Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish


Many experienced and beginner aquarists attract decorative fish with an unusual and bright color, as they will be able to become a real decoration of tanks even in a single instance. Among such representatives of water fauna should be allocated Raminzia apistogram is aquarium fish that deserves attention in the light of his memorable appearance.

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_2


Among the representatives of Cikhlid are miniature aquatic inhabitants, one of which is the Raminzia apistogram. The homeland of this fish is considered to be Amazon and Orinoco, as well as nearby reservoirs with a minimum flow. This fish is known under different names, among which the butterfly chromis, cichlida-butterfly and the Latin name - MicroGePhagus Ramirezi. Such a decorative part is guaranteed to decorate an aquarium, in addition, in terms of content and care, it stands out for unpretentiousness, which means that it is suitable for cultivation in closed tanks not only experienced, but also beginner aquaries.

The body of the fish has an oval shape, an adult person in length reaches sizes in the range from 5 to 8 centimeters, but in the aquarium these parameters will be located at the bottom limit. As for the color, then the ramming apistogram can be green, blue, as well as yellow In addition, the body of the fish usually covers a brilliant point pattern. Head and stomach covered with black stripes, and pupils will be painted in Red or black Colour Depending on the variety.

According to the description of the behavior, in the home aquariums, the fish demonstrates friendly and peaceful temper, but during reproduction it can aggressively defend its rights to the territory, especially this concerns male representatives. Attacks are not inclined, decorative cultures that are serving jewelry of the tank is not interested.

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_3

Fish-butterflies, like other cichlids, may suffer from some ailments:

  • Iridovirus;
  • lymphocytosis;
  • poisoning of harmful components from the aquatic environment - chlorine, ammonia.

In such cases An aquarist is recommended to revise the conditions for the content of the river inhabitant, if necessary, use specialized drugs. In addition to the ailments listed, the apistogram may suffer from obesity, as well as the inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, in the light of which its diet should be correct. In general, the life expectancy of fish is about 4 years, this indicator will largely depend on the water temperature in the tank.

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_4


Today, for breeding in tanks, aquarists can acquire a natural form of fish, as well as varieties derived by the breeders artificially. Among the main representatives it is worth allocating the most popular species.

Apistogram Raminrey (natural look)

A person with a good immunity having a red or yellow body color, During the period of reproduction, representatives of the male and female in the color appears characteristic blue, while the abdomen of fish will be raspberry or orange, and fins transparent.

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_5

Electric Blue

Beautiful decorative fish, notable for its turquoise color and red front of the body. Finns for individuals of this species have neon sings. The brightness of the color electrician is directly dependent on the conditions of content, as well as the temperature and rigidity of the aqueous medium. On average, the selection species is able to live in an aquarium about two years. This species is considered the most popular among beginners and experienced aquaries.

Different female from male will be easy, because Female individuals pronounced sexual deflection on the body . Usually, Adult fish reaches the size of 2-2.5 centimeters.

In the content of the electrician Blue, it is worth knowing that more males must be present in the flock, in addition, one water inhabitant will require at least 30 liters of water. A variety is perfectly rushing with other aquarium inhabitants, but the neighborhood will be extremely undesirable with shrimps.

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_6

Ramerezia Gold

This type of cychlide family is often called gold, since the fish have a lemon color of the body with a turquoise tide on fins and on the sides. Honors in the appearance of male from female Red spinal fin at the first.

As well as a remarkable external feature of the fish of this species is Black paint color.

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_7

Apistogram Ramireni Cylinder

An attractive person with a shortened body and round outlines of the abdomen. Fish refers to natural species, occurs in the rivers of Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela. On the body of individuals there are black stripes with a non-uniform arrangement, on the fins along the edge and on the spinal part there is a red or pink band. For one individual there will be enough 20 liters of liquid in the aquarium.

For content it is recommended to use thick decorative vegetation and minimally rigid water.

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_8

Vial apistogram

The species is obtained by artificially, the color of representatives may include several colors. Separate attention deserve flutter fins, in addition, neon enclosures may be present on the body of fish. This is a predatory fish, females color is usually brighter. Special feels well in closed tanks prefers to grow in tanks with good filtering, as well as with the presence of vegetation.

Alone, a velial apistogram will quickly die, so this type should be kept with a minimum of 10 small fish.

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_9


The Ramirina apistogram is highlighted by its consistency with almost all the decorative inhabitants of the aquariums, the individuals are not changing into the ground, therefore they do not cause damage to plants. They are recommended to contain with representatives of water fauna, which is inherent in a similar peace-loving temper. As neighbors you can stay on:

  • swearing;
  • neoh;
  • catches;
  • Rabs.

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_10

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_11

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_12

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_13

From the neighborhood with large fish and shrimp should be refused.

Growing conditions

Contain an apistogram is necessary in tanks with a volume of at least 30 liters, provided that the fish will be no more than two. Usually, to emphasize the attractiveness of individuals, the aquariums decorated under the tropical flora. You can decorate the capacitance of olhov bumps, the leaves of almonds - similar features will make an aqueous environment close to the one in which this species dwells in natural conditions. It is recommended to fall asleep the sand substrate, besides, it is allowed to use corona and various branches, stones for shelter or spawning.

Among the floating plants recommended for the content together with representatives of the type of cichlid, the following options can be considered:

  • salvia;
  • hydrocothyl;
  • row.

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_14

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_15

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_16

In addition, fern, Valisnere, Rogolnik, can be rooted in the reservoir. In priority there will be green plantings, but from the use of the rediste species of aquarium crops it is worth refraining, as they do not harmonize in appearance with butterfly fish.

The water temperature in the tank must be maintained at + 26 ... 30 ° C, while the acidity must be in the range from 4 to 7.5 pH, and the rigidity suitable for the content of the apistograms will vary in the range of 6-15 Dh. To determine that water in the aquarium was not breathing enough, it is possible on the behavior of fish - in the cool fluid, they are subject to various diseases, in addition, their life expectancy will be less. Installing aerators and filters in the aquarium will be mandatory. Every week it is recommended to change the order of a third of the water from the total volume.

As for the mandatory care measures, the following nuances must be observed for the content of fish butterflies:

  • test water quality;
  • carry cleaning with a siphon;
  • To ensure that the diet of fish is as balanced as possible.

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_17

Feeding rules

This kind of decorative fish is prone to overeating, so feeding should be strictly metered, individuals should be given as much food so that they use it maximum in 5 minutes. After time, all the remaining particles should be removed. In general, the Raminzia apistogram is an omnivorous part, so it is allowed to feed the following feeds:

  • alive (moth, microervi, daphnia, cyclops);
  • vegetable (dandelions, cabbage, cucumbers);
  • Such is best that the industrial product is used as a supplement to the main diet.

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_18

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_19

Sexual differences

Half-growing fish of this breed is considered to be at a semi-annual age, as a rule, by this time their size is 3 centimeters. The males will differ from the females the following features:

  • male individuals will always be larger;
  • The dorsal fins have a long with a pointed end;
  • In males, the abdomen is painted in orange, in females - in pink or crimson color;
  • His readiness for spawning, males express a brighter color during this period.

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_20


Dilute the ramming apistogram at home will be possible only in spacious aquariums, the volume of which will be more than 40-50 liters. To stimulate the fish to the spawner and the appearance of fry, aquarist is recommended to carry out a frequent replacement of the aquatic environment in the tank, as well as increase the normal fluid temperature for several degrees.

Determine what The individuals contained in the aquarium are ready for spawning, it is possible by the aggressive behavior of males, which will arrange frequent skins concerning the section of the tank territory. An independent choice of a couple in the case of a butterfly fish will not bring the desired result, because for this water inhabitant it is important to make a choice personally, without human participation. Usually, In a flock of 6-10 fish, with the occurrence of puberty, the pair are formed without additional intervention of aquarist.

So that the spawning has passed successfully, it is recommended to create favorable conditions in the aquarium, namely:

  • take care of the presence of thick greenery;
  • provide fish the presence of flat surfaces;
  • Make a minimum lighting.

Water must be soft and higher at a temperature of 2-3 degrees.

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_21

The female during this period is reduced immunity, therefore The purity in the aquarium during this period should be in the first place . Usually, an apistogram for one spawning is delayed from 50 to 400 eggs, using flat surfaces in aquarium or likeholds like.

In aquarium conditions, the butterfly fish can lose their parental instincts, then there is a risk that caviar will be eaten by parents. To prevent such development of events, you can move in fertilized caviar to the incubator in advance, as a rule, under the optimal conditions, the larvae will appear on 2-4 days. However, in most cases, the male guards his offspring until the appearance of fry.

As soon as the fry is hatched, the temperature of the water in the aquarium must be reduced. The feeding of the younger generation is carried out by special starting feeds for fish, as well as familiar living and vegetable feed, which is used for adult individuals. It can be a microervi, infusoria and artemia.

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_22

Raminzia apistogram (23 photos): Fish content Chromis-butterfly, breeding aquarium fish from a cychlide family, compatibility with other fish 22242_23

The main video will tell about the content and breeding of the Ramping apistogram.

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