Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding


Cats of breed Elf appeared quite recently, but already won the love of a huge number of people. Features of the breed - the absence of wool and charmingly bent on the tips of the ears - give it to representatives a special attractiveness for many breeders and lovers. Description of the appearance of cats and kittens even sounds unusual, but in fact such a pet is quite comfortable in the content, and the rules of care and feeding for it are not harder for him than for an ordinary pet.

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_2

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_3

History of origin

With its conservation, the elves are obliged to two breeding enthusiasts from the United States. As a basis for creating a new breed of cats, Canadian sphinxes were taken. Thanks to them, animals received the body without coat, and elegant addition. But with his second remarkable feature - the bending out of the ears - kittens are obliged to American Curlam.

This bonding connection was not at all random. The thing is that one of the breeders proceeded to selection after the death of a pet from a complex hereditary disease.

Sphinxes are originally not too resistant to infections and genetic diseases transmitted from generation to generation. And Kurla, on the contrary, are famous for long-term. The result of many years of painstaking work was the emergence of a new breed in 2006. She was deprived of the traditional lack of underssed cats - weak health.

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_4

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_5

The elves are one of the youngest recognized breeds, it was recognized and brought to the number of experimental in 2007, and since then it is quite successfully bred not only in the United States. Having received the best features from their hedlemen - charming curved ears, like Kurlov, and the lack of wool - it attracts the attention of fellinologists and just animal lovers. But there are also their difficulties. Recognition of elves of the breed at the moment is obtained only from one of the organizations, TICA, whereas in the world there are much more.

The number of nurseries and breeders is also small, which makes the elves of one of the five most expensive on the planet.

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Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_7


The original appearance is exactly what her fans love this breed. Elves have a strong muscular body, with severe abdominal abdominal (in shape of an animal body close to pear). The chest department of the rounded shape, quite wide. The length of the tail relative to the body is quite large, its tip has a pointed shape. The weight of an adult animal is up to 8 kg for males, up to 6 kg for females.

The limbs of cats breed Elf rather elegant, but muscular, pillowing pads have a rounded shape. In comparison with the Sphinxes, it can be said that this breed has a more harmonious physique. The elbows of the front paws do not diverge to the sides, they are tightly pressed to the body, the legs themselves are longer than that of other miserable cats.

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_8

Elves are characterized by an elegant neck line, it has a significant length, expressive bending. For the head, a wedge-shape is typical, a fruit is sharpened to the chin. The breed is distinguished by a pronounced line of cheekbone, straight, clearly defined nose with a small drop.

Animal ears have a slope of 90-180 degrees, with a stable part of cartilage by a third of the length of the entire hearing body. Elfs differ in pointed, bent back with the tips of the ear shell. The ears themselves are large, have a wide base, in form - pyramidal.

For elves, green, blue, yellow eyes are characteristic. Their almond shape and expressiveness are especially attractive for owners. Eyeballs are slightly convexed, vibryssas and eyebrows are poorly pronounced or absent at all.

For cats of this breed, a phenomenon is characterized as a different eye color.

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_9

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_10

The skin of the animal is pretty thick, almost naked, with a graininess, like a suede. The surface of the body always remains warm. The folding characteristic of the elves is manifested the strongest on the muzzle, in the shoulders area. Short hairs outside the ear are allowed, on the nose (in the area of ​​brine), on the tail and paws, genitals. As a rule, the presence of wool is manifested in kittens obtained in the first generation, when the curtains and sphinxes are crosslined.

The skin of the skin at the elves is neuropy, usually light ash, beige, white or black.

Permissible presence of contrasting spots on any of the body sections.

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_11

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_12

Among the breed deficiencies described in the standard developed by breeders can be noted:

  • curvature and deformation of the tail;
  • overly narrow head, no depression on the nose;
  • too low folding in the head of the head;
  • Overly massive or asthenic physique;
  • Abundant amount of wool in the area above the ankles;
  • incorrect landing of the oars
  • Corrugated or rounded ear edge, excessive bending.

When identifying these drawbacks, animals are not allowed to breed.

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_13

Character features

Cats breed Elf - classic companion animals, with all their advantages and disadvantages. These pets are quite active, always affectionate with their owners, friendly. The elf is perfect for acquisition as a family pet - he will patient with children and will always be a company during domestic affairs. Cats love affection, go well in their arms and try not to leave the owners for a long time without their company. At night, the elf most often can be seen in the bed of the owner, where he will feel absolutely happy.

For breed, curiosity, playfulness, observation is characteristic. Kittens are quite actively focused, but with age, the behavior of the animal acquires greater degree. Adult cats love heights, try to arrange a layer as high as possible from the floor surface. Calm to the character of the elves have a tendency to demonstrative behavior in humans - with outsiders can be capricious or arrange various tricks, thus attracting the attention of the owners.

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Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_15

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_16

Cats of this breed do not create problems in the process of teaching an animal to order. Elves are neat and in food intake, and in the departure of natural needs. But if we show rudeness or cruelty against a pet, he will definitely find a way to pay for their resentments. When keeping together with other cats and dogs, breed representatives behave friendly, easy to come to contact.

The presence of a companion facilitates their life if the owner is not enough at home, and does not pay enough attention.

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_17

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_18

Conditions of detention

Choosing a kitten of the elf breed, or acquiring an adult animal, it is very important to provide him with decent conditions of detention. Warm house or sleeping place - a prerequisite for creating a comfortable setting of a new pet. If the basket is bought for sleep, it is worth choosing a model with high sides, it is recommended to install it away from drafts. The temperature at the indoors should also be comfortable - not lower than +20 degrees Celsius.

Real fans of heat (they inherited this feature from sphinxes) Elves stretch to the Sun and are prone to play routine. If the animal settled in a private house, you can arrange a "solarium" on a glazed veranda. In the urban apartment there will be a conventional window sill, deprived of flower pots and other dangerous items. You can arrange a special mattress litter here - and the place to receive solar baths for a pet will be ready for use.

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Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_20

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_21

Do not leave a thermal-loving pets unattended with an electrical fireplace or heater. In addition, in the hottest daytime windows, it is also better to prudently close with curtains or blinds to eliminate the appearance of sunny burns. If the animal spends a lot of time in the sun, it is quite soon to get a completely tangible tan on the skin, to go to which will be several months.

Heat the kid-elf or an adult cat can be additionally possible with special animal clothing. The breed is surprisingly easily adapted to carrying comfortable wardrobe items, and it feels completely at ease. As cats grow up, they boast a very impressive wardrobe for all occasions.

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_22

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_23

Solving the issues of walking is a rather painful moment for the owners and breeders of domestic animals. In the case of cats-elves about freedom of movement, it is not necessary to speak.

But the carriage of the pets is better to teach in advance, so he will feel calmer during trips in the car, and also be able to stroll through the grass in dry and warm weather.

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_24

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_25

Hygiene questions

Since the cats of the Elf breed do not have a woolly cover, their body needs regular performing hygienic procedures with which ordinary fluffy four-legged can easily cope with themselves. In particular, regularity is very important in leaving the skin. Every day it is necessary to wipe it with a wet matter, paying special attention to the areas with folds - dust accumulates, dead particles and scales of the epidermis. If you teach a cat to such a care from the youngest age, in the future it will be possible to avoid difficulties with care as pet matters.

The flow procedure of elves is subjected to about two times a month, when washing, the skin is embedded with a special means with a washcloth or sponge, and then rinsed with warm clean water. It is imperative to choose a shampoo that is suitable for representatives of bare breeds. As part of such funds contain substances that healing microcracks that eliminate skin irritation.

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Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_27

Another deposit is the cleaning of the ears. It allows you to control the health of the animal, to the timely eliminate all the problems that arise. Large ears cats breed Elf need special attention. Weekly they are carefully treated inside with a special cotton stick, lubricated with a vaseline or specialized lotion. Pet is better to expose the procedure with the support of the second person, as cats are not very fond of cleaning ears, and there is a risk to injure the animal if you try to handle alone.

Batt wands are better to choose children's or special for animals. It should not be used independently made harnesses and other homemade variants of cleansing sticks. They can get stuck inside the ear.

When identifying any signs of inflammation, contact the veterinarian. The reason for anxiety should become ulus, the appearance of unpleasant odor or discharge.

Black dots inside the ear also require the appeal to the doctor.

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Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_29

Caring for claws

Another unpleasant, but the procedure necessary for the pet is a haircut of claws. Surplus the burned layer is cut with bodies. The length of the tip of the tip should not exceed 2 mm, the blood vessels can be located above. When the blood searches, it should be carefully treated with antiseptic solution.

If the scratches have become a problem, you can use special devices - antihafts, which are silicone overlays that put on the claws and fixing with special glue. They do not give an animal to anticipate themselves or others, allow us to exclude damage to the interior of a cat that is not accustomed to the clawholder.

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_30

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_31

Hygiene eye

Elfs having convex eyeballs, eye hygiene should be at the highest level. They are twice a day, in the morning and evenings are processed using a cotton disk dipped in lotion. A warm tea brewing or chamomile flowers will be suitable. The normal color of the eye discharge is light. The appearance of brown traces or bleeding, purulent drops - reason to appeal to the vet.

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_32

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_33

Caring for teeth

Like each predator, the teeth among the representatives of the Feline family are one of the most important health indicators. They are regularly inspected and subjected to cleaning with the use of specialized means - veterinary paste, compact brush (the option for infants is suitable - from silicone). If the animal gets a little solid feed, a dented stone may form on enamel.

To prevent the development of gum inflammation, it is worth regularly carrying professional cleaning in the doctor's office.

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Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_35


Consider general feeding principles Elf.

  1. The frequency of feeding for kittens should be up to 5 times a day. Adult animals eat no more than 2-3 times a day.
  2. Portions should be small . The elves have a habit of greedy to absorb food, neglecting it with chewing, which further leads to problems with digestion. The owners must remember that the cat of this breed creates an additive, even if they are satisfied.
  3. Standard volume of portions per day when feeding with natural nutrition - 250 ml. And can also be calculated based on the weight of the animal - 40 g of food per 1 kg of body weight.
  4. When introducing new products in the diet, you should not hurry.

With the slightest manifestation of allergy, feeding stops.

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Finished feed

The simplest solution to ensure cats of the elf breed is a full-fledged diet - the transition to dry finished feeds, pies and jelly in the packets. Among suitable forgeless animals, options can be allocated:

  • Purina Pro Plan Delicate - diet Superfire based on turkey meat, rice, corn, natural oils;
  • Acana Grasslands for Cats - Food holistic based on duck meat, lamb liver, lamb, lentils;
  • Royal Canin Sphynx Adult - takes into account the needs of breeds of cats devoid of wool, but can cause allergies.

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_37

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_38

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_39

Natural feeding

By constiting a natural diet for a cat breed Elf, it is worth focusing on your favorite's own preferences and recommendations of veterinary doctors. As part of the feed should be at least 60% of protein components of animal origin. This includes low-fat meat - chicken, turkey, veal and beef, cottage cheese and kefir reduced fat. About 10% of nutrition make up fats and 30% - carbohydrates.

From vegetables in the diet should be zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, be sure to add cereals - from lentils to rice and oatmeal. Filling the fiber supply will help a special pot with cat grass. With it, the pet will get fresh vitamins.

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Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_41

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_42

Exclude from the diet of the cat breed elf follows all smoking, pickles, sweets and fatty foods. It is not recommended to give pork meat, legumes.

Value for elves balanced nutrition, it is possible to provide them with a full-fledged energy supply and prevent the development of hazardous obesity.


Potential cat owners of the elf breed often exhibit quite reasonable concern about the possible manifestation of genetic diseases characteristic of all breeding rocks. But at the moment there are no information about the presence of such problems. Moreover, it is safe to argue that with proper care, the elves can well live up to 15-18 years.

Representatives of the new breed have every chance to be long-lived.

Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_43

However, completely without health problems does not cost. Like representatives of other miserable rocks, elves have sensitive to the effects of various skin irritants. Dermatitis, rash, peeling - here is just a small part of what the owners of animals are facing. Consider the causes of skin problems that most often occur in cats of the elf breed.

  1. Hormonal imbalance. In animals, it manifests itself quite bright and can cause acne.
  2. Food allergy. If food is not suitable for a pet, he accidentally tried prohibited delicacy, it is possible to wait for the rash with a large share of probability. Often, allergies manifests itself on seafood.
  3. Bad hygiene. Cat leather needs regular cleansing. With an elevated body of fat or dryness, the hygiene will have to pay special attention.
  4. Long stay in the sun. Sunny burns for cats are a serious danger, can cause redness and peeling of the skin.
  5. Young cats, manufacturers cats Intensive periods of increasing hormonal backgrounds may be observed, which flows almost with the same symptoms as Pubertat in humans. Sweeping on the skin and an increased fat branch - a consequence of these problems.
  6. Incorrect feedback. At the elves, he leads to the fact that a brown bloom is formed on the surface of the skin. When it appears, it is worth consulted with a veterinary doctor about possible changes in nutrition.

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Cats elves (45 photos): Features of the breed, description of the appearance of cats and kittens. Rules of care and feeding 22548_45

        It should not be forgotten that the absence of a wool cover leads to increased susceptibility of cats to colds. Significant temperature differences, drafts, long-term stay in the cold elves are contraindicated.

        Additionally about cats of breed Elf - in the next video.

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