German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog


German Spitz is a popular breed of decorative dogs. This lovely, active pet is very attached to his owner. But despite their friendliness, the animal is not suitable for people.

The history of breed

German spitz are a breed that has a centuries-old story. This animal has become the progenitor of many other species of this dog. Spitz's ancestor is considered extinct peat dog. His homeland is Germany, it was there that the animal fell due to the Vikings in the century to our era. Despite the fact that some time, representatives of this breed have gained popularity in many corners of Europe, their name remains the same.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_2

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_3

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_4

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_5

For the first time in writing about the animal was mentioned in the XV century, describing it as a animal guarding peasant housing. Gradually, German Spitz began to appear in the society of aristocrats. Charlotte Queen - the first noble person, which was the hostess of dwarf dog. Since this woman was loved and respected in society, her pet began to use no less popular. In 1900, there was a meeting of connoisseurs of these dogs, after which they were founded by the Spitz club, in which the first standard of this breed was adopted.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_6

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_7

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_8

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_9

The German Spitz was a pet from Martin Luther, Maria-Antoinette, Mozart, Empress Catherine, Ludwig Richter. Little dogs have always been well performed by the security guard and reported to their owners about the guest approach. In addition, Spitz coped well with the role of the shepherd, providing help to a person in grazing sheep and cows. Spitz with brown and black color used to scare the feathers in the vineyard.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_10

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_11

There is information that many centuries ago, German spitts were residents of the courtyards from the poor. This animal fiercely defended the distance and was not characterized by voraciousness. Later, these advantages of dogs were evaluated by aristocrats and dogs began to be used to protect plantations, ussers, chip predators. Two centuries ago, white spiers began to use the rich seats of the population, and a little less brown and orange individuals.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_12

Bypassing popularity among dog lovers, the animal passed from the class of working dogs to decorative. Already in the XIX century, the German Spitz became the main participant in the exhibitions. This pet is a wonderful companion, a participant in the speeches in the circus. Currently, this breed of dogs was recognized in FCI, so it is distributed in all points of the planet.


A cute and fun appearance in aggregate with a playful character is what made pets from the German spitz. This breed refers to ancient, it includes a large number of representatives of different subspecies, which are characterized by certain sizes, biological features.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_13

Body structure

Spitz, running on a leash, look like fluffy balls. The exterior features of the dwarf, small, tungsten and the Mittelspice are almost the same, their difference is to grow and weight. Each of the subspecies is characterized by a long straight wool, in which there is a thick undercoat. The ratio of the body length to its growth is 1 to 1. The dog's muzzle is not characterized by excessive extension, it can be a bearish or fox type.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_14

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_15

The muzzle near the nose is always painted black. Pet ears small size, they are triangular and put straight. Representatives of this breed chest strong and wide, the back is flat, wide, but does not decrease to the tail, like other dogs.

The tail is fluffy, is planted high and twisted in the form of a ring. Animal's eyes have an oblong, sometimes rounded shape. Dividing organs, the iris is painted dark, and the eyelids are black and brown. Pet's jaw is well developed, the neck is wide with a convex camp. This breed has a fairly strong backbone, muscular limbs and round paws with dense pads.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_16

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_17

Spitche's physique is quite harmonious. According to the standard, the animal has the following characteristics.

  • The weight An adult dog can range from 1500 to 30,000 grams, often bitch less than a male.
  • Height In the withers, the mini-spitz is 22 cm, but the representative of the major view is up to 55 cm.
  • Life expectancy An animal ranges from 12 to 15 years. However, there are cases when pets have lived to 20 years. This is affected by the conditions of detention, meals, care.
  • Color Animal may be the most different. According to the standard, Black Spitz must have a homogeneous coloring, on a spotted dog stains should be characterized by uniformity on a white background.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_18

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_19


German spitts are lovely and moving animals, they always take part in noisy fun, various games, active walks with their owner. If there is no person, the pet behaves calmly, patiently, he does not ruin and does not destroy everything that is only close to boredom. Such a pet does not impose himself, he is waiting for time when he will go to walk. Mini-spitz does not show gullibility to other people, so this dog is not only a sensitive watchman, but also a very noisy apartment.

The owner should remember that This animal is worth vaccine good manners from an early age, while a person should be solid and persistent. Otherwise, the German Spitz will be uncontrollable, without the foundations of the barking, capricious and stupid creature, which attacks passersby and other animals.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_20

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_21

Each varieties of this breed is characterized by emotionality and jealousness. At the sight of an unfamiliar dog, German Spitz tries to start a quarrel. At the same time, this beast is inquisitive and devotee. This small and perky creature was a pet emperors, while they were valued not only for external qualities, but also for empathy, loyalty, courage.

Spitza believe Wonderful companion Since he is able to understand the feelings and experiences of the owner. A pet easily transfers trips and flights. If the animal feels, then a man threatens a danger, he is able to boldly rush to his defense, despite the major dimensions of the enemy.

The small representative of the fauna can be not only a sofa dog, but also a nanny little child, he never snaps on his pranks. Animal playful and energetic up to old age and it is very important for him to have contact with the owner. Pet is important to pay attention to him, walked with him, stroked, were near. Spitz is smart, smart and rather balanced dog.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_22

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_23

Attracts the dog's attention with the help of Laya, jumping and running. Animal loves long walks, swimming, games. This sensitive being remembers how they relate to it, for this reason you should not physically punish a dog or rudely to educate it. When an animal ages, he manifests an anxiety, a pet with difficulty tolerates separation with man, he begins to whine, bark and closes.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_24

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_25


Generally accepted cynological standards say that the following types of color are characteristic of German spitz:

  • Wolfspits have wolf color, as well as various shades of gray;
  • Large breed representatives are black, brown, white;
  • Medium and dwarf dogs painted black, white, chocolate, red, orange, cream.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_26

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_27

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_28

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_29

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_30

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_31

The fur of a black German pet should be characterized by homogeneity, usually there is a varnish tide without any spots and splashes. Puppies can be brown or gray, but after the molting process, their wool will acquire a rich black color. If the descendants of the animal had a different color of the fur coat, then he may have a spitz that was born black, after molting wool switches the color. Such a phenomenon is not considered a marriage.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_32

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_33

Brown representatives of this breed usually have a fur that is evenly painted into a saturated chocolate color. According to the lip standard, eyelids, the end of the nose of the PSA may be brown, since the skin of the animal is deprived of the ability to produce melanin.

Standards state that white German spitz should not have any impurities of other colors on the fur coat. A puppy of such an animal is also born by snow-white. In the case of presence among the descendants, the kid's dogs with another color is it possible that after the molting of his fur will acquire a cream shade. The biggest popularity of the doggy people enjoy red spins, which are similar to miniature chanterelles.

Orange pet puppies can be light red or characterized by the presence of an orange shade on the main gray background. To determine the color of the animal in adulthood, you can take a look at the fur behind the ears. It is such a color that the dog is after molting. According to the standard, the pet with a red or orange fur should be characterized by uniformity of the color.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_34

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_35

Permissible is when the dog has a more rich coloring on a certain body of the dog. The gray, sobular or wolf color of the German spitz fur is characterized by a silver-gray tint of hair whose tips are painted black. Darker all the rest painted the muzzle and the ears of the pet. Near your eyes there is often a black outline.

Shoulders and lush mane dogs have a light gray color, but the limbs are often silvery. Dark strokes may be present above the fingers, the tip of the tail is painted black, and the "pants" - gray. The perfect wolf coloring fur is characterized by German Wolfspitz. Other popular paintings of German spitz can be called the following:

  • Cream color can be warm and cold;
  • Red Sobular fur in an adult pet in childhood has a black color with red;
  • black and tangible;
  • Colored with white base.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_36

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_37

Life expectancy

Subject to proper care at home, German spitts live about 14 years. Despite the fact that this breed of dogs has a strong immunity, their existence can reduce some aahs. They do not have inconsistencies to genetic diseases, however, such health problems may arise.

  • Podles of the knee joints and weakness in the limbs . The reason for such a state of the animal is obesity, pregnancy, jumping. The owner is worth alert if the dog is chromasted, the crunch is heard and pain under the bending of the paws. With prophylactic goal, Spitza should give drugs that contain calcium, but only after consulting with the veterinarian.
  • Daughty diseases. Dairy teeth of this pet are characterized by the presence of elongated roots, so when they are changing, problems often arise. In such situations it is worth contacting the doctor to remove teeth. To all, the German Spitz can form stones on them, which eliminates the vet. For the prevention and preservation of the health of the animal teeth, it is worth brushing them regularly.
  • Ailments of vision organs . Such diseases are often traced from representatives with convex eyes. Inflammation and discharge can be a consequence of wind, dust illuminated an overly dry corneal.
  • Problems of the digestive system . Spitz can observe dysbacteriosis and obesity. For the normal functioning of the digestive tract, the dog needs to give fermented dairy products.
  • Cough arises from Pets due to the characteristics of the building of the larynx. Constantly leaning, the animal is trying to flip allegedly an outsider from the throat. Spitz's cough is a frequent phenomenon at games, food and water consumption, as well as with overexcitation. You can assist the animal, gently stroking his throat.
  • Stop growth. At a certain moment of life, the pet is suspended, this is due to the cessation of a special hormone. Such a notch may occur with an enlarged spring. Puppies with similar features are slowly adapted and socialized. When stopping growth, it is worth contacting professionals.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_38

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_39

Animals are necessary make a timely vaccination Such an event will help to avoid or easier to transfer infectious diseases. Significantly reduce the immunity of the animal can worms from which you need to be treated in a timely manner.

Experienced dog lovers recommend don't overflow a German spitz Since, despite an active lifestyle, this dog can have overweight. With a long lack of walking, the dog begins to feel bad, he suffers from his immunity, which entails health problems.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_40

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_41

Regular physical activity and the correct diet of the animal is a guarantee that it will live a long and healthy life.

What to feed?

Beginner dog breeders may occur when the diet for a pedigree pet, which eats small portions. Dogs are recommended to contain spitz drinking in its pure state and regularly fill with pure fresh water. For dwarf spitz, which weighs 2500 grams, 0.15 liter of water for the day If the conditions do not assume anything unusual. The daily volume of drinking fluid should be increased for puppies, nursing burg and work pets.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_42

Change the diet, the kind of food stands in stages and carefully, for this it will be required from 15 days to 2 months. This time will be enough for the body of the animal asking for a new type of food. Nutrition of German spitz should be regular and carried out at the same time. Feeding pet must be dosed. A dwarf ps, which weighs 2500 grams it is necessary to give about 80 grams of food at a time if the pet is reconculable, then 50 grams will be enough.

If the German Spitz lives actively, then the norm can be increased to 120 grams. The diet should be balanced and full, the main place in it should belong to the protein. The dog weighing 2500 grams requires 50 grams of fish, cottage cheese, meat per day. The rest of the food is cereals and vegetables.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_43

Composite parts of the feed must correspond to age, weight, PSA activity. To feed puppies, you can use food with a soft consistency, which is saturated with vitamins and protein.

In order for food to be biologically safe, it is necessary to carry out such events:

  • wash the pettroke dishes every time after eating;
  • The meat that was under the right influence of sun rays, as well as not fully eaten food, you need to throw it away;
  • Wet food must be stored in the refrigerator;
  • Do not give an animal products that look doubtfully.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_44

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_45

Puppies, as well as adult German spits, prefer protein products. If the owner decides to feed the dog homely, then such products must be present in the diet:

  • eggs, cheeses, meat, fish;
  • cereals in the form of buckwheat, rice, oats, millet;
  • Vegetables in finely chopped form: carrots, beets, zucchini, cabbage, pumpkin, greens;
  • Salt, minerals, coal, limestone.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_46

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_47

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_48

German spitz puppies that have just been taken from mother or from a nursery, it is necessary to feed according to the instructions that the breeder offers. Baby stands from an early age to teach a balanced diet.

The first 6 weeks of the young need to feed 6 times a day. The first feeding is carried out in 6-7 in the morning. The gap between the trapes should be 3, 5 hours. In the diet of puppies should be present in large quantities of dairy products. When the kid will be 12 weeks, it can be translated into 5 meals a day, At the same time, the gap between meals should increase by 40 minutes. Gradually, the frequency of feedings should be reduced and reduced to two times per day. Food scheduled for a small PSA should be preserved for subsequent years.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_49

Dry feed is considered convenient to use and hygienic, provided that they are chosen correctly, thanks to them, it is possible to provide German spitz with the necessary substances and elements in the right amount. Feed premium, super-premium and class holisttic class do not have components in their composition, which can harm the animal.

The most popular feeds include the following.

  • "Pro Plan Small & Mini Adult Optiger". This product refers to premium class. Feed is considered the most suitable for miniature dogs that have a sensitive digestion system. The basis of the product is the meat of lambs, as well as rice, prebiotics, corn, fiber.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_50

  • Eukanuba Adult Toy Breed. 32% of this product is a poultry protein. The components of the feed include prebiotics, vitamins, fatty acid, as well as L-carnitine. Such a composition assists in the regulation of PSA weight.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_51

  • "Acana Adult Small Breed" - Holistic, which contains 60% of animal proteins. Fast type carbohydrates are presented in the form of algae, alfalfa, cranberries. This composition allows you to maintain the optimal weight of the pet.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_52

Sometimes spitza requires changing feed. To carry out such an event is necessary at the following features:

  • Puppy became an adult dog;
  • during pregnancy or after sterilization;
  • Food allergies, which is expressed in diarrhea, combing, discharge from the ears, the presence of rashes on the skin;
  • The inferiority of the feed, which can manifest itself in alopecia, dim wool, luxury claws;
  • excess weight;
  • The need for a medical diet.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_53

Since the German spitts have a tendency to obesity, it is worth watching their nutrition. If the pet drops 300 grams more than its weight, then he may have cardiovascular diseases. HOME FOOD Before serving the pet is worth preparing:

  • Meat products are worthwharking or give in raw form;
  • Sub-products and fish to boil;
  • Vegetables prepare for a couple or feed in raw form;
  • Greens give finely disturbed;
  • From fish and meat to clean the bones and skin.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_54

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_55

The main rule that should not be disturbed is that 2/3 of the propellar products and 1/3 of carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits) must be present in the spitting diet.

An example of a German spitz diet for 7 days.

Day of the week




stew from vegetables, meat and greens

Chicken breast, cottage cheese


Boiled meat, buckwheat

Rice, boiled fish


Similar to the previous day

as in the previous day


Raw turkey breast, raw vegetables

Porridge from rice, cottage cheese with sour cream


Menu Monday

Menu Monday


low-fat meat, cottage cheese and fruit

buckwheat with beef, boiled egg and greens


Porridge, Sugari, Greens, Sea Fish

Boiled sub-products, rice porridge

After the German Spitz will be 7 years old, it should be transferred to feeding dry food for old dogs. Food is worth adding vitamins, polyunsaturated acids, glucosamine. If the elderly animal has become a larger, then the owner is worth making portions of a pet less or reduce their caloric content. The pregnant female Spitz is to feed three times a day or more. Food volume should be increased due to protein, and not carbohydrates.

If a pet who is carrying puppies lives on dry stern, then he can give an industrial product designed for puppies. Provided that the bitch feeds homemade food, it should be added to the diet more vitamins, vegetables, fermented milk products. Vitamins are not added to dry feed.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_56

For example, if the Spitz female will receive an excessive amount of vitamin A, then the deformity of newborn puppies is possible. If the animal has developed food allergies, it is worth transferring it to hypoallergenic dry food or to remove food from the diet, which can cause this state.

How to care?

German spitza, like any other dwarf dog, care is required. Before a new resident appears in the apartment, it is worth securing the room. A dog should be treated as a small child. In this case, you need to fulfill such activities:

  • raise the wires, cable to the height, with which the baby will not be able to get them;
  • overlap the slots behind the cabinets, sofas or expand them;
  • secure a balcony
  • remove unstable and fragile items, for example, vases, columns;
  • eliminate gender slip;
  • collect all the minor items so that the animal does not swallow them;
  • hide chemicals;
  • transfer the garbage to the puppy to not turn it into research;
  • Check the room for drafts that can cause a puppy disease.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_57

In order for the content of the little German Spitz to be correct and did not harm his health, one can listen to such recommendations.

  • It is necessary to learn how to keep the puppy correctly, for this it is worth asking the advice from the breeder. In the first month of life, the muscular system is poorly developed muscular system, so it takes two hands, puts on one of them with a breast to hold. Keep the pet is hard, as it can break out and fall.
  • Provide a long-lasting sleep puppy, which is very important for a growing body. Well-stepped dog will be playful and active.
  • Do not leave spitz at an altitude, for example, on a sofa or stool. The animal jumped can cause injury and injuries.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_58

Puppy who will later become an adult representative of the German breed, must have your own place where it will sleep and relax . It should not be located in the dining room or living room, not far from the balconies and radiators. Space spitz must be located in a corner where it will be comfortable and calm, for example, in the master bedroom. In his bed, the pet is not worth inviting a pet, as he can get used to it, and reassure for such a dog will be quite painful.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_59

To the puppy sleep in comfort, he should buy Special basket or carrying with a mattress. Fixture with sides will be safe for the kid. In order for a pet faster to it, it is used to put a treat or toys inside. Installation of enclosure for spitz will not be superfluous, provided that the owner is no longer available. It has a sun bed, a bowl of water, and entertainment items.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_60

As a toilet will fit the easiest Shop trail, which is elegated by a waterproof diaper. When an animal appears in the house it is necessary to immediately teach it to the toilet. At first, the owner will have to put out the animal independently until it gets used to. In toys, not only spitz puppies, but also adult dogs.

Acquisition of such accessories is a guarantee that a small friend will not spoil furniture.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_61

Pet toys need to be updated periodically, it will bring joy to the baby. The objects for entertainment from plastics are quite dangerous, from their purchase it is worth refuse, as well as from rubber and having metal elements. The best option will be special accessories for dogs or old children's plush bears. German Spitz is a cheerful and active pet, so he needs to communicate with other dogs. It is strictly forbidden to cancel a walk with a pet if there is bad weather on the street.

An exception when you can stay at home is a strong heat or thunderstorm. The walking animal is worth exercising only after all vaccinations.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_62

The first walks should last about 15 minutes. Walking spitz need twice a day. If the baby does not have enough physical activity, it will begin to stitch indoors. With regular walks, the spitts will cope with the need during walking. Such procedures have favorably affect the metabolism of the pet, its blood circulation, attentiveness and the ability to study.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_63

The breed of German spitz is characterized by attractive and spectacular wool. Its length and pomp requires special care. The main molting of the pet is in mature, as well as the female after the birth of puppies. Throughout the rest of the time, the linky in the animal is carried out moderately. In combality, the representative of this breed needs twice for 7 days.

For combing spitz fur, accessories are needed:

  • Large soft puzzle, which has a rubber base;
  • Two combs, one of which with rare teeth, and the second thick with metal;
  • Scissors who have stupid endings.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_64

To avoid the formation of chatins, combing the baby stands Constantly with the help of Pojojda. The procedure is also necessary before bathing, while combing should be carried out from the root of the hair. It is not recommended to comb dry fur, better splashing it in advance. Bathing the purebred pet is needed as needed during contamination. It is worth it worth not more than once a month. At the end of the walking, it is worth easy to wash the baby legs or wipe them.

With molting dogs do not bathe. With water procedures, it is worth using high-quality shampoos intended for dogs with long wool.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_65

After bathing, you can rinse the fur of the dog with air conditioning so that combing is easy. In the process of taking a bath, it is worth closing the ears of peeling tampon from cotton. After completion of the bathing, it is worth removing them and rub the hearing organs. Drying wool can be carried out with a hair dryer with simultaneous combing.

Thanks to the peculiarities of the German spitz wool, the owner can cut it as you like. A staring pet can look like a lion, fox, a bear, on the fur can be mounted bows and butterflies. According to generally accepted standards, the wool should be shortized to a minimum.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_66

Animal hair cutting is carried out so that the correct shape of the fur coat is. The procedure starts from the head and finish on the tail. In the process it is constantly combing the baby to avoid the appearance of sticking hair.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_67

Also, the owner of this breed of pieces should not forget about the care of his ears. Due to the fact that the hearing organs in Spitz stand straight, their cleansing does not bring labor. The diseases of the ears in the pet occurs rarely, so their cleaning can occur without the use of medical drugs. Ear animal shells should always be clean and well-groomed.

Long-haired dogs for which the bulge of eyeballs are characterized, there are problems with tearing. The reason for this situation can be dust and dirt in them. To care for the eyes of Spitza stands every day, for this they are wiped with dry napkins or discs from the wool. When purulent discharge is detected, you should immediately visit the veterinarian.

The nastrigation of the pets is worth spending once every 2 weeks. In winter, the procedure can be carried out more often, since in the summer time the claws are calculated by asphalt. In order to painlessly carry out the circumcision of the spitza claws, the owner should prepare cunning, hydrogen peroxide, cotton sticks and treats.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_68

Pets are brushed twice for 7 days with a toothbrush and dog paste. As an option, you can wind on your finger bandage and they go through the oral cavity.

Education and training

German spits are endowed with intelligence, so their potential should be directed correctly so that the pet is not problematic and disobedient. As soon as he finishes the threshold of your home for the first time, it is worth raising him to raise and train, while setting strict subordination.

An animal should know where his place is, and go to him after the order. Teach Spitz stands in a game form, working out each of the commands until the desired result is reached. He does not create problems in training, as it loves to please your owner. Screaming to the dog, and even more so it is categorically forbidden to beat it. In the process, give the PSU of the promotion, favorite toys and say affectionate words. The German Spitz is an excellent companion that looks pretty cute, but at the same time it has self-confidence and leaderships, so you should not forget about his upbringing.

German Spitz (69 photos): description and character of dogs of breed German spitz, black and white puppies. How much dwarf spits live? Haircut dog 22783_69

About how to train German spitz correctly, see the next video.

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