Cats for cats "native feed": dry and wet, their composition. Feed for sterilized cats and canned food for kittens, feline spiders and sausages, review reviews


"Native Feed" is a popular Russian firm engaged in the production of quality products for cats and cats of different ages. Producers try their products not only delicious, but also inexpensive.


Domestic feed belongs to the premium class. The composition of branded products is pretty good. They contain natural components:

  1. Proteins . The main source of protein in the composition of products is dried meat. Its quantity depends on the type of product. In addition to meat, in "native feed" contains beef flour. In some canned food there are also good meat offal. Rich in animal protein feed benefit all pets.

  2. Carbohydrates . Sources of carbohydrates in the composition of branded feed serve wheat and corn. This makes them very nutritious. Therefore, dry crockets and wet pate are spent very quickly. Catics do not remain hungry.

  3. Fat. . In addition to proteins and carbohydrates, foods contain salmon and chicken fat. This pretty good sources of fatty acids. They are greatly learned and positively affect the state of the health of young and elderly pets.

  4. Additional ingredients. Almost all products of the brand "native food" are enriched with vitamins, minerals, as well as various additives that improve the digestion of pets. All of them are selected taking into account the individual needs of animals. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the selected product approached the animal by age.

Cats for cats

Cats for cats

These domestic feeds for cats and cats have many advantages that pet owners say:

  • Universality . The company's assortment has products for both adult cats and cats and small kittens. Separately, it is possible to choose feed for pets with an excess weight or a larger way of life. All packages are features of feed. Therefore, to choose a suitable product cattle can very quickly. Products can be consumed both thoroughbred and ordinary cats.

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Cats for cats

  • Naturalness . To create branded feeds, high-quality sterilized meat is used. Even after processing, it does not become less tasty and useful. In some canned food, the meat is complemented by natural vegetables or a delicious garnish. No artificial additives, as well as taste or fragrance amplifiers in the composition of products are not contained.

Cats for cats

Cats for cats

  • High quality. The development of diet for adult cats and small kittens is a large number of veterinarians and nutritionists. They try to create only high-quality products that can provide animals to all that they need for normal development.

To create dry granules and canned food, local meat is used. Therefore, manufacturers are confident in its high quality.

Cats for cats

  • Availability . Branded feed cost rather cheap. Therefore, they can afford to buy almost every pet owner. They are sold in most pet stores and in many supermarkets. Very often feed can be bought by stock. It is most profitable to buy such products wholesale. Especially in the event that there are several animals in the house.

Cats for cats

  • Comfortable packaging. Canned this manufacturer is sold in keys. They are very easy to open. Large packs with dry food do not occupy a lot of space. They protect the granules from sunlight and moisture well. Therefore, feed always remains appetizing and crisp.

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Cats for cats

Cons of the products of the brand "Native Feed" also have:

  • In the composition of the feed contains wheat and corn. These products do not benefit cats and cats. They are poorly digested by their organism. Animals with a sensitive esophagus may arise allergies to cereal. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce such food in their diet especially carefully. But the presence of grain is quite typical for many modern premium feeds.

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Cats for cats

  • Many pet owners also alarming the fact that When creating wet feed, gelling additives are used. The manufacturer on the package does not indicate they are natural or synthetic. Therefore, to say exactly whether they are useful for the body of domestic animals, it is impossible.

Cats for cats

  • Manufacturer also does not indicate which vegetable oil was used when creating feed. No data and how the selected product was cleaned.

Cats for cats

Despite the small number of minuses, the feed of this Russian manufacturer is popular among buyers. Many wobbies note that their quality is much higher than that of more expensive analogues.


The feed of this brand is both dry and wet. Different types of products may well be combined in the diet of the animal, complementing each other.


Domestic dry food can be used as a feline diet. They are satisfied and delicious. There are several main rations for adult cats and small kittens on sale.

  • For sterilized. Products for sterilized cats and castrated cats are sold in large packages of 10 kg, as well as in packages weighing 2 kg. The main source of proteins in such products is natural poultry meat. Supplement his two types of fat. Corn and wheat serves sources of carbohydrates. The composition of the product is enriched with dried berries, yeast, as well as a large number of vitamins. Nourishing feline food is perfect for animals that are restored after the operation. He helps them to remain healthy and cheerful, and also protects them from obesity. Such products should be introduced into the diet of a pet only for a short time. As soon as the animal is fully restored, it should be translated into ordinary food for adult cats.

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Cats for cats

  • For kittens. Dry crockets for kittens can be given pets aged one month to one year. Products are manufactured taking into account all the needs of kids. It is characterized by high calorie and is better absorbed by the body. Kittens that feed on such food do not need additional vitamin and mineral supplements. In the package there are dry crockets of small size. They are fragile and lungs. In the diet of kids such food is administered neatly. Initially, they are swollen, and alternate with broth and milk. A few weeks later, dry crockers make the basis of a feline diet.

Cats for cats

Cats for cats

  • For adult animals . Full food for adult cats and cats is designed for animals over 12 months. If the baby from childhood was fed on the products of the brand "Native Feed", the food for adult animals will also like it. You can choose products for your pet with different types of meat. Food with the name "Meat Rag" is particularly popular. Dry products for healthy adult pets perfectly saturately and does not lead to the appearance of any diseases in animals. Food for older pets, as well as for kittens, you can additionally be swallowed.

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Cats for cats

To the animal that feeds on dry food felt good, he should always have free access to clean drinking water. In this case, the pet will not have dehydration. Water in the drinking is desirable to change twice a day.

Transferring an animal to a new feed, it can be mixed with the usual products for several days. Animal feeding rates Manufacturers usually indicate packaging. If you adhere to, the pet will get everything you need for development, without moving.

Cats for cats


Like dry crockets, the wet products of this brand are made of high-quality raw materials. The manufacturer claims that canned native feed can be given cats on a daily basis. They are allowed to mix with vegetable dishes, as well as with porridge.

The company's assortment has several basic lines of wet feed. Each of them has its own characteristics.

  • "Meat treat" . There is canned food for sale for both adult animals and kids. They are characterized by their tastes. Cats and cats can be pamped with products with beef, bird, lamb, crumbs, and liver. Meat in banks is covered with a layer of fragrant jelly. It has a pleasant consistency. Delicious meat consisting of such canned food with offal. In addition to the main ingredients, manufacturers are used to prepare feed lungs, scar, as well as the heart. Skin or low-quality waste in the composition is not.

Cats for cats

  • "Notable." Premium feed have minced consistency. Gentle meat is also covered with a layer of jelly. But it is much less in such canned food. There are delicacy with different tastes. Therefore, if the pet does not like the product chosen for it, it can be replaced with another.

Cats for cats

Cats for cats

  • Food for adult cats . Premium products are available in both large banks and small packages. Such pauses weighing 100 grams are very convenient to use for feeding animals. In terms of its consistency, products from this line also resembles a mixture of plower with jelly. Ideal for small kittens. Depending on the preferences of the animal, it is possible to choose a gentle feed with beef, turkey, veal, chicken or lamb.

Cats for cats

  • Full feed. This product is sold in small pachers. So, 85 g of feed Animal can calmly eat in one meal. An adult medium-sized cat will need about three bags of such wet feed per day. There is a delicious feed with beef for adult cats, as well as spiders with chicken and gutters for small kittens. Sterilized animals offer food with turkey; Pets who have problems with digestion - with a lamb. Such complete feeds are distinguished by a pleasant taste and aroma.

You can also find delicious company delicacies. They are sold in small packages. Appetizing sausages can be used to train animals or to pamper them from time to time. You can pick up delicacies with turkey, rabbit, duck, veal or beef. They are dry and very tasty.

Cats for cats

Cats for cats

Cats for cats

Cats for cats

Wet products are stored for quite a long time. But if the bank with feed was open, the animal should eat it in the coming day. At the same time, for the condition of the product can not be afraid. After all, the lids on such jars are well closed. Therefore, products are not totted and does not become less tasty.

Giving such delicacies to their pets, it is also necessary to ensure that they fit into the diet of the animal. This is done so that cats and cats do not gain weight. At one time the cat should eat no more than one sausage. Little pets are advised to give half of such a delicacy. The rest of the products are worth storing right in the package away from direct sunlight.

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Review reviews

"Native feed" receive a large number of positive feedback. It is noted that they are suitable for feeding both domestic lovers and street animals or seitters. Products are satisted and nutritious. Therefore, a large package bought for little money is enough for a long time.

Most animals eat crockets and canned food with appetite, so the owners of cats and cats can safely buy their pets from this brand. If you correctly pick up a diet for your pet, he will be happy to eat both dry crockets and wet canned food.

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