Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes?


The popularity of dogs of the breed of Husky is indisputable - even people are ready to have a pretty puppies with blue eyes, far from cynology. But how to understand how much pet matches the standard of rock, what color are Husky with blue and brown eyes?

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_2

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_3

The variety of options for the colors of the isvoy allows you to choose an animal with the desired phenotype to each owner. Black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other dog colors - how to figure out their differences? Will there be a shade of the coat with age? After studying in detail all the subtleties of this topic, it is possible to easily navigate in the features of the dogs of the dogs of the Husky breed and understand how the animal will look like as its growth and development.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_4


Not aggressive

(Rating 1 out of 5)


Very high

(Rating 5 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)


Very high

(Rating 5 out of 5)

Need care


(Rating 4 out of 5)

Cost of content

Above the average

(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)

Attitude to solitude

Short periods

(Rating 2 out of 5)

Security qualities


(Rating 1 out of 5)

* The characteristic of the "Husky" breed is based on the assessment of the experts of the site and feedback from the owners of the dog.

Features of hassi wool

The dog of the Siberian Husky breed has a magnificent coat, fluffy undercoat and expressive eyes. Genetics of these animals is closely related to the Aboriginal breeds of the North, which lead their origin from the wolf. Inheritance from their ancestors, Husky received strong health, high adaptability to different climatic conditions, the ability to perform heavy and hard work.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_5

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_6

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_7

A distinctive feature of the breed is the absolute uniqueness of the pattern of wool. Already newborn puppies acquire their own, unique woolly ornament. It is impossible to find two dogs with identical external data. In total there are more than two dozen variations of colors, but the official standard includes only the following:

  • Pure white - usually combined with brown tone of the iris;
  • gray with white;
  • white-brown;
  • Black and white.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_8

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_9

With a blue tone of the rainbow shell, you can find puppies and adult dogs of different colors. But in combination with a white hint of wool, it can be seen extremely rarely. And also in animals occurs heterochromia - a genetic feature at which one eye is painted differently than the other. For Husky, a thick cortical layer is characterized, protecting the outer part of the ouveau hair. He visually lashes the pigment of the hair. The rarest color combinations are pure white, marble, black, sable.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_10

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_11

The character of the wool cover Husky also has its own characteristics. It has an average length, fluffy and tight undercoat capable of maintaining the optimal body temperature even with a decrease in atmospheric temperatures up to -60 degrees Celsius. The presence of a fat shell protects the wool from wetting, helps it quickly dry after wetting. The color of the coil of dogs of the Khaski breed is formed by the connection of the two main components - feomelanin (yellow) and aumelainine (black). Their mixing and dilution gives a variety of colors and shades.

In an adult colored color dog, a typical mask on a face is necessarily left, which is an important breed sign.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_12

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_13

Varieties and descriptions of colors

Each hassiness color is inherent in its own characteristic. There are rare types of shades and names, well known to every film or amateur dog. Some tones of wool are marked with several names of items - light redhead is often mentioned in a pedigree as peach, copper is considered a version of chocolate (saturated brown) color.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_14

It is worth considering what colors and colors can be found in puppies and adult husky in fact.

  • White. Clean snow-white shade of wool cover for dogs of the hassiness breed is considered atypical. It is found quite rare. It is characterized by the complete absence of other color enclosures, yellowness. Most often, the color is found in workers - driving breed lines, in Siberia. But at home, he is not too appreciated by breeders - the dog is badly noticeable in the snow, which complicates the work with her for the drivers.

Pigmentation of skin, not covered with wool, in white husky contrasting, let's say beige, brown, deep black colors.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_15

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_16

  • Gray with white. This color is often confused with silver, but experienced breeders easily explain the difference. Hue of the undercoat in gray dogs with white color is brighter. On the back, tail, in the ears area you can see the pronounced strips. When the spots overlapping a significant part of the spin, the color is related to nonsense.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_17

  • Silver-white. Gray husks with a subhead with a silver shade look especially decorative. Unlike snow-white fellow, they already trace a pronounced mask on the face, there is an arrow on the frontal furrow. For representatives of the silver-white color, the presence of a contrast, dark eye strokes.

In addition, the most commonly occurring shade of eyes in this case is blue, incredibly bright and spectacular, which emphasizes the unusual appearance of the animal.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_18

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_19

  • Black and white. Beautiful, popular with lovers Black and white hue of Husky wool is characterized by a dark base background and a contrast light paw paw, chest, belly, muzzle. The inner part of the ears is also clarified, there is a mask on the face, pigmentation on the body is black. The undercarption is allowed almost anyone, but the eyes are always blue or brown, heterochromia is found.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_20

  • Agouti. This is a rare color, combined with an equally original coloring eye - olive-green. Aguti's color is characteristic of animals obtained in the breeding of racing and working lines of the Husky breed. The main tone of the wool is created from a mixture of red and dark, in the color of the same hairs, replace each other light, black, red and again black shades. The mask on the face is well pronounced, the tail has a darkened ending, there may be pronounced strips on the body.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_21

  • Wolf gray. It is the closest to natural, natural color of the Husky ancestors, the coloring option, which implies a great similarity of the animal with a wild wolf. The basic cover of ash tint. The undercoat may have cream, fawn, silver tone. The reddish drum can be observed on the tail, the occipital part of the head, the border of the ears, back.

The muzzle is painted in a clean white or much brighter tone than the rest of the wool, which distinguishes the dog from the wolf.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_22

  • Isabelle. For Huski Isabellah color, a light main background with seven-haired panels of a pale or light-red shade, resembling grapes of the corresponding variety. The appearance of the dog is noble and spectacular. There is a pronounced mask on the face, stripes on the collar and withers, color drozen on the forehead.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_23

  • Pegii (Pirlebold). The unusual and spectacular color of Piblod or Pinto in Husky is not too common, so it is highly appreciated. On a white basic background, the spots of one or more colors are scattered, most often red, chocolate. Bright splashes have a characteristic round shape, are located asymmetrically relative to each other. Pigmentation of open areas of the body - in the tone of spot.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_24

  • Soud. An exquisite sobular shade in combination with a thick fur coat Husky looks incredibly effectively, especially in contrast with blond eyes. The main color of the wool can be chocolate, copper, red, honey, with light beige or shade of coffee with a milk undercoat. The hair color is uneven, the root is beige, closer to the end of gray, on the surface of the muzzle there are dark color marks. The nose and pigmentation are brown.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_25

  • Chaperal. Classic pepper color from Husky is quite common, especially from representatives of the Siberian branch or dog breeding dogs. Ceprak is called a dark painted area of ​​the back, resembling the saddle. The main wool background is white.

It is not allowed pure-black or gray, but a reddish shade of the isva hair on the back.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_26

  • Chocolate (copper). Dogs with a shade of lactic chocolate or Irish coffee are often referred to as copper. Animals have a deep and bright oily hair, with a nose and other pigmentation to the tone or a little lighter color.

Among the workers of Huski, such a color is not found too often, but it is highly appreciated among exhibition instances.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_27

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_28

  • Red and light redheads. Bright redhead and slightly more muted light redheads - these are colors that give a dog with amber, brown or blue eyes a special charm. Against the background of snow, wool shines and overflow, it is well noticeable. The pronounced mask is complemented by a strip on the face, to the nose, the ears are brightly bordered, there is a pronounced white collar, hailing it.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_29

  • Pale yellow. This is a pretty noble externally color. Folly tone of wool lighter red, shade of a cubic, rather gentle and lightweight. In comparison with red shades, it is brighter, it is not so striking. Pigmentation brown or bodily shade. The mask is poorly pronounced, swooping in the forehead of white.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_30

  • Black. There is no entire black solid color of the husky. The breed genetically can have no more than 75% of this shade. Dogs often refer to African.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that contrasting shades are allowed with the specified black color only on the area of ​​the muzzle, tail tip, paw socks.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_31

  • Ross. Outward Husks, the color of the rumble are similar to PiBolds, but they have their bright features. A wide white collar gives a dog special kind. The rumble can be with a white background, brown, gray or red splashes. Pigmentation has a contrasting tint, noticeable. Dog eyes most often blue.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_32

  • Marble. A rare motley or marble wool color in Husky is usually represented as a base white background, on the surface of which black, dark and light gray splashes are scattered. Spots have the right round shape, located on the surfaces of the hips, tail, on the back and head.

Externally, husky with such type of color is similar to Dalmatians, have dark pigmentation - nose, lips, binding around the eyes.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_33

  • Tricolor (black and tangible). One of the rare variants of the Husky color is a tricolor with a basic black background, white paws, breasts and a muzzle. Red marks are located near the eyes, on the limbs and body. An animal has chocolate-red undercoats, allowing to make the main background more interesting and bright.

Tricolor, despite the rarity, refers to the category of traditional colors and is found in all genetic lines of rock.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_34

How does color change with age?

All existing hassiness temperatures pass the stage of change - overestope. When the puppy was only born, it is quite difficult to determine its final color. There are features that eventually disappear completely. For example, "glasses" give the charm of puppies to the glamors completely fade to 1-2 years. Does there have a color value inscribed in a puppy card, and how to predict the final coloring of the pet? In fact, it only defines the most pronounced shades present.

Adult dog after overtropy will acquire the final color. And the first serious change of carp was waiting for a dog at the age of 6-10 months, the second is closer to the year. With the age of color, the color is brightened, it becomes less bright.

Husky colors (35 photos): black and white and gray, Aguti and fawn, wolf and other colors. What color are husky with blue and brown eyes? 22768_35

About the colors of the dogs of the Husky breed, see the next video.

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