Dry Feed for Hill's Dogs: For large and other breeds, for adult dogs and puppies. Composition of feed with lamb and chicken, reviews


Dry feed for dogs Hill's has been produced many decades in a row. All products are distinguished by high quality and enjoyable taste. She managed to appreciate the advantage of not only ordinary dog ​​lovers, but also breeders and kennels.

Dry Feed for Hill's Dogs: For large and other breeds, for adult dogs and puppies. Composition of feed with lamb and chicken, reviews 22075_2

Dry Feed for Hill's Dogs: For large and other breeds, for adult dogs and puppies. Composition of feed with lamb and chicken, reviews 22075_3

Advantages and disadvantages

Hill's brand products are not just like that. She has a large number of advantages.

  • Huge selection of products. There are several dozen varieties of delicious dry feed on sale. Pick up the appropriate diet for both a healthy animal and for a sick pet will not be difficult.
  • High quality products. Professional nutritionists and veterinarians work on its creation. Food is made from high-quality natural ingredients. Therefore, you can not doubt that they are really useful and tasty.
  • Good composition. Products are made of high-quality dried meat. As part, you can see animal fat and vegetable oil. Sources of fiber and vitamins serve fresh vegetables. Therefore, feeding helps to improve digestion of domestic dogs.

At the same time, buyers noted that wheat and corn are the main source of carbohydrates in such feeds. These are not the most useful ingredients. They are poorly digested by the organism of dogs. Therefore, some animals have problems with digestion may arise after the use of such feed. This is the main minus brand products Hill's.

Dry Feed for Hill's Dogs: For large and other breeds, for adult dogs and puppies. Composition of feed with lamb and chicken, reviews 22075_4


The company's assortment has several basic lines with dry feeds. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Science Plan.

Products from this line are suitable for daily feeding of domestic pets. There is food for different animals on sale.

  • Advanced Fitness. This feed is suitable for adult pets. It stimulates digestion and helps animals always stay in shape. On sale there are dry crockets for dogs of large breeds and miniature pietes. And also there you can find universal products for animals of all breeds.

Dry Feed for Hill's Dogs: For large and other breeds, for adult dogs and puppies. Composition of feed with lamb and chicken, reviews 22075_5

  • For barking dogs. There are two variants of rations on sale: Light and Perfect WEIGHT. They are suitable in low-active dogs. The use of such products allows animals to get rid of extra kilograms. At the same time, they do not have any health problems.

This feed can also be administered to the diet of elderly dogs. If there is a need, the granules can be unloaded.

Dry Feed for Hill's Dogs: For large and other breeds, for adult dogs and puppies. Composition of feed with lamb and chicken, reviews 22075_6

  • Performance. Food is suitable for active dogs that move very much. Most often it is bought by a service animal.

Dry Feed for Hill's Dogs: For large and other breeds, for adult dogs and puppies. Composition of feed with lamb and chicken, reviews 22075_7

  • Small & Miniature. This product is ideal for miniature dogs. It is light and very tasty. In the package there are small granules that the dog is easily rounded.

Dry Feed for Hill's Dogs: For large and other breeds, for adult dogs and puppies. Composition of feed with lamb and chicken, reviews 22075_8

  • SENSITIVE SKIN. This product is recommended to be introduced into the diet of dogs that have skin problems.

Dry Feed for Hill's Dogs: For large and other breeds, for adult dogs and puppies. Composition of feed with lamb and chicken, reviews 22075_9

Most of the diet for adult pets are produced with chicken or lamb. There are also products with turkey and gentle tuna. There are on sale and special dry puppies. Animal of all breeds will suit the product called Healthy Development. It contains everything you need to kid for normal development. It can be given to dogs from 2 months to a year. There is also a special feed for small puppies of miniature rocks. Small & Miniature is created with all their needs.

Mature animals are offered to feed Mature Adult 5+. It is suitable for dogs that are already less active and poorly eating ordinary products. For older pets, Mature Adult 7+ feed was specifically designed. There are three versions of such feed. Therefore, for dogs of large, medium and miniature rocks, you can pick up the most suitable diet. The basis of products for older dogs is a chicken.

Dry Feed for Hill's Dogs: For large and other breeds, for adult dogs and puppies. Composition of feed with lamb and chicken, reviews 22075_10

Dry Feed for Hill's Dogs: For large and other breeds, for adult dogs and puppies. Composition of feed with lamb and chicken, reviews 22075_11


Feed from this line is therapeutic. They can be bought in many pet stores. But it is necessary to do it, just consulting with the doctor. There are more than 20 types of medicinal feeds for dogs.

The correctly selected diet can help in the fight against obesity, pains in the joints, kidney diseases, and diabetes mellitus.

Dry Feed for Hill's Dogs: For large and other breeds, for adult dogs and puppies. Composition of feed with lamb and chicken, reviews 22075_12

Nature's Best.

This product is also suitable for daily feeding adult dogs. It is recommended to be introduced into the diet of animals older than one year. You can choose suitable products for dogs of large, miniature and medium breeds. The peculiarity of goods from this line is that they are all manufactured exclusively from natural ingredients. They have no additives. Therefore, the regular use of such feeds is for animals only to benefit.

Dry Feed for Hill's Dogs: For large and other breeds, for adult dogs and puppies. Composition of feed with lamb and chicken, reviews 22075_13


Products from this line are enriched with vitamins. All of them are prepared from chicken meat. These feed can be administered in the diet of animals of 1-7 years. They are perfectly balanced, so in the diet of animals do not have to introduce some additional additives. All Hill's brand feed is sold both in large packages weighing 10, 15 and 18 kilograms, and in small packages. Therefore, everyone may pick up the most convenient feature of packaging.

Dry Feed for Hill's Dogs: For large and other breeds, for adult dogs and puppies. Composition of feed with lamb and chicken, reviews 22075_14

Review reviews

Dry Hill's feed is popular with dog owners. They note that animals eat appetizing crockets with great pleasure. They like the pleasant taste of the granules. Owners pleases a large selection of products.

Satisfied with branded rations and veterinarians. They highly appreciate the healing products of the Hill's brand, but do not recommend selecting goods from this series on their own. If you correctly choose a dry food for your pet, it will always be full, healthy and cheerful.

Dry Feed for Hill's Dogs: For large and other breeds, for adult dogs and puppies. Composition of feed with lamb and chicken, reviews 22075_15

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