Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are "Gupedi" lie at the bottom of the aquarium? What does Guppy look like? Why is the tail of the fish collapse?


Aquarium - complex science, however, guppy are so common aquarium fish that even those who have never dreamed of their own aquarium are heard about them. Unpretentious pets are often chosen by newbies for the start, and yet they should be familiar with them, before you settle them in your own reservoir.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are


Guppie is rightly considered the least whimsical aquarium fish, because it is perfectly getting on the aquarium in any layer. Different individuals are quite different from each other. The males are noticeably less than their girlfriends in size (1.5-4 cm long against 3-7 cm), but they look much brighter, since the female is usually gray.

Experts note that in the captivity of "Gu Fell" grow up to the sizes, which they cannot achieve in the wild.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Initially, these fish were inhabited in fresh and saltwatered reservoirs of Venezuelas and the adjacent Islands of the Caribbean Sea. Scientists have noticed that such livestock reduces the population of the malarious mosquito, since it feeds on its larvae, which grow precisely in water. This property was so valuable that The fish was acclimatized in all regions, where only the water temperature range in rivers and lakes allows.

In Russia, of course, inappropriate conditions, nevertheless, in the Moscow River and the surrounding area of ​​some Volga cities there are victorous populations of Guppies. Apparently, once the aquarists were released, now it is self-reproduced and lives, focusing on the place of discharge of heated wastewater.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

This species name received In honor of the British priest Robert John Lecter Guppie, combining dismissed activities with scientific. It was he who in 1886 came up to the royal society with a report and reported on the fish that I do not mold caviar like my relatives, And gives birth to living babies. Contrary to popular belief that at the end of the beginning of the century, science has already been sufficiently developed, the scientists of the men raised their guppy on laughter for such statements. Only a few later, the amazing fact of the existence of niphence fish was proved.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Contrary to the problem caused by the external diversity of such pets, the guppy is one species, and not a few. Varieties are called rocks, that is, in the wild, they are not found, but are the result of a targeted selection, conducted by a person to obtain special characteristics, which in most cases are a change in color. Professional breeders to bring a new breed, repel from a limited group of individuals with interesting features, and sometimes the basis for a new subspecies becomes at all the only one of its kind.

It should be noted that Distinctive features of the new breed are usually considered color (mainly for males, since the females are inevitable), Body shape and its size, as well as tone of fins. The prevailing part of the rocks is called color, but most often the name is not given by shadowing the body, but on the color of the tail. Such a criterion allows you to highlight white, gold, red, blue, silver and other guppies.

Alternative classification is focused in choosing titles on the shape of the tail fin. Here, the names also speak for themselves, Fan, volatile, lopathic, lyrocharged and other varieties of fish are distinguished.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Life expectancy

Most aquarists who have decided to add these beautiful little fish to their domestic water, are interested in the question of how long the life expectancy of this species is. There is no definite answer because Much depends on the features of the content. It is believed that The average "Guped" lives for about 2 years But if for the male "ceiling" is considered 3 years, then the female can even live four. It is noted that In the aquarium, the fish on average lives slightly longer than in nature.

This unpretentious living nature feels best At water temperature in the range of 22-25 ° C . At home, the temperature may be higher, especially if the "wise" newcomer decides that for tropical guppies such warming is useful, and in this it is very mistaken.

If the fish is unnecessary heating, the fish does not feel worse, but the metabolism is accelerated in its body, which means that the nurse will make faster than this could be expected.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Having learned about such a feature, many inexperienced aquarists fall into the opposite extremes, they begin to contain a favorite in the most cool water, knowing that 19 ° C for the "Gupes" is not a problem. If you do not lower the temperature below the one ever, then such an approach may still be appropriate. But it is important to know the measure, because the fish will not still be immortal, and you can catch a poor man with your excessive zeal.

The experience of aquarists with experience also suggests that alone fish "sad" and lives on average less than in the company to themselves like that.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Features of content

Guppy - Petomitian unpretentious, but this capital truth often comes to harm fish, as some owners believe that it can be kept almost in a bank. For the favorite you need to create certain conditions without which it will die immediately or just for a long time will not live and achieve the required condition will be easy.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Volume of aquarium

Starting with the acquisition of a suitable aquarium. Should know that This species is characterized by increased activity and its representatives love to "drive" around the territory. With all the modesty of the size of the body of Guppies In the capacity of 20 liters, you can keep no more than three individuals. If the container is large enough and there is enough space, then in 100 liters of water you can still settle for as many as 300 males or 100-150 females.

It should be borne in mind that the kids are prone to very rapid reproduction, and therefore at 2-3 females usually allocate only one male, even if the color of the aquarium decreases.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Water characteristics

Theoretically, Guppie feels normally in water with a temperature of 19-29 ° C degrees, But the optimal range is 22-25 ° C, as already mentioned. Do not allow sharp drops even within the stated norm, as this will adversely affect the health of the fins in males. The same applies to other key parameters to which Stiffness (optimally - 10-12 ° z) and pH (6.5-8.5).

Given the adverse reaction of pets on sharp changes, Specialists advise more often to carry out water substitutions so that the mass of the replaced fluid is less. You can replace no more than a third of the volume at a time, and it is necessary to do it weekly.

You can immediately not understand that the characteristics of the water have changed, but the fish simply will not be able to not feel it. To check the condition it is worth buying special tests sold in pet stores, and experienced owners are simply grown in an aquarium Indian fern. It is in water suitable for the guppy, it grows normally in the bottom area, but with a worsening of the main indicators of the root, and the plant rises to the surface or is completely dying. Nevertheless, The rule of refusal from sharp changes in water characteristics is valid anyway.

Even if the liquid is not suitable anywhere, it is unacceptable to change the whole volume.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

It is curious that "Gupedi" love salt. Experienced aquaries advise add tablespoon (no roller coaster) by 10 liters of water. When the water substitution, the amount of salt is calculated based on the added volume of the fluid, and not the entire aquarium.

These tropical fish do not like a strong current, because when choosing filters, you should give preference to scattering the output jet. Lighting the aqueous depths are preferably the light of moderate power, the duration can reach 12 hours a day.

Aeration causes certain disputes. On the one hand, Guppie themes and are good that they sometimes survive even without it, on the other, why make pets to suffer. In any case, absolutely without oxygen, these fish can not live, And if your aquarium is equipped with a dense lid, overlapping the natural contact of the surface of water with an atmosphere, then the presence of a aerator or filter with oxygen saturation function is mandatory.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Compatibility with other fish

Experienced aquarists prefer to contain a whole underwater world with biological diversity. "Gupedi" in this plan is very good because They are non-conflict and ready to share life space with other fish. But their peace-loving is badly combined with the aggression of predatory species, which, if the dimensions allow, with pleasure they will enjoy their smaller brethren.

With this in mind, it is necessary to select the inhabitants of the aquarium so that the Guppies do not come across predators, and if possible, and with larger peaceful fishes.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are


In terms of nutrition, these pets belong to the category of gourmets. They feel better if different types of feed are used. Dry mixes should be alternating with live food, such as a daphneus or a moth.

Experts pay special attention that the breed generated in most cases has reduced adaptation abilities, because they should be careed especially diligently, not allowing any deviations from ideal conditions of content.

An extremes can be considered albinism and overly dark pigmentation, it is precisely such "hoops" will die first.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Differences between male and female

To be able to distinguish the male from female is a key skill for aquarist who decided to breed Guppies. It takes at least in order to correctly calculate the volume of water to the population, and for the information of the pair it is also a useful skill. Usually, Differences are observed among representatives of different floors already starting from weekly age . It is clear that with small sizes of fry and even in motion it is not so easy to understand who is who, but you can study them through the magnifying glass.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Body shape

The female shelters not just caviar, and full-fledged living fry, because Even during the absence of pregnancy, it has a well-pronounced abdomen, which in the "interesting situation" increases even more and makes a fish similar to a small barrel.

The male is on average shorter than its girlfriend and is distinguished by demonstration.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Torch size

If you are confident that our population presents the individuals of a purely one rock, you can navigate and you need to the dimensions. The male has the simplest tasks: to convey the genetic material to female and quickly float from enemies. That's why He is the whisky and small, the average is considered the length of 3 cm.

Female representatives must enter the kids, for this in their body there is a certain place, and the length of the female is able to achieve a well-visible 6 cm. If all pets really belong to one breed, the line can not be used, the "Gupieces" can be less than the stated size, but the difference in the dimensions of the singular individuals will be apparent

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are


In the wild, the male must conquer the female with its appearance, because the guppy-boy impresses his friends with a bright coloring, one-photon, cracked or striped. But people wishing to add to their aquarium as many colors as possible, the decades worked on to bring picturesque females. For this reason, the color does not always allow to determine the floor of the fish unmistakably, it can only confirm the conclusions made on other features.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

"Stain of pregnancy"

The females then the place where she shelters the fir, looks like a speck of another color, located at the bottom of the abdomen closer to the tail, and is noticeable. During the hatching of the fry, it gradually darkens, and in the later dates you can even directly observe not yet born babes.

But even in the break between pregnancy stain, albeit with a breath, not going anywhere.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

The structure of the dorsal fin

As mentioned above, the male for the sake of success is obliged to be a handsome man, and therefore his dorsal fin is a relatively large length . This is especially noticeable when the guppy moves at high speed, the fin as if flowing, not having time for his owner.

The females have such an organ, but it is relatively short, because there is no similar effect.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Features of the tailflower

The male is usually well noticeable due to the bright and magnificent tail, which, as a rule, has an interesting shape or high length. The female in this regard is much more modest, her tail is narrow, short and faded.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Anal fin.

On the bottom side of the huppie body there is another fin, which also allows you to distinguish the floor. In the female, he is no particular noteworthy in anything, it is simply a relatively short fins of a triangular shape, near which the "spot of pregnancy" mentioned above should be discovered. At the male, this body performs an interesting function - it replaces the "Gufer" penis. The fin is a typical phallic shape, stretched in length and relatively narrow, whereas for its tip is characterized by light pointedness.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Features of breeding

Guppies are simple in home content Not only because they are easy to care for them, but because of the increased activity in the field of self-healing population. According to the desire to multiply these fish, they are often compared with rabbits, and in connection with which many aquarists consciously acquire a capacity of more than the existing number of individuals.

Huge interest of the guppy represent for the reason that Referring to niphelistic fish. Icres from them you will never see, because such simply does not exist in nature. At the same time, the fry, only hatching, are exposed to great danger: their parents, peace-loving towards any other species of fish, are prone to cannibalism and can devour their own young, if it is not possible to separate it in a timely manner.

Another curious feature of this miracle of nature is that The female Guppie, fertilized once, is able to give offspring several times in the future without re-fertilization.

For this reason, the breeder must very reasonably calculate the volume of the aquarium, otherwise youth simply will now have to settle.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are


The feast of the guppie comes in about 4-5 months. Previously, pregnancy is unlikely, but immediately after the onset of maturity, a healthy pet probably will take advantage of his ability to take advantage of his ability. The task of the owner is to track the state of their favorites, because the pregnant female should be jammed into a separate aquarium. It is possible to determine its new status due to the fact that the "stain of pregnancy" darkened, and the nearby anal hole acquired a red shade and swell.

Identifying the pregnant, highlight a separate temporary place of accommodation for it. A large amount is not required, a small aquarium for 5 liters will be consolidated as a spawning, an alternative can be a plastic pelvis of a similar volume or even a simple three-liter bottle.

From the host you need to ensure the sanitary cleanliness of the capacity before planting there a potential fever.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Ideally, of course, you need to create conditions similar to those that were in the aquarium, the main characteristics of the water should not be changed, But the temperature can be increased to 26-27 ° C. Riccia and other thick plants in spanles will not interfere, so the fish will feel a little more comfortable. It is difficult to say exactly at what stage the female pregnancy is defined, but in general it lasts 5-6 weeks. For this period and it is worth native.

If the "ordinary" guppie needs a variety of feed, then Pregnant female advise to feed exclusively by a moth. This is very nutritious food, and the future mom will not interfere. The number of newborns is not amenable to the exact forecast, it depends on the age of each of the parents and can fluctuate in the range of 20-100 fry.

For reasons of potential cannibalism The new mother is needed immediately to isolate from their own children, as soon as they all appear on the light. It is easy to determine the approximate period, because before childbirth, the kids are clearly visible in the body of the pet. Having fulfilled my duty, Mamash returns to a common aquarium, while the children are perfectly costing without her concern. They are born in a thin caviar shell, but almost immediately chosen from it, they are knocked into the pack and pop up higher, because there is warmer.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Young people are distinguished by an excellent appetite, at the initial stage of their development, it will not refuse to dine 4-5 times a day. At this point, a practically non-alternative option for frying for fry is an infusoria. As you grow young, the frequency of feedings gradually reduce, bringing it to the "adult" standard - twice a day. At the same time, the menu is also changing into which the chopped moth and other food for adults.

For a pregnant female, no special care is required, but her children should be under constant supervision. The fraternal feelings are uncharacteristic for them, and those who managed to grow faster will regularly push the smallest and weak feed, even more aggravating the gap. If you are not interested in the natural selection at home, but the productive cultivation of young people, it is worth sorting young people in groups so that in each of them all members were about the same size.

Under standard conditions, unsolvable problems usually do not occur, but they still should be ready. It happens that a potential milf, who has long been time to give birth, can not do this. Do not fall into a panic, because the problem is solved easily. Just need that Create half of the water in the container at a time and increase the temperature to 28-29 ° C.

Experienced aquarists argue that this method guarantees success in a hundred percent of cases.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Registration of aquarium

The features of the design of the aquarium for the guppy depend on how the owner is configured. Theoretically, this fish can live in a completely empty aquarium, which is also easier to remove in the absence of soil and plants. But agree that it will be more like a banal can than a full-fledged corner of the underwater world. The Guppies themselves do not mind to have fun among the algae, which remind of their homeland, and the whole picture will look more likely.

Plants worth landing not any Because with sharp and rapid movements of Guppies with their long fins, hard leaves and trunks can hurt and injured. For the same reason, they are advised not to decorate with reservoirs and stones or chosen such jewelry as carefully as possible so that they do not have sharp edges. Selective varieties of fish with long fins are much more located for injury, therefore the interior need to choose especially carefully.

As a soil usually use The simplest small gravel. It is rounded and does not create slots in which the fish could be stuck. From plants advise to plant Indian fern, Riccia Floating, Canadian and other similar freshwater species.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Possible problems

Although Guppie is considered one of the most simple fish in terms of content, it, of course, can also get sick and die. This species is characterized by all diseases that are considered typical for tropical aquarium fish. In many cases It would be wiser to not bring the situation to a critical, and in a timely manner to carry out prevention, but if the trouble happened, you need to understand what to do.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Tail destruction

The most common attribute problems that are common and destroyed. This not only spoils the appearance of the fish, but also directly indicates that something is wrong with it, because in some cases a part of the body can "disappear" at all. The owner is obliged to deal with the reason, and eliminate it in the shortest possible time, otherwise the situation may be aggravated.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

The reasons usually are usually the following.

  • Stagnant water. The periodic substitution of water is necessary for the reason that it has nowhere to go to the toilet, and as the surrounding fluids are contaminated, they live in their own more concentrated uncleanness. Naturally, the body displays something that cannot be used with benefit (nitrates and ammonia), and the same substances, falling back, provoke poisoning with possible destruction of the tail fin. The affected individuals may not restore the original appearance, but that this does not happen, you need to not ignore the timely substitution.
  • Large water substitution . Guppies do not accept a sharp change in conditions, and choose a liquid with completely identical rigidity and acidity is difficult. Do not even think to rely on the stability of the water pipeline, perhaps you do not feel, but it constantly gives different water, therefore it needs to be replaced in the aquarium gradually and gradually.
  • Avitaminosis. Fish, like people, may not be enough vitamins. This is especially good for male, which from avitaminosis lose the brightness of pigmentation. In addition, their fins become brittle and sometimes it seems to break out at all without visible reasons.
  • Injuries. Guppies in a fight does not climb, but this does not mean that other inhabitants of the aquarium is just as peaceful. In addition, it is possible to injure the tail and accidentally, having closed to them for the subject in the aquarium. The last situation is typical for those species of fish, which is distinguished by particularly long tails.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

If the tail is not at all, the situation is even more dangerous . This says either about the excessive aggressiveness of neighbors, when the problem is solved only by the method of resettlement, or about infection. With similar symptoms, the adhesion of the tail fins is possible, but it is important to understand what is the matter, because the infection often implies the destruction of patients with pets, followed by the disinfection of the aquarium and the entire aquarium equipment.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Gorba formation

The twisted spine is also found quite often, and it can be both an option for the norm and a sign of pathology. For "old mans", this is normal, and in adults "gupeshek" curvature can occur due to excessive reservoir overcrowding. The real problem arises if young individuals become selling, as it can be microbacteriosis or tuberculosis.

The treatment is theoretically possible, but it is very complex and does not guarantee a positive result, and the tuberculosis is inflated, because patients should be immediately isolate.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Oxygen starvation

If the guppy is floating at the water surface, and not throughout its thicker, it usually indicates that the aquarium lacks oxygen. The reasons for this may be the most different:

  • Excessive heat;
  • long lack of cleaning aquarium from waste;
  • irregular substitution of water;
  • Excessive population population.

In particularly launched cases, the fish floats vertically, head up and tail down. In addition, too dirty and stagnant water provokes guppy on jumping up, because of which they can leave the aquarium at all, therefore the tanks with them are often covered with covers. True, often jumping is caused and simply excessive activity of Gupsek.

If you suspect your own omissions in care, Immediately replace part of the water, just do not overdo the characteristics not changed much. To be too close aquarium, replace the larger or simply select part of the inhabitants into another container. Alternatively, the filter or aerator must be moved closer to the water surface and turn on in the enhanced mode, if you can adjust. These measures will allow the liquid with oxygen and remove extra waste.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are


Another common problem is that the "Guping" lies at the bottom, breathing hard and looks exhausted. There are many reasons for such a phenomenon, you can try to consistently improve the situation on all alleged directions. In some cases, the symptom is determined by genetically, sometimes it is directly related to old age, because even a healthy fish is sooner or later dies.

A somewhat unusual reason is that In this position, the female rests from male courts . If the reason lies in this, in a day or two it will become better and it will start swimming again. For this reason, experts do not advise the populations with a translate towards males, as they are able to tire a girlfriend to death, which is not at all exaggeration.

Whatever the problem described, Long "rest" fish at the bottom in the absence of appetite and visible suffering usually indicates the seriousness of the situation.

As a rule, if there are no improvements for two days, experienced aquaries prefer to kill the pet, so that it does not suffer.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Review reviews

Even among novice aquarists, most people are perfectly imagining that the Guppi fish and how to care for her. If you are one hundred percent newcomer in this matter, listen to the reviews do not interfere. Public opinion states that this is one of the most versatile aquarium fish, which is perfectly suitable for starting in aquarium, and for breeding passionate professionals. Small sizes of such pets allow them to contain them in relatively close tanks, it is very easy to breed, while "Guped" looks beautiful and pleases the eye with its activity.

May seem paradoxical But newcomers are usually advised to abandon the most bright breeding guppies in favor of a little more faded close to natural. The fact is that the selection is aimed at eliminating individuals with attractive external data, while adaptability and immunity are ignored. For this reason, the most colorful varieties are distinguished by increased demands on the conditions of content and in an inexperienced host may simply not survive.

Having made an apparent illogical choice in favor of more faded fish, you will have an elevated chance of success and with a greater probability to delay in aquarium for a long time.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are


It is worth considering a few simple tips, not always obvious to beginners, regarding How to properly contain "guvek".

  • Do not experience fish for survival. There are legends about the unpretentiousness of this type of aquarium inhabitants, in some cases they survive almost into bottles, without having vegetation, nor aeration, no filtration, nor even normal feeding. The instincts of these living organisms are so strong that even in such conditions they are trying to give offspring, that is, they simulate normal livelihoods. Nevertheless, from the owner, this is a real mockery, and from aesthetic point of view, such a "aquarium" does not look beautiful.

Deciding to join the aquarists, be kind to comply with the minimum requirements, the Guppies are not so much.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

  • Some owners do not consider it necessary to disembark the female for pregnancy in a separate reservoir, which is not entirely right . First, she has already become pregnant, therefore it is worth it from the obsessive attention of males, whose instincts from this fact do not become less pronounced. Secondly, its diet should be more nutritious, it is also completely unacceptable so that she will not have a feed from the greed of other inhabitants of the aquarium. Thirdly, any adult part is able to devour newborn babies, so the less in the unnecessary foreign one, the better for young people.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

  • Guppies, like people, sleep to restore the body's forces. Most often it happens at night, because the owner should turn off the light every night, allowing pets to relax. At the same time, the guppies do not have internal watches, for them the night comes when it becomes dark, and the rumored schedule usually does not become a problem. During sleep, fish becomes almost fixed, they are only reflexively twisted to stabilize the position and keep closer to the bottom.

Pregnant females are tired more often, they sometimes rest in this way even during the day, but if it behaves like a male or his girlfriend, it can not be an indicator of health problems.

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

Guppies (70 photos): Selection of aquarium fish. Why are

You can learn more about how to care for Guppies.

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