Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition


"Homemade Puma" - just as often refer to the Abyssinian cat, it is mobile, flexible and very elegant. Like all other powded animals, it is pretty picky in nutrition. With the competent organization of feeding a pet, these "predators" can live up to 20 years.

Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_2

Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_3

Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_4

Food needs

If you decide to become the owner of the Abyssinian cat, be sure to consult a veterinarian on the issues of feeding and drawing up a balanced diet. Be sure to follow the health of the cat, it is very important not to overflow these small pums. Despite the fact that this breed is quite miniature, in most cases for them uncharacterically gluttony. There is often a situation when an animal cannot stop near the filled bowl with food.

Abyssinians are truly royal cats, so it is very difficult for them to please in food and it is difficult to choose suitable food.

Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_5

Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_6

Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_7

The "Puma" food should be nutritious and balanced, enriched with useful vitamins and mineral elements. In addition to feed, the animal should be given a naturalka. In general, the cat's diet should include several components.

  • Dry feed is the basis of the Abyssinians. Nowadays, there are a wide selection of feeds from different manufacturers in stores, but it is better to give preference more expensive, since the power supply affects the health of a pet. Keep in mind that such food does not contain fluids, so the cat must have a bowl with water. The daily rate of the adult animal drink is 130-140 ml.
  • Wet food. It gives animals from time to time, it does not fit for everyday nutrition. It is used only as an addition to the dry diet.
  • Meat. For full feeding, the Abyssinian requires proteins, and meat is excellent source. For cats and cats, rabbit, veal, lamb and chicken meat, but it is not recommended to give a pork, because in this product it is often contained by helminths.
  • A fish. For the nutrition of the Abyssins, only sea fish is suitable, as well as it is possible to occasionally offer a nipper of shrimp and other seafood. Entering fish into the diet should be gradually starting with small portions. If such a nutrition will have to taste the cat, you can safely include it in the diet and in the future.
  • Dairy products. Home sour cream, low-fat cream, dry cottage cheese, milk, and yogurt should be present in the animal menu as a source of calcium. But to offer them is rarely and in small dosages, otherwise the risk of violation of the digestive system is great.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Abyssinians often cannot resist different juicy fruits and fresh vegetables. You can include them in a daily diet without fears only if your pet has no allergies on this product.

Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_8

Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_9

Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_10

    The following products are strictly forbidden to enter the Abyssinian Breed Cat menu:

    • sausages, sausages, ham and other sausages;
    • both meat and canned fish;
    • All types of smoked;
    • dishes flavored with spices and spices;
    • salted and pickled products;
    • Sweets, foods.

    Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_11

    Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_12

    Rating and selection of finished feeds

    When choosing feed, it is necessary to take into account such principled moments as:

    • Age of cats - Small kittens-Abyssins develop much slower than kittens of other breeds;
    • Appointments of veterinarian - Usually the doctor gives recommendations, taking into account the physical condition and the shape of the cat;
    • Features of parents of parents - It is necessary to know exactly what the mother and father of the young Abyssin man sick, whether they had allergies and hereditary pathologies;
    • Features of Chaul - Incorrect nutrition often leads to constipation or diarrhea of ​​a cat, in case of violations, it should immediately change the animal feeding mode.

    The cat itself cannot say about the quality and balance of food, but it will make it the condition of the fur, teeth and claws, as well as eyes and nose. If the pet is glad, it is quite moving and retains activity for most of the day, it means that the nutrition is rational and correct.

    Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_13

    Let us dwell on the best dry feeds for the cats of this breed.

      Orijen Tundra.

        This is the product of Canadian production, it includes dried meat and marine fish. The meat component is represented by venison, cabanatine, as well as meat and various sub-products of sheep and lambs. The fishing part includes Putassu, Sardin, cod, as well as the Arctic Holing. These products account for about 85% of the entire feed, the remaining 15% is fruits and vegetables: legumes, pumpkin, carrots, salad cabbage, beet trees and Pasternak.

        From fruit most often for the manufacture of feed use cranberries, apples and a pear. The source of the necessary cats ininulin is the root of chicory, and the excerpts from the liver of the cod enrich the product with fatty-soluble omega-3 and omega-6 acids.

          Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_14

          Acana Pacifica.

          This is another product from Canada, It consists of 75% of Heck meat, as well as sardines and wild perch, the remaining 25%It is peas, red and white beans, lentils, repa, as well as pumpkin, blueberries, cranberries, still rose, pear, green apples and carrots. The ratio of proteins and fats in the product corresponds to 37% and 20%, the feed is enriched with omega acids. All vegetables included in the product are distinguished by a reduced glycemic status, which is especially important for preventing overweight and diabetes development.

          The product does not contain any flavors, preservatives and other synthetic additives.

          Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_15

          Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_16


          This is a premium product of the Great Britain. The protein content is 31%, fat -18-19%. The product includes a meat component (meat and poultry flour, chicken fat), as well as fish (fish oil with fish flour). The feed is enriched with the pulp of beets, corn, rice, egg powder, as well as beer yeast. To normalize the intestinal microflora in the feed are introduced Prebiotic, as well as vitamins A, D3 and E. As a dietary supplement, the amino acid Taurine is used.

          Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_17

          Farmina Matisse Salmon.

          This is a balanced food of the Italian enterprise. It contains 32% proteins and 11% fat. In the feed is included Salmon or tuna meat, chicken, fish and bird fat, as well as oil, beets, dairy corn and beer yeast. Product is rich in vitamins group B, A, E and D3, does not contain any artificial additives.

          Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_18

          Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_19

          Guabi Natural

          This is Brazilian food with increased dosage of protein components (34%). Product made From meat chickens, chicken liver and sub-products, pork plasma, eggs, pee beet, sugar cane wriggles are also introduced into the composition, All this is divorced by vegetable oil and seasoned with yeast. Additionally add apple, rosemary and green tea extracts, and taurine.

          Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_20

          Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_21

          Natural power menu

          The diet of the Abyssinian cat must include a natural tape.

          • The need for proteins is covered by chicken, veal, turkey meat, white fish, chickens, ducks and quail, fermented milk products. The body of the Abyssinians covers the lack of carbohydrates due to cereal casses, and all vitamins and fiber get from ripe fruits, juicy vegetables and young greenery.
          • Animal beef is pre-carved for 2-3 days. Meat cut into small cubes, it is better to choose with streaks, then the cat will not only eat, but also to clean the teeth at the same time. Meat is included in the home pet menu daily.
          • Sub-products often contain helminths, so before serving "on the table" they boil them. The liver, heart and lungs are introduced in the menu of animal 2-3 times a week with small portions.
          • Fish must certainly be present in the feed of the animal. It serves as a source of necessary omega-acids, as well as calcium and phosphorus. Keep in mind that, with a frequency use of a "homemade poem", a biliary disease can develop, therefore, an animal is quite sufficient one fish day in 7-10 days.
          • Eggs are allowed in boiled form, mixing with vegetables and croups. As a rule, the weekly product consumption does not exceed 1 chicken or 2 quail eggs.
          • Acidolecoon. It is allowed to feed the kefir, spokeshes, cream and unsweetened yogurt up to 4 times a week. The product contributes to the development of digestive enzymes and improving the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.
          • Porridges for cats are prepared on meat broth, it is possible on water without adding sugar and seasonings. They are usually stirred with meat and fish. You can enable them in the menu daily.
          • Abyssinians with a big hunting use fruits, vegetables and greens. Products are crushed and added to meat or fish in a 1: 2 ratio.
          • To purify the intestines from the copied lumps of wool cats give germinated cereals. For glittering wool in food, beer yeast is introduced.

          Important! All cooked food must certainly be fresh and heated.

          Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_22

          Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_23

          Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_24

          What to feed a little kitten?

            The body of a young cat of the Abyssinian breed is developing much slower than the body of kittens of other varieties. Therefore, until six months, they are given exclusively specialized feed for small animals. In 1.5-2 months, the diet begins to enter the lore - it can be a dairy cereal, crushed meat either yolk chicken egg. Many breeders feed their wards with children's nutrition, for example, the "theme" or "awesome", minor portions are injected with loose cottage cheese and crushed cheese.

            In 3 months there is a replacement of teeth, at this moment the menu should certainly be prevailed to prevail lumpy, so vegetables and meat products need to be cut into larger pieces so that the animal is gradually accustomed to chew. Up to 4 months, kittens are fed 6 times a day, from 4 to 12 months - four times. Adult feed is allowed only after a year. It should be introduced gradually because the cats of this breed have a rather sensitive digestive system. Usually, the proportion of child food is lowered, and the adult gradually increases - about 1 month leaves for a complete replacement of the diet.

            Important! The kitten should always contain water, preferably filtered, spring or bottled.

            Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_25

            Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_26

            Features of the diet of pregnant and nursing cats

            Pregnant and nursing cats require a reverent attitude to feeding, At that time, their menu should be richly necessary vitamins, micro and macroelements, namely:

            • For proper formation of the skeleton of the fetus, the animal requires calcium and fluorine; If these elements are not enough in the stern, it begins to wash out the parent organism;
            • The shortage of vitamins and mineral elements entails a failure in the bookmark of the internal organs of the fetus;
            • The lack of amino acids often can provoke miscarriage;
            • The lack of Taurine causes fading of pregnancy;
            • The absence of fatty acids lead to the pathologies of the animal's nervous tube.

            Important! During this period, you should provide a cat with all the necessary nutrients in full. The daily need for nutrients should be higher than 1.5-2 times than in the usual state.

            Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_27

            Feeding sterilized pets

            Sterilization often leads to the pathologies of the genitourinary animal system, so their nutrition should be special. Castra feeds must necessarily contain low concentrations of magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, contraindicated them and fish - these feeds can lead to the appearance of kidney stones.

            For such animals it is better to use special feed. At least half of the diet should be a natural feed consisting of meat, offal, vegetables and cereals. It is very important to follow the mass of the body of your pet. Usually after castration, cats become less mobile, lose interest in cats and gain it in food, so animals should be fed with small portions.

            If the animal mass starts rapidly grow, dry food should be replaced by lower-calorie varieties of the product or completely go to the native one.

            Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_28

            Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_29

            Fighting obesity

            If your pet has started rapidly get better - it is necessary to start a fight against obesity as soon as possible, otherwise the risk of developing serious diseases and even the death of a pet is great. First of all, the calorie content of food is reduced, which can be done either by reducing the volume of portions or by changing the diet itself. In obesity from the menu, delicacy and delicacies are completely removed, unfortunately, it will have to completely abandon the dry food.

            However, this is not a reason to be upset - You can always choose the optimal low-calorie product from the specialized line of the usual manufacturer. It is best to cook food for your pet independently, for example, from liver, rice, sunflower oil, calcium carbonate and vitamin supplements. Rice is boiled, the liver is cut, connected with oil and grind to a paste-like state. The daily feed rate should not exceed 200 g, products are divided into 2-3 receptions.

            Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_30

            Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_31

            Nutrition Abyssinian cats: How can I feed a kitten and adult cat? What delicacies can be given? Features of natural nutrition 22484_32

            Look even more about the Abyssinian cat in the next video.

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