Cuba Hemiantus: Contents in the aquarium, description of aquarium plant Chemiantus Callitrchoides Cuba


The aquarium without vegetation occurs infrequently, which is not surprising, since the representatives of the flora are not only decorated with mini-water, but also support biological equilibrium in it. Currently, aquarium plants are presented in a wide variety. Little algae called Hemianus Cuba, which aquarists often choose the aquarists looks very nice and unusually.

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In the natural environment, Chemianatus Callitrichoids Cuba can be found in the waters of Cuba and Caribbean Islands. The plant refers to the family of norichnikov. It has an opposite-solid oval foliage with a diameter of up to 2 millimeters. Highlights are missing. The tops of the leaf plate of a saturated green color, the bottom - a little lighter. The lighting intensity gives the Emerald Shade Plant.

The miniature bush is characterized by a straight and thin stem, as well as the fragility of the root system, which has a length of no more than 5 centimeters. Cuba Cuba grows with colonies, in nature can form a herbaceous hat with a height of 10 centimeters.

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In an artificial ecosystem, aquarium plant grows slowly. Subject to proper care, it forms a green rug for 3 months.

At the end of the day, you can see that air bubbles are formed on glossy leaves, which look fascinating.

Chemiantus is able to beautifully arrange aquarium bottom with any area. If there is no irregularities in the ecosystem and cube slightly, they can carefully decorate them. This aquarium plant is an ideal option that combines an attractive appearance, as well as responsiveness with proper care.

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Compatibility with other inhabitants

Chemiantus Cuba is a family plant, as it feels well next to themselves, namely, with miniature thin-scale plants with several leaves. In the aggregate, these Flora representatives are capable of forming an underwater lawn in aquarium.

Callitrchoids is not suitable for bottom fish, such as anti-centers, corridors, other shells, locarial catches.

Cuba Hemiantus: Contents in the aquarium, description of aquarium plant Chemiantus Callitrchoides Cuba 22144_5

Cuba Hemiantus: Contents in the aquarium, description of aquarium plant Chemiantus Callitrchoides Cuba 22144_6

The plant can harm the Snail of Helena and Melania. The grass can die from the neighborhood with a black beard, a nitchhatka and a cake.

The optimal variant of fish, which is inhabited in the aqueous thickness with this plant, are pecilic, neon families. On the carpet from Hemiantus Cuba perfectly get along the shrimp of Amano, crystals of black and red color, cherries.

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Growing conditions

As with the cultivation of any other plant, Chemianatus Cuba requires special conditions of detention. The latter must comply with certain standards, the deviation from which can cause the death of the grass.

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The optimal variant of the medium for this representative of the flora is running water. In this case, the mandatory condition is fluid filtering, for this purpose it is worth installing a filter in the aquarium. With weak filtering, vegetation may die.

Since Hemiantus is a thermal-loving grass, the water temperature in the aquarium should be from 23 to 28 degrees above zero. Acidness should be not lower than 7.5 units.

With the high acidity of water in the foliage aquarium, Cuba begins to collapse. The fluid change should be carried out every 7 days. At the same time, it is not necessary to change all the water, the replacement of 1/5 from the volume will be enough.

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This type of aquarium vegetation prefers a shallow soil, which is maximally saturated with nutritional elements and fertilizers. With a lack of ferrum in water, the leaves are shifted, as well as the slowdown in the growth of grass as a whole.

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Cuba is undemanded to the amount of light Hemiantus Cuba. In order for the green rug to be more dense and bright, the lighting should be brighter. However, we must not forget that this indicator should change gradually. If the plant grows slowly, and the stem reaches the top, then he lacks light.

If carbon dioxide is added to the water, the gas bubbles are settled on the sheet plates.

Cuba Hemiantus: Contents in the aquarium, description of aquarium plant Chemiantus Callitrchoides Cuba 22144_11

Landing and reproduction

The secret of success in the cultivation of Callitrichoids Cuba is considered to be its proper landing and care, which will stimulate growth. In favorable conditions, this aquatic resident is able to reproduce rapidly, retavating new sections in the aquarium. Chemiantus rug, which aquarist plans to plant, you need to divide into parts. If there is too long root system, it is necessary to carry out it to shortening up to 5 centimeters.

The grass is planted both by groups and separately.

Cuba Hemiantus: Contents in the aquarium, description of aquarium plant Chemiantus Callitrchoides Cuba 22144_12

If the landing of each root is produced separately, then it will be necessary:

  • use thin tweezers;
  • Having chimanutus in the soil in checker;
  • The distance between the sprouts should be at least 1 centimeter.

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    When landing groups it is worth performing such steps:

    • divide the green rug on the part;
    • Each of the lobes to put in the well-prepared hole;
    • Palm with a substrate;
    • Do not disturb the distance between groups of Chemiantus in 2 centimeters.

      In order to avoid the situation when the grass pops up into the water surface, it is deepened in the soil, leaving only leaves outside.

      Cuba Hemiantus: Contents in the aquarium, description of aquarium plant Chemiantus Callitrchoides Cuba 22144_14

      How to care?

      To one of the most important care measures for Chemiantus Cuba is feeding. If there are many fish in the aquarium, their allocation has a beneficial effect on grass growth. According to the passage of 7 days from the date of planting of this aquarium plant, it is worthpicing with its fertilizer based on ferrum. When you ignore this event or irregular feeding, you can see that the cannutrichoids leaves become yellow.

      When in the water there is an excessively a lot of organic matter and iron, the grass can darken and grind.

      Cuba Hemiantus: Contents in the aquarium, description of aquarium plant Chemiantus Callitrchoides Cuba 22144_15

      Excessive iron can cause slow growth or stops it. If the above phenomena is seen, then it is worth stopping the feeding of the chemiantus.

      This representative of the flora is well tolerating the haircut, which makes it more dense and thick. During this procedure, you need to squeeze those shoots that have grown in the form of a second tier. Also, do not forget about the haircut of neighboring fast-growing plants, which is ousting or shadowed by Cuba. In the absence of a haircut or its irregular conduction, the substrate can be covered with dark spots or to join. To save the grass, it is necessary to eliminate part of the carpet, which deteriorated, and also to replace the rotten areas to healthy.

      According to experienced aquaries, the hacking of the cube of 0, 25 m2 can take about an hour. The formation of aquarium lawn is necessary in the case when, with a lack of light, the stems became very elongated. After removal of the tops, the stem Callitrichoidez is taken off, and small hand sticks in different directions.

      Cuba Hemiantus: Contents in the aquarium, description of aquarium plant Chemiantus Callitrchoides Cuba 22144_16

      After the formation, the plant does not look more aesthetic, but if this is not done, then the rug, which reaches the height of more than 5 centimeters, starts to rot, and his cap pops up to the surface.

      In order for the plant in the first days after planing, it has emerged to the water surface, it is worth fixing it with a fishing line or a piping grid. After about 14 days, the grass is rooted and the grid can be easily removed.

      The many diseases of Chemiantus Cuba are associated with a disadvantage in the water of trace elements, which is vital necessary. With regular and proper feeding of aquarium plant, there will be no ailments. Some danger can arise from other residents of an artificial ecosystem. The presence of a black beard, having mastered on the walls of the reservoir, can coal the life of grass.

      Cuba Hemiantus: Contents in the aquarium, description of aquarium plant Chemiantus Callitrchoides Cuba 22144_17

      As prevention, it is worth buying aquarium fish and plants only in reliable and verified vendors.

      It is possible to help algae using a tight brushing aquarium cleaning, as well as replacing the third part of the water in the tank twice a week. A good care for Chemiantus Cuba is a guarantee of good growth and an attractive appearance of the plant. This aquarium vegetation is considered a real find, since its decorative properties are at the height. Landing in the canalitrichoids home aquarium is the ability to create a beautiful design in an artificial reservoir, which will have a great similarity with natural.

      About the error in the cultivation of Chemiantus Cuba look next.

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