Fillers "Beast Moe": wood and corn with small and large granules, commercial and other fillers for rodents, cat toilet and birds. Reviews


In specialized stores, buyers can see a huge variety of pets for pets. They can have different compositions, volumes. Today we will consider the features of such mixtures from the company "Beasts My".




Feline fillers "Beasts Moe" are considered to be ancoproducts, in the manufacture of which only safe and environmentally friendly natural components are used. All of them will allow an antibacterial effect to help get rid of unpleasant odors in the tray, and also absorb all moisture. The raw material for the production of mixtures is necessarily subject to careful processing so that the result is a high-quality basis.


Fillers possess Double Dust System . This is achieved through mechanical processing, in the process of which the smallest particles of raw materials are completely removed. Wood blanks also pass and special aerosparation. It allows you to remove all the chips and the dust formed. The company's products are considered a rather economical option, since the complete replacement of the composition is required only 1-2 times a week.


If necessary, it can be disposed of small portions into the sewer. These mass may consist of small, medium and large particles.

In the product range there are samples for cats and cats, for rabbits, chinchillas, hamsters, parrots. They differ from each other particle size. All granules at the same time have high density, they have a smooth surface and pleasant natural flavors, which are completely disclosed when contact with liquid. Mass are sold in packages of various volumes. Most often on the counters you can see fillers weighing 1-5 kg, but large samples are found at 25, 35 kg.




To date, the Beast Moe specializes in the production of various fillers. We highlight some of them.


Such formulations most often have small granules, whose diameter does not exceed 6 mm . They are produced from the treated wood of coniferous rocks. Fillers of this type perfectly absorb all odors and absorb moisture. They will be able to approach cats and for all types of homely rodents. Wood samples will not dust and stick to the paws of pets. In the manufacture of such compositions, all raw materials passes the most careful processing, the entire bark is completely removed from its surface. Parts that were amazed mold either fungus are also completely removed.



When used, it will be necessary to pour a layer with a thickness of about 2-3 centimeters into the tray, the pallet must be clean and dry. Some varieties of such filler are created with the smallest granules with a diameter of just 3 millimeters, they are used for rodents and for birds. Such mixtures have the same properties and characteristics, are absolutely safe for people, and for animals.


Woody with large granules

The absorbent composition is used for cats and cats. It is produced on the basis of selected and well-dried wood of coniferous rocks, and it is pressed and crushed. When processing, all oils and resins from the surface are necessarily removed. Fuel sawmills in the manufacture are not used, because such elements can negatively affect the quality of the mass.


Granules will not dust and adhere to the fur cover of the animal. Also these wood fillers will not require daily care and cleaning. They hold odors and moisture for a long time. Absolutely hypoallergenic particles They can have an antibacterial effect. It is possible to dispose of mixtures into general sewers.



This filler for cats and cats also copes with moisture and smells. It is made on the basis of special concrete raw materials. When contacting with liquid, the granules almost immediately begin to stick together to each other, while the lumps are formed, which can be easily removed from the feline toilet. Combly varieties will not be breeding dust, they do not stick to the woolly cover and to the paws of the pets. Mass prevent the reproduction of malicious bacteria. The composition is absolutely harmless even with a random hit in an animal digestive system. These mixtures differ as much as possible.



This filler will suit For domestic birds, reptiles and rodents. It is made on the basis of corn bypass for special technologies.

Finished particles perfectly absorb liquid and smells. They do not cause allergies, dust and other debris are not bred. Corn formulations most often have a rather low cost.



This absorbing filler is used for cats. . It is considered an environmentally friendly and safe product, which consists of small smooth particles. As the basis for the manufacture of these mixtures, zeolite is taken, which has antibacterial effects.


Review reviews

The fillers of this brand gathered a large number of positive feedback. Separately it was said that all of them are environmentally friendly and natural materials that do not cause allergies.

In addition, in the process of using the granules immediately absorb all appearing unpleasant odors and moisture in trays and pallets.



Buyers noticed that These pets for pets can be easily disposed of to the toilet. All formulations have the most economical flow rate, so they may be enough for a long time. All mixture granules have a smooth surface, they can be of various sizes, so you can choose the appropriate option for different pets. For rodents and birds, masses with small particles are most often used.


Many noted that the fillers of the brand are quite convenient in use, they can be easily removed. Separately, it was also said about the cost of the compositions. They can be purchased in many pet stores at an affordable price.


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