Lilk Scottish Fold Cat (15 photos): color features, breed characteristics, content


Cats are some of the most cute pets, there are also those who are one of their kind to smile you, and you have an insurmountable desire to search for them. Such cats belongs to the Scottish-Fold breed or otherwise - a Lilky Scottish Fold Cat.

Unusual color

Cats of this breed are very cute and beautiful, the lilac color gives them an exquisite aristocratic look. Even the nose and pillows of the paws they have a purple color - they exclude mixing and the appearance of some other color, except for its, in this case, purple. Another color is unacceptable not only on the animal wool, but also on the other parts of the body (tail, ears, paws). You can meet representatives of this breed, which on the undercoat the shade will be a little bit easily, but still there will be no special difference from the main color.

The kittens with age up to three weeks on the body there is a small stain, it can be seen and understand what color was the cat with which the cat crossed. However, over time, this stain disappears, and the color becomes smooth and monophonic. The eyes of the lilac Scottish Fold Cats can be gold or orange, there is also a copper eye color, it is permissible, and is considered a sign of the breed.

Lilk Scottish Fold Cat (15 photos): color features, breed characteristics, content 22437_2

Lilk Scottish Fold Cat (15 photos): color features, breed characteristics, content 22437_3

Characteristic of breed

These are amazing cats, two different temperaments can be combined in one animal. In childhood, these are energetic and playful kittens, in more mature - impoverished quiet and calm cats.

Standard breed

Color: All colors are recognized, including the colorpoint without white.

Head: rounded, wide, massive with a strong chin. The nose is short, wide, straight. Profile with transition, but without a deep foot. Cheeks are complete. Large round molding pads give a short face distinct outlines.

Wool: short, very thick, not adjacent. Due to the thick, the undercoat will be from the body like plush. Texture is dense to the touch.

Body: Cat from average to large size, muscular, squat. Breasts, shoulders and spins are wide, massive. Neck short, powerful. The limbs are low, muscular, the paws are thick, round. The tail of medium length, thick, with a rounded tip, without thickens and hardening, movable along the entire length.

Ears: small, bent forward, with slightly rounded tips, directed towards the middle of the muzzle. Posted widely, tightly pressed to the skull, emphasize the round shape of the head.

Eyes: big, round, widely placed. The eye color corresponds to the wool color.

Representatives of the Scottish Fold Cats The body of medium length, proportional and with soft bends, the paws are strong, their pads are wide, the tail is long and necessarily smooth. The head has a round shape, in cats thick brightly pronounced cheeks. The ears of the triangular shape and small, the tips are omitted, the eyes are big rounded, their color can be different depending on the colors of the wool. Basically, at the expense of the head and face, animals of this breed are easily recognizable.

Animals can reach up to 6 kilograms, an average of 30 centimeters. The average life expectancy is 15 years old, if they carry out the prevention of diseases and with a good pedigree, then the cat can also live up to 20 years.

Like any animals, they have their own pros and cons, but at the same time every cat or cat is individual. They can be attributed to their poor qualities: a balloon, a tendency to obesity, as they have no feeling of measure and satiety in food, besides, they are strongly leaning.

Good qualities in that Representatives of this breed smart and sociable animals. The distinctive features are independence and cleanness, even though they do not require much care.

And most importantly - in adulthood, these are lazy cats, they do not need active games with the owners.

Lilk Scottish Fold Cat (15 photos): color features, breed characteristics, content 22437_4

Lilk Scottish Fold Cat (15 photos): color features, breed characteristics, content 22437_5



(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)

Need care


(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)


Very friendly

(Rating 5 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)

* The characteristic of the Scottish Fold Breed is based on the assessment of the experts of the site and the reviews of the cat owners.

Content and care

By virtue of its lazy nature, these animals do not require special care, but as noted above, too lazy comes to them with age. Kittens, on the contrary, very moving and playful, so it is better to prepare the house in advance to their appearance.

  • Purchase tray for toilet and bowls for water and food. Determine where you will stand. It is very important from an early age to teach a kitten to its place to further avoid problems with an adult pet. Some breeders give with them a bit familiar to the filler kitten.

Lilk Scottish Fold Cat (15 photos): color features, breed characteristics, content 22437_6

Lilk Scottish Fold Cat (15 photos): color features, breed characteristics, content 22437_7

  • Prepare a place to rest animal and special brates . This will allow him to feel at home and get used to the setting, and thanks to the cogtetchochka, your upholstered furniture and walls will be untouched.

Lilk Scottish Fold Cat (15 photos): color features, breed characteristics, content 22437_8

Lilk Scottish Fold Cat (15 photos): color features, breed characteristics, content 22437_9

  • Purchase toys for a kitten, for him they are just necessary . Isolate it from all homemade household appliances and their wires, at best, it will bite the wire, in the worst case, a closure can occur and the animal will be lit.

Lilk Scottish Fold Cat (15 photos): color features, breed characteristics, content 22437_10

Lilk Scottish Fold Cat (15 photos): color features, breed characteristics, content 22437_11

Care for animal wool does not require special efforts, if you regularly monitor her. Combing cats just once a week, and in the period when the cat will lift - daily. The ears clean and claws are cut once every 2-3 weeks, bathe animal is enough once every six months.

Turn the veterinarian twice a year for preventive vaccinations and inspections.

One appearance and lifestyle say that these animals love to eat deliciously, but it is important to follow that they do not overeat. As feed, it is suitable as dry and wet finished feeds, the same and natural products. If you and your pet give preference to finished feeds, then they should be no lower premium and from proven manufacturers. And there is also specialized feed for this breed, where all the necessary components are selected in a special proportion.

Lilk Scottish Fold Cat (15 photos): color features, breed characteristics, content 22437_12

Lilk Scottish Fold Cat (15 photos): color features, breed characteristics, content 22437_13

When drawing up a diet from natural products, it is desirable to pre-consult with a veterinarian or experienced breeders. The meat should be low-fat species, and before feeding, boil it with boiling water, it is advisable to give a sea in boiled and purified from the bones. Equality products and eggs serve as a source of calcium to strengthen the teeth and claws of the animal, in the kittens menu, of course, you need to turn on milk. And be sure to include Vitamin and mineral supplements.

Sub-quality food can lead to food allergies or animal disease, and irregular care to affect its appearance.

Lilk Scottish Fold Cat (15 photos): color features, breed characteristics, content 22437_14

Lilk Scottish Fold Cat (15 photos): color features, breed characteristics, content 22437_15

About what is the features of the lilac Scottish Fold Cats, see the following video.

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