PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews


PERFECT FIT cat feeds are well known thanks to active advertising. In addition, you can buy them at any store at an affordable price. However, is it good and useful to pets for pets? Let's look together with its composition, let's stop at the merits and disadvantages of the diet.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_2

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_3

general description

When the owners of the satuned fluffy are buying a snickers bar for themselves, and for a pet, the finfect fit feed is, they are unlikely to realize that both products produce the same company. More than 100 years ago, in 1911, an entrepreneur from the United States Frank Mars was created a firm called by the name of its founder.

At first, the enterprise specialized in the release of sweet bars. Products used so high demand that even in the period of the Great Depression, the company was able to increase its turns four times.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_4

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_5

Years and the range of products was constantly expanding. Holding began producing not only delicacies, but also products for pets, including finished feed. In Russia, the products of this brand appeared only in the 90s, but already in 2007, there was a shop for home cats and dogs in Ulyanovsk.

To date, the company offers such a line of rations like Whiskas, Kitekat, as well as Royal Canin and Perfect Fit.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_6

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_7

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_8

The finished diet of this brand belongs to the middle class. This means the absence of preservatives, flavors and taste amplifiers. At the same time, the product does not contain meat, this ingredient is only available in the feed of super premium and holistic. However, this does not mean that the feed is bad. For the manufacture of rations, high quality products are used.

Perfect Fit products are available in dry and wet shapes. Dry feeds contain from 20 to 24% dehydrated proteins, that is, dried protein. In wet feed, the percentage of meat-containing and sub-products reaches 14%. These parameters are stacked in standards for premium-segment.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_9

However, the manufacturer stipulates that they do not use meat, but meat protein. This component can be obtained not only from the gentle and nutritious chicken breast. In most cases, raw materials are waste of the meat processing industry - leather, heads, paws, beaks and claws.

One of the main ingredients of the product is wheat. This is a cheap component, but it is a powerful allergen. If the animal is predisposed to food intolerance, this diet is not suitable for him.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_10

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_11

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_12

Another point. The composition indicates the presence of several types of grain raw materials - rice, sections of wheat and corn. But the manufacturer does not indicate in what relationship uses them. The problem is that from all listed components, only rice is well absorbed by the pet organism, and it is the most expensive. Given the low cost of the product, it is impossible to exclude the fact that this product accounts for a minimum proportion.

A soybean concentrate is also used as the main sources of protein, which is pure vegetable protein, soy flour, as well as corn concentrate. However, it should be noted that the representatives of the feline family belong to the carnivorous animals.

Therefore, animal proteins are more important for them. Vegetable only contribute to saturation, but do not carry any utility for a fluffy pet

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_13

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_14

As additional components in the finished product introduced:

  • Yeast - supplier of vitamins of group V. They contribute to improving the work of the central nervous system and increase the activity of the brain, the dried pulp of sugar beet - is a supplier of fiber. Vegetable fibers improve the intestinal peristalsis, contribute to the formation of felling masses, prevent the appearance of constipation.
  • Schidiger Yucca is a component of plant origin. In the wild, it is found in the north-west of America. Contains a rich set of vitamins and minerals necessary for the full growth and development of the sucked fluffy. The product is useful for the gastrointestinal tract, helps better absorption food and eliminates the caustic smell of feline feces.
  • Vitamin Mineral Complex - represented by nutrient food additives that contribute to an increase in animal immunity. Improves all organs and systems.
  • Salt and chloride potassium - Taste additives, thanks to which the animal quickly gets used to a new diet.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_15

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_16

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_17

Summarizing, we can say that this product has both its advantages and cons.

The advantages include:

  • Famous European manufacturer who places the highest quality requirements for finished feed.
  • Product availability - you can buy food in any pet store or supermarket.
  • Democratic cost - to purchase Perfect Fit can afford any cat owner, even having low wealth.
  • Balanced ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Good vitamin composition, the presence of microelements useful for pets.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_18

Of the minuses you can allocate:

  • The presence of soybean, corn and wheat in the composition - these products often cause cats a strong allergic reaction.
  • Prevailing vegetable protein over animals.
  • In the manufacture of food is not used solid raw materials. For example, instead of fillet, a chicken powder obtained from the cooler products of meat processing is used.
  • As part of the yeast - in contrast to beer yeast, this product may cause meteorism and fermentation in the intestine.
  • A complete list of preservatives is not indicated on the bundle of the diet.
  • With prolonged use of only Perfect Fit rations, the state of domestic pets may worsen.

Especially when it comes to Maine Coon and other purebred cats and cats grown for professional breeding.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_19

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_20

Assortment of dry food

All Perfect Fit products are offered in several versions that can vary in their liking and recipe. This is explained by the physiological features of pets of different ages, breeds and activity. Each group of cats is needed by a different volume of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.

That is why manufacturers offer several series of products that are recommended for low-active and movable cats, home and smoothly walking on the street, young and old pets. Separately, products for neutered cats and fluffy with digestive pathologies are offered.

The dry product is implemented in the form of small granules by packages by 300 g, 800 g, 2 kg and large packs of 10 kg.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_21

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_22

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_23

For kittens

Growing kittens need a special diet. In the period from 1 month to the year, they need an increased protein content, which are the main building material of muscle tissue. In addition, they experience the need for calcium and phosphorus that contribute to the proper formation of bones. Food for kittens has a balanced composition, which will benefit growing fluffy. This is a very high-calorie product, the fraction of protein here is 41%, the lipid concentration is 18%.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_24

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_25

For adult cats

For adult animals, Perfect Fit Active diet is proposed. It is intended for active cats that are in constant motion - it can be active games at home or street hunting. This product is suitable for pets from 1 year to 7 years. It fully provides an animal body with the desired calorie quotier, fills the deficit of valuable trace elements and useful vitamins. It is proposed with taste of juicy beef or chicken.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_26

For domestic cats

In urban conditions, many pets live in apartments without having a street. These cats lead a low-wear lifestyle. In addition, they are deprived of the ability to eat fresh grass. That is why they need a special diet that will maintain a good physical form and warned obesity. Perfect Fit In-Home is represented in three taste variations:

  • with Chiken;
  • with chicken and lamb;
  • With chicken and fish.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_27

For cats with sensitive digestion

The Perfect Fit In-Form product is a product with a low concentration of proteins and fats, has a decreased calorie. It is shown to all cats, which is prescribed diet. The specialized line of feed will prevent overeating and thus will support the vital tone of a domestic pet.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_28

For seniors

Cats and cats living with people are becoming more than pets, these are family members. In order for them as long as possible nearby, they need gentle feeding. For animals over 7 years old, Perfect Fit Senior was created. At this time, animals lose their activity, they often appear nonlands with health, which do not show themselves in a younger age.

Balanced nutrition allows you to extend their activity and suspend the severity of age-related changes.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_29

For beautiful wool and healthy skin

For owners of long-haired and fluffy cats recommended Perfect Fit Hair & Beauty. Regular use of such feed improves the quality of the wool - it becomes shiny, smooth and soft to the touch. In the product formula, there are more meat-containing components than in any other feeds. There is an increase in the concentration of taurine, there is a lot of vitamin B, soya is missing.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_30

For sterilized

Perfect Fit Sterile is designed for neutered and sterilized fluffy. After the operation, the pets become passive, they often suffer from stones in the kidneys and other pathologies of the urinary sphere. To reduce the risk of unwanted consequences, veterinarians advise to change the diet of feeding on gentle and acquire exclusively specialized products. Feed for such animals contain sunflower oil and fish oil. The presence of soybeans is completely excluded.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_31

Variety of wet feed

Wet food implemented under the Perfect Fit brand correspond to dry products. They are also sold in several versions for various categories of animals, the difference lies only in shape. This product is realized in the form of appetizing pieces in the gelned broth or sauce. Such a product contains moisture in the composition, because the need of a pet in water is reduced. In wet rations, the share of meat and sub-products accounts for 34%. The formula includes cereals, vegetable oil, vitamins, as well as minerals and taurine. Beta carotene is used as a natural dye.

Per 100 g of the product has:

  • 8.5 g of protein;
  • 3.5 g of fats;
  • 1.5 g of ash;
  • 0.1 g of fiber;
  • 83 g of moisture.

Energy value is 75 kcal. The product contains at least 200 meters of vitamin A and not less than 1.2 mg vitamin E.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_32

For castrated pets, the following tastes are offered:

  • with beef in sauce;
  • with chicken in sauce;
  • With a rabbit in sauce.

Such feeds contain taurine, it supports the normal operation of the cardiovascular system and allows you to control the pH of urine. For cats with digestive problems, the manufacturer produces stew with salmon. This line of feed does not include soybean and wheat, therefore it does not cause indigestion in fluffy pets. For the same group of animals produced a stew with turkey. It includes a group of prebiotics and probiotics, which is supported by a healthy microflora in the intestine of a pet.

A turkey stew is created to maintain a healthy condition of the skin and beauty of the wool of the saturated fluffy. Ragu with chicken optimally for feeding kittens from 1 to 12 months. The diet contains a balanced for the young animal set.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_33

Review reviews

Reviews of Perfect Fit products are extremely contradictory. Users attracts their availability and budget costs. In addition, advertising promises them to provide pets with all the necessary substances for them. However, according to part of the hosts of fluffy pets, the analysis of the composition of the product gives food for doubt. The fact is that cats are carnivorous predatory creatures. Nature itself laid the need for meat in them. This means that the proportion of the protein in the diet should be the main one.

If feeding the animal cellulose, rice, millet or corn - you should not wait for it to live a long and happy life. In addition, the manufacturer does not indicate which part of the animal he gets proteins. Ideally, it should be a tender chicken breast. But in fact, the production of production - skin, insides, heads, feathers and bones is used.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_34

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_35

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_36

Some consumers believe that the products of the Perfect Fit brand are needed with caution. The feed has a good quality and rich vitamin and mineral composition. However, they are suitable exclusively for healthy animals without any pathologies. In addition, it is not recommended to use for a long time as the sole variant of the feed mixture - the optimal solution will be the combination of products of this brand and natural food. Many note that if the pet has chronic diseases, sensitive gastrointestinal tract or addiction to allergies, then special medical feed should be selected for them.

Of course, it is not always possible to determine how well the cat. Therefore, before transfering it to Perfect Fit, it is desirable to seek advice with a professional veterinarian.

PERFECT FIT cat feed (37 photos): Class of feline feed and composition. Good feed for homemade cats with beef and turkey, other products. Reviews 22140_37

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