How many Persian cats live? How to extend the life expectancy of neutered cats and sterilized cats at home?


Persian cats are very interesting animals. Everyone knows about them, and everyone treats them in different ways: someone loves, and someone is not, but no one remains indifferent. They found his fame in Russia only at the beginning of the XXI century. And they received it thanks to their unusual appearance and excellent nature. From the owner of this breed of cats, you will never hear a bad word in their direction. A, on the contrary, only positive feedback about them.

They rarely when furniture can sweat. There will be no sounds if they want to swear their favorite delicacy. Exactly understand and feel their owner, and know when it is better not to touch him. Most people can take it for indifference to everything that is happening, but it is not. These cats have a very sensitive soul, and they are sharply feeling absolutely everything.

How many Persian cats live? How to extend the life expectancy of neutered cats and sterilized cats at home? 22488_2

How many Persian cats live? How to extend the life expectancy of neutered cats and sterilized cats at home? 22488_3

How many Persian cats live? How to extend the life expectancy of neutered cats and sterilized cats at home? 22488_4

Character features

These cats are very friendly. They love their owners, and constantly need a response manifestation of love.

Under any conditions, they will not show aggression, even for an unfriendly attitude in their direction.

About such cats with confidence can be said that they are home . And they need care and love.

Most people consider them not very smart, but this is a delusion. Persian cats are one of the smartest breeds. They always understand you, in addition, these animals are well trained. If you want, you can easily teach your pet to walk in your natural need directly to your restroom. Another one plus is that they get along well with other animals.

How many Persian cats live? How to extend the life expectancy of neutered cats and sterilized cats at home? 22488_5

How many live?

The average life expectancy of Persian cats is from 18 to 20 years. But there are also copies that live up to 25 years. Until such ages, the cat lives thanks to genetics and good care. And that your animal lives with you as long as possible, then behind him just need to carefully care.

Not only genetics, but also care, nutrition, physical exertion, proper hygiene, sterilization or castration, and vaccinations affect life expectancy.

Persians differ from other breeds because they have a long wool and a stubborn face . And if it is incorrect to care, the animal may get sick. And because of the special structure of the respiratory system, its body is badly resistive to various infections. And in front of them cats, you can say defenseless. To protect your pet from the dangerous disease for him, every year you need to make influenza vaccination.

If you have little time to keep track of a freshent, then you should not start this breed at all. Since the wool in the Persians is very thick, a large number of chatins appear on it quickly. And because of them, the animal deteriorates the state.

In addition, if you are not going to engage in breed breeding, the animal must be nestrating or sterilized.

If this is not done, serious health problems may arise, including oncological diseases.

By purchasing yourself Persian, it is worth taking the strongest. After all, if the kitten was born healthy, he has a greater chance for a prolonged life.

How many Persian cats live? How to extend the life expectancy of neutered cats and sterilized cats at home? 22488_6

How many Persian cats live? How to extend the life expectancy of neutered cats and sterilized cats at home? 22488_7

How to extend?

Extend the life of this animal helps the right care for them. But for this breed is much more difficult to care because of the structure and appearance of cats.

Care of wool

As the Persians have very long wool, then it must be constantly combed to make no chatins appear.

It is necessary to do it with a metal comb with rounded tooths.

Combine wool should be performed every day. And during molting it is done twice a day. Acquire cats to this process follows from an early age. Note is not recommended to be applied. This item uses experts to prepare an animal before the exhibition. And it only pass on the legs and face.

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How many Persian cats live? How to extend the life expectancy of neutered cats and sterilized cats at home? 22488_9


The Persian cat washing is the necessary process. At least once a month it must be carried out. During molting, wash it is more often so that they do not form chatins. At the same time, it is necessary to apply the shampoo for animals with long wool, which is purchased in specialized stores.

After you played your pet, it must be dried to the start of a soft towel, and then a hairdryer, at minimal speed.

It is impossible for the animal to dry naturally. Tent to swimming and hairdryer must be from early childhood.

How many Persian cats live? How to extend the life expectancy of neutered cats and sterilized cats at home? 22488_10

How many Persian cats live? How to extend the life expectancy of neutered cats and sterilized cats at home? 22488_11

Cleaning ears, eyes, nose

One of the most important hygienic procedures is to care for eyes, ears and nose. If you do not spend it, then your favorite will be sick. The ears are processed once a week with cotton disks, but to begin with, it is necessary to moisten with a solution for ears care.

Eye should be wiped with a soft cloth, which is also wetting with a special solution.

This manipulation is worth spending more often, 1 time in a couple of days, and even better - every day. Nose is processed once a week, calendula solution. In the case when strong allocations went, it is worth contacting the veterinary clinic, and act as a doctor's appointment. All necessary processing solutions can be purchased at the pet store.

How many Persian cats live? How to extend the life expectancy of neutered cats and sterilized cats at home? 22488_12


It is necessary to choose food suitable by age. If you sometimes feed your pet dry feed, then it should be seamless for kittens, sterilized and adult cats separately. It is strictly forbidden to feed them cheap feed.

If you are a natural diet for your favorite, It should consist of 40% meat, 20% of dairy products and eggs, 15% by-products, 15% fiber and 5% seafood. Such a diet is in priority for Persian cats.

How many Persian cats live? How to extend the life expectancy of neutered cats and sterilized cats at home? 22488_13

How many Persian cats live? How to extend the life expectancy of neutered cats and sterilized cats at home? 22488_14

Common diseases

This breed has certain diseases that are inheritance. And they can strongly shorten the life of your pet. These ailments include heart disease - this is the most common problem. Also, cats suffer from urethra problems, kidney polycystic disease.

Very often such diseases do not show themselves in the early stages, and the first signs appear too late, and they can cause death.

Therefore, in order not to miss the development of the disease at the initial stage, the veterinary doctor should be regularly visited.

How many Persian cats live? How to extend the life expectancy of neutered cats and sterilized cats at home? 22488_15

Interesting Facts

Finally, consider several incredible facts that will be interested in the owners of fluffy aristocrats.

  • It is Persian cats that put a record on the length of the wool. And the longest fur was 23 cm.
  • The most violent fan of this breed was French Cardinal. He very rarely appeared in society without his pet.
  • Many consider these cats very lazy and slow, but it is not. They are also excellent hunters, and without any problems can catch a small prey.
  • Persians almost never publish sounds, and attention to themselves they attract with their piercing glance.

This breed of cats lives for quite a long time. But if you do not provide them with proper care, care and love, the life expectancy can be reduced.

Such cats are very needed, and if you do not have so much time on their care, it is better not to start this breed of cats.

How many Persian cats live? How to extend the life expectancy of neutered cats and sterilized cats at home? 22488_16

How many Persian cats live? How to extend the life expectancy of neutered cats and sterilized cats at home? 22488_17

How many Persian cats live? How to extend the life expectancy of neutered cats and sterilized cats at home? 22488_18

Other interesting facts about Persian cats See below.

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