Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky?


Russian northern peoples have long been emerging in the harness of hardhable husky and went hunting with smart husky. With the development of civilization, the need to extradite food disappeared by itself. Now ride a dog harness in any park. Well, representatives of both rocks have gained particular popularity among citizens spoiled. Many admire these fluffy handsome hands, admiring their power, strength and endurance.

However, few people know about the peculiarities of the care of them. Yes, and to distinguish husky from the husky is also not easy. In order not to confuse, it is worth considering the main characteristics of both breeds.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_2


Not aggressive

(Rating 1 out of 5)


Very high

(Rating 5 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)


Very high

(Rating 5 out of 5)

Need care


(Rating 4 out of 5)

Cost of content

Above the average

(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)

Attitude to solitude

Short periods

(Rating 2 out of 5)

Security qualities


(Rating 1 out of 5)

* The characteristic of the "Like" is based on the assessment of the experts of the site and the feedback of the owners of the dog.

Characteristic Huski.

Siberian Husky - These are short-haired dogs with thick undercoat . The most common color options are black and white and gray-white. It is less likely to be brown-white, brown, black and white colors. These dogs are linked only twice a year, and their wool does not smell. The main distinguishing feature is a black or white "mace" on the face. In the form of "mask" can resemble glasses, clover, star or heart. A variant of two white vertical bands at the base of the nose is allowed.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_3

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_4

On the shape of the Husky head, the wolf is reminded: the same well-pronounced head, the same highly planted medium sizes. But if the wolf eyes are cast dangerous greens, then the hallmark of Husky is an expressive look of almond-shaped bright blue eyes. In addition to the blue-eyed representatives of this breed, you can find husky with black, karium and gray eyes. There are dogs with an olive and amber look. Even multicolored eyes for husky are not uncommon.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_5

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_6

Another wolf of the trait - barking . In response to any external stimulus, husky is struggling with the animal. These dogs are distinguished by a strong massive physique. They have powerful paws with wide strong pads intended for long run through the snow. A straight fluffy tail is beautifully bent, like a fox. An adult male husky weighs 21-28 kg with a height in the withers in 54-60 cm. The bitches are slightly less - only 16-23 kg at 50-56 cm in the withers. At the same time, girls are not inferior to boys in power and endurance.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_7

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_8

By character husky - Active cheerful dogs who love moving a lot. They are sincerely tied to their masters and just adore young children. For kids, husky becomes good nanny, and for older guys - fun friendships for games. These Good-natured animals Filly, talk to the guests, will gladly take new family members. Moreover, it can be both a newborn child and the four-legged friend of man. Husky wigs - It is very much rejoice in new acquaintances.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_9

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_10

These dogs are well developed a hunting instinct, but some of them are characteristic of them. If such a dog will catch someone, she will never bring to the Hospital and he will have to get to her independently. In all the rest, this is a dedicated creature.


Not aggressive

(Rating 1 out of 5)


Very high

(Rating 5 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)


Very high

(Rating 5 out of 5)

Need care


(Rating 4 out of 5)

Cost of content

Above the average

(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)

Attitude to solitude

Short periods

(Rating 2 out of 5)

Security qualities


(Rating 1 out of 5)

* The characteristic of the "Husky" breed is based on the assessment of the experts of the site and feedback from the owners of the dog.

Description Like

This breed combines 6 types of dogs: Russian, East and West Siberian, Yakutsk, Russian-European, sullen and black Norwegian. For each species, certain features are characterized, but there are a number of features that are easy to recognize the skin. For example, this is a miniature physique and coiled tail in the ring. In the lacas, a long smooth wool with a dense undercoat.

On the head, ears and paws - hard hairs. On the neck - a lush collar. From the wool there is a smell of "PSINA". The dog lins just once a year, but if the conditions of detention, the molt can be more often observed.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_11

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_12

Likes have a strong physique and developed muscles. Males are slightly larger than bitch - Their growth can reach up to 70 cm in the withers. But often this indicator does not exceed 63-65 cm with a weight of 23 kg. Representatives of both sexes are slim and graceful. They have nothing to do with wild relatives, so their appearance is not much different from typical representatives of the family of dog.

There is a wedge-shaped head, ears with sharp ends, round eyes of a light or dark shade. For ramps are characterized by brown, gray and green eyes. Blue-eyed can be only Yakut bores. Breed standards allow any color: black, black and white, brown, brown-white.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_13

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_14

They express their discontent with loud lare. Just the voices are not served, but the owner will always warn about the approach or the care of a stranger. And on the hunt, the bark of these dogs helps to understand, close or far away. Likes - inborn hunters and good guards . They are perfectly afraid with all the households and will find a common language even with young children. Strangers they don't like it therefore Even the harmless arrival of the guests will be perceived by them as an encroachment into the territory.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_15

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_16

What is the difference?

The listed characteristics relate to adult individuals. But what about small puppies? Looking at the fluffy mischievous lump, who mightly looks at you with children's eyeballs, it is difficult to see the difference.

If the purchase is planned in the appropriate nursery, which specializes in breeding lacas or husky, the need for comparison will disappear by itself. But if it is supposed to buy a puppy from hands, you will have to count on your own observation to bring a dog to the house of the desired breed. In this case, attention should be paid to the appearance of the puppy, its character and behavior.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_17

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_18

External data

The main differences in the appearance of the puppies of husky and husky should be listed on points. For example, even for two-month husky characteristic:

  • Bright "mask" and dark "glasses" on the face - due to this kids have a very severe look;
  • Striped, black or pink nose dump;
  • expressive almond eyes;
  • Fluffy straight tail hanging down and not rising above the backrest;
  • Thick paws with large pads;
  • strong physique;
  • Thick ears whose tips are directed up;
  • Scissor bite and smooth teeth;
  • Living, energy and sincere interest in the world around.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_19

According to these criteria, it is easy to distinguish small husky from likes, which are characteristic of the following features:

  • 6 cutters on the upper and lower jaws, while the bite is considered normal when the upper jaw occurs a little behind the lower;
  • dark brown eyes;
  • the nose is black, but puppies with white wool color she can be brown;
  • The ears standing, small, in shape resemble a triangle;
  • The tail is rolled into the ring;
  • Wool thick, standing;
  • The puppy actively studies the territory and barks.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_20

Color of small husky and lacas can be any - As the wool grows, the puppies change its color. It is important that the selected puppy looks Healthy and showed his characteristic activity. It turns out this by the simplest inspection. The nose should be wet, eyes - clear and shiny, ears - warm and pink inside. The dog should not have an unpleasant smell of mouth or bleeding gums. Wool in healthy kids is thick, shiny.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_21

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_22

Before buying, a breeder about diseases of parents should be considered in detail, since the possibility of hereditary predisposition is not excluded. This information will allow you to adjust the care of the pet and prevent the appearance of disease.

Character and behavior

Husks and huskies differ not only externally. They have a lot of differences in nature and behavior. Cynologists and experienced breeders recommend familiarizing themselves with the genetic map of the puppy's parents, and then choose a friend. It is really necessary: ​​Agree, aggressive parents have a high probability of birth of an evil puppy than in phlegmatic individuals. But, Each breed has certain traits of character.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_23

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_24


Husky from puppy age radiates goodwill. They are unfinished, non-aggressive, for them it is natural to exercise a living interest in the world around. These dogs are very smart and intelligent, they have intuition and natural flair. They are clean and therefore do not require special care. Husky easily succumb Training. But the owner of the puppy at first does not show any confidence: his friendship has to be deserved.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_25

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_26

In terms of education should stick Method of whip and gingerbread. Too soft appeal will make an unmanaged even the best kind of dog, and too strictly - ozkobit. Siberians wayward. Search for an independent solution for them is the norm.

His host Husky is perceived as a good friend and do not believe that they will not be able to live without this person. At the same time, they bored, remaining alone, expressing their longing animals in the animal. However, some individuals find another way of expressing feelings, sprinkling the upholstery of furniture, linoleum and plinth.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_27

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_28

Husky on rarity freedom-loving Therefore, they cannot be made as a cute room dog: with their irrepressible energy, these dogs will turn over the whole house. In the summer area, they will not be prohibited either: the subpople do, jump over the fence and go to search for adventures. There have been cases when homemade husky hunted a neighbor livestivity. Especially by morals they had cats, chickens and rabbits.

Direct the dog energy in the peaceful bed is very simple. It is enough to provide a PSU motor activity and spend more time on games, training and walking.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_29

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_30


If the rigorous husks are hardened as a companion dog, the Siberian husk choose more for guard or hunting purposes. First, the hunters are determined with the gender of the dog. Males are powerful, more aggressive, they can be attached to large prey like boar, bear or moose. They are also suitable for protecting private territories. But, Boys are booster, love to show character, and the owner will often have to put them in place.

Bitches more points and hardy , it is easy to train, they can be inserted into small game, and then reload on a large one. Their main disadvantage is periodic tooling puppies and care for them.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_31

Already in puppy age Likes must be calm and independent. They do not show aggression, but they can stand up if they feel a threat. In their courage and focus it is easy to make sure - They do not lose contact with a straight look in the eyes. These dogs are sincerely tied to the owner and all family members, hardly transfer separation and loneliness.

They are very freedom and inquisitive, so it is impossible to plant them on the chain. Like husky, they require long hiking and moving games. Likes are very independent, so they are not easy to train them. But with a reasonable approach, these animals show wonders of the intelligence. It is enough to alternate dresser with rolling games, and for each proper execution of the team to give favorite delicacy.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_32

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_33

Stilly Siberian breeds stands to make an active lifestyle, hunters and travelers. The company's Husky will become fun satellites, serious husky - reliable defenders. These dogs will not suit the houses and forever busy at work.

What kind of dog is better to choose?

Before buying a dog, decide for what purposes you get it. If you need a funny friend who is easily seated with households and will be sincerely glad to the owner's friends, it is worth paying attention to the husks. If a reliable helper is required for a hunt or guard for a private house, it is better to look at any kind of husky . It is allowed to start the like as a noble pet.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_34

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_35

Then it is necessary to objectively assess its care options for the dog.

  • Siberians are unpretentious in care, but very restless. They need a great physical activity. If the state of health or permanent employment does not allow for many hours of walking, it is definitely not worth it in an urban apartment.
  • It is important to give time not only to walks, but also a simple communication with your pet. Otherwise, the dog will start a shock and snap. It is meaningless to punish it - so she tries to fill the lack of attention. A pair of phrases told by strict voice will be more effective.
  • In dogs of these breeds, a hunting instinct is developed. Therefore, great patience will be required to teach a pet not to perceive homework as mining.
  • Husky and husky - Independent animals with self-esteem. The conversation on elevated colors they perceive as an insult. Physical punishment for them is unacceptable - dogs become evil and aggressive. You will have to take yourself in hand and calmly explain the pet, what he is wrong.
  • These dogs are sincerely tied to their owners and family members, so It is hard to endure quarrels and tights. Stressful situation risks negatively affecting the psyche of the dog. If the households do not know how to solve problems in peaceful way, they should look after a stress-resistant breed.
  • Another important moment is Care of wool. Animals should be combined regularly. Long-haired huskies needed in careful combination. During the period, this procedure is mandatory for representatives of both breeds. Otherwise, the clubs of dog wool will be labeled throughout the dwelling.

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_36

Like is Husky or not? What is the difference between husky? 37 Photo Comparison of breeds and the difference between them, the external differences of dogs. What better to choose? How to distinguish Siberian husky? 22743_37

In other words, the best dog will be the one that corresponds to the lifestyle and the expectations of the owner. It is important that the future owner will be responsible to the selection of breed, training, care and upbringing. Then a beautiful, intelligent animal will grow out of a small puppy that will not be dangerous for family members or others.

About how to distinguish husky from likes, look in the following video.

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