How to teach a cat to a tray in a new place? Methods of childbearing a cat or kitten to a tray in a new house


The reasons for the teaching an adult animal or kitten to the tray can be the most diverse. Very often, during the repair of the owners, they decide that the tray on the old place is no longer there is no need. Moving to a new home or apartment can also deliver inconvenience to an adult animal that threatens to grow into a tangible problem. And about little kittens and not worth talking. The reasons for which the kid can stubbornly avoid tray can be a great set. The article will provide practical recommendations, and also considered the main reasons for the failure to go to the toilet in the right place.

How to teach a cat to a tray in a new place? Methods of childbearing a cat or kitten to a tray in a new house 22586_2

The process of teaching kids

If the baby was taken from the kennel, then, as a rule, there should be no problems with visiting the toilet. First, all breeders independently teach the kitten to the tray, and secondly, they give them to a new place of residence at age not under 3 months. Thanks to this, the cat has time to give him all the wisdom of living in the apartment, and, it means that there is practically no chance of getting a bunch in the apartment.

How to teach a cat to a tray in a new place? Methods of childbearing a cat or kitten to a tray in a new house 22586_3

Another thing, if the kitten appeared in the house is very small. Here are the following teaching schemes to the tray.

  1. Use special sprays for teaching in a complex with funds that will get rid of unwanted smells. The fact is that animals have a thinner scent, and even the "scene of the crime" with the hard disinfectants can still have a very long time to exhibit only a kitten aroma, thereby stretching the teachment to the toilet in time. The means to attract the tray are sprayed onto a piece of paper and are placed in the tray. Some manufacturers allow spraying directly to the filler. The smell should be updated daily. At the same time, carefully processed by the special safety site of the kitten's deficiency. On average, a few weeks can achieve persistent results.
  2. Put several trays around the apartment. Such tricks are very relevant for the kids of the Feline family. After the kitten becomes accustomed to "doing business" only in the right places, observe which of the trays to him most liked. From others gradually get rid of.

By the way, this method works not only on small, but also on adult street cats, which decided to domesticate.

As a rule, the listed methods allow you to very quickly teach the kitten to the tray, but even with them you should be patient and not to let the situation on Samotek. Feline's bad manners are very quickly turned into persistent habits, from which it is difficult to get rid of.

How to teach a cat to a tray in a new place? Methods of childbearing a cat or kitten to a tray in a new house 22586_4

How to teach a cat to a tray in a new place? Methods of childbearing a cat or kitten to a tray in a new house 22586_5

Moving an adult cat to a new place

The change in the place of residence of the host leads to the fact that there are serious changes in the moderate lifestyle of the life of the pet. And it may be that still upbred and not a squirrel cat or a cat turn into real robbers. It is worth noting that most adult animals willing enough to go to their former tray at any new place, however, if the situation goes to control, the listed methods should be applied.

  • The filler must remain the same. Each animal chooses the most suitable type of granules. Someone from cats prefers wood filler, someone silica gel or mineral. Therefore, when moving, it is not necessary to change the filler, the animals are very conservative in their preferences and may not evaluate the efforts of the owner.
  • If there is no opportunity to take with you the old tray or it's time to replace it, then you should grab a handful of the used filler with you and put in a new toilet. The animal will feel its smell and will definitely be able to cope in the designated place.
  • Some cats are uncomfortable to go to the toilet in the open space, viewed from all sides of the space. Therefore, if the tray stands in a large corridor, it can become a problem.

The solution is - transferring toilet to a more secluded place or buying a special tray-house.

They have large sizes and convenient for the animal. In addition, the filler does not leave the limits of such a pot, as if actively cat rummaged in it.

Usually, these recommendations allow an animal to experience moving without any problems, and the hosts are eliminated from additional headaches.

How to teach a cat to a tray in a new place? Methods of childbearing a cat or kitten to a tray in a new house 22586_6

How to teach a cat to a tray in a new place? Methods of childbearing a cat or kitten to a tray in a new house 22586_7

How to teach a cat to a tray in a new place? Methods of childbearing a cat or kitten to a tray in a new house 22586_8

General recommendations

In order for the teaching of the kitten or an adult animal to go without problems, follow the rules.

  • A filler should always be in the tray. Of course, without it, it is much more economical, however, the instinct of cats for instillation is not satisfied. Therefore, this item is the first and one of the most important. Some, even small kittens just enough to show that in the tray you can dig, and the baby will be happy to walk in the toilet.
  • In no case can not punish the animal for misses. Beat and screaming to a kitten has no applied meaning. So the process of teaching can delay indefinitely. At the time of the teachment, one of the home must be constantly at home and direct the baby, passing the flaws along the way with the help of the smell.
  • Animal must be great. If an adult cat or kitten torments something, then the problem with the pot is the first and serious bell to appeal to a specialist. If an adult animal is never a puffiness, and now refuses to go to the tray, and the need helps a bed or other soft places, this may indicate the inflammation of the intestine or the development of urolithiasis. Such an animal does not need to scold, it urgently needs to show the veterinarian. Little kittens, especially street, in almost 100% of cases there are parasites. Therefore, it is paramount to processing from them and a visit to the doctor, and then then teaching to the toilet.

How to teach a cat to a tray in a new place? Methods of childbearing a cat or kitten to a tray in a new house 22586_9

How to teach a cat to a tray in a new place? Methods of childbearing a cat or kitten to a tray in a new house 22586_10

Pupil and not a shit animal - a faithful friend with whom the owner lives side by side every day. The most important thing is to be attentive to your pet, as well as follow simple recommendations, and then there will be no problems with a teaching to the pot.

How to teach a cat to a tray in a new place? Methods of childbearing a cat or kitten to a tray in a new house 22586_11

The process of teaching a kitten to the tray look next.

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