A puppy with bright-pronounced leadership qualities can take you a lot of trouble with your droin-free character - on his upbringing will have to spend more time, strength and nerves.

For a small pet, you will need an eye yes. Its curiosity and increased activity can lead to damage to your property, especially at the stage, when the kid has a teeth. Therefore, hide shoes, wires and all your belongings away from puppy teeth, and instead, offer a small hooligan to nibble toys and stomagazine bones.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_31

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_32

How to care?

Taxi care must be complex. It must include regular cleaning of teeth. It is an unpleasant procedure for dogs, so you need to start spending it as soon as possible so that your pet is used to it. The teeth are cleansed to get rid of them from the plaque and to prevent caries and the dental stone. This is done by special veterinaries at least 1 time per week.

Also from the small years, the dog needs to cut claws. "Manicure" can be done in a vetclinite or at home, acquiring special tweezers. But by taking this procedure yourself, it is necessary to be careful not to hurt the part of the claw, where blood vessels are already beginning.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_33

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_34

Care of wool fees is also very important, especially if it is long. Hair cover must be regularly combed to comb special comb. First follow the direction of hair growth, and it is not only back, chest and stomach, but also paws and tail, and then spend a brush in the same places, but already against wool. Such a massage will help not only prevent the appearance of chatins and relocate from dust and fell out, but also improve blood circulation and remove excess skin fat.

If the dog's wool ceased to glisten, and even more so began to fall badly, then this is a reason to turn to the doctor and pass the necessary tests. The reason may be improper nutrition, lack of beneficial substances, as well as various diseases.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_35

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_36

Once every 3 months, pet needs to be processed from internal and external parasites. Anthelmintic drugs are fighting first, and the second is destroyed with droplets on the withers. Since the dachshunds, especially short-haired, very thermal-loving, then in cold weather they need to walk in warm clothes, and in the rainy - in a waterproof overalls. After the walk, they wipe the paws are wet, and then a dry cloth. Once or two per month washed dogs with a special shampoo in warm water. Bathing small dachshunds to the semi-annual age is not recommended. Do not be lazy and regularly examine your pet's ears, clean them with a cotton wand from sulfur. When suspicion of the ear tick immediately contact the veterinarian. Since dwarf and rabbit dachshunds - mini dogs, they can be accustomed to walk at home in the tray.

However, this does not eliminate the owners from the need for walking, which is necessary not only for the protection of natural physiological needs, but also so that the dog can spill the accumulated energy.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_37

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_38

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_39

What to feed?

This is one of the main questions that get in front of a person who has started a pet. If the dwarf dachshund has become, then it is necessary to take into account the fact that this breed has a greater tendency to obesity. So, it is impossible to overproof it in any case, since overweight leads to shortness of breath and other serious health problems.

First of all, you need to decide on the type of power: Will it be "drying" or natural food. But keep in mind - you need to choose something one, to combine industrial feed and "naturalka", because these two types of food are digested in the stomach in different ways. Their alignment will lead to a violation of the Housing and Housing Functions.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_40

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_41

If you choose your choice on dry nutrition, then prefer premium grades - cheap feed contains predominantly taste dyes, and in expensive - more protein and other ingredients for dogs.

The advantages of dry food in front of natural is that it is balanced - it includes all the necessary vitamins and trace elements in the correct proportions. But, of course, it is impossible to exceed the daily dosage - the amount of daily norm, depending on the weight of the animal, the manufacturer indicates the packaging.

If the body has a bad body for dry food (it can be expressed in the form of diarrhea, vomiting, worsening wool quality), then try changing the manufacturer.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_42

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_43

If you decide to feed the four-legged pet "Natural Tool", then this does not mean that you need to give him food from your table. Dogs are contraindicated salty, perepsy, sharp and oily food, so for your four-legged pet you will have to cook separately. Taxa requires a large amount of protein - it can get it from meat (chicken or beef) and low-fat fish, you can still give cottage cheese, eggs and dairy products.

The meat is better to boil, as the raw contains, though more protein, but at the same time more helminths, because of which the anthelmint of the pet will have more often. Pork for dogs, especially for dwarf dachshund, is a prohibited product, as it is very fat. It is also impossible to give dogs tubular bones - they can damage the sensitive esophagus of small dogs. In addition to the protein, the dog's diet must include energy sources - carbohydrates. They are kept in porridge, it is better to choose buckwheat, oatmeal or rice, you can even mix them. Cooks are boiled in water or on meat broth. The last option for dogs is most preferable - such a porridge will smell meat.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_44

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_45

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_46

Be sure to give a tax of vegetables and fruits - or in kind, or in the form of vitamin and mineral supplements that are sold in pet stores. Sweet for a dwarf dog is contraindicated. It is impossible to feed it with cookies, candy, chocolate.

Food should not be given a tax immediately after cooking - It needs to cool it a bit so that your pet does not dang up the mouth and throat. Food must be necessarily fresh. After your four-legged friend root, a cup with food should be removed. But the water should be in constant access. Adult dachshum is enough to feed 2 times a day - in the morning and evening, but at the same time. And it is advisable to do it not before, and after a walk - to walk on the full stomach your pet will be much harder.

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_47

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_48

Dwarf dachshund (49 photos): a description of smooth-haired, rigid-haired and other breed species, the nature of miniature dogs. Mini dach puppies sizes 22824_49

Puppies to six months are required 5-time feeding, closer to 6 months can be reduced to 4 times a day. After half a year, in adolescence, food to the taxam should be ganked 3 times a day, and already starting with a one-year-old reducing feeding up to 2 times.

Any dog ​​needs to communicate with the owner, and the dwarf dachshund due to its nature - especially. If you give a small pet attention, care and affection, he will repay you with incredible love and devotion.

In the next video you can look at the dwarf dachum in motion.

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