Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass


Aquarium plant lemongrass has been a popular inhabitant of aquarium for a fairly long period. With this plant, each fish owner is capable of creating its own ecosystem with ease. Aquarium lemongrass is rather unpretentious in the content, differs in its rapid growth and special beauty. All other features of the plant and many other things you will learn from our article.

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_2


Lemongrass - one of the types of aquarium plants - got its unusual name due to the special smell that makes it possible. The fragrance itself is weakly pronounced and reminds lemon. But it is also worth noting that there is another name for this plant - the Indian Bolder or Nomaphila Stricta. He comes from Asia, more precisely, from her southeastern part.

One of the main functions of the plant, in addition to aesthetic, is the saturation of aquarium oxygen. In addition, large plants leaves can perfectly perform the role of shelter for fish. It should also be noted that This vegetation is able to grow both in water and on land, provided that the moisture is optimal.

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_3

Moreover, in the air, growth rate can be several times faster.

Please rendet this plant is capable of a long time, since under good conditions aquarium lemongrass can grow for 365 days a year for about 10 centimeters in one week. We draw your attention to the fact that if the growth of the plant is not controlled, it can greatly grow And take more space in the aquarium than it follows.

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_4


If you want to acquire such aquarium plant like a lemongrass, then you should familiarize yourself with its main external characteristics.

The standard native majority of the varieties of this plant is approximately 30 centimeters. At the same time, the stem itself is a rather thick and darker shade compared to foliage. Leaves may be different depending on the type. The most common are the leaves of oval and pointed form. Their length is capable of reaching up to 12 centimeters, and the width is about 4 centimeters. The outer side of the leaflets is usually a light green shade, and the rear - silver color.

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_5

This is a description of the external characteristics of the plant that grows in water. As for the type, which grows on land, its appearance is a bit different: foliage is more relief, and also has clearly pronounced streaks along the entire length; During flowering period, a small flower of blue color appears.

It is about such characteristics that you can determine that your pet is not subject to any diseases and feels comfortable in its habitat. If there are any changes in the shape of the stem, foliage, or their color does not correspond to the above characteristics, it means that you need to take action. Most often, problems can be in the following aspects:

  1. water;
  2. the soil;
  3. lighting;
  4. temperature;
  5. Compatibility with other plants and fish.

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_6

If all these factors are taken into account, then your aquarium lemongrass will be able to fully grow and delight you for a long time.


A large number of varieties of aquarium lemongrass are known, but only some species are used to decorate a home aquarium. These include several varieties of the plant.

  • Nickname. The main distinguishing feature of this plant is the highest growth rate compared to other species. Please note that in a rather milded water environment, this species may drop the foliage, and the stem is bare on several upper tiers. And the plant loves a large amount of light, replacing a small amount of water in the aquarium (1-2 times a week).

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_7

  • Dwarf. This type of aquarium lemongrass is distinguished by its rather short epicotes and very thick foliage, which is close to each other. It should also be noted that this type of aquarium plant begins to gain popularity among fans of aquariums.

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_8

  • Ival. It is considered one of the most unusual species, since the same kind may look completely different depending on the place. The features include a subtle and flexible stem, as well as narrow and very thin leaves that are capable of wriggle after. The plant loves bright light and does not tolerate the liquid form of fertilizer. In addition, this type is able to serve as an indicator of the aquatic environment, it is only worth paying attention to the change in foliage in the plant: the white flare is a lack of iron; Yellowing or rapid dying - lack of nitrates; Holes in foliage - lack of calcium.

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_9

How to choose?

In order to create a beautiful and comfortable to habitable your aquarium fish, some part of its perimeter should occupy algae. They will help create a beautiful view. Unlike artificial vegetation, lively aquarium plants will benefit your pets.

To choose aquarium algae should be approached with due attention. And the lemongrass is no exception. First, it is worth noting that algae for aquarium can be divided into 3 categories at their location: in the back, in the middle and ahead of the aquarium.

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_10

The lemongrass, as a rule, can be found either in the middle part, or in the background of the aquarium (depending on the species).

To choose a good "sapling" for your aquarium, you should pay attention to several external signs. These include several factors.

  1. The stem must be darker in color compared to foliage. And he should not be too thin.
  2. The leaves should look healthy, without any plaque, inclusions. Their color is usually a bit lighter stem. Depending on the variety of plants, the back side of the leaves may differ from the front in color, it may not always be a bad sign.
  3. Roots must be at least 2-3 centimeters so that the plant can be well rooted in the soil of the aquarium. Pay attention to the fact that the roots are without any damage.

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_11

How to plant?

Even if you have chosen a better copy for your aquarium, but it was planted in an inappropriate way, the plant does not take care and will soon die. That is why it is necessary to accommodively approach not only the process of choosing aquarium greenery, but also to its landing.

In order to plant a lemongrass correctly, it is necessary to comply with some requirements in relation to aquarium soil:

  1. The soil layer thickness should be from 5 to 7 centimeters;
  2. The base of the soil will suit any, since this plant has a very strong root and will be able to root in any soil;
  3. when transferred under the root of the lemongrass you need to put a small layer of clay;
  4. In the soil there must be a concentration of nutrients, yals.

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_12

If the soil is favorable for the plant, then this is an application for a complete success. However, do not forget about other factors that may contribute to the speedy growth of your lemongrass. The rest of the features that are worth paying for the landing include such factors:

  1. The lemongrass is sensitive to changes in the medium, so after landing should not use a rich amount of fertilizers;
  2. Abundant light will help the plant to root faster and contributes to the rapid growth of the leaves;
  3. Lemongrass is seriously tolerated by a large number of sodium ions in water.

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_13

In order to raise this type of plant in this kind of medium, it should be predetermined in a small capacity with a small amount of water. As soon as you notice shoots, you can transplant in the ground.

At the same time, you should not forget about the thin layer of clay, which should be placed in the ground.

Containing rules

Lemongrass is quite attractive and at the same time not very whimsical in the care of a plant that can grow in your aquarium at home. This type of plant is designed for growing in large aquariums (from 150 liters). In order for your plant to keep your primary attractive look, it is necessary to carry out due care. Everyone knows that aquariferic lemongrass is inclined to very rapid growth, and if you do not want it to take most of your aquarium, it is necessary to monitor its size and trim the stem, shortening shoots.

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_14

And there are also a number of conditions that will help your green pet feel comfortable in its habitat.

  • The soil. In mandatory, the presence of a clay-peat layer with a width of 5 centimeters is required. Lemongrass will be comfortable to feel comfortable in the orstive substrate with fertilizers, which includes phosphorus, calcium, magnesium.

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_15

  • Lighting. It is recommended to grow this type of aquarium plant with 50 lm of light flux per liter of water. It is best to use LED lamps. And it is also possible to use luminescent lamps, but their replacement should be carried out more often than LED type lamps. The tint of light should be yellow, otherwise the pet will grow too quickly.

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_16

Experts are recommended to provide backlight the side parts of the aquarium, and the lighting itself should work at least 12 hours.

  • Temperature. Optimal temperature regime for aquarium lemongrass - + 24.28 ° C. If the thermometer is lowered below + 20 ° C, the algae will grow slowly, and the foliage is possible.

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_17

  • Water. The rigidity of water in the aquarium should be from 8 DGH with acidity of 7-8.5 pp. At the same time, the index of nitrates should not exceed 10 milligrams per liter of water. And also once in 7 days it is necessary to replace approximately 30% of the water. A new amount of water must comply with all the above parameters. In addition, the movement of water in the aquarium must be moderate, so pay attention to the filter you install. If its power creates a strong stream, then resort to the use of "flutes".

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_18

  • Compatibility. The lemongrass is considered fairly stable algae, which is able to outpire some other flora. At the same time, you should not forget that other plants, such as writing, will be able to influence the growth rate of your lemongrass. As for the fish, it is best not to settle in one lemongrass aquarium along with naphyl, scalaria, anchistricts.

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_19

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_20

How to breed?

As for the breeding of this type of plant, it is produced using cuttings. In order for all processes to carry out correctly, you need to follow a specific instruction.

First, separate the upper shoots of an adult lemongrass and put them in fine soil, sometimes use pebbles. When cutting the upper part, side shoots are obtained, which should also be separated and planted in fine soil or pebbles. Thus, if the root and part of the stem can be saved in the soil and part of the stem, you can get an aquarium lemongrass with side shoots.

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_21

As soon as the process of independent breeding of the plant ends, you can proceed to landing of your pet. If you were engaged in the reproduction of aquarium lemongrass on my own at home, then after it is landing it costs some time to observe his "health" so that in case of any problems your plant did not die.

Aquarium plant Lemongrass (22 photos): Features of the content in the aquarium and nuances of breeding, an overview of a narrow, dwarf and other types of lemongrass 22167_22

As soon as you notice the change in the appearance of the plant, this is a direct evidence that the habitat conditions of the lemongrass are not quite suitable for him, and you need to change something.

More about aquarium lemongrass plant, see the video below.

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