Ural Rex (30 photos): Description of the breed, the characteristics of cats, the differences of shorthair and long-haired cats


Nature without human intervention can surprise its capabilities regarding the appearance of some animals. Among the bright representatives of such a phenomenon, it is worth highlighting the breed of cats Ural Rex. Glory to spread around the world due to the unique animal wool, quite quickly gained popularity among breeders.

Ural Rex (30 photos): Description of the breed, the characteristics of cats, the differences of shorthair and long-haired cats 22547_2

Ural Rex (30 photos): Description of the breed, the characteristics of cats, the differences of shorthair and long-haired cats 22547_3


The Cat of the Breed of the Ural Rex is a very rare species of an animal that is emitting curly wool. In the formation and removal of such representatives of the Feline family, participation did not accept, so its origin is considered the natural process of mutation of the gene in animals. The Motherland of Ural Rex is considered to be Russia, the first mentions of such unusual cats are dating 40 years of last century.

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Today there are a number of parameters that the animal of this rare breed should correspond.

  • Purebred Rex - Cats and Cats of Medium Size. The physique of the animal must be slim and muscular. The head has a wedge-shaped with a wide forehead. Cheeks are widely supplied, the leak profile is bent. Chin and jaws are well developed.
  • Ears should not be large, planted in a vertical position with rounded tops. Eyes will have an impressive size, there is some kind of delay. The paint color is usually in the tone of animal wool.
  • The limbs of medium length, slim with oval legs. The tail is not highlighted by its sizes, the end should be rounded.
  • Permissible options for wool are long-haired and short-haired species, At the same time, the first option assumes the presence of medium in the length of the animal. She is soft, curls are arranged by waves throughout the body of the animal, including the tail. The presence of the mane is not a deviation from standards.

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Ural Rex (30 photos): Description of the breed, the characteristics of cats, the differences of shorthair and long-haired cats 22547_6

Kudri cats are formed approximately 3-4 months, however, the peak of its appearance curls will be purchased by 6 months. As a rule, cats will be smaller than male representatives. The weight of the first will be 4-5 kilograms, while cats can weigh 5-7 kilograms. Since the breed is considered an aboriginal, the animals are highlighted by their high immunity and the lack of a tendency to genetic diseases, the average life expectancy of such pets will be 14-15 years.

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Types of color

Animals can have a different wool color.

Mostly cats of the breed Ural Rex will be:

  • red;
  • cream;
  • blue;
  • black or blue tortie;
  • white;
  • golden;
  • black;
  • Silver.

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Ural Rex (30 photos): Description of the breed, the characteristics of cats, the differences of shorthair and long-haired cats 22547_9

Ural Rex (30 photos): Description of the breed, the characteristics of cats, the differences of shorthair and long-haired cats 22547_10

As for the pattern on wool, in this case the options are permissible:

  • Tabby;
  • van;
  • harlequin;
  • Bicolor.

According to the adopted standards, such colors are considered inconsistencies in the rock:

  • cinnamon;
  • Abyssinian taking;
  • chocolate;
  • The color of the Buman Cat.

Ural Rex (30 photos): Description of the breed, the characteristics of cats, the differences of shorthair and long-haired cats 22547_11

Ural Rex (30 photos): Description of the breed, the characteristics of cats, the differences of shorthair and long-haired cats 22547_12

The formation of the collapse of the coat in the kittens of the Ural Rex takes place in progress, so initially animals will be predominantly gray.

But after the first molting, the shade disappears. As for adults of blacks, it is gradually oxidized to achieve a two-year-old age, which entails its change on brown or gold.

Character features

Animals of this breed are located to a person, according to the reviews of the owners, have a good and fitful temper. Cats are happy to express their location to man caress, intuitively feel the mood of their breeder.

Pets are quite quickly adapted to new conditions. Finding into the house, they are strongly tied to the owners.

With the manifestation of respect and tenderness from a person, they answer him with a double reciprocity.

Ural Rex (30 photos): Description of the breed, the characteristics of cats, the differences of shorthair and long-haired cats 22547_13

Rex accompanies everywhere accompanied by its owner, it is very patiently to small children, not expressing their aggression towards them and other pets in the house. Animals have a playful and cheerful nature, however, in their desire to have nothing to do with people, if they are not located to the game at the moment.

Ural Rex (30 photos): Description of the breed, the characteristics of cats, the differences of shorthair and long-haired cats 22547_14

Ural Rex (30 photos): Description of the breed, the characteristics of cats, the differences of shorthair and long-haired cats 22547_15

Cats like to do not want to sleep with a man in his bed, also the pets are very often dormant in their hands, for the Ural Rex it is a complex moment is loneliness, so animals are not recommended to leave alone for a long time . Crispy pets are focused on their owner and the family, in which they live, also cats and cats with trepidation belong to their offspring. In the same extent, this instinct manifests itself from fathers and mothers.

Due to its calm nature, the Rex is perfectly in contact with even unfamiliar people, which makes it easy to add to new living conditions and masters.

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How to choose?

In addition to accounting for the external characteristics specified in the description of the breed, when buying Curly cat should be guided by the following criteria.

  • The animal belted should have a neat and well-groomed look. Pet should not have defects on wool, as well as highlights of the eyes and nose. Such moments may indicate health problems in the animal. Also it will be useful to conduct a visual inspection of wool to make sure the absence of parasites.
  • It is worth paying attention to the behavior of the kitten. An animal should be friendly configured, healthy cats are always active. Opposite states will talk about errors in the content of cats and possible diseases.
  • The selected cat must have all the signs of the breed. Also, it should not be purchased by such a rare breed in the natural markets without documents. Each pet must have a veterinary passport containing information about vaccination and pedigree.

Ural Rex (30 photos): Description of the breed, the characteristics of cats, the differences of shorthair and long-haired cats 22547_17

Ural Rex (30 photos): Description of the breed, the characteristics of cats, the differences of shorthair and long-haired cats 22547_18

The kittens of the Ural Rex in the younger age should be curly, however, some irregularities in curls are not deviation. Animals are very clearly expressed by the skull, and the eyes will be convex and widely planted. You should not buy very little kittens, since the mother must pass the immunity with his young milk. In addition, the kid whom he left too early from the mother may further have serious psychological problems, except for inclination to frequent diseases.

An animal should be with the mother for some time to learn the assassinas, communicating with other animals, the game, etc. As a rule, closer to two months Rex will be ready for independent life.

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The breed does not cause difficulties from breeders in terms of animal care at home. Pets love different shelters and houses, so the owner of the Ural Rex is recommended to purchase or make a cat cozy shelter. Animals prefer to climb inside, so in the house should be as comfortable as possible. At the same time, it is not necessary to make the observation platform for this breed.

Also, curly animals will be required for home to buy a bratechka, several small toys.

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Ural Rex (30 photos): Description of the breed, the characteristics of cats, the differences of shorthair and long-haired cats 22547_21


The breed is not distinguished by a tendency to obesity, however, the diet of the animal breeder is still recommended to keep under control. The Ural Reques will fit the feed of industrial manufacture, it is better to choose the products of the premium class. Also, cats and cats can be fed with natural food. In the second case, the diet should be maximally balanced so that the animal organism does not have a deficit in any minerals and vitamins. Rex should definitely give fish and meat, as well as milk, eggs, vegetables and cereals.

Ural Rex (30 photos): Description of the breed, the characteristics of cats, the differences of shorthair and long-haired cats 22547_22

Under the ban remains sharp, oily, salty and fried food from the total marital table. From meat products, pets should choose beef or chicken, as well as by-products. Meat can be offered cats in the cheese or boiled form. As for cereals and cereals, it is worth refrangiving from the introduction into the diet. From egg eggs, only yolks will be given.

Fish for the Ural Rex should be pre-boiled, the priority will be river seafood.

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Ural Rex (30 photos): Description of the breed, the characteristics of cats, the differences of shorthair and long-haired cats 22547_24

Ural Rex (30 photos): Description of the breed, the characteristics of cats, the differences of shorthair and long-haired cats 22547_25

The question of the frequency of feedings of the feline family of feline is rather acute, since it is important to form a certain meal schedule to establish digestion. Small kittens for up to 3 months can be fed up to 5 times a day. By reaching 6 months, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of food intakes up to 4 times. Closer to 9 months of cats, it is recommended to feed three times a day, an animal should be translated closer to the adult power mode. The diet of pregnant cats and weakened animals should be less rigid, however, it is not worth throwing pets. Access to clean water is a prerequisite for the content of the animal, especially when feeding ready-made feeds.

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Features of the wool of the aboriginal breed suggest a special care for it. This will preserve its individuality and an attractive appearance of the animal, regardless of its age. Special attention to a small pet should be given in the period of molting, when it will naturally get rid of gray hairs. Adult cats also need attention to their wool on the side of the breeder, since the wave of cats of cats will depend on high-quality and regular grinding, its smoothness and intensity.

In addition, combing beneficially affects the uniform of the coat color, especially during the period of molting.

Ural Rex (30 photos): Description of the breed, the characteristics of cats, the differences of shorthair and long-haired cats 22547_27

Experienced breeders recommend using a brushes to comb with natural bristles, as a rule, two procedures will be enough. Exhibition cats curly wool can additionally smooth with a natural suede.

As for molting, at this time at the Recks it is necessary to remove extra villi with the help of a trimmer, because they independently do not fall out.

In water procedures, the cats of this breed do not need, so they should be bathed in case of emergency. Breeders should be aware that water can adversely affect the sensitive skin of the pets, overhanging it. However, many representatives of this breed are not afraid of water, and willingly play and explore it. Only gentle specialized means for sensitive skin should be used for swimming Recks.

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Animals of this breed are not inclined to any disease. As the experience of breeding recks shows, the pets are sick extremely rarely. But regular visits to the veterinarian and the planned vaccination for animals are mandatory.

Despite his strong immunity, cats can suffer from parasites with the rest of the breeds, therefore, preventive measures and processing from flea, ticks and worms are needed by each individual.

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For the breeders of the Ural Rex, there are a number of rules related to the care, which should be adhered to:

  • Cats daily need to wipe the eyes with a wet cotton swab;
  • Cleaning of ear-sinks is allowed once a week;
  • Inspection and cleaning of the oral cavity is carried out every month;
  • Claws are recommended to trim as they grow, but not less than 2 times a month;
  • Combing the animal need twice a week.

Ural Rex (30 photos): Description of the breed, the characteristics of cats, the differences of shorthair and long-haired cats 22547_30

In general, animals show independence in terms of care, so with most mandatory events adult cats and cats are able to cope on their own. From the breeder, you need to control these processes, if necessary, help your pet.

You can learn more about this breed from the video below.

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