Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery


Many aquarists do not mind decorate their reservoir by such an inhabitant as Labidochromis Hello. This bright fish will become a real focus among all your pets. However, before it starts, it is worth familiar with the peculiarities of its body, the habitat, which is familiar to it. And it is also important to take into account the compatibility of these individuals with other types of fish, the rules for their content and nuances of breeding. All these aspects will be discussed in detail in this article.

Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery 22239_2


Labidochromis Hello, which is also called Hummingbird, belongs to the Tsichlid detachment and the Cichlov family. This fish is distinguished by its bright yellow color, which takes almost all her body. The length of the body in aquarium individuals is 8 cm, while in the natural medium it can reach 10 cm. In the form of the body is elongated, and the silhouette of the dorsal fin is pointed. This part of the body of the fish also includes a dark strip along the entire length, the intensity of the color of which varies from fish of different floors. In compliance with the necessary conditions, such a fish is capable of living up to 10 years, but on average, the length of their lives is 7-8 years.

Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery 22239_3

Habitat in nature

A typical habitat of Labidochromis Hello is African Lake Malawi. They live in the coastal zones of the western part of this reservoir, which is located along the rocky lines of the shores. Wild individuals live not very far from the surface of the water - at a distance of 10 to 50 m. It is noteworthy that among them a rather small quantity it is the yellow color, the main colors are blue or white. Live these fish with couples or alone. Labidochromis refers to this type of cychlides as MBUN, the name of which is translated as "attacking rocks". These fish feed on plants growing on stones near the rocky shores. Despite the close habitat, in nature, these types are difficult to observe, as they love to hide between stones, in small caves and cliffs.

Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery 22239_4

Sexual differences

To distinguish the male Lobidochromis Hello from female, you need to pay attention to the features of the color of individuals. For males, a brighter yellow color is characteristic, as well as a strip on the dorsal fin, painted into a more rich black color than the females. The same intense tone is characteristic of the abdominal and the anal fins of the male. At the same time, in female individuals, these two fins are painted in yellow.

Difference of the male is also the presence of dark spots in the area between the eyes or near the oral cavity. The transition from the dorsal part to the head in females is more smooth, and in males the angle of this transition is usually quite cool, and can even form a depression closer to the mouth. The size is also the criterion of sexual difference of these fish. Males larger than female individuals.

Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery 22239_5


Referring to the Cichlid class, the fish data is distinguished by their peace-loving character, with the exception of spawning periods, when Lobidochromisa Erhloh can be aggression. The best neighbors in the overall aquarium will be other varieties of African cichlids, which have a similar size with Lobidochromis. These fishes include the following:

  • Blue Dolphin;
  • lampologist;
  • pseudotrofus aki;
  • Ansister;
  • Aulalokar;
  • corridors;
  • Cinema AFRA;
  • Thoracatum.

Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery 22239_6

Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery 22239_7

Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery 22239_8

It is worth considering that it is undesirable to place Lobidochromis Hello with other fishes from the Tsichlid detachment, which belong to another continent.

The difference in habitat area is reflected both on food needs and on the conditions of detention of fish data. Avoid settlements to the Lobidochromis of other individuals of yellow, since the hummingbirds can show aggression by taking these creatures for males of their species. The fish neighbors should not have such qualities as leisure, predatory habits, as well as too small. Examples of unsuccessful options are the following fish:

  • tetra;
  • gold fish;
  • Danio;
  • neon;
  • Fish-parrot;
  • Astronomot.

Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery 22239_9

Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery 22239_10

Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery 22239_11

Growing conditions

Planning the content of such species of fish as Lobidochromis Hello, It is worth paying attention to the following nuances, as for maintaining aquarium and care:

  • The water temperature in the tank may vary from +24 to +28 degrees Celsius;
  • Acidness indicators must be in the range from 7.2 to 8.8, while the rigidity is 10-20 DH units;
  • 100 liters - the minimum volume of the tank, suitable for placing no more than 4 fish; Ideally, if the container is 200-300 l, which allows you to start a greater number of individuals of the Labidochromis Hummingbirds and will more fully reveal to observe their lifestyle and habits;
  • The decor in the reservoir must correspond to the situation inherent in the natural habitat of the data of fish, the stones and the grott will become unnecessary details, recreation of landscapes of gorges; For the beauty of the situation in the aquarium, you can add rugged grapes or mangroves there, even such an element of decor, like a coconut shell, is allowed;
  • From plants to decorate an aquarium with these yellow fish, the most suitable will be Anubias, as well as cryptokorins, because these representatives of the flora are unpretentious, and the fish will not touch them; Please note that plants must have a developed root system and reliably rooted in the ground, since Lobidochromis Hello can join the soil near the plants;
  • As a soil for these individuals, it is better to choose river sand, a coral or marble crumb, as well as a sewer;
  • In order for the fish well tolerated the change of water in the tank, it is better to add new water in small portions.

Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery 22239_12

Choosing additional lighting for aquarium with this yellow fish, remember that it is most like a blue spectrum; To improve the quality of the color of individuals, you can add yellow or green shades into lighting.

Proper feeding

Yellow Lobidochromis are classified as omnivores. They are not addictable to food and eat food of any kinds like dry or frozen and alive. If you want a live feeding to which a tubener can be used, the moth, did not harm the pets, it is necessary to supply them not in too much (due to their rich protein content), and also previously treated with several yodinole drops. A good option will also be frozen homemade food. Vegetable feed is also useful. Of these, it is worth paying attention to the spinach, lettuce leaves, granules with spirulina content. The first two products before feeding must be scarked.

Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery 22239_13

Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery 22239_14

Choosing dry food, preference to those options that have airtal packaging and current shelf life. And also familiarize yourself with the reviews before buying. There are such types of feed, which are created specifically for fish in different periods of their development, and also additionally enriched with a vitamin complex. The main thing is that the diet of Lobidochromis Hello was not monotonous. Feed fish several times a day not very large portions and timely remove food remnants from the tank. In addition to the above options, other products in the menu of this species may be the following:

  • mussels;
  • duckweed;
  • Cyclops;
  • cereals;
  • shrimps;
  • carrots, peas, pre-peeled;
  • meat in the form of minced;
  • Artemy;
  • daphnia.

Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery 22239_15

Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery 22239_16

Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery 22239_17


The process of breeding yellow Lobidochromis is not of great difficulty and can occur in aquarium even without human intervention. This is due to the fact that the survival of the fry is very high. However, it is possible, as an option, translating the male and female in a special spawning tank, where newborn fish will be located. To stimulate the beginning of the spawning period itself, you should increase the temperature in the container by several degrees. When the male and the female form a pair (which, by the way, is usually very stable), they will create a deepening in the soil, in which they will subsequently postpone.

Important! The age of fish affects the number of caviar: young individuals it makes up 8 to 10 pieces, while adult fish reaches 30 pieces.

Next, the incubation period comes, during which the female places caviar to the mouth and shelters it there for about three weeks. Upon expiration of this period, fry appear. During the first week, the female actively take care of his offspring, but later young fish becomes provided to themselves. From the rampage side, it is important to take care of the appropriate feeding of young individuals. In their diet, such components can include cyclops, live dust, artemia, as well as food for adult fish in crushed state.

Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery 22239_18

Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery 22239_19


So that the life of the Lobidochromisms of Hummingbirds passed as comfortable as possible, it is important not only to comply with the conditions of detention, but also to know in advance about the diseases of this fish and their possible causes. It is worth considering the ailments that these yellow individuals may appear.

  • The swelling of Malawi is one of the most serious diseases that require urgent treatment. It is caused by such factors as incorrect nutrition or neighborhood, as well as the inconsistency of the conditions in the aquarium with the necessary parameters. The medicine from such a disease is usually antibiotics of strong action.
  • Tuberculosis It may develop in the inhabitants of the aquarium in the event that they are already infected with an infected individual. So that this severe disease does not spread, isolate patients with fish in a separate container and add vitamin B6 in the form of a solution.
  • If the fish began to lose coordination and mobility, it is quite possible that poisoning toxic substances occurred, such as chlorine or ammonia. That this does not happen, follow the filtering and air conditioning system, do not process plants and decor using chemicals.
  • Injuries The inhabitants of the aquarium can get due to conflicts with each other or if decorative elements have too complex forers or sharp edges. Provided that the immunity of fish is functioning normally, such arals are undergoing naturally.
  • Dangerous is the disease of the fin rot. First, the reproductive processes are covered with white colors, as well as red stripes, which leads to the destruction of fins.

Labidochromis Hello (20 photos): the content of yellow aquarium fish, compatibility with other cichlids, the differences of males and females, fishery 22239_20

To heal such a parable, you need to use antibiotics.

For breeding, spawning and content of Labidochromis, see the following video in the aquarium.

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