Cream Spitz (16 photos): description. How to name a girl's puppy and a cream color boy? Character of adult dog


The owners of urban apartments when choosing a dog most often pay attention to pets of small size. The most popular choice becomes spitz cream color. These pets look extremely friendly and have a pleasant appearance, which is why they are often acquired as a gift to children. Thanks to the small size, such a dog can without efforting with them and transport from place to place. In addition, the dog of cream color how it is impossible to emphasize the secular status of his owners and will make their lives brighter.

Features of breed and color

Pomeranian Spitz was led in Germany, and after improving England breeders. His weight ranges from 3 to 5 kilograms, depending on age and genetic capabilities. Growth is about 23-25 ​​centimeters in the withers. A total of three main spitz color is black, white and cream.

Cream Spitz (16 photos): description. How to name a girl's puppy and a cream color boy? Character of adult dog 22817_2

Cream Spitz (16 photos): description. How to name a girl's puppy and a cream color boy? Character of adult dog 22817_3

Cream Spitz (16 photos): description. How to name a girl's puppy and a cream color boy? Character of adult dog 22817_4

The latter is particularly popular among breeders for a number of reasons. Cream shades are very neutral, so the dog will not stand out among the total decor and will be pleasant to look, unlike representatives of the black color. The white spitts look too unnatural, and because of the peculiarities of their wool, there are also rather marked - that is why the owner has to constantly wear them in their hands outside the house.

The creamy color is the most natural and does not require special attention from the owner during a long walk.

Cream Spitz (16 photos): description. How to name a girl's puppy and a cream color boy? Character of adult dog 22817_5

Due to the peculiarities of the appearance of spitts from the side more similar to the toy than on the real dog. They are characterized by a neat, slightly elongated forther, dark round eyes and a thick bleeding. Especially often the dog has a fluffy collar and tail.

Cream spits are usually born very light, because their color is fully formed after the first molting. Sometimes the breeders themselves do not know whether the puppy will remain white or in the future adult dog will acquire a cream color. Also, as a result of the crossing of a cream-colored dog, they may differ in light color of the eyes and the nose, which gives them even more cute and charming appearance.

Cream Spitz (16 photos): description. How to name a girl's puppy and a cream color boy? Character of adult dog 22817_6

Currently it is difficult to find a dog of a true gentle cream color. Mixed spitches are most often found, whose wool has overflow from a rich redhead to a smooth light cream color. Also there are representatives with gray overflow or interspersed in black wool.

Cream Spitz (16 photos): description. How to name a girl's puppy and a cream color boy? Character of adult dog 22817_7

Cream Spitz (16 photos): description. How to name a girl's puppy and a cream color boy? Character of adult dog 22817_8

In addition to classic spitz, also It is recommended to pay attention to cream dogs of such types such as bearings and puppet. The first type is characterized by a shortened muzzle, and the second is unnecessarily a cute appearance, thanks to which Spitz looks even more like a toy. The last option is especially relevant to the purchase as a gift to children.

Cream Spitz (16 photos): description. How to name a girl's puppy and a cream color boy? Character of adult dog 22817_9

Cream Spitz (16 photos): description. How to name a girl's puppy and a cream color boy? Character of adult dog 22817_10


Despite the charm of such a small dog, in the soul they are very bold and brave creatures that adventure are needed. That is why breeders especially recommend them as a better friend to children. These dogs love to play.

In addition, aggression is unusual for Pomeranian spitza, even in the most passionate game with his small owner.

Cream Spitz (16 photos): description. How to name a girl's puppy and a cream color boy? Character of adult dog 22817_11

The owners characterize their puppies like noisy and restless - doggies really like to walk and explore new places . Thanks to these qualities, they will become excellent companions of active urban residents who love to get out of nature and work outdoors.

Despite the small dimensions, Spitz have a loud voice that will not be afraid to use in their daily life in the game with the owner or in his defense. This should be taken into account those who live in an urban-type apartment with poor noise insulation. In order to temper the passionate nature of these little pets, it is necessary to understand their needs and be able to satisfy them on time - be it an extinguishing game in the fresh air or timely dinner.

Cream Spitz (16 photos): description. How to name a girl's puppy and a cream color boy? Character of adult dog 22817_12

Spitz may differ in kindness only to their owner. Most of them relate very incredulously to strangers, so despite their cute appearance, they can bite a person who wants to touch someone else's pet, thereby expressing his discontent.

It is believed that these dogs have a flexible mind , but, They are difficult to train because of their restless nature. They are quickly distracted by something more interesting.

Also, the dogs of this breed are distinguished by a high degree of dedication. They are ready for everything for their owner and are often sad when they remain alone long.

Cream Spitz (16 photos): description. How to name a girl's puppy and a cream color boy? Character of adult dog 22817_13

Click Click

Features of breeding this breed are such that purebred dogs at birth receive a passport with an already finished nickname that may have more than 30 letters. This method allows in the future to track pedigree dogs. This nickname is "official" character and, as a rule, are not used by their owners in everyday life. After buying the hosts give their pet a new sonorous nickname.

Cream Spitz (16 photos): description. How to name a girl's puppy and a cream color boy? Character of adult dog 22817_14

How to call a girl

Spitz girl cream color is distinguished by special charming. That is why in the selection of clicks for them, the owners prefer more affectionate and "sweet" names. Especially often for this, the names of famous women, for example, Chanel, Tiffany, Twiggy and others are used. Also, they are also often called in honor of the fabulous princesses - Snow White, Cinderella, Bell, Rapunzel, etc.

Since the dogs are distinguished by a lively moving character, they often give similar belling nicknames - Chita, Zhul, Totti, Barbie, Gabby.

More simple names are also popular, such as the princess, snow, Shumka, Puma, Push.

Cream Spitz (16 photos): description. How to name a girl's puppy and a cream color boy? Character of adult dog 22817_15

How to call a boy

Friendly boys respond only to brief and ringpicks. Among the particularly popular Patrick, Duke, Caesar and Hector can be distinguished. The boys spitches also often wear names and different tacities, such as cupcake, latte, donut or chocolate.

And the hosts that differ in humor often give their pets grotesque names - Rosbo, Robocop, Elvis, Confucius, etc.

Cream Spitz (16 photos): description. How to name a girl's puppy and a cream color boy? Character of adult dog 22817_16

The main thing when choosing a nickname is not only the desire of the owner, but also the willingness of the dog to respond to their newly acquired name. That is why when his selection should take into account the reaction of his pet.

For details on Creamy Spitz, see the following video.

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