Purina Cat Chow for kittens: Dry food Kitten and wet, their composition. Cum with chicken 15 kg and other products


Cat Chow Kitten - a series of high-quality feed for kittens manufactured under the famous American Purina brand. A distinctive feature of the products presented in this series is a high content of natural meat, plant ingredients and valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids. The article will talk about the features of feed for kittens Purina Cat Chow Kitten.

Purina Cat Chow for kittens: Dry food Kitten and wet, their composition. Cum with chicken 15 kg and other products 22660_2

Purina Cat Chow for kittens: Dry food Kitten and wet, their composition. Cum with chicken 15 kg and other products 22660_3

general description

Purina Cat Chow Kitten - Balanced feed for kittens aged 6 to 12 months, made from selected natural raw materials and not containing aggressive synthetic components - dyes and flavors that are capable of causing severe allergic reactions. As the main ingredients, natural meat (chicken, turkey, lamb) and products of its processing, fish and fish offal, sources of protein of plant origin, cereals and vegetables (dry parsley, zucchini, spinach, beets, carrots, chicory) .

To increase the energy value, improving taste and increasing feed nutrition, the manufacturer additionally uses yeast, recycled vegetable raw materials, mineral additives, sources of essential amino acids. Besides, Products include trace elements, vitamins A, D, E, as well as omega-3 and group B vitamins, the necessary kitten to strengthen immunity, active development and growth. Another important ingredient included in the feed of Purina Cat Chow Kitten is docosaic acid or DHA, which is a basic component of catfish milk.

This ingredient plays an important role in the development of the brain of the kitten, the proper formation of the skeleton and muscles of the animal.

Purina Cat Chow for kittens: Dry food Kitten and wet, their composition. Cum with chicken 15 kg and other products 22660_4

Purina Cat Chow for kittens: Dry food Kitten and wet, their composition. Cum with chicken 15 kg and other products 22660_5

Purina Cat Chow for kittens: Dry food Kitten and wet, their composition. Cum with chicken 15 kg and other products 22660_6

The feed is implemented both in dry (granules or crockets) and in a wet form (juicy pieces in jelly). The protein and fats content in Purina Cat Chow feed for kittens depends on the type of product. Thus, the protein and fats content in dry feed is 40% and 12%, respectively. The content of protein in wet feed on average is about 14%, fats - about 3.5%. Such balanced proportions of proteins and fats in the composition of the products from the specified ruler allow kittens to actively develop, to obtain the maximum amount of energy and at the same time remain in an optimal, healthy weight corresponding to their age.

The lack of flavors and dyes in Purina Cat Chow feed almost completely eliminates the risk of developing allergic reactions even in very painful and weak kittens (however, experts are still recommended before applying these feeds to consult in advance at the experienced veterinarian). It should be noted that The optimal balance of easily digestible proteins and fats in the described feeds and their natural composition allow you to use Purina Cat Chow Kitten in the diet of pregnant and nursing cats.

Purina Cat Chow for kittens: Dry food Kitten and wet, their composition. Cum with chicken 15 kg and other products 22660_7

Purina Cat Chow for kittens: Dry food Kitten and wet, their composition. Cum with chicken 15 kg and other products 22660_8


Purina Cat Chow Kitten series is represented by several types of products.

Dry food Purina Cat Chow Kitten, enriched with a protein animal (main source - poultry meat), containing a large amount of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Whole grains of cereals, dried and crushed vegetables and greens, yeast are used as additional ingredients. The minimum allowable age of the kitten to start feeding by this product, on the manufacturer's recommendation, is 3-4 weeks. In addition, the feed of this type is suitable for feeding cats awaiting or already feeding offspring. The product is implemented in dense hermetic packages weighing 400 g, 1.5 kg, 7 kg and 15 kg.

Purina Cat Chow for kittens: Dry food Kitten and wet, their composition. Cum with chicken 15 kg and other products 22660_9

Purina Cat Chow for kittens: Dry food Kitten and wet, their composition. Cum with chicken 15 kg and other products 22660_10

Purina Cat Chow for kittens: Dry food Kitten and wet, their composition. Cum with chicken 15 kg and other products 22660_11

Wet Purina Cat Chow Kitten feed with lamb meat pieces and zucchini in gentle jelly sauce - This is a balanced, full-time product recommended for feeding kittens under the age of 6 weeks and older, as well as cats, feeding or waiting for the offspring. Food is enriched with a complex of vitamins A, D, E, Taurin, iron, manganese, zinc. It has a moderately viscous, thick consistency. Packed in sealed spiders with a volume of 85 grams. After opening the sputum with the residues of the feed, it is recommended to store in the refrigerator no more than a day.

This requirement is due to the lack of synthetic preservatives in the product that can repeatedly increase its shelf life, but at the same time - to negatively affect the quality, safety and taste characteristics of the feed.

Purina Cat Chow for kittens: Dry food Kitten and wet, their composition. Cum with chicken 15 kg and other products 22660_12

Purina Cat Chow for kittens: Dry food Kitten and wet, their composition. Cum with chicken 15 kg and other products 22660_13

Wet Purina Cat Chow Kitten feed with turkey pieces and zucchini slices in gentle jelly - Another excellent version of a full and balanced daily dish for a kitten. The manufacturer recommends using this option for feeding kittens not under 6 weeks. The basis of this feed is the meat of turkey and meat offal, fish and products of its processing, vegetables, mineral additives, vitamins and a complex of valuable amino acids.

Purina Cat Chow for kittens: Dry food Kitten and wet, their composition. Cum with chicken 15 kg and other products 22660_14

Purina Cat Chow for kittens: Dry food Kitten and wet, their composition. Cum with chicken 15 kg and other products 22660_15

Purina Cat Chow Kitten feed rate rate is calculated individually in each case. Given the age, size, health status and the level of physical activity of the animal. Recommendations for feeding kittens The manufacturer places on all packages with products.

Review reviews

Products Purina Cat Chow Kitten, according to the reviews of most users, is perfect for feeding kittens, as well as cats awaiting or feeding offspring. Balanced composition, optimal combination of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, micro and macroelements, which are included in the dry and wet feed of this series, make it possible to fill all the needs of the animal organism in nutrients necessary for its full development, growth, health and energeticness.

The indispensable advantages of the feed of Purina Cat Chow Kitten a number of users relate the absence of synthetic ingredients that can cause severe allergic reactions - dyes, preservatives and flavors. Such a composition based on natural ingredients allows, without concerns, use the food under consideration in relation to not only healthy, but also to weak, painful, susceptible to allergens kittens.

Purina Cat Chow for kittens: Dry food Kitten and wet, their composition. Cum with chicken 15 kg and other products 22660_16

Purina Cat Chow for kittens: Dry food Kitten and wet, their composition. Cum with chicken 15 kg and other products 22660_17

Another plus of Purina Cat Chow Kitten feed is the absolute majority of animal owners consider their acceptable cost, along with fairly high quality. In fact, Cat Chow Kitten products are practically no different from expensive analogues of famous brands, but at the same time wins in their background largely due to a more affordable price.

Among the minor minuses of Purina Cat Chow Kitten feed, according to reviews, most often users note a small shelf life of the open product.

This feature is due to the absence of synthetic preservatives already mentioned in the composition, capable of causeing allergic reactions in kittens.

Purina Cat Chow for kittens: Dry food Kitten and wet, their composition. Cum with chicken 15 kg and other products 22660_18

Purina Cat Chow for kittens: Dry food Kitten and wet, their composition. Cum with chicken 15 kg and other products 22660_19

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