Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews


One of the most beautiful and sought-after dog breeds is husky. It is able to bring a lot of funny and pleasant moments to the life of his master, however, there is a controversial position on whether such a pet can contain such a pet in terms of the average apartment. For housing for representatives of this breed, even in urban high-rise buildings has become comfortable, you need to know the nuances of the content of such a dog and care. All these questions will be discussed in detail in our article.

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_2

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_3

Features of breed

Husks have some external similarity with wolves, because they inherited their features. Initially, this breed was used only for driving purposes. Fucking and movable husks could transport enough heavy loads, as well as overcome considerable distances, transferred to a person by a group in the harness.

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_4

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_5

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by quite high increasing - in the Husk, 0.62 meters reach 0.62 meters. Dog wool painted in a combination of gray-white, white color can prevail on the face and chest, paws and stomach, while the back and top of the head have a gray shade. Most often, the eyes of such pets are blue, however, there are dogs with brown eyes and even a heterochrome color of the iris. Animal ears are located high on the head and have an acute triangular shape.

The nature of the pet from nature is independent and proud, but at the same time most husky these qualities are combined with incredible friendliness and caress. Husky extremely rarely show aggression even to strangers.

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_6

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_7


Not aggressive

(Rating 1 out of 5)


Very high

(Rating 5 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)


Very high

(Rating 5 out of 5)

Need care


(Rating 4 out of 5)

Cost of content

Above the average

(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)

Attitude to solitude

Short periods

(Rating 2 out of 5)

Security qualities


(Rating 1 out of 5)

* The characteristic of the "Husky" breed is based on the assessment of the experts of the site and feedback from the owners of the dog.

An important feature of representatives of this breed is inability to bark. They do not show annoyance and do not like to be sprinkled by the owner of goodies, like some other breeds. Often Husky find the most convenient place in the apartment and love to spend time there, while over time, your favorite places can change.

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_8

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_9

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you have a similar dog in an urban apartment, it is worth weighing everything for and against such a decision. The positive points include the following.

  • Huski from nature very clean pets.
  • These dogs can be kept in a high-rise building, without worrying about the fact that Lai disturb the neighbors and the owners of the PSA. Such a biological feature, like barking, is very convenient for the content in a multi-family house.
  • Thanks to loyalty and kindness, representatives of this breed are capable of becoming real friends for their owners.
  • Husky loves children and play with them with pleasure. Due to the lack of aggressive features in the nature of the dog, it will not submit a threat to your Chad.

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_10

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_11

Among the disadvantages to raise the dog breed in the apartment, it is worth highlighting the following features of their behavior and needs.

  • Such a dog will not show the quality of the guard, so if you want the dog to ensure the safety of the dwelling, this breed is not the most suitable.
  • To contain husks in a small or one-bedroom apartment will be problematic, because the dog needs enough space, it does not like a strongly closed space.
  • Such a pet is quite curious, and his curiosity can affect the negativeness of homemade utensils and furniture. Husky can open the pillows, sometimes spoil the upholstery or other textile accessories. If the dog wants to get to any object, then, most likely, she will manage to do it, eliminating all the obstacles on his way. Without a proper approach to the upbringing of husky can be real destroyers.
  • It makes no sense to take in high-rise building husky if no one happens the bulk of the time in the apartment. Sociable dogs love the company, while loneliness to them only harm due to lack of opportunity to send large energy reserves in the right direction. It is alone that such dogs, as a rule, spoil things and upholstery.
  • Such an animal is difficult to isolate, because due to its natural tendency to study the Husky space, sometimes even begin to understand how locks are opening on the doors. Make sure your home is adapted to such unpredictable manifestations of the Nrava Husky.
  • For some minus it will seem the need for a sufficiently long walk with such a dog - at least 2 hours a day. However, less time in the fresh air is not enough, and the dog will not be calm after a short walk.

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_12

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_13

Thus, the dog of the Husky breed may well live in a city apartment, only if the owner has the opportunity to give the animal due attention and give the necessary physical exertion.

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_14

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_15

Required conditions for content

It is worth staying on the terms, In which the dog breed should be contained.

  • Daily daily need to run and jump, however, the apartment is not quite a suitable place for such activity. To satisfy the needs of the animal, you should withdraw it for a walk 2 times a day. In the ideal version, every time walk costs more than an hour, giving the opportunity to the dog to enjoy the games on the active air and even doing her training. However, remember that the freightness of representatives of this breed can commemorate the dog to run away on a large distance from the owner, so it is necessary to use a leash.
  • It should also be carried out timely care for pet wool. Husky is prone to abundant link, which usually happens a couple of times in the year. Periodically, you need to delete small fur with a special brush.
  • Special attention is paid to the feeding of husky. So that the dog is properly fed, it is necessary to include a large number of protein in its diet. Meat is at least 60% of the animal diet. Also, the Cups will benefit cereals, marine fish and vegetables. At the same time, fermented milk products, as well as eggs should not be actively used in the dog menu.
  • In addition to the diet, you need to take into account the mode of feeding, which depends in many respects from the age of the dog. For puppies, feeding is carried out 6 times a day; After they turn 3 months, the feeding of food is reduced to three times a day. With six months, the food is carried out twice a day, and to achieve a one-year-old dog, you need to move on a disposable feeding mode.
  • Due to the thick wool and active lifestyle, the dog can periodically be hot (especially in a warm season), so always make sure that there is cool water in her bowl.
  • To care for such a breed in the heat also follows, bathing a dog in the bathroom. Water should be room temperature or cool. This is especially useful on hot days. At the same time, you should not expose the animal load or heavy training so that it does not get tired. The most successful time for activity in summer is an early morning or pre-ordered time.
  • It is also worth knowing that the haircut of wool in heat is categorically contraindicated, as this can lead to the opposite effect. Due to the protective layer in the wool, the PSA body is not so much heated, and without this layer, the animal is at greater risk of obtaining thermal impact.

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_16

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_17

Thus, to keep a dog husky, without deviating from these rules, otherwise the animal may experience discomfort. This, in turn, can lead to a deterioration of both well-being and dog behavior.

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_18

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_19

Education and training

Special moments to pay attention to each owner - raising husky and the process of its training. The first moment is key in the formation of the nature of the animal. To raise a faithful friend who will be obedient, you need to bring up a small puppy very responsibly, following the following rules.

  • A person in constructing the character of a pet must necessarily show such features as a sequence and hardness. Husky must understand the rules of behavior in the family from small age, as well as what you can and what can not be done. Potaking the whims of a puppy can significantly spoil his character in the future.
  • During the first two or three weeks, when the puppy is completely small, it is recommended that it does not remain in the apartment alone. It was in the first month that, according to the film, the dog is formed the backbone of basic qualities, which will be throughout life, and the task of a person is strictly followed by this process. Only after this time you can gradually teach the dog to the fact that the owner may be absent at home.
  • It is important in time to teach a puppy to the toilet. Little husky need a tray. The process of teaching begins at the age of 1 month, while it requires a fairness of the owner. You need to work out a puppy toilet visiting mode - third anniversary after feeding the pet should be near the tray.

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_20

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_21

As for training, the emphasis in it basically should be done on obedience teams. Since the character of Husky does not include aggression from nature, to make fighter dogs from them - a very risky enterprise. In the course of teaching to cruelty, the dog may experience psychological breaking, which, in turn, will provoke unpredictable negative consequences.

Active training is an optimal occupation for dogs of this breed. In the process of playing during a walk, the dog can be learned to execute commands. Due to such training, the dog will not only develop its character, but also releases the supply of energy, which will become another positive moment for him.

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_22

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_23

Ownership reviews

Among the Internet users a lot of Husky owners who share their experiences and recommendations on the maintenance of such animals in the city's facility. Some people believe that such a breed is more suited to those owners who themselves love sports and lead an active lifestyle. Often, Husky dogs even accompany their owners in such a hobby.

According to some reviews in the conditions of high-rise buildings, the husks are not very difficult, if you give the right time to walk. Also, the owners note that the apartment must be equipped with air conditioning, otherwise the consequence can be discomfort for the dog in hot rooms. Among the negative reviews, such that the abundance of wool and frequent molt is the main problems of representatives of this breed living in apartments.

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_24

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_25

Husky in the apartment (26 photos): Is it possible to keep a dog at home? Care and content. Should I start hassiness and how to educate it? Ownership reviews 22776_26

The features of the content of Husky in the apartment can be found in the video.

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