How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior?


Of course, to determine the floor of the wavy parrot - the task is not from the lungs. However, this can play a significant role in the content of the bird. The males and females tend to behave completely differently that adult birds are very noticeable. In addition, the merchants of pet stores often do not know about the sexual belonging of these birds. Or deliberately give the female behind the male or vice versa. Even if this factor does not play a significant role for many, so as not to be deceived and know for sure, it is worth exploring this issue in more detail.

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_2


Determine the floor of the wavy parrot is important for several reasons. First of all, it affects the choice of a pet name, because birds most often remember their nickname and respond to it. Having learned through a couple of years that "Kesha" may be a girl, many can be very surprised or even upset.

In addition, the owner of the parrots may be decided on the breeding of chicks. In this case, you can also guess with a selection of a pair for a pet. After all, birds of the same sex can conflict with each other. Yes, and in the future, the task of this kind requires the owner of the skills to determine the gender affiliation of birds.

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_3

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_4

Based on the above words about the conflict of parrots, it is important to note that males can make friends perfectly and live in one cell without any problems. Unlike females, whose cohabitation in most cases leads to a complex conflict, up to the point that one of them can easily conquer, for many it can become a difficult loss.

For greater extent, the floor of the wavy parrot affects the ability to repeat the sounds. Most birds of this species are capable of mastering speech to one degree or another. However, the speed and complexity of learning a conversation in birds of different sex will vary - as a rule, males are much easier to teach the pronunciation of words. But at the same time, at least the female and require more attention and recoil in training, they master the conversation better than males, and can remember a little more words that can pronounce more clearly.

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_5

An important criterion for choosing a pet is its character. It can play a significant role in the adaptation of the parrot. So, females are more aggressive and buggy. Therefore, some of them may not get used to the hands and each time rushing around the cage at the sight of how its door will open. Unlike them, males are set up more positively, they are more willing to go on hand, moreover, they love to spend time near people.

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_6

In addition, depending on the time of year, the character of females can change greatly. Amendments, as a rule, cost bursts of hormones in spring or autumn. This can even make the most calm female hostile and aggressive.

This information is already enough to determine what sex the bird you would like to purchase. However, a parrot of any sex can deliver a bunch of positive emotions, the difference will be only in the approach to upbringing.

Consider how to determine the floor of the wavy parrot. There are several ways that are focused on some pronounced or not very features.

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_7


One of the main methods can be noted the determination of the floor of the parrot in the aweskov.

The wax is located above the beak of the bird, it is easy to find, as it is located nostrils parrot. The essence of this method is to determine the color of the wisch itself. Although it complicates that you first need to determine the age of the parrot, since over time the color of the flaw is changing.

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_8


To begin with, we highlight the features of the floor determination in chicks.

At an early age, distinguish the boy from the girl is about 4 weeks of age. If the flaw has a predominantly pink color or gives tones to a violet or purple, this suggests that you are male. As a rule, the boys the color of this formation is homogeneous. The presence of bluish ovals around the nostrils also belongs to the males.

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_9

Females have a flaw predominantly blue, or it has a light purple shade. This factor may confuse, but unlike males, the formation of females has inhomogeneous color. In addition, girls are characterized by white circles around the nostrils, which will not definitely be confused. The spacious pink shade can belong to both males and females - here all attention is given to edging around the nostrils. In addition, it is important not to pay attention to the color of the beak, it can confuse, but to understand the beak, like the floor of the bird, unfortunately, will not work.

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_10

This method helps to accurately recognize the sexuality of chicks. However, with a lack of due experience, it is difficult to understand colors and shades, here when you hike in the pet store, a great solution will take a handbook with photos and illustrations or pre-revise examples on the Internet.

In addition, depending on the time of time, the tint of the waucc can change. Therefore, it is worth considering the parrot several times and take some photos to visually see this effect.

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_11

Adult parrots

In chicks, the flaw has not yet been fully formed, this explains the change in color depending on the time of day. However, adult birds aged from 4-5 months there is no such problem, therefore, it becomes much easier to determine the floor of the parrot. Here the differences are pronounced pronounced, and it is quite difficult to confuse.

The females have a white edging around the nostrils, and the color of the waxer fluctuates between beige and brown. In addition, the flaw can be rough, it is also a distinctive feature of females. Besides, During hormonal activity, the females may appear around the nostrils, which will fall off over time. But the parrot may be albinos, however, the same principle of floor definition is working here.

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_12

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_13

Males of wavy parrots have a pronounced blue color of the wax. In this case, its surface is smooth and not subject to formation of growths.

Both females and males, the beak can change their color with age or when the hormonal background changes. It also has the opportunity to often meet Bird Albinos. At the same time, the principles of the definition of gender remain approximately the same or reduced to the presence of roughness. In addition, male albinos can notice bluish spots on the beak and education above it.

As mentioned above, the beak can be completely different colors. For example, green or yellow, it should not be confused, when choosing a parrot it is worth paying attention to only the flaw.

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_14

There is another method of determining the floor of the bird - the so-called genetic method. It is less simple for inexperienced people. This method is widespread among the poultry farms. And most often used for chicks of very small age.

It is possible due to a mutation inherent in some parrots. At birth, the chicks may have signs of characteristic mutations that are manifested in the color of the not yet worried parrots. You can select several of them:

  • cinnamine;

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_15

  • Albino;

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_16

  • Leisving;

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_17

  • denino;

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_18

  • opaline;

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_19

  • apse;

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_20

  • Texas Cleaner.

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_21

Based on the parents' parameters and mutation of a newborn bird, you can define the parrot floor and even what the offspring to expect from it. This method requires certain knowledge enshrined by considerable practice.

In addition to all this, the parrot floor can be determined by DNA test. This method is less accessible from all, but, accordingly, the most efficient. As a rule, the cost of such procedures is very high, so it is not particularly popular.

Useful recommendations

Young individuals are more willingly get used to the hands and learn to speak, as mentioned above, with the definition of sex chicks may be difficult. If, after purchasing a parrot, doubts remain in its sexuality, it is important to observe the bird and identify features in his behavior. This will depend on the approach to upbringing and taking.

How to determine the floor of the wavy parrot? 22 photos How to distinguish a female from male on external signs and behavior? 22364_22

And depending on the time of year, the males and females change the hormonal background in different ways, which can often be determined by changing the color of the beak. Accordingly, during this period, parrots may need various vitamins and minerals, which may vary depending on the floor.

Rumor walks that the parrot floor can be determined on the shape of the head. In some cases, the differences are quite noticeable, and it can work. It is believed that macsheel's macushk is flatter, and in females - rounded. But, as practice shows, this method is ineffective, and it is better not to pay attention to the shape of the head.

On how to determine the parrot floor, look next.

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