Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews


Sterilized cats and castrated cats need special nutrition, because after operations there is a change of hormonal background. If you correctly pick up food, then no unpleasant consequences will follow. ROYAL CANIN Premium Class Feed Line is designed specifically to maintain cats after sterilization and cats after castration. In this article, consider in more detail the features of Royal Canin products for cats and cats after sterilization, pros and cons, the most popular line of feed Neutered and sterilised, as well as review reviews.

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_2

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_3

Advantages and disadvantages

Nutrition Royal Canin is produced mainly in France, although the geography of plants is quite large, even in the suburbs in Russia presented production of royal canin feed. Production is carried out in Canada, Brazil, South America, Great Britain, USA and Argentina. Many owners of cats and cats go to the food Royal Canin after eliminating the possibility of their reproduction. Food for cats and cats after sterilization is in special demand. For them, the company offers several varieties.

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_4

It should be noted that ROYAL CANIN Food is made separately for cats and cats after sterilization, since it differs in composition, which is mainly consigned to calorie and presence or absence of some minerals. For example, the food Indoor is suitable for those pets that are often on the street and lead an active lifestyle. Its caloric content is 374 kcal. In addition, this food is ideal for sterilized and neutered pets with low weight. If you pay attention to the ration of Neutered Young Female, then its caloric content is somewhat lower. 100 grams contain 361 kcal.

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_5

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_6

This solution is suitable for pets with normal weight.

ROYAL CANIN feed has the following advantages:

  • wide variety - on sale presented wet and dry food;
  • Products are quite popular, so it will not be special troubles for your pet;
  • Cats and cats very much like Royal Canin products, they also attract the smell, and taste.

Nutrition for cats and cats Royal Canin has such minuses:

  • The composition of food includes vegetable proteins and quite a lot of wheat;
  • high price, if compared with other manufacturers;
  • The recipe is not open, not all ingredients are indicated and prescribed, which allows the manufacturer to vary them in the composition.

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_7

Neutemed feed line

This series is relatively new. It includes products to maintain health after sterilization or castration. They allow you to maintain the weight of pets normally and become excellent prevention of diseases that arise after operations. Neutered line includes dry and wet food.

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_8


The neutered dry feed line includes complete power for cats and cats after sterilization. Let us dwell in more detail on several options.

  • Young female - Full and balanced food for adult cats, but not older than 7 years. A s / o index sign is located on a pack, which indicates that this food will prevent the formation of crystals. This nutrition will allow maintaining the optimal weight of the animal due to the high content of the protein. Due to the presence of L-carnitine transportation of fatty acids in mitochondria. Dry food is sold in several volumes - 0.4 kg, 1.5 kg, 3.5 kg and 10 kg, which allows you to choose the optimal option. The composition includes rice, proteins of animal origin, fiber, wheat, mineral substances, and so on. As part of 37% proteins, 10% fat, 8.4% mineral substances and 4.2% of food fiber.

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_9

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_10

  • YOUNG MALE. - It's dry food for cats after castration and up to 7 years. With this nutrition, cats will not be gained in weight, since it is enriched with proteins. The composition includes moderate starch content to prevent the development of diabetes, which is subject to castrated cats. This power includes 40% of proteins, 10% fat, 8.9% of mineral substances, 5.7% of food tissue, 22.7% starch. It is worth noting that this power includes specially selected proteins that are quite easily absorbed. Products are sold in packs of 0.4 kg, 1.5 kg, 3.5 kg, 10 kg.

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_11

  • Satiety Balance. - This is a full nutrition for cats and cats under the age of 7 to maintain their health after sterilization. This food contains a lot of fiber, so your pet will feel saturation for a long time. This power will allow to maintain optimal weight due to a unique recipe. Regular use of this feed will allow maintaining the normal operation of the urinary system, and also reduces the risk of developing urolithiasis. This option is recommended for overweight cats. This nutrition is sold in sachets with a volume of 0.4 kg and 1.5 kg.

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_12

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_13

  • SENIOR CONSULT STAGE 1 - This is an excellent solution for cats and cats, the age of which exceeds 7 years, but there is no visible signs of aging. Regular nutrition by this feed will allow to slow down the processes of aging due to the presence of a complex of antioxidants of synergistic action, amino acids and phosphorus. This food is characterized by optimal calorieness, if adhere to recommendations from manufacturers, the animal will not add in weight. The sale is 0.4 kg, 1.5 kg and 10 kg.

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_14


Wet food is also in demand among the owners of cats. The assortment presents pates, spiders and liquid sauces.

  • WEIGHT BALANCE (in sauce) - Soft liquid food in the form of canned food for adult cats after sterilization to maintain normal weight. Regular use of this nutrition will keep the optimal animal weight. The composition of the food includes a complex of antioxidants, which neutralize the effect of free radicals. This meal consists of meat and meat products, plant sub-products, cereals, cerebralism, and so on. The stern contains 9% of proteins, 2.5 %% fats, 1.6% of the minivacy, 1.5% of the fiber. Power humidity is 81.5%.

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_15

  • Adult Maintenance (in Sauce) - Wet food for adult cats after sterilization and older. This option is not suitable for kittens and the elderly. Its regular use will allow to maintain the optimal weight of the pet, and the presence of antioxidants neutralizes the effect of free radicals. The composition includes 10% proteins, 3.5% fat, 1.6% mineral substances, 1.5% of the food tissue. Humidity is 79%. This food is sold in sachets with a volume of only 100 grams.

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_16

  • SENIOR CONSULT STAGE 1 (in sauce) - Full dietary canned food for cats and cats aged after 7 years, but without pronounced signs of aging. This is the so-called veterinary diet, thanks to which the pet will feel good, not to fully and do not hurt. The composition includes meat and meat offal, various fats and oils, deployment, cereals, yeast, crustaceans and mollusks. This nutrition is sold in bags of 100 grams.

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_17

Sterilised Line

Sterilised line is a great solution for maintaining the health of a sterilized cat at different stages of life. The manufacturer offers separation of all types of nutrition for 4 age categories.

  • Sterilized Kitten. - This is a series for sterilized kittens aged 6 to 12 months. It is represented in the form of dry feed, in the sauce and in the form of jelly. Already 2 days after sterilization, the kitten can significantly increase appetite. Thanks to the supply of nutrients, your pet will feel the satiety for a long time.

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_18

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_19

  • Sterilised - a ruler for adults aged from 1 to 7 years. This series includes dry food in the form of a pate, jelly, in sauce. In addition, there are several options for cats that live only in the apartment, as well as for those who have the ability to go out in the open sky.

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_20

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_21

Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_22

Natural composition, vitamin and mineral complex helps to maintain the health of cats and cats after sterilization.

    • Sterilized 7+ - A series intended for cats and cats aged 7 to 12 years. Animals at this age need special nutrition to hurt less. Sterilized 7+ power helps to fight aging, because the composition includes various types of nutrients (EPA and DHA fatty acids, vitamin C, green tea polyphenols). Dry food is sold in packages with a volume of 0.4 kg, 1.5 kg, 3.5 kg. The series includes food in sauce and jelly. Feline food Indoor Sterilized 7+ years is suitable for cats and cats after sterilization, which are always in the room.

    Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_23

    Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_24

    • Sterilised Ageing 12+ Presented in the form of dry food for cats after sterilization between the ages of 12. As you know, at this age, many pets are already overweight, so the proper nutrition is very important. In addition, after 12 years, some cats become less active. Moderate fat content in the stern of Ageing Sterilized 12+ helps maintain perfect weight. This power includes a special complex that allows you to maintain activity in old age with the help of antioxidants and fatty acids of omega 3.

    Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_25

    Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_26

    Review reviews

    ROYAL CANIN products are a fairly well-known and popular among cat owners. Special attention is paid to the nutritional rules designed specifically for sterilized cats and neutered cats. Regular use of such nutrition will allow your pets to be active and healthy even after sterilization or castration. There are many positive feedback on Royal Canin products on the Internet. Buyers noted excellent quality and balanced composition.

    Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_27

    Cats like the flavor and taste of feed, canned or pate. They gladly run on the newly open power packaging Royal Canin.

    Food is available in a wide variety, which is especially like buyers. It is quite easy to navigate the age of a cat or a cat to choose the best option for your pet. In addition, various packages are presented on sale: both per 100 grams and quite large (up to 15 kg). In canned food quite a lot of meat pieces, which is also very important. Dry food is represented by small-sized pads, so the food process is fairly easy and fast. Animals do not ask for food for a long time, which allows you to maintain optimal weight, do not overeat, because after sterilization, many pets have an increased appetite.

    Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_28

    Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_29

    Of course, there are no negative comments. They concern, first of all, the cost of ROYAL CANIN products. Similar products from other manufacturers are cheaper, but slightly. In this case, it is necessary to understand that after sterilizing the cats need special nutrition to maintain health, so it is not necessary to save on proper nutrition. Some buyers doubt the composition, since the ingredients are quite blurred there, which allows the manufacturer to use different components.

    Royal Canin for sterilized cats and castrated cats: dry and wet food for kittens and adult cats, composition, food packs 4 and 7 kg, reviews 22652_30

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