Aquarium Piranhas (15 photos): Contents in aquarium, types of red and black paku, varieties of herbivores. What to feed fish?


Choosing a new pet for your aquarium, it is not necessary to buy boring familiar fish. You can choose something more original or dangerous. Piranhas have become quite popular thanks to various myths that hover around them. Many consider them bloodthirsty predators, but this is not a completely true judgment. Among the pirands there are those who feed on algae only. It is their usually buy owners of aquariums.

Aquarium Piranhas (15 photos): Contents in aquarium, types of red and black paku, varieties of herbivores. What to feed fish? 22332_2


In a natural medium, such fish grow up to 35 centimeters. Piranhas live in large water bodies, for example, in rivers, lakes, or in flooded Amazon forests. Locals call them "Devil Fish" due to the cruel nature of such creation. If there are a lot of piras, and they hunt the group, they can break their prey to pieces for days. However, it happens only if they feel the danger, a huge feeling of hunger appears, or they fall into the trap. In some countries, for example, in Israel there is a ban on trade or catch of this kind of fish.

Aquarium piranhas do not grow long over 25 centimeters. In artificially created conditions, they can live up to 15 years, and in some cases they can exist and a little longer. Although Piranhas are tuned too hostile towards other fish, they are also afraid. They are hiding in the most hidden places, and only taking into account the smell of food, they will rush to it with a lightning speed. Approximately 60% of pirates feed only vegetable food. As for their appearance, Piranhas are quite large in size. Their body is a bit flattened on the sides.

The jaw is a little convex, and the teeth are huge and sharp. The tail of the piras is quite powerful, the color prevails gray-silver, and the belly drops in red.

The character of aquarium pirals is rather aggressive, so they often fight. However, despite this, their wounds are very quickly delayed, and even a trace remains in their place. For their neighbors, they are very dangerous, besides this, if the owner when feeding is a little harms, then fish can even bite. But if they contain small groups of 3-4 individuals, then the piranhas will be a buggy. When the pack consists of more than 10 fish, they feel more confident.

In addition, among them the dominant individuals often appear, which are taught the best food.

Aquarium Piranhas (15 photos): Contents in aquarium, types of red and black paku, varieties of herbivores. What to feed fish? 22332_3


To date, there are about 100 pirana species, among which brown or black paku are considered the most popular.


Such piranha can grow to 65 centimeters and have weight up to 40 kilograms. Her body has a gray or brown color, it is a little flattened on the sides, and the eyes of the fish are huge. The teeth are a little resemble human. Piranna simply processes his sacrifice. Fat is 10% of the entire body mass of Piranha. The aquarium contains them most often alone or couples. By nature, brown piranhas are considered herbivores, so Prefer to eat by Plankton or insects.

Aquarium Piranhas (15 photos): Contents in aquarium, types of red and black paku, varieties of herbivores. What to feed fish? 22332_4


Piranhas of this species are herbivores. In the aquarium they can grow to 55-60 centimeters. In nature, this is a rather peaceful fish, which allows you to contain it with other creatures, even smaller in size. There are still a few names of this Piranha, for example, red-haired or redogging pack. The body is painted in silver color, and the bottom of the abdomen, as well as fins have a red shade. At the very edge of the tail there is a dark band.

Red Piranhas are omnivorous However, the main part of their diet are nuts. The volume of water in the aquarium should be at least 200 liters. Live such fish up to 25 years.

Aquarium Piranhas (15 photos): Contents in aquarium, types of red and black paku, varieties of herbivores. What to feed fish? 22332_5


By nature, these Piranhas are predators. Therefore, contain them best in a separate aquarium. After all, smaller fish they will simply eat, and in large - the fins can also be abundant, and all the science.

The length of their bodies in the aquarium can reach up to 14 centimeters, in shape it is reinted with both sides. The back has a green color, and the wings on the gills has a red spot, besides, they have a split tail.

The jaw from the flag pirates is rather massive, and in appearance they are quite dangerous.

Aquarium Piranhas (15 photos): Contents in aquarium, types of red and black paku, varieties of herbivores. What to feed fish? 22332_6


Such a name of Piranha received because of their long physique. Their size comes up to 35 centimeters. The color has silver, on the tail there is a black border, the sides are red. Pyranium character aggressive. When the fry grows up to two centimeters, they begin to beat each other, while wounds can be large. It is best to contain them separately.

Aquarium Piranhas (15 photos): Contents in aquarium, types of red and black paku, varieties of herbivores. What to feed fish? 22332_7


Piranha data received its name in honor of a scientist from Austria. The physique resembles their disk on its form and can grow up to 30 centimeters. Bright blue paint color, and fins and breasts - red. The tail is almost black, with a blue stripe that goes vertically.

When the young Piranv marks 7-8 months, she has a color - it acquires silver-gray. Boca becomes pink, and there are small golden glitter on them. The males are slightly smaller in size than females.

Aquarium Piranhas (15 photos): Contents in aquarium, types of red and black paku, varieties of herbivores. What to feed fish? 22332_8

Metinnis Lunny

All representatives of this species have a major physique and can grow up to 23 centimeters. Maturation occurs after 18 months. The body has a silver color. And fins on the gills are reddish. Such piranhas feed on vegetation. They are with great pleasure eating cabbage or salad.

Aquarium Piranhas (15 photos): Contents in aquarium, types of red and black paku, varieties of herbivores. What to feed fish? 22332_9

Silver Metinnis

The appearance of such pirals is attractive. They themselves are small, up to 10 centimeters in length. Body tab These piranhas have a shrouded with a gray-silver tinge, the tail is painted in pink-red. On the sides there are small points. Putting such fish mainly vegetable food. Can live up to 12 years.

Aquarium Piranhas (15 photos): Contents in aquarium, types of red and black paku, varieties of herbivores. What to feed fish? 22332_10

Ordinary Metinnis

Piranhas of this species possess a peaceful character and have an average size. They grow up to 14 centimeters. The second name, which is also popular - Fish-mirror. The physique of them is rounded and a little flattened. They have a silver-gray color, with a green overflow.

Since such creatures are considered artistic animals, it can contain small group in aquariums.

Aquarium Piranhas (15 photos): Contents in aquarium, types of red and black paku, varieties of herbivores. What to feed fish? 22332_11


You can contain fish data in special species tanks. Piranhai predatory can coexist with large catfish. Looky fish simply will be prey for them. But those who feed on vegetation can be kept with marine creatures similar to them in size, for example, it may be sharks of Barbus.

Growing conditions

For the content of such maritime residents in the aquarium, not only a lot of food, but also a large capacity, special equipment and proper care are required. For home content, one piranhe need aquarium, the volume of which will be at least 125 liters. If this is a group that consists of 3-4 individuals, the container must be at least 500 liters. To keep a large flock of pirands, aquarium will be required for several thousand liters.

Besides, It is necessary to monitor the water that is poured into the container. The temperature in it should be no less than +21 degrees Celsius. And also need to follow purity. One per week should be replaced half of the water or at least 10 percent.

In the natural environment of their habitat there is a lot of vegetation. Accordingly, at home in the aquarium can also be placed some greenery. It can be a fern, and moss, and other plants. From coriation or stones you can make shelter for them, where they will hide with great pleasure. However, it is not necessary to get involved in it, as there should be a place for swimming.

At the bottom of the day you can put large sand or crushed gravel. It will be necessary to install filters, as well as a compressor that will saturate with oxygen water. It is possible to maintain the desired temperature in the aquarium with the help of a heater, and in the summer - with ice.

Lighting in the container should be moderate, besides, approach not only Piranham, but also plants that are in the aquarium. Straight sun rays should not fall on the walls of the tank. It is best to arrange it 2 meters from the window.

Aquarium Piranhas (15 photos): Contents in aquarium, types of red and black paku, varieties of herbivores. What to feed fish? 22332_12

What and how to feed?

Feeding pirands - the task is responsible. Giving them food stands once a day. And the portion should be such that the fish eat it in just a few minutes. So they will not definitely move, and the water will remain clean, without food residue. The feed should be not too crushed, otherwise they will simply ignore it.

Piranhas can eat various foods. So, predators need to give fine fish, shrimp or squid, frogs or mice, as well as by-products. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that they are not hungry, otherwise they simply begin to eat each other. However, 1 time per week you can make a unloading day.

For those fish who feed on only vegetation, the following products can be added to the ration:

  • Fresh zucchini zucchini or pumpkin;
  • Salad leaves;
  • Fresh young nettle;
  • green cucumbers;
  • celery or spinach;
  • Various plants for aquarium.

In addition, it is possible to give them a moth, but its number should not exceed 20% of the entire day diet.

Aquarium Piranhas (15 photos): Contents in aquarium, types of red and black paku, varieties of herbivores. What to feed fish? 22332_13

Aquarium Piranhas (15 photos): Contents in aquarium, types of red and black paku, varieties of herbivores. What to feed fish? 22332_14


To breed such small monsters at home, you need to make a lot of effort. First of all, for fish during spawning, the volume of the aquarium should be no less than 250 liters. In addition, during this period it is especially important to ensure that the water is always clean. Food must contain a lot of protein.

Polyanity in pirands comes only when they are 18 months . However, it will be difficult to determine their sex. Behind the fry, they care pretty good. They pick up the appropriate place to masonry caviar, and after it is regretted. At once, the female can throw up to 1500 eggs. Incubation can last from two days to two weeks. During this period, the male may damage the female, which means it should be squeezed for a time in a separate container.

Small piranhas grow differently, so you need to sort them in size so that they do not paint each other. First you can feed the fry with special feeds and only a little later translate them to ordinary feed.

Contain pirands and at home, But for this it will be necessary to familiarize themselves with some rules for the care of them. Otherwise, they will simply die.

Aquarium Piranhas (15 photos): Contents in aquarium, types of red and black paku, varieties of herbivores. What to feed fish? 22332_15

How to properly contain aquarium pirands, see the following video.

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