What washing a feline tray so that there is no smell? How to wash the pan from the blade? What is better to clean the feline toilet? How to get rid of the plaque in the tray?


A cat in the house is always joy, but with her comes an unpleasant smell. A comfortable tray in which he would make his need for any pet. It is always required to be changed, because the launched tray can cause the animal to walk past him.

A common problem with which the owners of their cats face is an unpleasant odor outgoing from the tray. Even if the owners are regularly washed, he still appears. The fact is that over time, the pan is formed with a blade and falling on the tray, and if it is not cleansed thoroughly, it is not only in the toilet, but in the entire apartment will smell. From this article you will learn about how to wash the tray of your pet.

Why do you need it?

Many people believe that changing the filler will be able to eliminate the smell, but it is not. If it is indifferent to relate to the state of the toilet of your pet, he will prefer to cope his need in other places - for example, next to the tray or some things. The cat goes to the toilet "not there" is not due to the fact that it is harmful, just He is accustomed to cope with its nature where it does not smell and where it is pure.

What washing a feline tray so that there is no smell? How to wash the pan from the blade? What is better to clean the feline toilet? How to get rid of the plaque in the tray? 22593_2

The lack of proper care can lead to the deposition of urinary stone (a raid consisting of mineral and lime deposits). This is the main source of unpleasant odor in the entire apartment.

It is possible to wash the feline tray from the plated by the usual detergent, but they are important to wash off carefully, because the cats are badly perceived by chemical smells.

Another reason for which you should carefully follow the toilet of your fluffy friend is the emergence of an infectious disease, which is called toxoplasmosis. The infection causes parasites that are in the feces of those animals that are infected. Faces need to be removed immediately as the cat will guarantee their need, because a person can become infected with toxoplasmosis.

What washing a feline tray so that there is no smell? How to wash the pan from the blade? What is better to clean the feline toilet? How to get rid of the plaque in the tray? 22593_3

Please note: when regular washing tray listed problems will bypass you. Once a week you need to spend thorough cleaning.


At first glance, it may seem that wash the tray of his pet to get rid of the smell, is an elementary lesson, but it is worthwhile to it with full responsibility and for all the rules. This ensures that the animal will be comfortable to go to the toilet, and unpleasant odors will appear in the apartment.

Step-by-step preparation is as follows.

  1. Next to the cat toilet should always be a garbage bucket. The bucket will prevent floor pollution.
  2. In the pharmacy it is desirable to purchase rubber gloves, as well as a protective mask. It is also desirable to wear both every time the tray is needed.
  3. To clean the toilet of its pet, you will need such a means like a brush, gloves, a household soap, a trash can, mask, food soda, filler (it can be replaced with sand).

It is important to know: observance of hygiene will help protect a person from toxoplasmosis. After all, malicious bacteria are in the air and easily fall into the human body together with dust.

What washing a feline tray so that there is no smell? How to wash the pan from the blade? What is better to clean the feline toilet? How to get rid of the plaque in the tray? 22593_4

What washing a feline tray so that there is no smell? How to wash the pan from the blade? What is better to clean the feline toilet? How to get rid of the plaque in the tray? 22593_5

What washing a feline tray so that there is no smell? How to wash the pan from the blade? What is better to clean the feline toilet? How to get rid of the plaque in the tray? 22593_6

What washing a feline tray so that there is no smell? How to wash the pan from the blade? What is better to clean the feline toilet? How to get rid of the plaque in the tray? 22593_7

Step-by-step process

Before you begin cleaning a feline toilet, you need to wear a mask and gloves. Next, you should clean the toilet in any way and remove the old filler. To carry out such a procedure, usually take a trash package, put the tray in it, turn over. After that, the package immediately emit.

The next step includes a thorough wash under the hot water jet. The tray must be completely cleaned by the feces and residues of the old filler. To safely wash the tray and eliminate the smell, you can add any cleaning agent for plumbing and with the help of a brush to actively wipe the toilet.

Sometimes the blade is postponed with a thick layer and it is no longer so easy to launder. Then the detergent should be applied over the entire surface (you can use stronger tools, such as "Sanoks"), and leave for some time, for example, for 40-60 minutes. This time will be enough to fall from the tray. At the end it will need to be easy to rinse with water.

What washing a feline tray so that there is no smell? How to wash the pan from the blade? What is better to clean the feline toilet? How to get rid of the plaque in the tray? 22593_8

What washing a feline tray so that there is no smell? How to wash the pan from the blade? What is better to clean the feline toilet? How to get rid of the plaque in the tray? 22593_9

Please note: the new filler must be laid only in a dry tray.

Cleaning people's ways

Not all animals perceive chemicals well, so folk methods for cleaning the tray come to the rescue. The funds will help to cope with the means that there are almost everyone in the house: it is a vinegar, food soda and a household soap. Make a cleaning agent easier than simple.

The soda is added to warm water (there will be enough half of the glass), poured into the tray and clean the surface with a rigid brush until a stone goes away. With a strong unpleasant smell, you will need 2 tablespoons of soda by 0.5 liters of water. A feline toilet is poured with a solution and leave all night (or a few hours). The next morning can be easily harvested.

What washing a feline tray so that there is no smell? How to wash the pan from the blade? What is better to clean the feline toilet? How to get rid of the plaque in the tray? 22593_10

What washing a feline tray so that there is no smell? How to wash the pan from the blade? What is better to clean the feline toilet? How to get rid of the plaque in the tray? 22593_11

Vinegar perfectly disinfects and easily eliminates contaminated areas. In addition, it helps to cope with unpleasant odors. Vinegar is added to the tray when cleaning and wash it with it. The economic soap is best used before the appearance of the plaque - it retains the material in good form and does not allow the blade to form.

How to quickly clean the cat tray, look in the video below.

Useful advice

To the tray remain clean, it is simply required to follow it regularly. This means that feces should be removed immediately, the toilet and the filler use quality, to carry out a tray in a timely manner (if it is easy to rinse with soap, then this will prevent the appearance of odors).

Washing a toilet after every trip of your favorite pet to the toilet is not always a good idea, because not everyone is sitting at home and can constantly do it. Then it is advisable to use the smell absorber for the toilet (freshener). Spray just spray in the filler.

Please note: the spray does not destroy the smell, like other fresheners, but only masks it. Fresheners and sprays are undesirable to use if there is a small kitten in the apartment. After each cleaning, you should not forget about washing hands with soap - this is part of the elementary rule of hygiene.

Everyone who started in his house of his beloved pet must be responsible to approach any questions relating to him. Many owners scold their pets, if they cope with unacceptable places. But before scolding a pet, make sure that comfortable conditions are observed for it. After all, the fluffy friend is not to blame if his owner did not take care of the tray. Proper cleaning guarantees what the cat will go to the toilet to the right place, and no one becomes dangerous bacteria.

What washing a feline tray so that there is no smell? How to wash the pan from the blade? What is better to clean the feline toilet? How to get rid of the plaque in the tray? 22593_12

What washing a feline tray so that there is no smell? How to wash the pan from the blade? What is better to clean the feline toilet? How to get rid of the plaque in the tray? 22593_13

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