Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him?


Sometimes the plants in the aquarium acquire an unnatural shade. If you saw that they were covered with a brown-brown raid - this is the first symptom that the processes that violate the existing ecosystem go in an artificial reservoir. If dark, almost black spots appeared - it is necessary to urgently begin to active actions, the plant is struck by black algae, which grows quite quickly.

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_2

What harm?

Black raid on the representatives of aquarium flora appears due to the reproduction of "black beard", it is a lower algae of black and brown color, which ends the leaves, substrate, decor elements, and even covers the glass walls of the tank. From a botanical point of view, a black beard is a multicellular filamentous algae, the size of the threads is 5-6 cm. The speed of reproduction of algae is so high that it may in a fairly short time can omit the entire aquarium flora.

Despite this that This algae is not a parasite, it destroys the tissue of the plant and darkes them. . If the situation does not take control and do not get rid of the attack as quickly as possible, then plants can dry and even die.

In addition, the black beard is often settled on the ground, grottoes, snapshots, as well as on the filter and compressor - to clean them from the fall and remove the algae is completely very difficult.

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_3

Causes of appearance

The causes of black beard in the artificial reservoir are the most primitive, Here are just some of them.

  • Stagnation of water. As a result of the life of fish in the capacity, waste is accumulated, they highlight nitrates, nitrites and phosphate, which create a condomalic to the growth and reproduction of algae medium. To avoid clogging a reservoir, it is necessary to regularly carry out water substitution, it is advisable to do it weekly.
  • Lack of lighting. Over time, the brightness of aquarium lamps decreases, the lighting becomes more dull, in such a light, as a rule, algae begin to develop much more active.
  • Surplus feed. It is known that some fish feed the black beard, because it is algae, but if the feed is too much, then the need for vegetable food in aquarium pets will not arise.
  • Violation of the density rules of fish population. A large number of fish in the aquarium leads to an excess accumulation of organic matter that has the most harmful effect on the established biocenosis.
  • Clusters in the substrate. With excessive filtration and constant digs in the ground, food particles and other biomass begin to penetrate into the upper layers of water. In this case, the algae, melting in the substrate, find a comfortable environment for active growth.
  • Subtleing of infected plants and decorative elements (stones or squigg). In order to avoid the appearance of the disease, when purchasing any aquarium plant or decoration, it is necessary to pre-hold it in clean water and check whether there are no dark pegless veins, and if notice such threads - the plant is sick.

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_4

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_5

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_6

To identify the black beard is very easy - in this case, spots with fluffy threads of black and green color appear on the surfaces and plants.

However, if there are no obvious signs of defeat, it does not mean that there are no problems. It is possible, it is already inside the tank and only waiting for the conditions suitable for sharp reproduction.

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_7

Methods of struggle

Options for combating a black beard in aquarium are divided into chemical and biological. When using a chemical method, drugs are used - They quickly cope with their victims, but at the same time can harm fish, therefore we will stop more in all possible ways to combat.

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_8

Settlement of individual varieties of snails and fish

As is known, ordinary catches, catchester-ansister, as well as Siamese algae and carposyl fish, eat black beard. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that she is pretty tough, because they just will not start feeding it. During the treatment of the reservoir, it is better not to give any other food to the inhabitants of the aquarium , Only in this case, they will draw their attention to black filamentous algae. From a snail possible solution to the problem can be launched into the aquarium of a small handustrian of small ampuillires - they perfectly cope with any species of algae.

But immediately after the enemy is destroyed, the ampouillion is preferably removed from the water, otherwise they will quickly switch to higher plants.

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_9

Plicing plants

It was noted that the room in the reservoir of hygrophils, elephant and lemongrass, as well as a rogolistnik, Valisnery, Naya and Indian Rotaly contribute to the removal of black beard. The point here is that algae in the very first place attacks the simplest plants, while the highest in the rapid development begin to actively absorb useful substances. To do this, you should buy as many seedlings as possible and create favorable growth conditions for them. It will be worthwhile to use special fertilizers with iron and manganese. In the process of growing plants, it is necessary to trim, as young shoots are actively absorbing the useful components from the water.

Under these conditions, the black beard is not very comfortable, the hairs are brighten, and then die in everything.

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_10

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_11

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_12

Restart Aquarium

This is a rather radical way that is used with a large degree of infection. To do this, it is necessary to put all the fish to the temporary tank, the whole liquid merge, and the damaged plants are destroyed, the substrate and the decor elements are clean and boil. After that, with the help of a chlorine and hot water, the walls of the aquarium purify, thoroughly wash cool water and restart.

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_13

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_14

Using batteries

This is one of the most unusual ways to which the aquarists "with experience are often resorted. In this case, it is not necessary to send anyone, the recipe is simple: from contacts take a couple of copper batteries, lowered them into the water and leave for 3-5 days.

Election electrolytes and microcrokes have a destructive effect on black algae, the fish themselves and higher plants remain intact.

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_15

Application of vinegar

A 3% solution of vinegar has good efficiency, it is dissolved in water to a weakly acidified medium and lowered the affected plant in such a way as not to affect the root system. Vinegar contributes to the destruction of Village. After that, the plant is thoroughly rinsed in clean water and put it back. This procedure is absolutely safe for the sprouts themselves and aquarium inhabitants. The method is optimal at the very first stages of infection when the beard captured only 1-2 plants.

Table vinegar can be replaced with apple or use boric acid instead.

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_16

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_17

Alkaline mode

A black beard does not tolerate rigid water, therefore it should increase the corresponding parameter to 8 units to eliminate it. To do this, 10% potassium chloride is added to it per 2 ml per liter of water and 7% magnesium sulfate (2 ml per 1 liter) or use food soda (0.2 g per 1 liter).

You have in mind that the conditions should be changed slowly, otherwise the inhabitants of the water branch can poison.

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_18


High efficiency has furacilin antiseptics or furazolidone - for this they are dissolved for several days in aquarium water. She can become yellow, it should not scare a breeder.

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_19


Dissolving the borax will quickly destroy all black algae in the tank, but remember that all fish before treatment must be evicted in a separate container, otherwise they will simply die.

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_20

Special antiseptics

With the defeat of the aquarium, the black beard can fight with it with special antiseptics, which pretty quickly clean the water from the disease. Most often used "Sitex", which is completely safe for fish, shrimp and snails But far from always shows efficiency, so preference is better to give a more expensive Algaefix preparation. It is distinguished by speed, but with this medicine is not friendly crustaceans - when it is used, they are dying.

Some branches recommend using "Aldehyde + CO2", but in any case, it is necessary to first become familiar with the instructions for the use of the drug and learn about possible contraindications.

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_21

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_22

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_23

Prevention measures

As they say, the disease is always easier to prevent than to treat, so in order to protect the aquarium and not create comfortable for the reproduction of the black beard of conditions, you just need to closely monitor biocenosis in it. Each week, replace the water by about 25-30%. Do not admit excessive overpopulation of artificial reservoir.

When buying any new fish, provide them with quarantine for 15-20 days.

Black algae in aquarium (24 photos): Why plants and stones were covered with black raid and how to deal with him? 22148_24

Any new plant before checking should be displaced, for this, "Bicyllin-4" (per liter of water is needed a dose of 15 thousand units) or penicillin (at the rate of 5 mg per 1 liter). The drug is bred in water, heated to 25-26 degrees and placed there. For 2 hours, the bank is kept in a darkened place, and then transferred to light. A day later, the plant is washed and placed in aquarium.

Alternatively, a solution of hydrogen peroxide can be used (20 ml per 100 liters of water). Some aquarists use chlorine, which is quite effective in terms of algae, but some plants (Anubias, Kabomba and Elday) are pretty tolerated pretty badly. Follow the content of nitrates - their concentration should not go beyond 5 mg on / liter, for this you need not to overflow fish, use filters and no less than once a week. Compliance with such simple rules will ensure a favorable microenvironment in your aquarium.

About how to get rid of black algae in aquarium in 2 weeks, you will learn further.

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