PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products


PURINA, premium food, consistently in dozens of better foods for cats. In order not to get lost in the vast assortment of the brand, any owner should know the most important about the feed for Purina kittens.

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_2


Purina kittens for kittens are designed to meet the needs of a growing organism. Kittens need a building material for growth - full protein, vitamins and minerals governing the quality of the process. The most important point is a balance of nutrition. Any bias lead to illness:

  1. The lack of Taurine is the cause of Rakhita.
  2. Excess of phosphorus, lack of calcium (possibly against the background of feeding exclusively with meat or fish) - hypoparaterosis.
  3. Lack of vitamin A - problems with vision, weakening of immunity, slow growth.
  4. The lack of vitamin B3, B6 and other vitamins of this group will affect everything: wool, state of the genitourinary system, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, joints, peripheral and central nervous system. From the lack of vitamin B3, animals suffer, which are solely boiled food - it is destroyed when heated.
  5. The lack of vitamin C and E reduces immunity, worsens the absorption of minerals, affects the development of kittens in the early period.
  6. The lack of vitamin D affects the state of the skeleton, bones, teeth. An animal becomes sluggish, passive.
  7. The disadvantage or excess of minerals, macro- and microelements will affect the quality of growth and endurance. The pet grows poorly, often sick, he has dull wool, he loses in the liveliness of movements. Perhaps the development of serious diseases, for example, an alimentary hyperparathyroidism.

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_3

Industrial feed greatly simplifies the life of the owner. You do not need to independently calculate the proportions of certain components - this is already done by nutritionist specialists. The brand line has all the products capable of providing a growing kitten full of a full diet.

Kittens are fed 5-6 times a day, giving and dry, and wet food. The combination of various types of food is optimal.

Dry food at first can be swallowed. With the growth of the animal increase the proportion of dry.

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_4

Pluses of Purina feed.

  1. Large selection, availability, low price. Food is sold in all retail chains and are suitable for customers with different tasks.
  2. Enzymes, probiotics to improve the intestinal operation, special complexes and fatty acid contained in maternal milk.
  3. High percentage of proteins.

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_5


  1. Proteins - mainly vegetable origin.
  2. The composition has corn gluten, such feeds will not suit animals with allergies to gluten.
  3. Almost do not contain vegetables.
  4. There are preservatives, dyes, food additives.

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_6

The Purina brand is represented by 7 brands. Of these, 5 contain lines specifically for the smallest pets.

  1. Pro Plan. Line for kittens Junior. These are balanced feed, a little more expensive and richer in composition than the Felix line and friskies.
  2. Felix. - Line of the vehicle of universal destination, just more expensive than friSkies.
  3. Friskies. This is universal feed, the most affordable.
  4. Cat Chow. Increased content of natural components.
  5. Gourmet. Feed for exquisite recipes, for small gourmets.
  6. One. Special formula for immunity strengthening, 41% protein instead of 40%, elevated percentage of pure meat.

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_7

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_8

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_9

Darling and Pro Plan Veterinary Diets brands are feed for adult cats.

Assortment of dry food

Universal dry food is Pro Plan, One, Friskies, Cat Chow.

  • Purina Pro Plan for kittens from 3-4 weeks before 1 year, with chicken. The composition includes docosahexaenic acid (DHA) contained in the milk of cats. Proteins - 40%, of which chicken - 20%.

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_10

  • Purina Cat Chow, with poultry. Feed is characterized by a good content of vegetables that contribute to healthy digestion. There is also fatty acid omega-3 for excellent vision and high intelligence. The protein is 40%, as part of at least 14% of pure poultry meat.

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_11

  • Purina friskies. The only feed from the PURINA assortment for kittens, in which the manufacturer does not indicate the percentage of pure meat. As part of the first place of cereals, then "meat and products of its processing." On the 3rd and 4th place - vegetable protein and vegetable processing products. Protein - 35%.

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_12

  • Purina One. The most diverse composition in the ruler. Designed for kittens from 3 weeks and pregnant cats. Protein - 41%, including chicken meat - 17%.

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_13

The best feedback from these four types of feed is about Purina One.

For pets with special needs.

  1. Pro Plan LiveClea with turkey. Packaging - pack of 1.4 kg. The composition was added a bird immunoglobulin IGY, which neutralizes the most frequently causing allergies in humans fel d1 in the saliva of cats. No side effects from such a corrective nutrition have been detected. Pet need to feed 3 weeks to appear the result. The protein content is 40%.
  2. Purina Pro Plan with turkey or chicken. Designed for kittens with delicate stomachs or especially capricious pets. Contains the OptiGest complex with prebiotics promoting healthy digestion. Protein - 40%.

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_14

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_15

Packing various: package from 200 g to 15 kg. Friskies are sold in the box.

For sterilized kittens aged 6-12 months. Produced Purina Pro Plan feed with salmon. Food is packaged in packages 400 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 10 kg. Feed contains high for this category of feed. Fish meat percentage: Salmon - 18%. Also, the feed is enriched with a special complex to maintain immunity and fatty acid DHA, useful for all organs and a growing kitten systems.

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_16

The mineral complex is specifically balanced in such a way as not to overload the urinary system of a neutered or sterilized animal.

Overview of wet products

Wet products are available in various packaging. Consistency - jelly with pieces or uniform pate. Tastes are diverse: with chicken, with chicken and carrots, with turkey, turkey and zucchini, with lamb and zucchini in sauce. The dosage is designed for 1 feeding. Kittens are fed 2 times a day, using 1-3 paugs or pets for pets up to 3 months, and 2-4 pauges for those who are older than 6 months.

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_17

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_18

The composition of even premium products, like Gourmet pate, includes not only meat and fish, but also products of their processing. The manufacturer indicates the percentage of pure meat. For example, in Puffes with turkey Pro Plan Junior contains 4% of turkey.

It should also be borne in mind that there are sugar, preservatives, thickeners, vegetable proteins (vegetable raw materials processing products).

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_19

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_20


The scum is a foil packaging filled with wet food in the packing of 85 grams. In the line of liquid feed for kids from Purina in packing PAUCs include stamps: Friskies, Felix, Purina One, Cat Chow, Pro Plan Junior. Tastes: chicken, chicken in jelly, beef, chicken and carrot, lamb with zucchini in sauce. Friskies, the most affordable price, contains 4% meat, Felix is ​​1.5 times more expensive, although the percentage of meat is 4%, but this feed is nutritious. For comparison: the percentage of protein in the spicers of friskies 7.5%, in FELIX pachers - 15.4%. Comparison of the percentage of protein in other pachers.

  • Purina One - 12.5%.

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_21

  • Cat Chow - 13.5%.

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_22

  • Pro Plan Junior - 12.5%.

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_23

The percentage of pure meat in all wet feeds in Puffs is 4-5%.


Canned food is more expensive than spiders. 85 grams of the product will cost 2.5-3 times more. However, they are nutritious 5-6 times. The protein content reaches 75%. Roam feed is Purina Pro Plan, Pro Plan Junior, as well as exquisite Gourmet Parshets, which are also suitable for feeding cats awaiting offspring.

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_24

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_25

Choosing a kitten feed, you should focus on the appetite and the well-being of the pet itself. Purina feed belongs to premium class. Breeders and veterinarians critically look at this type of feed, giving preference to the nuts "Holistic" or the class "Super Premium". Not to mention the fact that the category of the predominant class for some PURINA feeds created on the basis of meat or fish processing products is doubtful, and many specialists note that the FRISKIES ruler should be attributed to the economy class. But in the process of organizing the nutrition of a particular animal, everything is individually. Reviews of Purina feeds are often evidenced: small pets grow well, they have a brilliant beautiful wool, the chair is normal, an otned appetite.

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_26

PURINA kittens feed: dry and wet, pies and liquid food in jelly, their composition. Food with turkey and other products 22065_27

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