Serengeti (36 photos): Description of cat breed. Features of cats. Conditions for the content of kittens


Serengeti is one of the numerous breeds of domestic cats. This species, despite the fact that is one of the newest, has already deserved the love of many. It is important to note that the Serengeti is a rare and expensive breed. So, the cost of one individual in the zoological market can reach 2 thousand dollars. Cat's greatest prevalence was reached on the territory of the United States of America, however, in the CIS countries, it is also possible to find individual breeders who are engaged in the breeding of this breed.

What caused such price and what features this breed of cats has? How to care for a cat? What behavioral models is the animal? Answers to these and some other questions you will find in our material.

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Serengeti (36 photos): Description of cat breed. Features of cats. Conditions for the content of kittens 22568_3

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Serengeti (36 photos): Description of cat breed. Features of cats. Conditions for the content of kittens 22568_5

History of origin

Serengeti breed cats have a rather unusual and interesting story of their occurrence. The animal was derived in the United States of America, and its creator is the American Karen Sauzman.

Initially, the idea of ​​Karen was the creation of such a cat, which would combine several previously combined characteristics in themselves, namely: the animal on external signs should have been on the servals (predatory mammal), but on behavior to completely repeat pets pets: to be calm, stopped and lacquer . Thanks to the search conducted in 1994, the first part of the cat Serengeti appeared.

The name of the breed came to use wildlife. In Savannah, Tanzania lives wild cats-servals who have the name of Serengeti. And since the servals became the basis of the ideas of Karen, then she took the name exactly.

The progenitors of the well-known home cat Serengeti became an eastern cat with short wool and spotted color, as well as a Bengal cat.

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Serengeti (36 photos): Description of cat breed. Features of cats. Conditions for the content of kittens 22568_9

However, it is important to note that Despite the fact that Serengeti is an officially recognized breed of cats, in exhibitions these animals do not have the right to participate. This is due to the fact that in order for the cat to be exhibited, no less than 50 official breed raisers should exist in the world. But in relation to Serengeti, this is not. To date, only 20 official nurseries have been recorded. . Due to this breed is considered rather rare and valuable It is of interest to livestock breeders, razoders and just lovers of unusual pets.

Due to the fact that cats are rather rare, especially attentive should be in the process of choosing and acquiring an animal. Otherwise, you can purchase a non-visible animal or get into fraudsters. In order to avoid unpleasant situations, make sure that the seller has all the necessary documents (licenses, certificates, and so on). And also carefully examine the appearance and explore the cat's behavioral habits - these signs must comply with the Serengeti standards adopted in relation to the breed.

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Serengeti (36 photos): Description of cat breed. Features of cats. Conditions for the content of kittens 22568_11


If you think about getting a cat like this breed at home, then first of all you need to familiarize yourself with all the distinguishing features of animals. And in order for the cat to be attributed to the Serengeti breed, it must comply with some standards. Consider these indicators in more detail.

The body in animal breed of the Serengeti has a rather large size, but at the same time is pretty slim and elegant. Musculature is well developed, and therefore, animals can reach 15 kilograms. The body is rather oblong and elongated. Paws in this breed of cats are also long and slender, they are endowed with great power.

Thanks to such an anatomical features, cats are pretty jumping - it is believed that they have the ability to jump pretty high (up to two meters). The cat's legs are also quite large and have the form of oval. The tail of the cat is not always uniform: it can be both short and long. One way or another, but it is always quite fat and gradually narrows by the end.

Moreover, the tip of the tail must necessarily be painted in dark shades (even in kittens).

If we talk about the structure of the head, then in its form it is pretty flat and wedge-like. As a general rule, the head narrows by the end of the nose and is endowed with rather pronounced features of the rounded form. The profile at the cat is straight, and the cheeks are not allocated. They differ in their sizes of the ears - they are quite large and sticking out, planted wide.

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Serengeti (36 photos): Description of cat breed. Features of cats. Conditions for the content of kittens 22568_13

Cat's eyes are also quite large. They possess a convex form and are a bit out of advance. Round eyes are placed pretty far from each other and arranged at an angle. Color can be varied: honey, nut, green, yellow and others.

Another important standard is a rather wide nose. An important detail is that his joche should be dark. The neck of the cat is rather long, and it expands towards the heads to the shoulders. In turn, the wool is rather short, but pleasant to the touch. The Serengeti breed does not have a root.

If the animal deviates from any of these signs, then there is a possibility that this particular is not a purebred representative of the breed. Especially relevant to have this in mind when buying. If the signs do not comply with the stated standards, the price of an animal should be significantly lower.

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Serengeti (36 photos): Description of cat breed. Features of cats. Conditions for the content of kittens 22568_15

Serengeti (36 photos): Description of cat breed. Features of cats. Conditions for the content of kittens 22568_16

Character features

Special attention deserves, character and typical behavioral models of the Serengeti breed. So, the owners of such pets note that cats are quite sociable, active and playful. Cats are good to contact with a person, they are friendly and friendly.

It is important to note that the Serengeti is animals that are committed to one owner. They can constantly follow him, meow and purr, attracting attention to themselves. However, such behavior may be rather tedious. So, if you have other duties (for example, work or household deeds), then such a demanding of cats of the Serengeti may seem more negative than a positive feature.

And it should also be borne in mind that by nature the Serengeti is fighting animals. Moreover, they are able to participate in the fights not only with their fellow cats, but even with dogs. An animal attack is accompanied by a characteristic combat tide. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account that If other animals live in your home, the cat Serengeti will become their leader. However, before it establishes its authority, the occurrence of fights and conflicts between animals may occur.

Despite such a temper, an animal with owners behaves quite differently. It is kind and gentle, requires constant caress and care.

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Serengeti (36 photos): Description of cat breed. Features of cats. Conditions for the content of kittens 22568_18

In addition, due to the large activity and vigorous animals require outdoor walks . That is why the perfect habitat of the cat will be a private house. If you live in the apartment, then consider the fact that the cat must be regularly walking. However, this should be done on a leash to avoid the fights and skirmishes with other animals.

Cat Serengeti will be a good friend even to the traveler, because animals easily transfer both the road itself and shifting the situation. Therefore, if you are going to leave for vacation - we boldly take a pet with you, otherwise it will be alone to raise at home.

Thus, the Serengeti is a practically universal animal that can be started in any household.

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Serengeti (36 photos): Description of cat breed. Features of cats. Conditions for the content of kittens 22568_20

Options Color

The animal breed of the Serengeti can be painted in a few shades. So, there is a list of basic and additional colors. The main colors include colors such as:

  • black with contrast stains (or tabby);
  • black with so-called ghostly stains;
  • Smoky and gray with the same "ghostly" spot.

The background shade of wool can perform such colors: brown, smoky or gray with brown or black spots. Moreover, it is important to consider that the spots themselves must have a round and oblong form, and they themselves should be placed horizontally. Valuable is the presence of dark specks in the inner corners of the animal's eye.

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Serengeti (36 photos): Description of cat breed. Features of cats. Conditions for the content of kittens 22568_24

Conditions of detention

Cats of the Serengeti breed do not need any special or specific leaving activities. That is why they may even contain those who are just starting their career career or those people who have never had a pet before. But some rules still exist, and it is not recommended to retreat from them.

The cat should have its own scene, toilet, as well as bowls with food and water. Moreover, access to water should not be limited. We wash regularly and clean the bowls, toilet and laying to avoid the appearance of microbes and malicious organisms that can cause a number of diseases.

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So, cats need permanent hygienic procedures. These include combing wool, which must be carried out at least than 1 time per week. Moreover, the combination procedure must be carried out using special rubber brushes, which are designed for cats with short hair. Such a device can be purchased in almost any zoological store.

In addition to combing, you need to bathe cats. It must be done no more than 1 time in 2 months. It is important to note that cats do not experience water phobias, so the bathing procedure passes quite easily. For cleansing, use only those tools that are manufactured specifically for cats. But also hygienic procedures include cleaning the ears and trimming claws. These manipulations are recommended to produce 1 time in 7 days.

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Serengeti (36 photos): Description of cat breed. Features of cats. Conditions for the content of kittens 22568_32

Special attention, in addition to hygiene, should be given to the diet of cat. It is important that in relation to food Serengeti is completely non-addict. However, despite this, the diet of the animal must be rich and full, include All the necessary vitamins and mineral complexes and exclude harmful food.

It is obvious that cats of Serengeti, like any other cats, can be fed by two types of food: dry food or natural products. If you decide to feed the animal with dry ready-made compositions, then choose only those feeds that belong to the Premium brands.

On the other hand, if you prefer natural natural products, you should remember a few simple rules. It is important that meat prevailed in an animal's diet, but it should not be too fat. Include also food products that are rich in fiber (for example, fruits and vegetables, legumes). The products that are under the ban are pork, milk and river fish.

In the offseason, animals can be given vitamin complexes (however, it should be advised in advance with a veterinarian). And also periodically for Serengeti cats, you can buy special delicacies and treats that you will find in zoological stores.

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Generally speaking, cats of the Serengeti breed have quite strong health, they are not prone to diseases. Nevertheless, 1 time in 6 months to visit the veterinary clinic is still necessary. During a visit to the doctor, it is necessary to make a scheduled preventive inspection for the manifestation of signs of any diseases, and also need planned vaccinations and regular processing from parasites.

In order to maintain your pet's health, follow the rules described above and the recommendations for its care. Cat Serengeti, who loves and about which they care, can live up to 20 years.

Important: Do not self-medicate and do not use folk recipes. If you have noticed that the animal is sick, then in the urgent mode, head to the veterinarian. Do not tighten with treatment - it is fraught with a variety of complications and even a fatal outcome.

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Thus, we have become familiar with the main features of the unusual breed of cats called Serengeti. Animals themselves are quite rare, and therefore expensive. In this regard, not every person can afford to make such an animal as a pet.

On the other hand, cats are unpretentious in care. They do not require any specialized nutrition, and they can live for quite a long time. In this regard, acquiring a similar cat, you are guaranteed to receive a friend for a long year.

Features of the Serengeti breed are given in the following video.

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