How to distinguish a female from male fish Cockerel? 6 photos What do girls and males look like? How to quickly determine the floor?


Beauty and bright color of these unusual fish always attracts the attention of real lovers and connoisseurs of aquarium fish. The fish of the cockerel will undoubtedly become an ornament of any aquarium. Seeing the representatives of this species, the question often arises how to distinguish the male from female. Tell about it right now.

How to distinguish a female from male fish Cockerel? 6 photos What do girls and males look like? How to quickly determine the floor? 22350_2

Differences in the structure

Unusual appearance, bright color and the wrestling nature of these aquarium fish attracts many. Perhaps these are the most popular aquarium fish that do not leave anyone indifferent. Many believe that only professionals can distinguish the female from the male. But in fact, even a novice aquarist can easily cope with this. The main thing is to know exactly what their differences and features are.

If you carefully look, then you can understand that the male looks a little different than the female . Fish fishes in their structure, size, behavior and not only. To begin with, it is worth paying attention to the structure of a pet. Pay attention to the length of the fins. The boys of the roosters they are much longer. Fish female Cockerel has shorter fins. In addition, the boys fingers are larger and partly resemble sails. In adults, about after 6 months, they become even larger, wavy and beautiful.

In the event that you have a short-cast look, then you need to pay attention to the anal fin. The boys of the cocks are more elongated, unlike females. In girls, he is more rounded shape and short.

How to distinguish a female from male fish Cockerel? 6 photos What do girls and males look like? How to quickly determine the floor? 22350_3

If we even talk about the features of the structure, it is worth noting that the adult female can be distinguished by the presence of egg-owned. As a rule, this body is near the anal hole of the female, but young copies are not yet developed. Egging becomes noticeable only in girls who have already been 3 months old.

How to find out in size sizes?

It is possible to distinguish that before you the male fish, the rooster can be in the size of his body. Male, as a rule, more "slender" and larger. In the area of ​​the tail, the body of boys is slightly narrowed, but in the head of the head, on the contrary, thickens. In addition, the body is more flexible, and it is immediately visible during the active movement of the fish in the aquarium.

The females also have a denser body, it can be said, a native. In addition, in the girls of the roosters it is distinguished by relief. If you carefully look at, then you can notice A small bend on the front of her abdomen.

How to distinguish a female from male fish Cockerel? 6 photos What do girls and males look like? How to quickly determine the floor? 22350_4

Definition of sex on behavioral features

The cockerel fish refers to active and even aggressive species of aquarium fish. Such a fish is considered to be fighting, and in the aquarium it is often possible to observe real battles. Usually the male beats his relatives, but sometimes it can attack on other species of fish that live with him in one aquarium.

But it is worth noting that And the female may exercise aggression during a certain period. During the spawning of females become the most aggressive. They take threatening postures, opening fins and hoping the gills. In addition, girls also may well arrange a real fight. That's why During the spawning period, it is very difficult to distinguish the female from the male only in nature.

How to distinguish a female from male fish Cockerel? 6 photos What do girls and males look like? How to quickly determine the floor? 22350_5

How to determine the color?

Undoubtedly, all representatives of this species are very beautiful and bright. But the girl, nevertheless, is different in its colors. The males have a brighter color. In the event that the male is contained in favorable and comfortable conditions, its color becomes even brighter and attractive. Against the background of such a male, females seem more faded.

The female can also have a very bright color. But this is not a natural condition for her. As a rule, they become brighter during the stress period. For example, if you move it to a new aquarium, in an unfamiliar Wednesday, then you can see how its color will change, it will become brighter. In such a period it will be very difficult to distinguish the girl from the boy.

During the spawning period, the appearance of female can change. For example, if a dark color girl, then in this period, vertical stripes appear on the body. This suggests that she is ready for mating. If the fish is a light shade, then during this period it does not change its color.

How to distinguish a female from male fish Cockerel? 6 photos What do girls and males look like? How to quickly determine the floor? 22350_6

On the peculiarities of the behavior of females Petushka look below.

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