Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews


The Karmy's Russian feed is in high demand, since it belongs to the premium class, because it is made of meat, and also contains a vitamin and mineral complex. The regular use of Karmy feed provides a full-fledged development of dogs, the state of their wool, teeth and the gastrointestinal tract improves. In this article, we consider in more detail the features of food for dogs Karmy, basic rules, feeding tips and review reviews.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_2


Karmy dog ​​feed is becoming increasingly popular among dog owners. The manufacturer of this nutrition is a domestic plant "Limkorm". All products Karmy refers to premium class, which speaks of high quality and naturalness. Karmy products were created for quite a long time, since the manufacturer studied foreign food for a long time, conducted studies at various breeds of dogs to pick up the optimal option.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_3

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_4

Karmy products refers to an inexpensive segment, since the manufacturer does not spend money on advertising and does not use attractive packaging. In addition, the products are made of raw materials, which is grown on its own, which also has a positive effect on pricing. The dry food of Karmy is represented by a rather wide range, which allows you to choose a suitable diet for your pet, taking into account its age, size and breed. If you correctly pick up food, then the dog will be healthy and active.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_5

Dog owners who have chosen food karmy for their pets, mark the following advantages:

  • Balanced nutrition, which includes carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the correct proportions;

  • lack of chemical goods, offal, preservatives and dyes;

  • Pet for a long time feels satiety, so the dog does not ask often food, and is not gaining overweight;

  • The feed does not include corn, white rice and wheat.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_6

If we consider the shortcomings, you should pay attention to the following:

  • The manufacturer recommends keeping an open food package in the refrigerator, since it contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, as a result of granules are covered with white towers;

  • Karmy feed is sold in large packages that contain 15 kg; Packages 2 kg are rarely found;

  • Karmy's brand is difficult to find in pet stores, not at all points it is available on sale; It is better to find this product in the online store and place orders as needed.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_7


Karmy products are represented by several rules, which allows you to choose the optimal version for the dog, depending on its age, breed and weight. The manufacturer makes dog dry food in a special recipe, exercising control at each stage of production. Karmy's products include all the necessary components, as well as a mineral-vitamin complex. Consider each other line of dry food Karmy.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_8


Food from the Starter series is designed for puppies up to 4 months. In addition, it can be given to dogs waiting for kids or during feeding. This food is produced according to special technology, as a result, it is quite easy to transfer puppies on solid food.

It allows you to fill all the needs of puppies, and also does not cause problems with the digestive system. If necessary, feed can be soaked with water.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_9

Starter line is presented with turkey. It is sold in several packaging - 2 and 15 kg, which allows you to take a small package on the sample or large for a long period. The composition includes turkey meat, cereals, salmon fat, sea cabbage, probiotics, Schidiger Yucca and even dried apple.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_10


This option is designed specifically for small dogs, usually their weight does not exceed 10 kg. The manufacturer takes into account the activity of the dog, its life expectancy and adherence in food. This line includes several dry feeds. They are also sold in packing 2 and 15 kg.

  • Junior with turkey - Full nutrition for small breed puppies up to 1 year, as well as for nursing and pregnant dogs. Regular use of this feed will help to support immunity, leather and wool will become beautiful, since it is powered by specially selected nutrients, as well as a vitamin and mineral complex.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_11

  • Adult with turkey or veal - This is meant for dogs of small breeds from 1 year. Granules are small, so they are ideal for the jaws of dogs. Food is quite easy to eat.

Regular use ensures an increase in immunity, improving the condition of the skin and wool, and also prevents the formation of dental tax.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_12


This is a series of full-sized dogs for dogs, since it is designed specifically for dogs with a weight of from 10 to 25 kg. The manufacturer in the development of this line took into account possible immunity problems, an increased sensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as a tendency to a set of excess weight. This series includes several varieties, which are represented by packages 2 and 15 kg.

  • Junior with turkey or veal - High-quality dry food, which is designed for the kids of medium breeds. The presence of omega-3 and omega-6 provides healthy and beautiful skin and wool. The presence of probiotics, vitamins and minerals of the complex provides strong puppy immunity. Nutrients contribute to the proper operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_13

  • Adult with turkey or veal - This is a ruler for adult dogs from 12 months, but the weight of which varies from 10 to 25 kg. The regular use of this line will allow you to prevent the formation of dental, restore the work of the digestive system, as well as provide beautiful and healthy skin and wool.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_14


This line is suitable for large dogs whose weight exceeds 25 kg. The optimally selected size of the granules makes it quite easy to eat food without applying effort. Products are presented in two volumes - 2 and 15 kg. The regular use of Karmy feed will allow forget about the problems with the gastrointestinal tract, improve the condition of wool and skin, and also prevent the pathology of the joints. The lineup presents several varieties.

  • Junior with turkey or veal - Optimal food for puppies up to 12 months. The regular use of Junior feed allows growing healthy and active, as well as to develop correctly. The amount of feed required for a single portion is presented in a special table on the package.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_15

  • Adult with turkey or with veal - Food for large breed dogs. Regular nutrition Feed Adult provides immunity strengthening, joint protection, improving the overall type of wool and skin, as well as maintaining the digestive system.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_16

Special Line

This is a fairly large product line, intended for dogs with special needs. If the above feed is not suitable for some reason your pets, most likely, in the Special Line lineup you can choose the optimal option. Consider more proposed solutions.

  • Active Medium & Maxi with turkey - Dry type nutrition for medium and large dogs, which are older than 1 year.

The peculiarity is that this nutrition is ideal for dogs that experience increased physical activity plan. This nutrition strengthens the joints and increases immunity.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_17

  • Sensitive MINI with salmon - This food is designed specifically for dogs that have sensitive digestion. This feed is suitable for dogs of small breeds and older than one year.

Regular use of this meal improves the balance of intestinal microflora, supports immunity, as well as skin health and coarse.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_18

  • Sensitive MEDIUM & Maxi with salmon - This is the same feed as the above described, the only difference is that it is intended for dogs of medium and large breeds. Granules have a larger size that is ideal for large pets.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_19

  • Hypoallergenic mini with lamb - The best choice for dogs that suffer from food allergies. This option is designed specifically for adult little dogs, whose weight does not exceed 10 kg. Its use will reduce the risk of allergies.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_20

  • Hypoallergenic Medium & Maxi with lamb - A good choice for dogs of medium and large breeds, which often suffer from allergies. The main ingredient is a lamb, which has a high nutritional value. This meat is rich in amino acids, minerals and vitamins. Separate attention is the presence of zinc, since it is precisely an action on a pet's immune system.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_21

  • Delicious Mini - Dry Type Feed for Small Breed Dogs which more than one year. This nutrition is characterized by a high content of glucosamine and chondroitin. This combination allows you to maintain joints and bones normally. The main ingredient is veal. In addition, the composition includes amino acids, vitamins and minerals, such as phosphorus, copper, iron, sodium, and so on.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_22

  • Delicious Medium & Maxi - Optimal nutrition for dogs of medium and large sizes, from one year and there is a tendency to manifestations of allergies. The main component is veal - low-fat and very useful meat. You can buy food in packing 15 kg.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_23

Feeding tips

Each package of dry food Karmy is represented by a table according to which you can calculate how many per day it is required for your pet to satisfy its requests. It is necessary to repel from the weight of the animal. For example, for dogs with weight of less than 9 kg, the norm is 150 grams. In addition, if the dog is quite active, then its need increases to 200 grams. If your pet moves little, then the amount of feed can be reduced to 100 grams. For large dogs, the weight of which exceeds 50 kg, it will take about 600 grams. If the dog is very active, then this norm is 550-800 grams, and with low activity - 530-750 grams.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_24

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_25

Important! To correctly calculate the dosage, use the calculation table from the manufacturer. And do not forget that the role is played not only the weight, but also the activity of your pet.

Review reviews

Dry Karmy feed like many breeders and dog owners, as they relate to premium products. The main ingredient is natural meat, which is very important for proper nutrition of the dog. Buyers like not only the composition, but also a wide range of products. You can choose optimal nutrition, taking into account age, weight and even personal preferences for your pet. Many positive feedback concerns the price and quality ratio. Karmy products can not be attributed to a cheap, but the high-quality product cannot cost cheaply.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_26

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_27

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_28

Of course, There are also negative statements about the stern Karmy, because it is impossible to all please. Mostly people complain that Karmy's products are difficult to find in ordinary pet stores. You have to look for large stores, which offers a wide selection of manufacturers, or order power over the Internet.

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_29

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_30

Karmy dog ​​feed: Composition and class of dry feed for small, medium and large breeds. Feed with lamb, veal and other producer products, reviews 22106_31

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