Koi (15 photos): Fish content in aquarium. What to feed the Japanese aquarium brocade carp? Mirror fish and other varieties


The content of aquarium fish is a fascinating and popular activity that has found its admirers among people of any ages around the world. That is why today there are a large number of breeds and species of fish, which can be successfully breeded in aquariums. Among the existing manifold is particularly popular Karp Koi, notable for its appearance.

Koi (15 photos): Fish content in aquarium. What to feed the Japanese aquarium brocade carp? Mirror fish and other varieties 22277_2


Among the decorative fish grown in the aquarium, Koi carp takes particular demand among lovers and professional aquarists. Japanese breeders were engaged in bringing this breed, pursuing the goal of creating interesting individuals for content in artificial reservoirs. However, the results of their works are interested in aquarium players who specialize in the breeding of fish at home and the brocade carp began to be used in closed reservoirs. The difference of such a breed from the relatives is the size that differs in a smaller direction from individuals living in open water bodies.

Since the breed was removed by artificially, special requirements are presented to the appearance of Karpov Koi. Fish proportions are evaluated, as well as their color. In the wild, such a fish will not be able to meet. Color of representatives of the Karp family is allocated by the saturation of shades, most often in closed water bodies and tanks can be found individuals of red. In addition to red fish, blue, yellow and white carps are also popular.

The basic color of the scales is usually complemented by rather large stains, which are highlighted by the unevenness of their shapes and sizes. There are views on their bodies unique patterns concentrated on the sides and on the head.

Koi (15 photos): Fish content in aquarium. What to feed the Japanese aquarium brocade carp? Mirror fish and other varieties 22277_3

Koi (15 photos): Fish content in aquarium. What to feed the Japanese aquarium brocade carp? Mirror fish and other varieties 22277_4

The head of fish will be crowned with a blunt nose, koi has a small sexual dimorphism, therefore females from the total flock always stand out with a wider head and volumetric cheeks. Fish torso is compounded in such a way that the maximum thickening is concentrated in the area of ​​the spinal fin. Next, in the direction to the tail it will narrow. Such a feature of the structure allows the fish even with a small length look massive.

The smallest brush carps will have a body length of about 20 centimeters, large individuals can reach 1 meter long. . Finns in Karpov koi are highlighted by their large size and scope, thanks to which the individuals are moving without any problems even in the presence of a flow. Fish weight, as well as size, has a greater gradation, you can meet a pary carp in an aquarium with a lot of about 4 kilograms, as well as relatives whose mass will be close to 10 kilograms.

The average life expectancy of representatives of this family is 20-25 years However, in large artificial water bodies, the fish is capable of living much more.

According to most factors such fish, it is noted that they have fairly well developed intellectual abilities, therefore, they are able to distinguish the voice of the owner and his words. Some individuals accustomed to their owner even swim to the surface so that the person can stroke them.

Koi (15 photos): Fish content in aquarium. What to feed the Japanese aquarium brocade carp? Mirror fish and other varieties 22277_5


Today, many species of fish can be distinguished, which include this family, they are all divided into 14 groups, where there are about 8 dozen subspecies. The most popular individuals are considered carps from the Gosanke group, it includes such subspecies:

  • Tanta - carp, for which various color is permissible, but a feature will be a reddish stain located near the head;
  • Kohaku. - White fish having red and orange spots on the back;
  • Taiys Sansseku - a popular subspecies whose color should be white, as in the previous case, but the stains will be black and aluminum;
  • Asagi - Fish with scales with a back, approximate to the blue, on the sides, its color should be red-orange.

Koi (15 photos): Fish content in aquarium. What to feed the Japanese aquarium brocade carp? Mirror fish and other varieties 22277_6

Koi (15 photos): Fish content in aquarium. What to feed the Japanese aquarium brocade carp? Mirror fish and other varieties 22277_7

Koi (15 photos): Fish content in aquarium. What to feed the Japanese aquarium brocade carp? Mirror fish and other varieties 22277_8

Also no less attention is the Cravaro class, in which there are the following breeds:

  • Sumi Nagashi - individuals with black scales, on which bright kimea is present;
  • Hadzhiro - Carp in black, which at the ends of the fins will be white splashes;
  • ki Matsuba - Yellow fish with a characteristic dark grid on the back;
  • Goshika - Carps whose feature is a color that includes 5 different colors;
  • Midoro-goo - A rare variety of fish, derived by artificially, as a result of crossing two other species, is highlighted by green scales;
  • Sumybachigur - A person with an interesting color resembling the autumn composition of yellow-red foliage on a gray background.

Koi (15 photos): Fish content in aquarium. What to feed the Japanese aquarium brocade carp? Mirror fish and other varieties 22277_9

Koi (15 photos): Fish content in aquarium. What to feed the Japanese aquarium brocade carp? Mirror fish and other varieties 22277_10

Koi (15 photos): Fish content in aquarium. What to feed the Japanese aquarium brocade carp? Mirror fish and other varieties 22277_11

Containing rules

Decorative carps koi, as well as mirrored, are well developing in large aquariums and ponds, however, special requirements in this case are presented to the purity of water and its number. To create the maximum favorable conditions for the content of fish in glass tanks, it is worth knowing that 1 centimeter of the length of the water inhabitant will require at least 4-5 liters of fluid. For individual parties, the use of 500-liter aquariums is allowed. Also, the following nuances deserve separate attention.

  • Filtering and aeration of fluid. So that aquarium decorative carps felt good in closed containers, they should install the most powerful filters. It will be more correct to use several devices so that they cope with the purification of large water litters.
  • Aeration of aquarium. Another factor on which the life expectancy and health of Koi will depend on. Fishes require aqueous medium to a maximum saturated with oxygen. That is why, in addition to the filter in tanks with carpos, it is worth placing aerator.
  • Sterilization of water. Since such aquarium fish usually contains flocks, they will need a device for disinfecting water. Similarly, it will be possible to avoid the risk of distribution among individuals of various types of viral diseases.
  • Backlight . To maintain an attractive appearance of decorative fish at the proper level, it is recommended to use high-quality and bright lighting for tank. For domestic dilution, metal-halide lamps are commonly used. In addition, the aquariums with fish recommend placing near sources of natural lighting - windows, balconies, etc. At night, the lighting should be turned off.
  • Water quality. The optimal temperature indicators for the breed will be + 15-30 ° C, with stiffness of not more than 6, acidity at the level of 7 pH. In addition, a daily aquarist will need to replace the third liquid in the aquarium from all over the volume. When the temperature is reduced to +10 koi can be in hibernation.
  • Type of soil. The bottom in the aquarium should be covered with sand shallow fraction. For the breed, an active study of the bottom is characterized, so all available additional decorative components must be well fortified.
  • Nutrition. In aquariums, fish can offer various feed options. However, carps without problems can eat one selected view. To determine the optimal number of food required for fish, it is worth weighing it.

Koi (15 photos): Fish content in aquarium. What to feed the Japanese aquarium brocade carp? Mirror fish and other varieties 22277_12

Having calculated the volume of food, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that it will take no more than 4% of the feed on its own weight.

Daily diet can consist of 2-3 meals However, food should be administered at intervals and so that koi did not swallow it all and immediately. Feed residues are recommended to quickly remove from the aquarium.

It is important to monitor the regularity of feeding, as well as portions used. Errors relating to the abnormal diet of koi can destroy the whole flock of fish in just a few days.

Koi (15 photos): Fish content in aquarium. What to feed the Japanese aquarium brocade carp? Mirror fish and other varieties 22277_13

This is due to the features of the digestive system of fish. Therefore, such a breed for home breeding aquariumists, which has a minimum of free time, is not categorically suitable. As a living feed, the use of larvae, worms, moths are allowed. In the role of alternative to feed the carps of balanced food, can be considered Introduction to the diet of vegetables, boiled eggs, as well as fruits and shrimp.

Compatibility with other fish

Exotic individuals are allocated not only to an attractive color, but also a calm and peace-loving temper in relation to other inhabitants of the aquarium. Koi perfectly get along in one tank or reservoir with the rest of the representatives of the carp family, in addition, a pary carp Very often hardened together with catches and other small decorative fish.

but Peace-loving temper inherent in Koi carpams not always, during the spawning period, male can demonstrate pronounced aggression in relation to other inhabitants of the aquarium, Also, such behavior applies to women's individuals of this breed.

As for smaller fish, koi during this period may regard them as potential prey by arranging the hunt for water inhabitants.

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Since the fish of this breed refer to decorative representatives derived from natural selection, the breeding for the most part is engaged in specialized nurseries. The difficulties of this process are due to the fact that up to a certain age accuracy, the sexual belonging of fish is extremely difficult. However, in general, for koi, there is no need to create some specific conditions for spawning. As a rule, this process occurs in the spring months, sometimes stretched until summer. It is due to the rise of water temperature in water bodies. Male representatives are considered ready for reproduction when the length of their body will reach 23-24 centimeters.

In closed tanks to stimulate the process of masonry, caviar is recommended with the arrival of warm days slightly increase the daily rate of feeding of carps, making the focus during this period on the living version.

Some experienced breeders for spawning specially select the best individuals out of the whole flock, sitting down them for a time to a separate aquarium or a reservoir. Such a measure increases the chances of obtaining healthy offspring, but is not mandatory for the breed. Usually, after the spawning of males, they transplanted from females and caviar, because there is a chance that they will limit fry, as food. After the female will postpone the caviar, Flocks should hatch in 4-7 days, during this period it is worth paying special attention to the aerations of water so that the future generation is developed normally.

When the fry koi will hatch, they independently attach to the walls of the reservoir, lingering in such a state for 2-3 days. This period of time is needed to adapt to new conditions. As a rule, on the 4th day they will already be able to move independently and swim.

Koi (15 photos): Fish content in aquarium. What to feed the Japanese aquarium brocade carp? Mirror fish and other varieties 22277_15

The feeding of the younger generation is recommended only after the fry will begin to swim on their own. For these purposes it is worth using starting food for decorative aquarium fish.

For the breeding of Koi carp, see the following video.

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