What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed?


Dogs of Spitz breed are truly amazing and miles. They have a sufficiently thick and long fur, which makes them similar on small beabling. They are distinguished by a slightly pointed face and ears, as well as a wrapped up tail. Very often such dogs are called dwarf. So that the pet is always healthy and cheerful, and also rejoiced his owners for a long time, it is necessary to feed it correctly.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_2

Choice of feed

Deciding to start such a beautiful pet, it is necessary to take care that he constantly had a high-quality and useful food in a bowl. Initially, it is necessary to decide on the type of dust. In the future, it will be necessary to decide whether natural food or dry food is most often in his bowl. Also need to remember that It is not worth throwing your pet, as this can provoke various bowel diseases, as well as lead to obesity.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_3


If we talk about such feeds, they are very easy to use, besides, the animals are very loved and eaten with great pleasure. Even when a small pet does not delight his portion, it will not spoil until the next time. Dry food can be taken even on a trip to not starve Spitz hunger. It is also necessary that the feed is high quality, and its composition included the following products:

  • up to 30% meat;
  • up to 30% of cereals, as well as vegetables (it is necessary to watch the rice or buckwheat, and not corn or soybean);
  • Preservatives must necessarily be natural (the list includes herbal oils and extracts);
  • Required for the animal and all the minerals needed by age, as well as vitamins (RR, D, E, as well as phosphorus and iodine, calcium and iron).

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_4

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_5

The best belongs to feed Classroom holistic which are made only from natural products grown in environmentally friendly zones. Such products produce such firms as Chicken Soup or Innova. However, finding such food is quite difficult in ordinary stores. Most often they are ordered on various sites.

No less worthy competitors are representatives of such firms as Nutro Choice or Happy Dog . Feed belong to the Super Premium Class and easier to find them in stores. However, their disadvantage is that the components belonging to this feed are not environmentally friendly.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_6

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_7

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_8

True, in general, dry feed on an ongoing basis to give your pet veterinarians do not recommend.


As for canned food, they are stored not so long as dry food. In addition, there are a little more expensive. However, a little better digested with the body, since I have a soft consistency. They include 70% of water. Soft feed can be divided into two types: Delicious meat and usual. In the first one you can find a lot of cereals, soybeans and some muscle tissues of animals.

They cost a little cheaper delicacy, however, more saturated and useful for pets. The second feed consists of soybeans and a large number of by-products. However, everything is combined so that the feed seems delicious and animals get used to it very quickly.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_9

However, if feeding spitzes only with soft feeds, then over time, problems with bones can occur. Therefore, it is necessary to alternate them with dry, and even better with natural products.


Mix the products in the diet of the pet is the optimal option. After all, this way spitz is comfortable to feed. An animal also receives everything that its body is in good condition. If we speak in general, The daily rate of one kilogram of the dog's weight should consist of 3 grams of proteins, 3 grams of fats and 14 grams of carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals. It is worth considering what products can enter the Spitz menu.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_10

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_11


So that the pet has always been in good shape, he needs to give meat. His percentage in the general diet should not be below 25%. It is best to buy beef or low-fat pork; However, if we talk about dietary food, then chicken, and rabbit, and lamb is suitable. So that the products are digested by the animal organism faster Need to give spitza raw meat.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_12

In addition, it needs to be divided into pieces, and not to turn into mince, since the latter is much worse than the body.


It is allowed to maintain no more than 30% of products in the general diet of the pet. Chicken stomachs, and beefs or pork liver, heart, lungs, even ditching can be used. It will also be correct to give them in the raw form. However, if sub-products of dubious origin, then We must necessarily subjected to heat treatment. Also need to know and that For a long time to feed in one type of offal, it is not recommended, because then the diet of the animal will still succeed in defective.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_13

A fish

Fish is such a product that the dog's body will be able to assimilate much faster than meat. In addition, it is an excellent source of protein. If you give PSAs this product in the raw form, it is necessary that the animal additionally obtained vitamin B1. It is much easier to subjected to heat processing. The percentage of this product in the composition of the diet should not be very small; About 5% for adult spitz. In addition, if the dog lacks vitamins D or A, can be included in the fishery diet.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_14

Dairy products

Such products most often included in baby food puppies. They are well absorbed by the body and are quickly recycled. However, approximately 7% of dogs are completely not transferred to dairy products, as they are allergic to milk protein.

Therefore, it is necessary to very accurately refer to the introduction of dairy products into the ration of Spitz and always monitor his reaction to the power change.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_15


For feeding spitties, boiled, and raw eggs can be used. Egg powder is also suitable.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_16

Cereals and flour

Such products should also be dealt with special attention. For example, Spitzams absolutely impossible to give peas or beans, as well as cake and bran. But oatmeal or pearl, buckwheat or rice porridge is quickly absorbed by the organism of the dog. In addition, they contain many useful substances. Pasta need to be given with caution, as they are poor on vitamins, and can also lead to the obesity of the pet.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_17

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_18

Vegetables and fruits

From vegetables that are most often given to dogs, you can mark beets, carrots or cabbage. However, some pets prefer both bananas or apples, it is also very useful for their body. But it is not worth feeding the usual homework human foods. After all, it is most often added to such products that can only harm small animals. This is especially true for all chemical additives and seasonings.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_19

Forbidden food

So that Spita did not have any health problems like allergies or indentation of the stomach, It is necessary to protect it from such products as:

  • smoked or fried foods;
  • chocolate or chocolate candies;
  • bones tubular;
  • boiled sausages of any kind;
  • any spices, including garlic;
  • raw eggs;
  • potato.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_20


As excellent delicacy bones , except for tubular. It is best to give them in the raw form. They at the same time will raise the spirits of Spitu, and help him clean his teeth. You can please your pet dried meat or chewing bones that are sold in the pet store. Excellent delicacy will be Such of their own production. You can also give purified Nuts or seeds.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_21

Most often, such delicacies animal receives, as encouraging for good behavior or in case it is trained. However, you should not give them as an apology before the dog, otherwise it will start using it.

However, it is worth remembering that any delicacy should fit into the diet of a pet and in no case exceed the daily rate of cyocaloria.

Fifteency of feeding

Answer the question how many times a day it is necessary to eat spitza, difficult. It all depends on the age of pet. If the small puppies of the Spitz breed need to be fed to 6 times, then Adult dogs will be enough 2 times a day.

Besides, It is best to feed the animal after a walk. But the size of the portion must be selected individually. For example, if the food remains after meals, the food remains, then the next time you need to give less. Or, on the contrary, if the puppy gently loses it, he simply did not eat, respectively, the portion should be increased.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_22

Spitz feeding subtlety depending on age

To better deal with the menu for your pet, you need to know how much he needs to give food, as an animal adults.

Before the 1st month

Most often, all this time, the puppy is powered by maternal milk and it does not need a special dust. However, after 21 days it can be finished with low-fat curd, as well as subtly chopped fruitless pieces of meat. In addition, you can give a liquid buckwheat porridge cooked on milk. However, the portions must be small so that small stomachs coped with food.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_23

From 1st month

Monthly spitz can be translated into 6-time feeding. And even if the puppies still feed on maternal milk, the solid food should still be in their diet. Its quantity should be half the daily rate. At this age, the little peak should receive meat (up to 40 grams), and vegetables (up to 20 grams), and cottage cheese (up to 30 grams).

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_24

In 2 months

At this age, it is necessary to reduce the amount of feedings up to 5 times a day, but the diet should be left for the same. The only thing to do is Enlarge on the portions.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_25

In 3 months

From this period, the puppy can be administered to the puppy. It must be boiled. In addition, you can also try to give eggs, too boiled. The amount of feedings is reduced to 4 times, but portions become increasingly large. For example, The daily dose may be like this: up to 80 grams of meat and fish, up to 40 grams of croup, up to 50 grams of cottage cheese.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_26

From 5 to 6 months

At this time, Spites begin to change the teeth. To reduce pain, puppies can spoil furniture in the house. So that this does not happen, it is necessary to buy special sugar bones for them or give real bones with a small amount of meat. Already by 6 months, the amount of feedings should be reduced to 3 times a day, and the portions increase even on the part.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_27

From 7 months to 1 year

In 7 months, the amount of feedings remains the same, but from 9 months they are transferred to 2-time diet, respectively, their portions increase. The rules of one year old spitz correspond to the standards of an adult animal. In their diet may include natural feed, and production. It all depends on the preferences of the owners and their financial capabilities.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_28

Feeding pregnant and nursing dogs

Since the pregnant dog consumes more energy to the intrauterine development of his baby, then the amount of its feeding must be increased to 3 times a day. In addition, it is necessary to increase the size of the portions. However, it is necessary to do this at the expense of proteins, but not carbohydrates. If the animal is on dry stern, it must be translated on a puppy line. When feeding occurs with natural products, it is necessary to add more vitamins, as well as vegetables and milk products.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_29

In no case do not need to add vitamins, if the feed is dry, because it contains a sufficient amount of useful substances. The same applies to dogs that feed their puppies. Summing up, it can be said that the feeding of spitzes is practically no different from feed for dogs of other breeds. The owners should always be followed so that the feed is fresh and very high quality. And then the favorite pet will be able to please the owners with its own life and activity for a very long time.

What to feed the spitz? How to feed a puppy with age 1, 2 and 3 months? Is it possible to dogs apples and bananas? How to make a diet for dogs of Spitz breed? 22789_30

About how to properly feed the dog of the Spitz breed by natural products, see the next video.

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