Arbitrator star (16 photos): Soma content and its description, Rules for breeding


Star Anzoleis - good-natured cattle with an interesting color. Known and under a different name - mint adhesive. This is an excellent cleaner: it employs non-fish feed and purifies vegetable raids on the subjects of the decor. The stars not only decorate the anquarium originally, but will benefit all its inhabitants.

Arbitrator star (16 photos): Soma content and its description, Rules for breeding 22210_2


The first thing that rushes into the eyes is an unusual color: scattering white specks on a black velvet bastard. Such an extravagant color is associated with the Starry Sky, which is why the ansister and received its name. The mouth in the shape of a sucker, with the help of it the fish is powered by vegetable raid formed on the stones and elements of the decor. On the tail and fins there is a white strip, which with age fades.

In the length of SOM grows up to 8 cm. The body is covered with sturdy plates and spikes that protect the fish from the encroachment of enemies. According to the nature of the starred ansister of peace-loving, but clashes among males can occur. On aquarium fish, other species do not pay attention. Prefer a nightlife, and during the day they often hide in the thickets. The masking technique is well, they can measure and be in the same hour.

Arbitrator star (16 photos): Soma content and its description, Rules for breeding 22210_3

How to distinguish male from female?

In the ansister of stars of sexual differences appear quite late. It is possible to determine the gender only when a person achieves 1.5-2 years.

This is the main complexity in their breeding, after all, they are becoming half of the rise at the age of 8-12 months.

The main difference between the male and the female is tentaculas that are located on the head of the fish. Tentacules are elongated leathery processes in the form of peculiar spikes. In males, they are long and thick, cover the entire surface of the head, and in females - rare and shortened, are predominantly on the edges of the jaw. In addition, the shape of the body of the male is more stretched, and the female is a circular belly.

Arbitrator star (16 photos): Soma content and its description, Rules for breeding 22210_4

What kind of fish are getting around?

The ansisters quietly good-natured, they perfectly get along with all kinds of non-aggressive fish:

  • swords;
  • pecilats;
  • gums;
  • Lyalius;
  • scalari;
  • Danio;
  • neo;
  • Barbusa;
  • iris.

Arbitrator star (16 photos): Soma content and its description, Rules for breeding 22210_5

Arbitrator star (16 photos): Soma content and its description, Rules for breeding 22210_6

Some breeders contain anchistrics and with predatory cichlids. It is permissible only if the Soma is rather large, or these two kinds of fish grew along with young age.

Another important point to pay attention to: The males of the ansisters can fight for the territory or hostility with each other. This happens with poor feeding and content in flavored. Therefore, in order to avoid conflicts, somers should provide good care.

Features of care

Among the ansisters, this is the smallest view - the star will be comfortable in the aquarium from 50 liters. Although if you plan to contain several males, then It is better to choose a bigger reservoir, as well as take care of a sufficient number of shelters.

Somics love to hide in grottoes, gorges and thick thickets, and if they are missing, the males can quarrel.

Arbitrator star (16 photos): Soma content and its description, Rules for breeding 22210_7

From plants choose algae with well-developed roots and dense leaves. They are imprisoned deep into the ground and pressed with pebbles. The following aquatic plants are suitable:

  • Anubias;
  • cryptocorine;
  • sagittaria;
  • Wallinia.

Arbitrator star (16 photos): Soma content and its description, Rules for breeding 22210_8

The bottom can be partially decorated with Javanese moss. It is not necessary to completely plant an aquarium, it is necessary to leave free space - plots with a soil in which catches will dig. As a soil, sand and smooth pebbles are chosen.

Pebbles with sharp edges should be removed, as the fish can be drunk.

Arbitrator star (16 photos): Soma content and its description, Rules for breeding 22210_9

Anntistruses, unlike other fish, are not so demanding of water indicators. But its parameters must be within the next limits:

  • Temperature - + 20 ... 28 ° C;
  • Acidness - 6-7.5 pH;
  • Hardness - 5-20 ° DH.

Somics are sensitive to pollution of the medium, so the aquarium is equipped with an internal or outer filter, and also partially change water weekly. For this, 25% of the fluid is drained and poured pure stretched water. If the aquarium is new, then it will be waiting for 1 month, while it is formed comfortable for fish ecosystem, and only then carry out the substitution.

Fully water change only when the fungus or parasites spread. In this case, a thorough disinfection of the entire aquarium and decor elements are carried out.

    For catches, water aeration is desirable, especially in densely populated aquariums. But the lighting is not required, so the lamp installation is not needed. In case their neighbors are light-minded fish, due to which the aquarium is brightly illuminated, Take care of reliable darkened places for ansisters This can be plant bushes, decorative houses and races of stones.

    Arbitrator star (16 photos): Soma content and its description, Rules for breeding 22210_10


    Some aquarists are not serious about feeding a cattle, mistakenly believing that he has enough food remnants from other fish, which he finds in the soil. But this is not the case, often fish floating at the surface, have time to eat all the food they suggested before it falls on the bottom, and Som remains hungry.

    Feed the catchomics should be individually done in the evening with a lack of light. Antsistruses stars are omnivores, but their diet is 70-80% to consist of vegetable food. You can give:

    • cucumber;
    • carrot;
    • zucchini;
    • spinach;
    • Lettuce leaves.

    Greens and vegetables are well wash, covered with boiling water and with the help of a tied weight loaded to the bottom next to the shelter of the ansister.

    Arbitrator star (16 photos): Soma content and its description, Rules for breeding 22210_11

    Arbitrator star (16 photos): Soma content and its description, Rules for breeding 22210_12

    It should be noted that it adhesive loves to eat wood, so in the aquarium it is necessary to post a few corporate. Ansister will enjoy them with pleasure.

    In the pet store can be purchased Food for bottom fish. It is produced in granules or tablets that are well drown and quickly fall on the bottom. Such feed is perfectly balanced, there are vitamins, minerals and a vegetation complex in their composition.

    Arbitrator star (16 photos): Soma content and its description, Rules for breeding 22210_13

    Not away the ansisters to enjoy and Live feed. About once a week, they give a moth, artemia or tube.


    Soma is well multiplied both in the general aquarium and in a separate reservoir. In order to stimulate spawning, environmental conditions change:

    • omit water temperature up to +20 degrees Celsius;
    • Replace 70% of water to fresh.

    Such actions recreate the environment that is formed in natural reservoirs during the rainy season. And those who live in the wild, the ansisters will spawn at this time. It is also necessary to improve the overall conditions of detention: it is more common to turn on the supply of oxygen, it is good to feed, and with a too populated aquarium, it is planted to sit down in a separate spawning of the male and the female.

    Take care of a sufficient number of shelters. Arrange the bottom of various grots, deep seashells and crushed shards. It was there that the ansisters will throw caviar. In stores you can buy special ceramic tubes, it is convenient to use them if the catches are multiplied in the overall aquarium. At the end of the spawning in such an adaptation it will be easy to transfer to the caviar to the exhaust. Do not forget to take and male, it is he who will take care of the future offspring.

    Arbitrator star (16 photos): Soma content and its description, Rules for breeding 22210_14

    Caviar in the ansisters is large, orange. Male for days and nights takes care of her: cleans, foaming fins and protects against other people's encroachments. For 4 days, larvae hatching, which feed due to the yolk bag. And after 6 days, fry appear, at this time the male can be squamped into the overall aquarium. Kids feed live dust or specialized dry flakes. When young will grow and strengthen, adolescents are transplanted into a common aquarium.

    Arbitrator star (16 photos): Soma content and its description, Rules for breeding 22210_15


    Starrilla's antriter is quite good health, but some problems sometimes occur. Denote the 4 most common illness.

    1. Manka (ichthyofthyriosis) - the most common infection. The main symptom is the white row on the body. Som refuses to eat and does not leave their shelter. Cases with medicinal vapor-based drugs.
    2. Oodiniumosis. Fish itches about stones, and her abdomen is covered with yellowish raid. It is treated with copper sulfate. Additionally, it is recommended to raise the water temperature for a couple of degrees, and do not disable aeration.
    3. Hypoxia. If the cattle often floats on the surface of the water to grab the air, it means that it is not enough oxygen. This usually occurs when the aquarium overpopulation and too high water temperature.
    4. Poisoning . In order to avoid it, it is recommended to periodically check water on nitrates and nitrogen content. To do this, in the pet store you can purchase special tests. In case of exceeding the rules, it is necessary to use air conditioners, neutralizing harmful substances.

    Diseases occur most often in the presence of poisoning substances in water, as well as in non-compliance with the rules of feeding. Another reason is infected with food. If there are doubts about his quality, then pre-feed worms and larvae should be frozen. With good care, the ansisters live long - up to 10 years. Healthy fish please the owners of beautiful coloring and interesting behavior.

    Arbitrator star (16 photos): Soma content and its description, Rules for breeding 22210_16

    More about Star Anzistris, seeing the next video.

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