Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews


From the small years, children say that cats living in the wild prefer to be touched by milk, fish and caught mice. And if you look at the life of the yard preoccupies, it is. And in cats living in homes and apartments, tastes and preferences are completely different. For example, their organism rarely when digesting dairy products. Frequent feeding fish leads to violations in the work of a feline body. Well, the mice, especially in the apartment, they definitely do not catch. Yes, and it is not always possible to prepare a separate menu Murlyke.

Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_2

Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_3

Accordingly, breeders have to look for alternative nutrition to the sucked creatures, where the full complex of vitamins and beneficial substances will be included. One of these is the feed of the Gourmet brand.

Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_4


Gourmet is a world-famous brand that has proven itself as the best producer of wet cats for cats. All products of the company are produced at the factory in France, after which it is diverged throughout the world. The Gourmet manufacturer assures that the entire feed ruler is a true delicacy for a cat. This is described in videos, leaflets, brochures and other promotional materials.

Someone believes that Gourmet feed became popular only due to the correctly composed marketing plan. But it is not. Cats and cats do not care who is depicted on the label as new items are presented on television screens. The taste and usefulness of the product is important to purr. And judging by their appetite, the represented brand was still able to choose the correct composition for the nutrition of cats.

Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_5

Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_6

The owner of the wet feed Gourmet is Purina, this name is known for the whole world. A distinctive feature of such a large company lies in openness. Their internal policy is not a secret for society. Due to this and many other facts, Purina concern only increases the revolutions. It is worth noting that under the care of Purina there are several animals of shelters, other similar agencies conclude an agreement with the concern and can use special special offers of a large partner.

To date, every wishes to open a business for the production of high-quality catfish can take advantage of the franchise from Purina.

At the same time, the company does not contribute any special requirements - the main thing is that the feed is created from quality products, consistent with the requirements of the concern.

Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_7

Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_8

Well, now we propose to return to the feeds Gourmet and understand some features of feline food. First of all, catchers need to know that the nutritional taste for their pets is divided by classes. There are 4 of all 4, and each has certain characteristics.

  • Economy - The most budget version of feed, which is constantly visible in commercials, newspapers and brochures. The composition of the ethiation contains only 18% protein, part of which is mined from raw materials of plant origin.
  • Premium - In this product there are 22% protein, and half makes meat. According to the cost, this feed is much more expensive than the Economy option, but, despite the decent price, the product has some disadvantages, namely the presence of a dye in the composition, flavoring and balancing elements.
  • Super premium - Pretty expensive feed, whose advertising is practically not loose before the eyes. It presents 35-36% of meat, there are no useless elements, and the number of plant components is reduced to the minimum.
  • Holistic - Elite food that is not sold in ordinary stores. Its main advantage is the presence of natural meat. Vegetable additives are presented in the form of vegetables, fruits and greens. No flavors and dyes, only natural components. The quality of this feed class is reflected on the appearance and health of the animal, and only from the positive side.

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      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_10

      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_11

      Gourmet more than once satisfied stocks for pet owners to prove that their feed is the best, despite the price policy. The company offers cathouses just to smell the journeous pate of the competitive brand and compare with the aromatics of the Gourmet feed. And indeed, only the smell only gives to understand what food is delicious, and most importantly - useful products.

      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_12

      Like any other feed, Gourmet has its advantages and some drawbacks. Start offered with positive aspects:

      • no artificial components in the composition;
      • In the complex of wet feed there is a moisture required for calm livelihoods of an animal;
      • a wide variety of assortment series;
      • the presence of natural meat;
      • Presence in the feed of vitamins and useful trace elements.

      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_13

      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_14

      But, like all manufacturers, the products of the Gourmet brand have some drawbacks:

      • minimum shelf life;
      • The absence of medicinal elements in nutrition.

      Before giving your purrmet's purver pet, the gourmet food, the animal owner should read information on the package.

      In addition to the composition, a method of feeding is registered on the cover of a soft nutrition, which is extremely important to pay attention. In some cases, when the animal's body is restored after illness or shocks, the breeder should contact the vet so that it gives recommendations regarding the feeding of a cat or a cat. This board can also be found on packs with feline food.

      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_15


      The assortment range of Gourmet consists of sort of wet-type feeds. These include pates with a variety of tastes and liquid stuffing, pieces of meat in special sauce, bokings covered with delicious and fragrant jelly, as well as soups from meat and seafood. In the past, by the way, are a special series, which is impossible to find in the usual store.

      Such a wide variety of the range of the brand was able to achieve due to the many unique tastes, which had to like homemade cats and cats. The compilers of each individual "dish" argue that the recipes are not used by a drop of artificial flavors who harm animal health, only natural additives.

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      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_17

      The Gourmet manufacturer offers cats of a few lines of wet feed, namely Perle, MON PETIT, GOLD and A LA CARTE . Wherein Gold Line Presented in the classic version, "Terrine", bokings, Gold with gentle filling and "double pleasure".

      All of them differ among themselves not only by flavoring characteristics and composition, but also by packing. Not only soft bags with a small amount of nutrition are presented on sale, but also canned in banks of different sizes. Each cat chooses at its own discretion, which packaging is more convenient for use and subsequent storage.

      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_18

      As for the composition of the assortment range of Gourmet feline feed, its main components are meat products, such as beef fillets, lamb, rabbit. However, there are other filling options, we are talking about chicken, chicken, turkey and duck. Fish canned brand Gourmet creates salmon and tuna.

      Special attention compilers of feline feed recipes are given to vegetable additives. Such feeds are created directly for kittens and sterilized cats to fill their body with an important complex of vitamins and minerals.

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      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_20

      Well, now it is proposed to get acquainted in more detail with the most popular collections of the Gourmet brand feed, find out their features, deal with the pros and understand whether they have cons.

      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_21


      The cat food of the Gourmet Gold collection is a wet food, the composition of which is ideal for representatives of the feline world of all ages. This collection was created for purr with a sophisticated taste. It is no secret to anyone that many cats are true gourmet, requiring eating exclusively delicacies. This is designed for them.

      The presented collection is designed for Murlyk in the age category of 1-7 years. It is important to take into account, cats should have normal activity. Slug and hyperactive cats are not suitable.

      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_22

      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_23

      All varieties of wet feed of the Gourmet Gold collection are suitable for daily feeding an animal or as an additional yummy. The unique composition fully satisfies the needs of a feline organism. To support the muscle mass of the purr, there are proteins in the range of from 7.5% to 12%.

      In order for the cat's teeth to be healthy and strong, the compilers of the Gourmet Gold series recipes complemented the composition of the Calcium delicacy. Also in the stern contains a fiber promoting good digestion, and taurine, so necessary for the correct work of the heart. A well-selected vitamin complex guarantees high-quality support for the immune system.

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      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_25

      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_26

      "Natural recipes"

      The collection "Natural recipes" was created on the basis of the gifts of the mother nature. It is in nature that there is a mass of the beneficial substances necessary for health not only by a person, but also animals. Each individual feed of the presented collection was created from specially selected high-quality products. And it is not only about vegetables. In the recipes of the feed there are such ingredients like beef meat, lamb, birds and fish fillets. Supplement protein components Vegetable crops are carrots, tomatoes or parsnips.

      As for the age category, the presented series is calculated exclusively on adult cats and cats. For kittens such food will be inappropriate in the diet. The feed itself enters the shop windows in the form of canned food in a tin can.

      All ingredients are cut into neat single-sized cubes, easily freeing cat teeth.

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      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_28

      Special attention when choosing this series of feed should be given to feeding recommendations. For example, the owners of adult cats, the weight of which is an average of 4 kg, it is necessary to stock up approximately 3-4 banks of yummy on the day. This rate is designed for cats and cats with moderate activity. If the animal is hyperactive, it is recommended to apply for a consultation to the vet so that the physician corrected the correct supply of feed in the feed of this series.

      Another nuance of animal feeding is important that the "dish" has room temperature. In no case cannot be fed with cold canned animals, it is negatively affecting their health and health. It is impossible to store an open jar for more than a day. After opening the canned feed, the container should be put in the refrigerator. Well, after 24 hours, send the remains of cat food in the garbage.

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      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_30


      The presented collection of the feed Gourmet is designed exclusively on adult cats. So attractive for feline sweets falls on sale in small plastic bags. The consistency inside the package is quite standard, although it looks outwardly different from the image on the front side of the package.

      The feed of the PERLE Gourmet collection includes products such as meat and waste from meat processing, fish and waste from fish refining. Main plus - all this is exclusively natural products, no chemistry. In addition to meat and fish delicacies, PERLE recipes include vitamins, minerals, sugar and vegetable protein extract. In the past, by the way, contribute to strengthening feline immunity, improve wool characteristics, give animals additional energy.

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      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_32

      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_33

      After donning the package, when the air falls inside, the countdown begins. After 24 hours, abdicted food must be disposed of.

      "Mont Petit"

      You can talk about the collection of MON PETIT for hours, and there is nothing surprising. All feed created under this beginning was designed exclusively for cats that prefer to use one feeding minimum meal. No, they do not follow the figure, just a small portion is quite enough for the full saturation of the stomach and the body.

      The feed itself is presented on the storefronts of stores in the form of plastic bags, which is very comfortable to open, keep and get them delicacy. One such package of delicacy weighs only 50 g, and this is one portion.

      Accordingly, the owner of the Murlyk is not necessary after feeding to send plastic packaging into the refrigerator and further worry that after a day, the remains will have to throw out.

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      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_35

      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_36

      According to most cat breeders, their pets especially came to the taste of Mon Petit with salmon. The highlight of this "dish" is that when it is manufactured, salmon fillet is really cut into small cubes. This recipe for unique technology has been prepared, which is why the taste received a special attractive aroma and taste.

      The feed from the presented collection can be used as a constant diet of a cat or a cat or as an additional delicacy when feeding the animal with dry balls. If Mon Petit is applied on a permanent basis, the renurbing breeder is important to familiarize himself with the intricacies of feeding his pet. It is advisable to even get a consultation of a veterinarian. And most importantly - next to a cup with food at the cat should be a bowl, filled with water room temperature. Feed itself should not be cold too. Even the cool food is negatively reflected at the work of the stomach of fluffy creation.

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      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_38

      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_39

      Keep the feed of the MON Petit collection in a dry but cool place. And after the opening of the "dish" should be used for animals during the day. After 24 hours, abundant nutrition should be disposed of.

      "A la carte"

      A La Carte is a collection created by the recipes of famous chefs from around the world. Gourmet experts remained only to find interchangeable some products so that human cuisine dishes accounted for themselves to cats and cats.

      A La Carte is not just a series of feed, and the present product of culinary art. Easy supervision of a bag with delicious delicacies makes the purr to wake up from deep sleep and take away to the source of the aroma from the longest room in the house. Only with this feed the owner will be able to hear how his fluffy miracle purr from pleasure during meals.

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      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_41

      Special demand among the representatives of the feline world enjoys a "dish" a La Carte "A la Provence". For its preparation, Gourmet experts and experts use appetizing sliced ​​pieces of bird fillets in combination with vegetables and tomato sauce. No representative of the feline world will not be able to abandon such a delicacy.

      Another positive characteristic of the feed of the A LA Carte collection is packaged.

      A soft bag with a comfortable dance line does not take up much space in the refrigerator, and squeeze out of it pet food solid pleasure.

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      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_43

      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_44

      Despite the fact that in the feed of the collection of the collection there is a sufficient amount of moisture, the animal owner is important to ensure that there is a container with water room temperature near the Misk for food. Tomato sauce has a special piquancy and some salinity, which the cat must be powered by a small amount of liquid.

      Storage period for open food standard - day. After 24 hours, the remains abdicted by a cat must be sent to the trash.

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      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_46


      According to basic standards, Gourmet feed can be given cats for no more than 4-7 times a day. It all depends on the frequency of nutrition worked out from infant age, and requirements for health. In case the animal passes the recovery process after treatment, it is important to get advice from the veterinarian. Only the doctor will be able to adjust the amount of daily feeding.

      But cats in the position of refusing in nutrition in no case cannot. The main thing to ensure that the feed does not expire the shelf life, because the future mommy saturates not only its body, but also small kittens.

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      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_48

      Review reviews

      Whatever spoken, but the Gourmet brand occupies a leading position among well-known feline food producers. Thousands of positive feedback on the feed of the presented brand appear on different Internet resources every day. If cats and cats knew how to work with a PC, the number of positive feedback would increase with geometric progress.

      According to the statements of breeders of cats of elite breeds, they feed their wards only gourmet and see how efficiently the properly selected components of the dish are working. Other cat owners note that after the translation of their pets on Gourmet, they noticed how their condition of wool improved, the teeth were stronger, the yellow flare was gone.

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      Huge thanks to the Gourmet brand express cat owners suffering from poor food digestibility. Now they have a disheveled appetite, they do not suffer poor well-being, they show sufficient activity.

      The feed of Gourmet is the best that was created for the right and balanced nutrition of the feline world.

      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_50

      Gourmet: cat feed and purina kittens, wet pates and other feline canned food, their composition, reviews 22711_51

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