Thelery content (12 photos): Care for simple, color and fluorescent aquarium fish at home, the required temperature


In nature, fishes of the Terenation inhabit in the reservoirs of Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina. The natural size of these interesting creatures is 6 cm, but in aquarium conditions they reach only 5 cm. Difference of the Terenation is the presence of a large anal fin, which can be compared with the skirt. As well as characteristic features of this fish, transverse stripes are considered closer to the head.

Thelery content (12 photos): Care for simple, color and fluorescent aquarium fish at home, the required temperature 22347_2

How to choose aquarium?

With competent care and compliance with all conditions of content in the aquarium, the Terenation lives no more than 4 years. The volume of the aquarium is selected at the rate of 10 liters per part. The 10-liter container is allowed to place 2 individuals, but the teres are taken by groups, since these are art fish. Therefore, it is better to grow in a tank of 35 liters in aquarium. The perfect option for fish fish is a glass house with a volume of 60 liters. In form, this should be a long, but shallow tank of about 50-60 cm high.

Yurk creatures have a feature jump out from the aquarium, so cover it with a lid.

Thelery content (12 photos): Care for simple, color and fluorescent aquarium fish at home, the required temperature 22347_3

Requirements for water

Prepare for the settling of new pets a stunned clean water. Optimal temperature limits for a comfortable life of the thorns - 22-28 °. The acidity of water is permissible within 6.5-8.5 pH, and the rigidity should be not more than 20 DGH. There should be no strong flow in the aquarium, a sufficiently moderate movement of water. Salts in water should not be contained.

Thelery content (12 photos): Care for simple, color and fluorescent aquarium fish at home, the required temperature 22347_4

Necessary scenery

It is believed that the grottoes and shelters for these fish are not required, so you can not spend money on a large number of different scenery. It is enough to put the cave, put a snag or pipe, throw a pair of large stones or do with one ceramic pot. For aesthetics, buy a light color ground, let it be a river sand of a major configuration or small pebbles. On a bright background, black fish will look pretty impressive.

Instead of abundance of grottoes, it is better to use live vegetation as a scenery. For example, a bright green ambulium will look in the background. Beautifully grow in the aquariums of the elephant tired, and this plant will serve as an additional water filter.

Pick such plants that love the abundance of light, as the thorns will need to provide good lighting. The beauty of the illuminated greenery will emphasize the interesting color of these fish.

Thelery content (12 photos): Care for simple, color and fluorescent aquarium fish at home, the required temperature 22347_5

What else is needed for content?

The prerequisite for the content of any aquarium inhabitants is to purchase a filter. For thorns, small power equipment will be suitable, which will not create a strong flow. And also do not forget to get a heater, which will support the temperature at the desired level in the event of a disconnection of heating in the apartment. Comfortable conditions for fish creates and the presence of a compressor that admits oxygen into water.

Do not forget about lighting devices. Most aquariums with lids are already equipped with plaflues or places for their installation. For example, a very beautiful effect will create a tubular LED lamp. With natural light, it is important not to overdo it, since the oversupply of the sun's rays can provoke an enhanced increase in aquarium plants.

Thelery content (12 photos): Care for simple, color and fluorescent aquarium fish at home, the required temperature 22347_6

How to care?

Before buying the thorns, you should know that there are several of their species. Thus, a vouchal type is popular, which is characterized by large wavy fins. Another common view is golden thorns. Its difference is the absence of strips and light golden color.

Special attention should be paid to gennometric fish, which differ in fluorescent colors. They are blue, greens, yellow, red, pink, orange, purple, blue. These are glowing individuals, the painting of which becomes even brighter under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

For fluorescent species, it is recommended to organize lighting with blue, since it is under such light that they look most aesthetically.

Thelery content (12 photos): Care for simple, color and fluorescent aquarium fish at home, the required temperature 22347_7

Also colored fish are painted through special injections, and although multi-colored species look in the aquarium very effectively, but have one significant minus - their life expectancy is significantly less than those of individuals with an ordinary natural color.

Teans are not distinguished by challenging, and even a novice aquarist will cope with their content.

  • A couple of times a week it is necessary to change water in the aquarium, or rather, to replace 1/4 of its volume. Do not abuse frequent complete replacement, as all useful bacteria that form a microclimate in the aquarium are already populated in the old water. These microorganisms die with a complete replacement of water, and the fish have to adapt to the changed conditions again. Pour into the aquarium only the clean water standing during the day.
  • Do not forget to clean the filter. The frequency of the procedure depends on its power and type. If it is an internal filter, then clean it once or two per week, the frequency of clearing the external unit is determined by its power. Sometimes it is enough to clean a couple of times a year.
  • Provide thorns of at least 10-hour day. Fluorescent lamps should not be high power, otherwise they will provoke thermal burns on the body of aquarium inhabitants.
  • Follow the growth of algae. If they are too rummaged (for example, it is typical of Eldely), then ride them, otherwise fish will be uncomfortable to swim in such a thick greenery. Rinse the plants, as the dirt particles accumulate on them, as well as organize the islands between them for the free swimming of the thorns.
  • Keep in mind that when reproduction of fish should be placed in spawning and immediately after throwing caviar to put back to the overall aquarium, otherwise all eggs will be eaten. The number of caviar for one spawning is about 1000 pieces.

Thelery content (12 photos): Care for simple, color and fluorescent aquarium fish at home, the required temperature 22347_8

How and what to feed?

In terms of diet, the TERNECTION is unpretentious, and the main rules of feeding include dosage compliance. The fact is that by this It is characteristic of overeating, which leads not only to the deterioration of the state, but even to the death of some individuals.

Another problem is that the thorns, unlike most other aquarium fish, because of the peculiarities of the oral cavity, they have fallen from the bottom, and eat it only on the surface or in the process of its settlement on the bottom.

Therefore, in order to avoid rapid pollution of the aquarium, it is important to feed the pets dosage.

Thelery content (12 photos): Care for simple, color and fluorescent aquarium fish at home, the required temperature 22347_9

It is recommended to feed the thorns. The menu may include special purchased feed, animals and vegetable components. If fed fish is monotonous, it will lead to a violation of metabolism, a decrease in survival and passive reproduction. Live feed can be offered both in kind and frozen.

In nature, these fish love to be touched by insects and their larvae, fallen on the surface of the water. It is recommended to enrich the diet and vitamin additives that strengthen the immune system of fish, ensure the development of a strong skeleton, enhance the brightness of the color.

Thelery content (12 photos): Care for simple, color and fluorescent aquarium fish at home, the required temperature 22347_10

Thelery content (12 photos): Care for simple, color and fluorescent aquarium fish at home, the required temperature 22347_11

Possible problems

Difficulties in the content of aquarium fish at home may occur if not to comply with the compatibility of different species. For example, good neighbors for terenias are considered broods or guros, and smaller species of the type of guppie or neon may become a victim of curious thorns. And it is also not recommended to grow thorns with cichlazomas and astronotuses that can injure little fish. Problems arise if the thorny is contained alone: ​​it becomes aggressive. These are art fish that feel comfortable only in the group.

To avoid health problems, each new individual is placed in a jacket for a 3-week quarantine. The fallen fish becomes passive or, on the contrary, aggressive, it often floats to the surface due to oxygen starvation, does not respond to the surrounding stimuli. There may be reduced water acidity or a large amount of ammonia in it.

To solve the problem, the aquarists advise to increase the temperature of the water to 30 ° and make salt baths.

Thelery content (12 photos): Care for simple, color and fluorescent aquarium fish at home, the required temperature 22347_12

    It is possible to infect pets and bacterial diseases. The presence of such says uneven coloration of the gills, the formation of mucus, the threaded feces, white marks on the fins. Sickfish must be rejected for 25 minutes in a 2% solution of cook salt and repeat the manipulation after 2-3 days. Then the "patient" is placed in a flow aquarium.

    Story about the form of fish in the next video.

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