Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs?


Little spitches are very smart and active. In order for them to remain so until the oldest, it is very important to choose the right food for their pets. Decide on the choice of feed is quite simple, the main thing is to know the basic needs of your little friend.

Features of metabolism in spitzes

This breed of dogs from nature accelerated metabolism. All due to the fact that glucose that is very necessary for their energy, very quickly leaves their blood. This means that if the animal does not eat for a long time, it may have signs of hypoglycemia.

Besides, All spits are distinguished by an excellent appetite. . But if you indulge all the pleasures of the animal, it may well lead to obesity. Since these dogs have a very small weight, then even 250 grams of excess weight can cause the development of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, we need to weigh small spitts as often as possible and mark the numbers in a special calendar. When surplus is too noticeable, the pet must be put on the diet.

It is very important when nutrition with dry foods to give animals water. It is necessary in order for dry feed to turn into Kashitz, and then got straight into the stomach. If there is no water near, then Spitz will suffer from great thirst. Staying in such a state threatens the dehydration of the body, which leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes.

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_2

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_3

How to teach?

Spitz grow quickly and already for 9-10 months look like adult individuals. In the first few weeks, they feed only with their mother's milk. You can begin to start seven days later. You can give low-fat cottage cheese or boiled crushed meat. After that, you need to look at the state of their health.

After 20-23 days, milk porridge can be given. One month later, when the first milk teeth appear, you can give fresh crushed meat, as well as soups with vegetables. It is necessary to feed the spitz at least 5 times a day and only six months can be translated into four-member feeding.

After 2 months, you can try to translate spitz on dry food. However, it is important for a puppy to swing it with water, especially the first time. To accelerate the animal to such feeds it is necessary to gradually, so that the animal does not have problems with the stomach. After 8-9 months, it is necessary to translate spitts to a two-time meal, while gradually increasing their portions.

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_4

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_5

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_6

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_7

Pros and cons of industrial feed

Of course, any feed for dogs has its advantages and disadvantages. First of all, the industrial feed for small rocks will save a person from the need to prepare the daily menu, as well as cooking specially for the dog. You can feed animals and dry food, and liquid. Any of them is suitable for feeding spitz.

If we talk about the benefits of industrial feed, it is much easier to store it, and it is also very convenient to dose.

However, there are disadvantages of such a diet. First of all, dry feed leads to the destruction of the enamel and loss of teeth. But the liquid do the gums of dogs very loose.

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_8

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_9


Spit feeds can be different enough. If you take industrial, then they can be either dry or soft. It is very important that the selected nutrition is well balanced. The diet of the PSA should include not only vitamins, but also minerals, and all the useful substances, so necessary for its health.


Dry feed is considered one of the most convenient. It costs a little cheaper than liquid. However, when buying, it is necessary to pay attention to its composition. It must be meat, and not by-products. In addition, vegetables and cereals must be present as part of the feed. Also on the label must be the following information:

  • What animals are for food, their age and weight;
  • trading mark that released it;
  • percentage ratio of all ingredients;
  • shelf life;
  • His mass;
  • A company that deals with these feeds.

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_10

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_11


If we consider pies or canned food, then they are considered the most favorite dish of small dogs. If we talk about their components, they do not differ completely from dry feed, unless water is added here. In addition, they are characterized by good taste quality, and also better digested. In their form, they resemble or cubes, or minced.

These feed can be divided into two types.

  1. Meat delicious food, which includes products such as extradened soy. All of them are selected in such a way as in the end it turned out to be more delicious. However, it is necessary to remember that if it is too often to give spitzam, they will have addiction.
  2. The usual feed consists only of animal tissues, ordinary soybeans, as well as cereal. It costs a little cheaper than meat.

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_12

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_13


To make it easier to choose quality feed for your pets, you can see specially composed feed ratings. All of them can be divided into four types.


It is made mainly of beans, as well as soy, which are practically not absorbed by the body of a small spitz. Its protein part is various meat waste. Vitamins and minerals are practically absent in it. Most often, such feeds are more harmful, and not benefit. However, many of them are quite popular.

Among the econclass feed should be noted as follows:

  • "Pedigri", the manufacturer, whom America is;
  • "Chappi", which can be manufactured in America, as well as in Russia;
  • Darling, which is manufactured in France.

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_14

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_15

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_16

Premium class

Most often, such food is part of a daily diet. After all, in its composition there are practically no salt and taste amplifiers. However, all the same, the quality of such a product is often dubious. There is a lot of animal protein in their composition, but it is not meat, but by-products for the most part. The topmost feed is in the ranking:

  • "About the plan", which is manufactured in France;
  • "Dog Chow" - another French feed;
  • Brit Premium, produced in the Czech Republic.

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_17

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_18

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_19

Super premium class

The composition has such products like meat of various animals, chicken eggs, various cereals, as well as some nutritional supplements. But there are some minuses in such feeds - it is bad digestion in some animals. These feeds should include the following:

  • Bosch manufactured in Germany;
  • Arden Grange, which is produced in England;
  • 1st Choice, manufactured in Canada.

Such food is quite expensive, but the price corresponds to the quality. They are suitable for those people who have absolutely no time to cook.

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_20

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_21

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_22

Holistic class

These feeds are considered the highest quality, as they include only natural products, whose storage period is significantly increased. All of them are very careful and balanced. It is meat, and various cereals, fats, and probiotics, which significantly improve the digestion of spitz. In addition, the holistic class feed is considered hypoallergenic. The following feed includes their list:

  • Natural Holistic, which is produced in Canada;
  • Go - another Canadian feed;
  • Canidae, which is produced in America.

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_23

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_24

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_25

What if spitz eats only natural food?

It often happens that the favorite pet refuses dry feed and eats only natural products. This may happen because of the characteristics of the dog's body, and due to the feed of poor quality, as well as if it was fed only by natural products in puppy age. Besides, the same feed may just bother a little spitz.

To cope with such a problem, you need to find out the reason why he does not eat it. If the feed is bad quality, then they simply need to be changed. It may be necessary to diversify the diet with useful natural products. The diet must contain all the necessary substances, so you need to give those natural products that contain everything you need.

If Spitz abruptly abandoned the dry feed, you can dilute it with kefir. It will make it more wet and does not harm the health of a little spitz. In addition, it will give an opportunity to get used to unusual stern a little. It is necessary to give it small portions so that the stomach disorder does not happen.

From time to time it is necessary to slightly please it with such delicacies as raisins, dried meat or solid cheese. You can try to give it special bones for dogs or unsalted rye crackers. Also spins love purified nuts or seeds.

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_26

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_27

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_28

In addition, it is necessary to remove the abdomen every time and wash the bowl so that the dog is not accustomed to what it can eat at any time. If Spitz refused food in the morning, then it should be given again, but in the evening. Do not regret the puppy and go for him. Already on the second day, he will take dry food with excitement. To encourage the development of this habit, it is desirable to praise it.

Choose feed should be in accordance with the data of the dog. After all, there are products that are intended for small dogs, and there are those that can be only a big dog. In addition, certain types can be designed:

  • for active animals;
  • For later;
  • for sterilized;
  • for pregnant;
  • For small puppies.

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_29

Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_30


            Many dog ​​breeders have already tried to translate their dogs on dry food. One thing was with ease, it was very difficult to others. Some animals after the transition to the "drying" quickly recovered, and someone had an indigestion of the stomach.

            Most of all positive feedback was given to the feed of the holisttic class. Hypoallergenic feed has a beneficial effect on the health of dogs. Such feed is good and fast digest. Spitz look cheerful and fun.

            Summing up, we can say that the choice depends in many respects from the owners themselves. If they prefer industrial species, then buy more qualitative, which includes only natural products, as well as vitamins and minerals. If the budget option is selected, then the dog will need additional vitamins. If there is enough time for cooking for your PSA, then it is possible to restrict ourselves to natural products.

            Spitz feed: Premium feed rating, super premium and holisttic class rating. How to fed a dry puppy with dry food? How to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs? 22782_31

            Read more about choosing feed for decorative dogs, see the video below.

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