Filter for a round aquarium (19 photos): selection of filter for aquariums 5, 10, 20 l with backlight. How to install and secure the filter?


Spherical aquariums are characterized by sophistication and refinement, do not occupy a lot of space and are easy to care. For them, special equipment for filtering the reservoir and enriching it with oxygen is also selected. Compact devices are suitable for spherical tanks. How to choose a device for filtering water in a round aquarium and how to install and secure the device? This will be discussed in this article.

Filter for a round aquarium (19 photos): selection of filter for aquariums 5, 10, 20 l with backlight. How to install and secure the filter? 22189_2

Filter for a round aquarium (19 photos): selection of filter for aquariums 5, 10, 20 l with backlight. How to install and secure the filter? 22189_3

Varieties and features of filters

Owners of small water bodies should pay attention to the bottom filter. The device is a compact device. The filter material uses gravel. The device has a form of flat pancake. The device is equipped with a pump on the leg. It is from the pump that the rate of pumping water depends. Pump power is chosen based on the volume of the aquarium. For all standards, the filter must purify 5 times a 5-fold capacity of the capacity. For a round tank volume from 5 to 20 liters, a filter with a minimum filtration rate is used.

The process of operation of the pump is based on the circulation of water, due to which all fish waste and residues are effectively recycled.

Filter for a round aquarium (19 photos): selection of filter for aquariums 5, 10, 20 l with backlight. How to install and secure the filter? 22189_4

Filter for a round aquarium (19 photos): selection of filter for aquariums 5, 10, 20 l with backlight. How to install and secure the filter? 22189_5

When using the bottom filter, you should not fall asleep sand or fine-grained soil. It can score cells that serve to circulate air. Each side of the question has advantages and disadvantages. Of the advantages of bottom filters, it is worth noting the following aspects:

  • silent work process;
  • uninterrupted circulation;
  • You can disguise the device in algae or scenery;
  • optimal price;
  • mechanical and biological high-level filtering;
  • creating a necessary microclimate in the reservoir;
  • The liquid is cleaned by two degrees;
  • Sand and ground do not zak.

The disadvantages of devices can be called fast pollution and regular filter cleaning.

Filter for a round aquarium (19 photos): selection of filter for aquariums 5, 10, 20 l with backlight. How to install and secure the filter? 22189_6

Also for small reservoirs exist Hinged filters. Such a filter is great for round aquariums with a volume of 5 to 10 liters. Filters are two types: with internal and external mounting type. The internal device is completely immersed in the reservoir, and the external fastened on the surface edges of the container. For round aquariums, the appearance of the fastening is preferable. Some models of mounted filters Equipped with LED backlight.

The process of operation of waterfall filters creates the flow of water at a minimum speed. The flow is formed by the falling jet of water. A small flow is quite enough to filter a small reservoir. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the uncomfortable filling of the device with filtering materials.

Filter for a round aquarium (19 photos): selection of filter for aquariums 5, 10, 20 l with backlight. How to install and secure the filter? 22189_7

Filter for a round aquarium (19 photos): selection of filter for aquariums 5, 10, 20 l with backlight. How to install and secure the filter? 22189_8

Filter for a round aquarium (19 photos): selection of filter for aquariums 5, 10, 20 l with backlight. How to install and secure the filter? 22189_9

Filters-cups are convenient due to the presence of a special compartment in the shape of a glass, which can be filling in various filter filter. When buying it is worth checking the package for the presence of a flute nozzle, thanks to which it is possible to reduce the flow rate. It is also desirable that the nozzle of the device is regulated, it will help reduce water pressure. There are no minuses from filter-glasses. However, the devices of some manufacturers make unpleasant noise. When buying it is recommended to immediately check the operation of the device.

Filter for a round aquarium (19 photos): selection of filter for aquariums 5, 10, 20 l with backlight. How to install and secure the filter? 22189_10

For mini water bodies, you can use Aerlift filter that is installed inside the aquarium. The basis of the principle of work is to move air under water. Air bubbles float to the surface and create pressure in the air-feeding channel (tube). Under the influence of pressure, water is purified when passing through the filter material. The minus of the device lies in noise from the murmur of water.

Filter for a round aquarium (19 photos): selection of filter for aquariums 5, 10, 20 l with backlight. How to install and secure the filter? 22189_11

Filter for a round aquarium (19 photos): selection of filter for aquariums 5, 10, 20 l with backlight. How to install and secure the filter? 22189_12

How to choose?

When choosing a filter for a round aquarium, pay attention to filtering methods. There are the following cleaning methods.

  • Mechanical. The easiest filtering method. The device eliminates reservoir from garbage, small pollution, remnants of fish outgrimage and food residues. The design includes a motor, pump and a sponge. Pump pumps liquid. Then water falls into the sponge and cleaned. This method of cleaning is suitable for mini-aquariums of 5-10 liters.
  • Biological purification of water. Special bacteria, which inhabit the soil contribute to the purification of the reservoir. The biological type of cleaning eliminates the reservoir from toxic substances.
  • Chemical cleaning Removes odors and helps to purify water from ammonia. Such filtration has the greatest degree of cleaning.

Also, when choosing a device, it is worth considering the filter power and performance. These parameters, as a rule, the manufacturer indicates the packaging of goods. The cost of the manufacturer plays an important role in the acquisition of equipment. For spherical tanks, you should choose a medium price device. In this case, it is possible to obtain the optimal value ratio and quality.

Filter for a round aquarium (19 photos): selection of filter for aquariums 5, 10, 20 l with backlight. How to install and secure the filter? 22189_13

Filter for a round aquarium (19 photos): selection of filter for aquariums 5, 10, 20 l with backlight. How to install and secure the filter? 22189_14

Filter for a round aquarium (19 photos): selection of filter for aquariums 5, 10, 20 l with backlight. How to install and secure the filter? 22189_15

When buying filters for aquarium It is also worth considering the fastening type. For example, internal filters are suitable for reservoirs with backlit from 5-20 liters. Most often, lighting on round aquariums is built-in and located on the outer side of the reservoir.

In order for the capacitance to look aesthetically and did not spoil the appearance, select the internal devices that are installed inside the tank. However, there are compact external devices that are attached on the edges of the container and look at the wrong cumbersome. The optimal option can be called a hinged filter with a backlight that performs several functions: illuminates the underwater space and provides high-quality filtering.

Filter for a round aquarium (19 photos): selection of filter for aquariums 5, 10, 20 l with backlight. How to install and secure the filter? 22189_16

Filter for a round aquarium (19 photos): selection of filter for aquariums 5, 10, 20 l with backlight. How to install and secure the filter? 22189_17

How to install?

To install the internal filter, it does not require great effort. Even a novice aquarist will cope with it. It is enough to follow the step-by-step instructions.

  1. Before installing, fish in another reservoir move. The filter is installed in the filled reservoir.
  2. The filter is fixed with hooks, suckers or lips, which are included in the package. The device is immersed in water, but at the same time the water layer from 2 to 5 cm should remain over the filter. The device should not get to the bottom of the aquarium.
  3. After you check the tube operation, which should go to the surface for the free leakage of purified water. To check, turn on the device and bring the hand to the tube output. Water should go out of it. This means that the device is properly. Then you can settle fish.
  4. Next, you need to adjust the fluid flow. It is better to install the filter in the middle position. Not all fish love a strong course. To begin with, it is necessary to observe the residents of the reservoir. If necessary, you can relate or add a fluid flow rate.

To install an external filter first, an assembly is required according to the instructions that are attached to products. Under the filter allocate a special place. The location of the device must be below the tank level by 20 cm. The device is placed under the water branch. The inlet tubes and tubes for fluid outlet are placed on opposite sides of the aquarium.

Filter for a round aquarium (19 photos): selection of filter for aquariums 5, 10, 20 l with backlight. How to install and secure the filter? 22189_18

Filter for a round aquarium (19 photos): selection of filter for aquariums 5, 10, 20 l with backlight. How to install and secure the filter? 22189_19

When installing equipment, it should be filled with water Self-type method. You must connect and open the hose for a set of fluid. Make sure that So that the fluid does not flow out of another hole. After the water fence, the hose overlap. Next overlap the hose crane, which produces water, turn on the filter. When installing a bottom filter, a liquid from the reservoir and the soil is removed. Then you need to put the device so that it is 2 cm above the bottom. After that, the soil is moved back to the container.

Further see the video with tips on how to reduce the noise from the working filter in the aquarium.

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