British Golden Cat (17 photos): Features of the Golden Color and Description of the breed, subtleties of care for adult cats and kittens


Golden British cats are pets favorite many. They deserve their popularity due to the unusual color of fluffy wool. It is important to note that the Golden British is a rare phenomenon rather than common. Therefore, if you want to become the owner of an unusual pet, then you should pay attention to such cats.


British cats whose wool is painted in various shades of gold, are considered the most rare, valuable and expensive. It is important to remember that the real Golden Briton will in no way have gray spots on its wool. If such inclusions are present, then immediately refuse to buy an animal. Such notes are considered a marriage and significant disadvantage.

It is also important to remember that the real Gold British eyes can be exclusively green. If you notice that the eyes of another color cat, then such an animal will also not be considered a pure golden British.

British Golden Cat (17 photos): Features of the Golden Color and Description of the breed, subtleties of care for adult cats and kittens 22471_2

The wool in this breed is quite long, not too dense and thick with the presence of a double undercoal. In addition, it is important to take into account that the brighter the gold shade is expressed in the color, the more purebred and the cat is the cat. And the shock must be painted in an apricot shade. If he is gray - then the animal is braked.

The eyes and nose of the cat should have an unusual, but pronounced dark eyeliner, and the pillows on the paws must necessarily be painted in the coal-black color.

British Golden Cat (17 photos): Features of the Golden Color and Description of the breed, subtleties of care for adult cats and kittens 22471_3

British Golden Cat (17 photos): Features of the Golden Color and Description of the breed, subtleties of care for adult cats and kittens 22471_4

A distinctive feature of such animals is also the fact that they are pretty well multiplied . This explains their high costs and rarity. In nature, such cats are also quite small. That is why it is very difficult to find 2 purebred individuals for crossing and the work of the offspring. In addition, the offspring of such Britons is quite slow and difficult.

British Golden Cat (17 photos): Features of the Golden Color and Description of the breed, subtleties of care for adult cats and kittens 22471_5

British Golden Cat (17 photos): Features of the Golden Color and Description of the breed, subtleties of care for adult cats and kittens 22471_6


Golden British is a special color of cats. However, it is not solid - there are several subgroups of golden cats:

  • fascinated;
  • veiled;
  • Tabby (which includes ticked, spotted, striped and marble).

It should also be noted that cats possessing veiled, faded and ticked color are also called chinchilla.

British Golden Cat (17 photos): Features of the Golden Color and Description of the breed, subtleties of care for adult cats and kittens 22471_7

Consider each of the species above.

  • Cooked Briton. Such a cat has a pretty original color. So, the lower part of hairs on the wool is painted in golden and apricot shades. A characteristic feature is also the presence of a so-called white collar. This group is quite common in the framework of the British Golden Color.

British Golden Cat (17 photos): Features of the Golden Color and Description of the breed, subtleties of care for adult cats and kittens 22471_8

  • Veiled. This subgroup of Golden British is called chinchilla. This name is due to the fact that the small part of the hair of the cat's fur has the so-called tax. This type of British is considered the most rare, and therefore is the most expensive.

British Golden Cat (17 photos): Features of the Golden Color and Description of the breed, subtleties of care for adult cats and kittens 22471_9

  • Tabby. This color group includes several variations: ticked, spotted (or leopard), striped and marble. The main feature is the inhomogeneity of the color, the presence of a pattern on wool.

British Golden Cat (17 photos): Features of the Golden Color and Description of the breed, subtleties of care for adult cats and kittens 22471_10

British Golden Cat (17 photos): Features of the Golden Color and Description of the breed, subtleties of care for adult cats and kittens 22471_11

Care rules

Care for the kitten must begin on the very first days of his appearance in the house. During this period, adaptation and addictive animal to new environmental conditions, to people.

British Golden Cat (17 photos): Features of the Golden Color and Description of the breed, subtleties of care for adult cats and kittens 22471_12

Therefore, special attention should be paid to the animal at this stage.

  • Do not constantly keep the kitten on your arms, try to catch it or stroke. Try to constantly be next to the animals and gently talk with it, do not show aggression or discontent.
  • Place the toilet, as well as plates with water and food as close as possible to each other (later they can be placed). Thus, you minimize the amount of cat movement, and it will be more quickly used to new conditions.
  • Close the doors, windows and cabinets.
  • Gently move around the apartment and sit on the sofas, chairs, etc. Pay attention where the kitten is currently located.

British Golden Cat (17 photos): Features of the Golden Color and Description of the breed, subtleties of care for adult cats and kittens 22471_13

British Golden Cat (17 photos): Features of the Golden Color and Description of the breed, subtleties of care for adult cats and kittens 22471_14

As for the diet, in the first days it needs to be fed just as the animal fed the previous owners. Gradually, other products can be introduced into the diet. So, the animal can be fed with special dry feeds or natural products.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that food for a cat should always be fresh and cooked separately . Do not let your pet residue and smoking from the business table. In addition, there is a list of prohibited products, the use of which is contraindicated and can cause the onset of negative consequences (from light ailments to death). These products include:

  • raw meat;
  • raw fish;
  • Milk (if your pet is older than 3 months).

British Golden Cat (17 photos): Features of the Golden Color and Description of the breed, subtleties of care for adult cats and kittens 22471_15

On the other hand, the cat's nutrition is desirable to include such products:

  • Boiled meat (except for pork - it is completely prohibited);
  • raw chicken eggs;
  • dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream);
  • boiled vegetables;
  • Porridge with vegetable oil;
  • Boiled fish (but not more often than 1 time per week).

British Golden Cat (17 photos): Features of the Golden Color and Description of the breed, subtleties of care for adult cats and kittens 22471_16

If you decide to feed the cat with dry foods, then choose only high-quality brands and take them only in proven stores.

It is also important to remember that you should create a mode and schedule of feeding. You should feed a cat at the same time daily.

Do not forget to regularly visit the veterinarian for preventive inspections. It should also be necessary not to forget about the need for vaccinations, systematic removal of worms from the body (family members should also supply tablets from helminths), processing from insects (for example, flea).

British Golden Cat (17 photos): Features of the Golden Color and Description of the breed, subtleties of care for adult cats and kittens 22471_17

In addition, in connection with such an unusual color of light tones, it is important to observe the cat's hygiene. It must be bathed and calculated. Swimming should be carried out in case of severe pollution and using specially intended hygienic agents. Cooling is a more regular procedure that needs to be carried out at least than 1 time per week. Use special calculations and brushes. Also do not forget about cutting claws.

Learn more about the Golden British cat and care for her, see the following video.

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