Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed?


Scottish shorthair cat is one of the most popular and favorite cat breeds in the world.

Description of breed

Scottish short-haired cats appeared recently: in the middle of the 20th century. The breed is a boroughblock of the breed. Scottish Fold.

Official breed name: Scottish Fold Shorthair Cat

Country of origin: Scotland

Weight: females 3.5-4.5 kg, males - up to 6 kg

Life expectancy: 12-15 years

Standard breed

Color: All colors are recognized, including the colorpoint without white.

Head: rounded, wide, massive with a strong chin. The nose is short, wide, straight. Profile with transition, but without a deep foot. Cheeks are complete. Large round molding pads give a short face distinct outlines.

Wool: short, very thick, not adjacent. Due to the thick, the undercoat will be from the body like plush. Texture is dense to the touch.

Body: Cat from average to large size, muscular, squat. Breasts, shoulders and spins are wide, massive. Neck short, powerful. The limbs are low, muscular, the paws are thick, round. The tail of medium length, thick, with a rounded tip, without thickens and hardening, movable along the entire length.

Ears: small, bent forward, with slightly rounded tips, directed towards the middle of the muzzle. Posted widely, tightly pressed to the skull, emphasize the round shape of the head.

Eyes: big, round, widely placed. The eye color corresponds to the wool color.

In one of the farms, Voshlohi Mom appeared on the light of a kitten with straight ears. Cat Suzy (so called the kitten) crossed with a pedigree with a straight cat. So born a new breed called Scottish Straight.

The official name of the breed: Scottish Strait (Scottish straight)

Country of origin: Scotland

Weight: females - up to 4.5 kg, males - up to 7 kg

Life expectancy: up to 15-20 years with proper care

Standard breed

Color: the tail is long and medium length in proportion to the body (up to the middle of the blades), movable in all articulations. Long tail is preferable.

Head: round, with convex skull and forehead, round cheeks and fruit. The transition to a wide back of the nose slightly flashed without stop and councils. The top line of the profile is smooth, the back of the nose of moderate length. Commands round, cheeks full. Full cheeks are especially noticeable from cats. The chin is well decorated. Round, strong, but not protruding. The width and roundness of the face are emphasized by round and full pads under Vibrisa-Viskpard. The head goes down to the short neck.

Wool: dense, plush, thin texture, double, not adjacent, medium length, closes the body tightly. Wool texture depends on the color and season.

The body: medium size, moderate length with rounded circuits, one width from the shoulders to the cereal. Dense, muscular, medium bony, on a closed fastened limbs. Paws with firmly compressed fingers. Motion free and elastic in all joints. Cats are somewhat smaller cats.

Ears: small and medium size, narrowly open, relying with slightly pointed tips, but wide ones, wide and highly supplied. The tips are slightly divorced. The outer surfaces of the ears are well published. Inside dense and lush brushes.

Eyes: large round, separated by a wide nose, wide open with a cute expression. The eye color corresponds to the wool color.

Nose Middle: Nose Short with soft deflection. Light stop let's say. Profile of moderate lines.

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_2

According to world standards, the true shorthair scotch looks like this:

  • the body of the animal is strong, cylindrical shape, but not so powerful, like British cats;
  • Laps are long, graceful;
  • The neck is strong, elongated;
  • The tail is quite long, without bends and races;
  • The head of the rounded form with a clearly defined chin;
  • ears of the right triangular shape, widely set;
  • Eyes round, large, green and yellow, are both blue;
  • cheeks rounded, outstanding, with chic mustache;
  • The wool is dense, with a thick undercoat, soft and pleasant to the touch.

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_3

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_4

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_5

Sizes of adult cat

Adult cats and cats differ significantly from each other in size. Smooth-haired cats have elegant and miniature dimensions, cats are large, powerful and headless.

The growth of the girl in the withers is usually from 28 to 30 cm, male - from 29 to 33 cm. Poland of rock occurs at 7-8 months. The average animal weight during this period ranges from 3.5 to 4 kg in a cat and from 4 to 5 kg at the cat.

Scots grow almost to 2.5 years. In 1 year, the cat can weigh from 4.5 to 7 kg, the cat is gaining up to 5.5 kg, and by two years, animals reach weight from 6 to 9 kg.

Sterilized and castrated animals are often gaining even greater weight, but it is a deviation from the norm.

These operations do not affect the size of the animal.

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_6

Variations of colors

Among the monophonic colors are found:

  • White;
  • black;
  • blue;
  • silver;
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • chocolate;
  • lavender;
  • cream;

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_7

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_8

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_9

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_10

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_11

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_12

Among bicolors and tricolors - colors, where several colors or shades are combined - stand out:

  • harlequin;
  • Color Point;
  • smoky;
  • van;
  • tortoiseshell;
  • chinchilla;
  • shaped;
  • ticked;
  • Tabby;
  • Particolor.

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_13

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_14

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_15

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_16

Animals with colors of Tabby are found different colors. They are also with stains, strips and spectacles of bizarre. Differ:

  • cream;
  • redhead;
  • blue;
  • silver;
  • Brown.

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_17

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_18

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_19

Cats of chinchilla color are silver and red. The following shades can be slapped:

  • silver;
  • Red;
  • golden.

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_20

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_21

White color dominates in the color of Harlequin and the Color Point. Cats with van color may have white spots at certain places. The rare colors is redhead.


The character of animals is good-natured. They do not enter conflicts, take other pets, can make friends with children.

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_22



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(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)

Need care


(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)


Very friendly

(Rating 5 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)

* The characteristic of the Scottish straight breed is based on the assessment of the experts of the site and the reviews of the cat owners.

These are proud aristocrats by nature, they do not like interference in their personal space. Without the desire of a pet, I cannot squeeze it on your hands, it is impossible to squeeze and stroke. Scottish Straight requires universal respect and wants to be considered with him. If the cat wants, she will come to the owner herself, it will be gentle and affectionate.

Cats are well in contact with all family members, but do not like other people's people. High intelligence does not allow them to scratch, hiss and lying on strangers. Everything that they can - is with an indifferent look to watch from afar.

If the Guest interested Scottish, he will certainly suit him. Representatives of this breed are extremely curious. If the doctor came to the owner, the animal will take part in his treatment. The cat will surely come to see how high quality makes the wisdom of the wisdom, will observe how the owner works at the computer or prepares in the kitchen. According to the stories of the owners, some inquisitive cats are glad to watch TV.

Scots are active and playful. If you wish, you can turn the game into training. Pet learn to fulfill uncomplicated teams and will do it quite willingly, getting a reward from the hands of the owner.

Unlike the British, the plaid is not malicious. Very tied to the family, bored in separation and joyfully meet the owners.

Animal temperament is laid by nature. There are active and movable cats, there are more phlegmatic, calm. The character and habits of the pets affect the situation in the home and family relationship. Terms of detention, as well as correct care contributes to the development of certain character traits.

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_23

How to choose?


By purchasing a baby, you need to pay attention to its appearance - even at an early age, the kitten has external signs of the breed. The fact that the true Scottish Strait is located in front of a person, the following signs will be prompted:

  • A shape of a kitten's face round;
  • Ears are straight, small and even, there are closure with cheekbones;
  • The body of the animal is rectangular, slightly elongated shape;
  • The tail is smooth, without fubs, is proportional to the body of the cat;
  • Short fur coat, plush.

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_24

Baby health is another important criterion for choosing due attention. Evidence that the animal is great are:

  • shiny and soft wool;
  • the absence of muddy or dark emissions from the eyes;
  • Clean ears, without unpleasant odor and crust;
  • pure anus, soft and painless belly;
  • Teeth without a flying, with the right bite;
  • wet pure nose.

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_25


If the kitten is active, playful, moving freely, does not lame, then we can assume that everything is in order with him. If the sleeping baby wake and offer him to play, the animal will surely be interested in the suggested toy.

Cat or cat?

If it was decided to choose a domestic pet, the animal floor does not matter. Boys and girls Scottish Stratet are equally fun, and they love their owners.

If a person wants to become a breeder of this breed, experienced owners advise to acquire a cat.

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_26


Kottenka Scottish Straight acquires aged 2.5-3 months. At this age, professional kittens breeders are socialized: the necessary vaccination has been accustomed to the toilet, the necessary vaccination. For the content of the cat in the house the owner must be purchased:

  • bracelet;
  • Lenhing with a removable case or house;
  • bowls for food and water;
  • toilet tray;
  • high-quality filler;
  • cunter;
  • shampoo;
  • special toothpaste;
  • massage brushes with bristles and rare metal teeth;
  • Various toys: balls, fishing rods and other items for cat fun.

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_27

Care of wool

The undercoat at Scottish Straits is thick and dense. Get rid of independently from the old cat is very difficult. The plaid is very clean animals - carefully losing themselves, they can swallow a large amount of wool. This leads to unpleasant consequences: clogging of the intestine of the animal.

Help cat Daily combing.

To make the favorite calmly transfer this procedure, you need to teach the kitten to her immediately as soon as he got into the house.

Bathing also helps to get rid of an unnecessary pile. Wash the Scots need 2 times a week with a soft shampoo. Cats are patiently on swimming.

Several useful tips:

  • Wash wool conveniently rubber glove strictly in the direction of growth from top to bottom;
  • It is worth avoiding drafts during a bathing of a pet;
  • Do not leave to dry the cat yourself;
  • You can get a plush fur coat with a raw towel, and then dry the hairdryer.

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_28

Caring for eyes

  • Animal's eyes are washed with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water, in the direction of the eye from an external corner of the eye to the bridge. Movement should be soft and gentle.
  • It is impossible to push and rub your eyes. Be sure to use different disks for each eye (especially if one is patient).
  • If the isolation from the eye is muddy or purulent, this means that an animal infection. It is necessary to apply for advice to the veterinarian.

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_29

For ears

  • Ears with an animal clean with cotton wand. The inner surface of the ear is processed. It is impossible to descend in the auditory passage.
  • Light movements remove dust particles and possible natural allocations. In healthy ears there should be no abundant sediment of the secret, sores and unpleasant odor.
  • After the procedure, we should wipe the ears with a weak solution of manganese or hydrogen peroxide and lubricate with children's cream to avoid the appearance of crusts.

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_30

For teeth and claws

The teeth care is extremely important, as it prevents the appearance of a tartar and the possibility of oral cavity infections. The teeth are wiping with a tampon moistened with a chamomile solution, and cleaned with toothpaste and brush for animals.

Once every two weeks it is necessary to cut claws with an animal. It is necessary to do it carefully so as not to injure live areas. Then should be disinfected by claws with a solution of manganese. In a timely manner, you need to give an animal medicine from worms and process it with a means of fleas and ticks.

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_31

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_32


The first lure kittens should be administered after 8 months. For this, breeders of cats use industrial feed. It saves time and allows you to make nutrition balanced.

Industrial feed

Professionals recommend choosing for pets of the feed of the premium super premium and holistic. They contain microelements and vitamins and vitamins for health care, strengthen immunity, contribute to the prevention of urolithiasis and joint disease.

Suitable for both rusties and festive pets.

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_33

Natural food

If a person fundamentally wants to feed the animal with an industrial feed, then it is worth considering that the pet food is balanced.

You can include the following products in the diet:

  • meat of low-fat varieties;
  • marine boiled fish;
  • low-calorie dairy products;
  • Quail eggs or chicken, better boiled;
  • Cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • Any vegetables except potatoes.

Do not forget to give pets a complex of vitamins. It is advisable to exclude the following products from the menu:

  • fat meat;
  • milk;
  • dishes from their table;
  • citrus;
  • River fish;
  • bones.

Shorthair Scottish Cat (34 photos): Description and Standards of Breed. What do you pay attention to when choosing a kitten? What sizes has an adult cat of this breed? 22412_34

For more information about cats Scottish-Stratet breed, see the next video.

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