How to install a filter into aquarium? 19 photos How to collect and put a filter into aquarium with fish? Where should aquarium water filter stand? What depth to lower?


Aquarium filter is an indispensable element in any aquarium. It performs mechanical and biophysics, and also favors oxygenation. The choice of filters in the outlets is huge, therefore to purchase the device will be easy. But with mothing problems may appear. Installation of aquarium filtering element for most inexperienced aquarists is a real difficulty.

Alas, not always on the annotation attached to the aggregate can be oriented in the subtleties. The installation procedure will be different for internal and external (outer) filtering elements, but to mask the task actually on the shoulder anyone.

Preparatory stage

The preparatory process includes several actions.

  1. First of all, you need to cook dry rags, because not every time it turns out to eliminate the water leak.
  2. We free from packaging the machine, and take all the contents. In mandatory, the configuration should be: the device itself, fillers, plastic water taps, inner lips, hoses.
  3. Even before the assembly, it is necessary to check whether all the constituent perfectly dry. Assembling outdoor (external) filter is carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions. Be sure to follow the established procedure. Craran on the lid should be in a closed position.
  4. Now you can train external elements to have the opportunity to produce and pick water. An element of the fence is a long tube, rounded at the end. One of her end must be omitted into the aquarium. The removal device is a curved short tube, it is installed to another end of the aquarium. We must defirm the size of the tubes so that their lengths are enough to the cabinet.
  5. Before installing the device, it is necessary to fill in a no less than 50% water aquarium, since the cleansing equipment is used exclusively in the form filled.

How to install a filter into aquarium? 19 photos How to collect and put a filter into aquarium with fish? Where should aquarium water filter stand? What depth to lower? 22193_2

How to install a filter into aquarium? 19 photos How to collect and put a filter into aquarium with fish? Where should aquarium water filter stand? What depth to lower? 22193_3

How to install a filter into aquarium? 19 photos How to collect and put a filter into aquarium with fish? Where should aquarium water filter stand? What depth to lower? 22193_4

Where to locate?

The definition of the right place for the filter element is depending on the characteristics of the aquarium, its dimensions and configurations. As a rule, filtering devices are fixed to the side wall of the container, near the rear window, in order not to serve as a hindrance of the life of local inhabitants. If the filter element is internal, then it has a special mark, meaning a ban on too deep immersion so that it does not touch the bottom.

If the depth is insignificant, then try to leave a large distance at the top, just at the same time, under no circumstances the device should be on the bottom. Water will always evaporate, because the filter layout must be constantly monitored.

How to install a filter into aquarium? 19 photos How to collect and put a filter into aquarium with fish? Where should aquarium water filter stand? What depth to lower? 22193_5

Installation of different models

The model range of filters is very large, so you need to learn all the nuances of installing various types of filters.


The installation of the filter element in the aquarium is not a particularly complex procedure, you only need to calculate, in which place this equipment will be posted. As a rule, it is located in a tamba under the aquarium, for this in the rear wall of the furniture, the holes required for laying hoses.

The filter must be collected in strict accordance with the practical guidance. The filter cavity lay all the sponges and specialized nutrient medium (substrate) for biochemical water purification. In the aquarium, there are tubes for the inlet and the release that should be durable. With the correct installation of the filter into aquarium, the equipment should be located below the bottom level, which will make it possible to guarantee the maximum pump performance.

The filter must be installed at its permanent location, then by means of a manual mechanical pump, to pump the system, striving to remove the air from the tubes and the housing. It is only a few clicks of the mechanical pump, as a result of which the liquid medium spontaneously move along the inlet tube, which moves the air from the filter element. After the body is entirely filled with water, the air will stop extinguishing from the outlet tube.

Now you can connect the equipment to the power grid and experience the effectiveness of its operation.

How to install a filter into aquarium? 19 photos How to collect and put a filter into aquarium with fish? Where should aquarium water filter stand? What depth to lower? 22193_6

If the filter did not start or operates at low power, this indicates the presence of an air traffic jam in the system, therefore, it will be necessary to remove the air from the tubes and the housing. For this purpose, the key of the mechanical pump is already allowed on a working filter several times, which makes it possible to squeeze air from the system.

Inside the case can stay a slight air volume, which will start bud. In order to finally finish with such small bubbles, it is necessary to carefully pushing the filter and bother it from side to side.

Starting to work in all its power, the device immediately activates the execution of mechanical water purification. But biochemical filtration when the removal of nitrates and nitrites occurs, it starts approximately a month after starting the equipment. During this period, the colonies of chemosynthetic bacteria will settle in the nutrient medium used, which are responsible for the chemical cleaning of water.

Actually, for this reason, if possible, settled fish (especially demanding exotic varieties) it is necessary a few weeks after the installation of the outdoor filter in the aquarium is completed.

How to install a filter into aquarium? 19 photos How to collect and put a filter into aquarium with fish? Where should aquarium water filter stand? What depth to lower? 22193_7

How to install a filter into aquarium? 19 photos How to collect and put a filter into aquarium with fish? Where should aquarium water filter stand? What depth to lower? 22193_8


Installation of an internal filtering element in an aquarium is characterized by simplicity. This device does not need the acquisition of additional equipment or upgrades, and most of the models can be delivered both vertically and horizontally. In this regard, regardless of the modification, the filter is collected in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instruction.

  1. Acquaintance with the device. The correct installation of every filter starts from the revision of its completeness and reading practical guidance. It is advisable to carry it out before purchasing the device. If you are unsure of our own technical abilities, it is worth asking the seller-consultant to personally show you the assembly procedure or put it in detail.
  2. Assembling fixture. In essence, all internal filtering devices are collected according to a single method. First of all, you need to place the filter material in the "glass" of the device. Then, if it provides for the structure, insert the rotor into the pump. Secure the pump to the glass and connect the air exchange tube.
  3. At certain modifications, the mounting panel is isolated from the casing. Insert the "Glass" clamps into the seizures provided on it and place the suction cups in proper connectors. Everything is prepared for mounting the filter into aquarium.
  4. After the filter is prepared for installation, do not hurry to put it in the aquarium . First of all, all the inhabitants fall out of it in a separate container. The operation is not necessary, but if the acquired apparatus is endowed with factory defects, then when it is connected, the pet has all the chances of suffering. Professional aquarists advise not to endanger the health of fish, and place them for a while in the exhaustion, then install the inner filter into the aquarium.
  5. Fixing the device. In essence, all aquarium filters are fixed on the wall of the container by the sucker. It is only possible to push them to the surface of the glass and press it well. Submersible filtering devices must be completely in the water surface - for nothing, do not turn on the filter if it looks out of the water. The ideal depth of the location of the filter element is 2-5 centimeters from the surface. Standard internal samples have a transparent flexible air exchange tube. Its function is to supply air, because one end of the tube joins the device, and the second one must be in the open space.
  6. First start. The inclusion on the completion of the filter installation into the aquarium in principle implies work in test mode. Therefore, it is desirable to post for the functioning of the filtering device. Correct the depth of dive.
  7. Power setting. During the first launch, either immediately after that it is required to rotate the dimmer to medium parameters. Subsequent adjustment should be carried out, given the volume of aquarium, the level of its pollution and, of course, the habits of its inhabitants. Separate fish, for example, with small and weak fins, do not withstand an extremely powerful flow.

How to install a filter into aquarium? 19 photos How to collect and put a filter into aquarium with fish? Where should aquarium water filter stand? What depth to lower? 22193_9

How to install a filter into aquarium? 19 photos How to collect and put a filter into aquarium with fish? Where should aquarium water filter stand? What depth to lower? 22193_10


The bottom filter of water should be placed at the bottom of the aquarium. This species choose the owners of large aquariums with a small volume of underwater flora. The adaptation itself looks like a thin plate with filter filter, and a large number of holes through which water passes.

A large number of aquarists believe that the bottom filtering element, simply located on the bottom, is enough for the eyes. Nevertheless, the filter is required to mount, and not position on the substrate.

Bedroom device in the aquarium - installation procedure:

  1. From the selected area at the bottom of the aquarium, the entire soil is removed so that the base is 100% nude;
  2. The bottom filter is carefully positioned at the bottom;
  3. The device is covered with over ground so that the device does not spoil the aquarium appearance;
  4. Start the device.

How to install a filter into aquarium? 19 photos How to collect and put a filter into aquarium with fish? Where should aquarium water filter stand? What depth to lower? 22193_11

How to install a filter into aquarium? 19 photos How to collect and put a filter into aquarium with fish? Where should aquarium water filter stand? What depth to lower? 22193_12

How to install a filter into aquarium? 19 photos How to collect and put a filter into aquarium with fish? Where should aquarium water filter stand? What depth to lower? 22193_13


A device for biological treatment of aquarium functions due to special bacteria, which absorb hydrogen nitride, resulting in the life of the inhabitants.

Biofilter can be easily made independently. And we will look at the installation of the self-made model called "bottle". Its size is depending on the volume of the aquarium.

To install such an instrument:

  • Do the holes in the bottom area of ​​the bottle in order for water to fall inside;
  • Watch this place to elastic polyurethane foam (foam);
  • Secure through plastic clamps, in order to prevent unnecessary pollution of gravel;
  • To the bottle, fall asleep the filler approximately half;
  • Through the neck from above, let down the compressor aerator tube;
  • Thanks to the "Aerolyft", the water will fall out of the bottle, and through its bottom there will be a fresh crude.

How to install a filter into aquarium? 19 photos How to collect and put a filter into aquarium with fish? Where should aquarium water filter stand? What depth to lower? 22193_14

How to install a filter into aquarium? 19 photos How to collect and put a filter into aquarium with fish? Where should aquarium water filter stand? What depth to lower? 22193_15


Do not bind the phyto filter with a biological cleaning device. The principle of phyto filter is that the vegetation grows not in water, but on the surface. And only her roots are in the water, cleaning it.

The simplest structure of the phyto filter - a tray with plants, fixed on the wall of the aquarium. Ordinary room vegetation is planted into the prepared nutrient medium in a tray with holes. Then the tray is fixed to the wall of the aquarium, and the flow of water from the aquarium passes through it.

Another type of this device is a reservoir for vegetation, integrated into the aquarium cover.

The essence is the same: the plant roots planted in the coated substrate are directly conjugate with water in the aquarium and the malicious (but useful) compounds are absorbed from it.

How to install a filter into aquarium? 19 photos How to collect and put a filter into aquarium with fish? Where should aquarium water filter stand? What depth to lower? 22193_16

How to install a filter into aquarium? 19 photos How to collect and put a filter into aquarium with fish? Where should aquarium water filter stand? What depth to lower? 22193_17

Care rules

The main thing is that aquarium filter is required is a constant cleaning of filtering components from the dirt accumulated in them. The principle here is this: the smaller the dimensions of the filter elements and the higher the load on the device, the sooner it is contaminated and the more often needs cleaning. It is mainly cleaning the inner filtering device in an ordinary aquarium approximately once a week.

Cleaning the external device - 1-2 times a month. The most accurate cyclicity is calculated in each embodiment personally based on the characteristics of the entire aquatic system as a whole.

In the process of cleaning the filter for aquarium in constant maintenance, only the filter filler is needed, the device itself is cleaned relatively rarely, and the devices of certain modifications, in particular, aerylphutte, eliminates the need for filter cleaning, without taking into account the filter filter.

How to install a filter into aquarium? 19 photos How to collect and put a filter into aquarium with fish? Where should aquarium water filter stand? What depth to lower? 22193_18

The cleaning procedure should be carried out. Maximum quickly, in gentle mode and exclusively in water, pocked from the aquarium. Everything is very simple. The main value in the cleaning material is the colonies of microorganisms involved in the biological purification process, and the main goal for cleaning the filter filler is, on the one hand, in the elimination of garbage and dirt, which accumulated in the filler, and on the other - minimizing the damage of the colony of microorganisms, which is located in places. The minor damage is caused by microorganisms, the sooner the filter will resume its possibility for biological purification.

And in conclusion, an extremely important recommendation, which start-up aquarists sometimes forget - the filter is obliged to function non-stop. It can be turned off exclusively during the purification period and washing the cleaning elements.

How to install a filter into aquarium? 19 photos How to collect and put a filter into aquarium with fish? Where should aquarium water filter stand? What depth to lower? 22193_19

On how to install a filter in aquarium correctly, see the following video.

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