Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats?


Scottish cats are incredibly friendly, positive and cute creatures. They are perfectly soldered with people and become faithful friends.

Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_2

Standard breed

Color: the tail is long and medium length in proportion to the body (up to the middle of the blades), movable in all articulations. Long tail is preferable.

Head: round, with convex skull and forehead, round cheeks and fruit. The transition to a wide back of the nose slightly flashed without stop and councils. The top line of the profile is smooth, the back of the nose of moderate length. Commands round, cheeks full. Full cheeks are especially noticeable from cats. The chin is well decorated. Round, strong, but not protruding. The width and roundness of the face are emphasized by round and full pads under Vibrisa-Viskpard. The head goes down to the short neck.

Wool: dense, plush, thin texture, double, not adjacent, medium length, closes the body tightly. Wool texture depends on the color and season.

The body: medium size, moderate length with rounded circuits, one width from the shoulders to the cereal. Dense, muscular, medium bony, on a closed fastened limbs. Paws with firmly compressed fingers. Motion free and elastic in all joints. Cats are somewhat smaller cats.

Ears: small and medium size, narrowly open, relying with slightly pointed tips, but wide ones, wide and highly supplied. The tips are slightly divorced. The outer surfaces of the ears are well published. Inside dense and lush brushes.

Eyes: large round, separated by a wide nose, wide open with a cute expression. The eye color corresponds to the wool color.

Nose Middle: Nose Short with soft deflection. Light stop let's say. Profile of moderate lines.

Scottish-Stratets is one of the subspecies of the Scottish cat breed. They are sometimes compared with the British, this is due to the fact that representatives of the British and the Folds of Scottish were broken to remove the breed.

Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_3

Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_4

History of origin

The history of this breed begins with the Susi Scottish Cat. She was born with a genetic deviation, because of which her ears were pressed against the head. This defective gene transferred to some kittens from her litter. The history of the Scottish Fold breed began with them. But the kittens born with straight ears gave rise to the Scottish Straight breed. However, straight kittens did not interest breeders for a long time.

The impetus to the development of the rock of the spoilers of the Scots was given in 1975, when a study was published on how and with whom to knit Scottish Folds. The fact is that if you knit two folds of representatives, then the kittens were born weak and painful, but if you knit them with the right scots or the British, then the kittens appeared healthy. And to strengthen the genes of Scottish Stratets, they, in turn, knitted with representatives of the British breed.

Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_5

Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_6

The new stage in the development of the breed has come with the advent of the Fold and Straight Scots in America. There were work on the removal of stable parameters and the qualities of their representatives. Scottish straights were knitted there with an American cat medium-sized cat. Thus, there were two subspecies of the right scots.

I wonder what To register, as a separate breed, Scottish Stratets began only in 2004, before that they were attributed to the British breed. And although not all international associations and organizations were recognized as a separate breed. Scottish Stratets can participate in international exhibitions with SFS71 code.

On this, the development of the breed was not stopped. And now work is held on changing the parameters of its representatives, of course, in the established framework.

Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_7

Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_8

Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_9


Representatives of Scottish Stratets divide:

  • on long-grazing (highland straight, sometimes distinguished as a separate breed);
  • Short-horses.

Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_10

Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_11

    Representatives of each registered breed have their fixed parameters registered by WCF. Scottish Stratets, the following indicators are considered fixed.

    • Head of an elegant round shape. A slightly pointed ears are widely placed (kittens between them are placed 2-3 fingers of an adult, and in adults - 3-5 fingers).
    • The face has an oval shape and slightly flashed. Scottish-Stratets have large "hamster" brushes and long mustes. Eyes should be big. Right Scots has a small and slightly swallowed nose, and the American representatives it is wider and long (the result of crossing with the American cat). Most recently, representatives of the breed with a large long nose for the Scots are larger than the Scots. Because of the special structure of the muzzle, it seems that the Scottish always smile.
    • Head is planted for a short powerful neck . Due to the thickness of the wool, it seems that the neck is not, and the head is attached directly to the body.
    • The body is not very long, but strong and muscular . The front and rear parts are approximately the same in width and volume.
    • Paws are closer and very strong. Pillows are small. Fingers tightly pressed to each other.
    • Tail Long and flexible.
    • Scots wool is quite thick . Its length depends on the variety of breed. For long-hour representatives on the neck, a kind of "collar" is formed, and on the legs - "pants". To the touch cat is very soft. Some compare the softness of wool with a plush.

    Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_12

    Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_13

    Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_14

      The color of Scottish Straits is very diverse. This breed has more than 25 shades of wool color. We give the most common of them:

      • pure white;
      • White with black and red spectacles;
      • white with a golden tint;
      • ginger;
      • pure sand color;
      • sand color with darker strips;
      • Cooked color (light bleeds and tips);
      • cream;
      • smoky;
      • marble;
      • black color;
      • black smoke;
      • black with attacks of other colors;
      • pure gray;
      • Gray with darker stripes.

      Interestingly, the Scots instead of the usual grinding make sounds similar to the quiet creak.

      Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_15

      Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_16

      Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_17

      Character features

      Character is one of the important features of representatives of this breed. Cats are very affectionate, calm and absolutely not malicious. Even with the transport of them to a new place, they remain calm and obedient. They are not aggressive, which allows you to make them in homes with young children. Representatives of this breed are very sociable and sociable. There were cases when cats, from childhood living with people, adopted the human mode of life, habits and even intonation in a voice.

      Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_18



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      (Rating 2 out of 5)

      Need care


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      (Rating 3 out of 5)


      Very friendly

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      (Rating 4 out of 5)

      * The characteristic of the Scottish straight breed is based on the assessment of the experts of the site and the reviews of the cat owners.

      Scottish Stratets prefer to be friends for their owners. They do not endure excessive caress, do not like when they are squeezed or forcibly taken on their hands. N. Oh at the same time they love to climb themselves to the owners themselves. They are tied to a person and bored if it is not long.

      Scots do not require much attention to themselves. Although they love to play and spend time with the owners. They are easily leaving for training and learning. But you should not wait from them that are not characteristic of actions for cats. A lot of personal abilities of the animal mean a lot for training.

      Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_19

      Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_20

      Another remarkable feature of the characters of Scottish Stratets is that they are building friendly relations with all family members, but the main person will choose only one person for themselves.

      One of the features that are observed for Scottish Stratets is the importance. Persistence and excessive pranks they consider beneath their dignity. But it Straight - is very sensitive and responsive animals. If the cat feels that someone needed his help, he immediately appear. And if the owner is in a state of irritation, then try not to catch the eye.

      Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_21

      Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_22

      But do not think that these animals can not defend themselves. If they are properly educate or pester too much attention (and if a child decides to play with the cat's tail), then they will show the nature without problems. Do not forget that cats (even domestic) - all the same predators.

      As well as representatives of other breeds, pryamouhie Scots know how to hunt mice. However, if the little one has never hunted, and he did not teach the mother cat, then, most likely, he will carry to the mouse as a toy.

      Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_23

      Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_24

      The nature and behavior of the animal can affect several factors.

      • The presence and behavior of the children in the house. If the animal is constantly pestering, it will grow and pull is enough aggressive. Most likely, Kitten would be difficult to make contact.
      • The presence of other animals in the house . This is especially important if other than cats living in the house a dog or another cat. Scottish Straight prefer to build a good relationship with all the animals, but in the case of a dog or another cat that will depend also on their behavior. In addition, we add the competition for the attention of the owners.
      • The atmosphere in the house. Scottish Straight love peace and comfort. If the house is always a lot of guests or the owners do not want to maintain order, the animal will be uncomfortable.
      • Toys. Breeders say that those kittens who have had enough toys, grow more mobile and prone to overeating. This is important also because that the kitten learns through the game world and pumping their capabilities and skills.
      • Sterilization. Animals that have passed this procedure, become more calm and lazy.

      Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_25

      Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_26

      Advantages and disadvantages

        From the above we can draw the following conclusions are positive:

        • it is a very open, friendly establishment;
        • with them will always be interesting;
        • they are independent, but do not ignore the hosts;
        • More one quality can be identified that they are easy to perform at competitions and exhibitions.

        Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_27

        Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_28

        Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_29

          But even in such lovely creatures has its drawbacks. We will list the main ones.

          • Specificity and willfulness. If they do not like something, then you definitely learn about it.
          • Excessive sociability. Their actions they like to accompany a variety of "Moore" and "meow." Some people think that because they attract attention of the owner.
          • And yes, they love to be in the spotlight.
          • Some owners say excessive affection animal. Cats literally a step did not depart from them.
          • I do not like to communicate with strangers But do not show aggression.
          • Stubbornness. If Scottish-Strateta wanted something, he will get it.

          Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_30

          Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_31

          How many years do you live?

          Scottish strikers live about as much as other cats. The life of their life is 15 years, although there are often individuals who lived up to 20 or more. In the wild environment or on the street, life is reduced to 5-7 years. The duration of the life of homemade cats is due to the number of features of the breed.

          • Scots are prone to bone development issues. Because of this, cats in adulthood can begin to hurt the paws.
          • Problems with cartilage cloth. Also manifest with age. This is the consequence of the fact that one of the parents of the kitten has a genetic deviation associated with a cartilage cloth.
          • Scottish Stratets are prone to obesity. In this disease, the pet becomes less mobile, often experiencing problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
          • The weak point of the pet can be his ears. If you do not regularly clean, then excessive contamination will arise and even glans.
          • Since cats deduct their wool with the language, then excessive fluffy leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

          Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_32

            To extend the life of a pet, you need to follow several rules.

            • Power must be balanced. It is advisable to feed the pet at the same time.
            • It is necessary to conduct vaccination in a timely manner. Even if the animal does not come out of the house, he can pick up infesses from street clothing and owners shoes.
            • Periodic walks. They will help the pet support themselves in good shape.
            • Approximately 2-3 times a month need hygienic procedures. They include the cleaning of the ears and sweeping the string.
            • The kitten should have enough toys so that interest in moving games is not lost.

            Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_33

            Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_34

            Pet content conditions

              The owner's task includes concern for creating all the necessary conditions for pet content. This requires to take care of timely vaccination, proper nutrition, timely concern, proper care and preparation of the premises to the appearance of a pet.

              It is more difficult to care for a kitten than adult individual. This is due to the fact that the kitten requires more attention and more susceptible to diseases. In addition, the process of developing the body can be a source of poor animal well-being.

              Do not forget that a lot in the development of a pet depends on the owner. The main task of the owner should be to ensure the safe, calm and comfortable life of the pet.

              Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_35

              Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_36

              Immediately after the purchase of a pet, it needs to show the veterinarian. A professional will be able to tell about the individual characteristics of a small friend and will make a schedule for the adoption of the necessary drugs and vaccinations.

              To prevent the development of most dangerous diseases, you need to make vaccinations. Make them start at 8 weeks of age kittens. Given that the kittens mother cat and take only 8-10 weeks, vaccinations are within a few days after the acquisition of a pet.

              All vaccinations are divided into mandatory and recommended. The preferred are vaccinated against rabies (for cats, facing the street it is obligatory), and leukemia. Vaccination against leukemia is conducted twice: first at 8 weeks, and the second - at 12 weeks a kitten life. But rabies vaccination is not recommended kitten under 6 months. In subsequent years, it is recommended to vaccinate your pet once a year. Mandatory vaccinations are vaccinated from panleukopenia, feline calicivirus, chlamydia, rhinotracheitis. All vaccinations except for chlamydia conducted on 8 and 12 weeks. Vaccination against chlamydia are made on the 16th and 18th week of the life of the pet. In subsequent years, all vaccines are given once a year.

              Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_37

              Particular attention should be paid to hygiene. Adult cats and kittens are a little different.

              While the body is not sufficiently strengthened kitten, you need to pay more attention to clean the objects with which it is in contact. This applies mainly to outdoor clothing and footwear hosts. It is recommended not to allow the pet to the open door and wash the floors in the hallway with the addition of a disinfectant.

              Trays need to carefully handle the toilet. The filler need to be updated every time, be sure to completely scrubbing used, after which the tray should be rinsed with warm water. About once every 3-4 days kittens trays must be treated with a disinfectant solution. After cleaning, the tray need to be dried and then fill filler.

              If the kitten was born weak, we can give him immunostimulating or antiviral drugs. To choose the appropriate medication should consult a veterinarian.

              Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_38

              Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_39

              Another danger for cats get worms. They live in the body of almost every individual. If pryamouhie cat healthy and strong, then the parasite is not possible to develop, but when the body is weakened, the worms can get into the gastrointestinal tract, where they will develop. And even if the parasites can not cause serious harm to the body, they still will be the cause of ailments. The weakening of the pet's body can be triggered by stress, illness, estrus, pregnancy.

              A characteristic feature of the emergence and development of the worms is vomiting (of course, if the body is not rejected by the cat hair or other foreign matter) or cough (without the other indications on the cold).

              The inspection for the presence in the body of a pet with a parasite larvae is carried out every 6 months. If they were discovered, then the veterinarian is appointed a course of treatment - it usually is 21 days - after which the re-verification is carried out. Another necessary measure becomes disinfection of all items, with which the animal (toys, its bed, etc.) has contacted.

              In addition, there is ailment caused by the natural development of the body. For example, high temperature and total lethargy of a pet when changing some teeth.

              Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_40

              Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_41

              Some owners have the need to trim their nails to their pets. This can not be done before 6 months . And in the process of circumcision of claws, it is impossible to affect the pinkish part. Damage to the part of the clawing, in which there are capillaries, can cause poor nurse well-being. It is necessary to conduct this procedure with special laying, they can be purchased in specialized stores. Before the laying procedure, it is necessary to disinfect to accidentally do not affect the infection.

              Wool care is also very important . The fact is that the Scots have very thick hair, and often fade by a bleeder. To facilitate the pet, the process of licking his fur coat, the owners need to periodically deduct the wool with a special feline cash . This process can become a kind of pleasant communication with his pet.

              Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_42

              Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_43

              What to feed?

              There are several power options for Scottish Straits.

              • Ready food. To date, there are a large number of options for ready-made mixtures. Manufacturers make up a menu for domestic pets based on all the substances and vitamins necessary for them. However, it is worth noting that in addition, some manufacturers can add substances that are addictive. If the pet will eat such a meal for a long time, then with time nothing but it will not be there.
              • Domestic food. It consists in cooking for pets of individual dishes with their own hands. This is the optimal option for kittens. However, it requires a lot of free time.
              • Combined menu. It implies a mixture from purchased and home metering.

              Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_44

              Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_45

              The choice of the type of power depends on the three factors:

              • the time that the hosts can be prepared;
              • Pet health;
              • The beast is used to eat.

                We will discern more than each type of power is different.

                To create a natural menu, you will need to explore the literature on which vitamins are needed by a small friend. Usually in the natural menu include steady or raw vegetables, fish, eggs, fermented milk products, poultry meat, offal, cereals and cereals. Since cats are still predators, the basis of their nutrition should be meat and protein (it is necessary to strengthen the skeleton).

                Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_46

                Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_47

                Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_48

                Finished feed can be divided into dry and wet (stern bags). And in quality they share:

                • on the feed of premium class;
                • super premium class;
                • Economy.

                Since the Scots react very reacting to the composition of the food, the eco-cell feed is not suitable for them. They can be used at all, for diversity of nutrition.

                Scottish Stratets are recommended to feed feeds not lower than premium class. Their composition does not have harmful fillers. The feed of the super premium class is suitable for pets with the problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

                Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_49

                Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_50

                To maintain the body of the pet, it is necessary to supplement it with vitamin complexes. They are sold in veterinary clinics or pharmacies. There are vitamin complexes created specifically for the Scottish breed. In this matter, the difference between the fold and pryamouhie no representatives of the breed. In addition, you should grow a special cat grass on the windowsill. Seeds of this grass are sold in pet stores. This will allow the animal to always receive fresh vitamins. It is not worth feeding a pet grass grown on the street, since the stalks may be larvae parasites.

                Separate attention should be paid to drinking water. Pet must always have access to it. You can pour water into a bowl or a special drinking. Many pets prefer to drink water from the tap. Also, the representatives of the Scottish Stratet breed note the love of the cooled tea.

                Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_51

                Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_52


                Breeding kittens is a pleasant occupation that allows you to participate in strengthening this breed.

                Paulic ripening of the straight cat falls on the 7-9th month. Nevertheless, the first mating is recommended not earlier than a year and three to four months. By this time the cat is ready to become a mom. If you hurry with the first viscous, it can lead to psychological trauma of the cat, loss of offspring.

                The first mating is carried out during 2-3 flows. The number of camps per year can be different. Experts note that their thoroughbred cats are much smaller than the representatives of mixed breeds. Weching period of each individual is individual, but on average it is 4-6 days. Since there are also "early" cat, ready for motherhood before reaching one year, experts introduced the best indicator of readiness cats. This index is defined as achieving weight of 3 kg cat.

                It is interesting that some registration systems are not fixed as thoroughbred kittens born from a cat that has not reached one year.

                Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_53

                Determine the period of estrus in cats is quite simple. There are a number of features for which it is possible to recognize its readiness for motherhood.

                • Will yell. In this way, the cat will call the "Cavalera". Contrary to general opinion, it is not always manifested. In the first Cat may remain completely calm.
                • Change hagging. For example, it will start riding the floor, go to the floor and stroke the floor with rear legs.
                • May begin to mark the territory. This happens when it remained without a cat a few flows in a row. In this way, the cat will strive to identify its presence for potential "cavaliers".
                • During this period, the cat becomes relaxed. Even the most aggressive individuals during the estrus allow themselves to take themselves.

                Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_54

                Ignoring estrus can lead to serious consequences: in addition to spoiled things, it is fraught with diseases that can provoke stress.

                To obtain offspring with the parameters corresponding to the standard, it is necessary to adhere to the rules set by WFS (World Cat Federation).

                The mating of Scottish Stratets is carried out with Scottish Folders. A pet that belongs to the Scottish straight breed can be associated with the American version of this breed. Representatives of the British breed of mating are prohibited.

                Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_55

                To get a beautiful offspring you need to select individuals with similar color. For example, a good result will turn out of the mating of the sandy and turtle color. But experiments with individuals of completely different shades (for example, golden and silver) are usually poorly ends. Kittens are born with an inhomogeneous color or with two-color eyes. Since most buyers choose a pet for aesthetic considerations, such kittens will be difficult to implement.

                Before sending a lovedense to a mating, you need to ask the owners of Kavalera all the necessary analyzes, as well as certificates of vaccinations. Do not seek a cat with a cat if his "ladies" go "conveyor", since cats also have diseases transmitted by sexual way. Even if at the time of delivery of all analyzes the cat was healthy, he could catch something from one of his "ladies".

                After the binding happened, you need to change the nutrition of the favorite. It is necessary to add more dairy products, vitamins and meat.

                Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_56

                How much cat goes pregnant?

                Cat pregnancy is about 9 weeks (56-64 days). Determine the fact of pregnancy can only a qualified doctor after 3 weeks. However, the owner should pay attention to possible changes in behavior. The cat will be more lazy, it will become more common to visit the tray, it is possible to have a manifestation of toxicosis.

                Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_57

                  Separate attention should be paid to the place where the cat can give birth. It is possible to determine the approach of the birth of the kittens by the following features:

                  • The cat becomes restless, refuses to eat, licks a lot, often breathing and drinks a lot;
                  • For 2-3 days, the cat is arranged in the place she chose for childbirth, and no longer leaves him.

                    Usually the cat is able to cope on their own, but if you see that began bleeding or delivery is delayed, invite a veterinarian.

                    There is also a state of false pregnancy. As a rule, it is the result of hormonal failure. To determine for sure that a false pregnancy, you need to show her favorite veterinarian.

                    Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_58

                    Names for girls:

                    • by the status of the highest personages: Lady Marquise, Countess, Princess, Viscountess, Queen;
                    • the names of literary characters: Hermione, Ginevra, Lavender, Polumna, Joe, Minerva, Lucy, Susan, Telonio, Cassandra, Lily, Glozel, Asharta, Betty Gayle, Jadis the White Witch;
                    • the names of heroes of films: Elizabeth, Jane, Catherine, Elizabeth, Gertrude, Arya, Anna, Emma, ​​Macbeth, Kitnis, Louise, Josephine, Alice, Scarlet, Tess, Holi, Becky, Nancy, Shirley, Eliza, Mary, Lisabet, Lizeyl, Dorothy, Matilda, Judy, Clarissa;
                    • simply beautiful names for cats: Berta, Sayuri, Masai, Veriko, Rose, Kama, Neely, Terry Patchet, Amelie, Agip, Stephanie, Ronessa, Clio, Gaia, Ida, Shirley, Zara, Vesta, Lana, Nur, Fathi, Della, Samia, Adelaide, Astra, Vergina Beatrice, Vassa, Virginia, Shirley Charly;
                    • unusual nicknames for cats: Aquamarine, Pearl Aslan, Artemis, Daphne Ornela, Simon, Amelia, Veriko, jasmine; Aurora, Diana Audrey Mae, Farah, Greta, Laviya, Onetti, Rania, Levi, Harmony, Melody, Amazon, Icicle, Muse, Hebe, Giselle, August, Vasilisa, Isolde, Andromeda, Eurydice.

                    Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_59

                    Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_60

                      Men's names:

                      • an unusual name for a cat: Apis Ajib, Ajhi, Gliss, Xenon, Albus, Avalon, Khan, bersekov, Lazarus, Lubomir, Viking, Ambrose, Black, Brie, Buddy, Charlie Yudvig, Bacchus, Besarion, Robinson, Amour, dragon;
                      • names associated with the literature: Bruno, Sirius, Digory, Ouray, Roland Aslan, Leo Martel, Hermes, proud, Oracle, Helios, Ichthyander, Attila, Hades;
                      • just beautiful names: Archie, Marx, Amaris, Gogh, Ghosh, Cameron, Albert, Filch, Adam, the Sphinx, Augustine, Asterix, Pechorin;
                      • by the status of the highest personages: Marquis, Senior, Earl, Prince, the Emperor, Baron;
                      • funny nicknames: Adhesive tape, octane, Schubert, scrapper, Jedi, whirlpool, Waltz, Webster Erofei, Viking, Citrus, Baton, Neo, Dylan, Jing, a miser, Zhuzhik;
                      • cat names by their color: Snowball, Blonde, Young, Peach, Garfield, Little Red, Gold, Belize, Gray, Archie, Cloud, Arctic, Snowdrift, Winter, Rainbow, Smokey.

                      Great ideas will gather to select the name of the whole family.

                      Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_61

                      Ownership reviews

                      Most owners note that the representatives of this breed is very intelligent and easy to education. Scottish Straight stress, not aggressive, very fond of attention. Some owners say fastidious and complexity with legs and stomach in childhood.

                      At the same time, the Internet is full of opinions about the obnoxious character of the animal. It is noted that kittens like to drag wallpaper and furniture. Because of the selfish nature, the owners caress to other pets perceive very disapprovingly.

                      Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_62

                      Scottish Straight (63 photos): a description of the right cats of the Scottish breed, the characteristics of the character of kittens. How many pregnancy lasts in cats? 22429_63

                      All about this breed of cats are looking in the following video.

                      Read more