Cat feed "Night Hunter": Composition. Food for kittens and sterilized cats, dry and wet feline food manufacturer. Review reviews


Cat for cats and cats "Night Hunter" enjoy special purchasing demand. Let's figure out what their pros and cons, species, as well as opinions about the quality of products.

Cat feed

Advantages and disadvantages

The trademark "Production" Produces "Night Hunter" products for pets of different breeds and ages. It is focused on cats and cats with different taste preferences.

The product line is designed for pets with different conditions of the body (pregnant, neutered, sterilized, nursing, kids). The feed has a special recipe, taking into account the features of cats and the requirements of veterinary doctors.

It contains meat ingredients, does not have extracts of plant proteins. The composition includes vitamins and minerals needed for animal vital activity. Products are considered multifunctional, do not irritate the stomach, do not provoke diarrhea. The manufacturer's products are distinguished by a wide range and acceptable cost. It is a full nutrition for pets, has high quality.

Cat feed

Cat feed

The brand feed is easily absorbed, have excellent taste characteristics and a balance of composition. They increase the resistance of immunity to negative environmental impacts, improve animal health. Products saturates a feline body, does not contain harmful chemicals and dyes, warn the risk of various diseases

Along with the advantages, the manufacturer's feed has several drawbacks. The key of them is the likelihood of allergies due to the composition of beer yeast. In addition, buyers do not like that the packages do not indicate the exact meat content. Food is difficult to purchase in conventional supermarkets in a dry form. Most often on the shelves there is a food of canned type. During the production of a canned product, a part of the vitamins is lost due to high temperature processing. Because of this, the animal must be added separately to the diet of vitamin complexes.

Cat feed

Cat feed

Cat feed

Overview of dry food

Dry feed of the domestic producer half consist of meat ingredients. In addition, the composition, depending on the species, includes rice, wheat, linen seed, corn. The line has products for adult pets and kittens. Each group consists of several varieties of catfish. In addition, each type of product is distinguished by their type of packing. Brand products are suitable for permanent use. She makes wool silky and shiny cats. The feed itself is nutritious. They are injected into the nutrient diet gradually.

At the same time, the power mode for different ages is different. Properly selected diet extends the vital activity of pets. For example, products for older pets warn the appearance of overweight. It is the prevention of chronic diseases, is designed to reduce the intestinal activity and the absorption of nutrients. Such feeds maintain the level of zinc volume and polyunsaturated acids that support excellent condition of the wool and animal skin.

Cat feed

Cat feed

Cat feed

For adult cats

This ruler includes several types of pets for pets. The minimum packaging weight is 400 g. Other packaging are 800 g, 10, 1.5 kg. Products are biologically full, ensures the needs of any feline body.

The level of humidity of the feed does not exceed 10%, the recipe for many species includes vitamins of groups B, A, D3, as well as riboflavin. The shelf life of products is 15 months from the date of manufacture.

Granulated feed for a third consists of protein. It includes antioxidants, acids: folic, pantothen, nicotinic, omega 3 and omega 6, as well as biotin. His humidity does not exceed 10%.

Cat feed

Cat feed

Cat feed

The series includes food with chicken, beef and rice, chicken, lamb, turkey and rice. In addition, the manufacturer produces dry meat and marine assortment. Unlike canned products, the main ingredient is meat (fish) flour. In addition to it, the food fat (in fish - fish) is included.

Products have no accessories to a specific class. However, in quality and taste, it is not inferior to premium feeds. Feline food in the form of granules is suitable even for picky pets.

Cat feed

Cat feed

Cat feed

For kittens

Dry food for kids are designed for kittens of different ages (from 1 to 12 months). Food is high quality, easily absorbed by the body. Enriched in protein, ensure the correct development of kids from the first days of life.

Can be served in dry and operated in warm clean water. The daily rate is selected taking into account the age of pet and energy spent. Do not contain genetically modified components.

Presented in a classic version with three types of packing: 400 g, 1.5, 10 kg. 35% consist of protein, have a calcium, phosphorus, soybean oil and a dry egg.

This product differs from the rest of the highest energy value, which is 400 kcal by 0.1 kg. The composition includes vitamins A, D, E, K. Small Murlycs quickly get used to these granules and can abandon natural food.

Cat feed

Cat feed


This ruler includes several products: for senior cats, sterilized cats and neutered cats, long-haired animals. Also, the brand produces products for the prevention of urolithiasis. Depending on the type, the feed can be complemented by taurine and antioxidants.

Food for old animals contains meat (chicken) and fish flour, chicken liver extract. The composition includes vitamin and mineral complexes, soybean oil and yeast. It is enriched with calcium and fiber. Preventive products, in addition to meat and fish flour, contains crushed particles of crustaceans, marine mammals. In the stern there is potassium, iodine, nicotinic, pantothenic acids.

In all product products there is a pulp of sugar beet. Energy value varies from 380 to 398 kcal by 0.1 kg. Larger calorie calories in cat feed with long wool. Products for long-haired cats are distinguished by the presence of crushed rice and rice bran. Chicken eggs, vitamins A, D, E, and Taurine are included in the recipe. This type of product is supplied to the market in the packaging weighing 400 g.

Cat feed

Cat feed

Cat feed

Variety of wet feed

The range of wet feed includes 6 kinds of canned foods: meat in sauce, jelly, pate, pieces in soft sauces, canned food for kittens and elderly cats.

Cat feed

For babies

Powered for kittens includes 5 types of canned feed, which has 0.1 kg. The proportion of moisture is 80%, while the crude protein accounts for 8.5%. The percentage of meat and sub-products in the stern varies from 10 to 20%.

The feed of this series has a beef, chicken, calf meat, as well as lamb, rabbit, turkey and chickens meat. The number of kilocalorium by 0.1 kg is 85.

Most of the "children's" ruler contains tocopherol and taurine. Liquid canned product with calf and turkey meat contains crushed cereals and carrots. The feed contains vitamins, minerals, as well as vegetable oil.

Cat feed

Cat feed

For adult animals

Wet food for adult pets include several lines: products in sauces, jelly, pate, nutrition for elderly cats. Food for older animals low-calorie. The series includes 4 types of tin cans that differ in the main ingredient (meat or chicken). In addition, in the range there are products of combined type (meat and fish).

Brand pate (8 species) are characterized by a tender texture and excellent taste. They are supplied to the market in tin jars weighing 0.415 kg. Enriched with vitamin and mineral complexes, are low-calorie products.

Provide a convenient opening, are classic and combined. The series has feed with beef, liver, rabbit and heart, chicken and liver, veal and lamb. In addition, the manufacturer releases assorted meat, as well as fish.

Cat feed

Cat feed

Cat feed

Liquid food with sauce - the low-calorie line favorite. For example, the sour cream sauce has dry milk and yogurt. Cheese contains powder of cheese. The recipe includes not only meat, but also by the sub-products.

In addition to beef, liver, rabbit and heart, the manufacturer produces canned food with salmon, sickness and tuna, as well as calf and turkey meat. The percentage of meat is 2/10 of the total volume.

Cat feed

Cat feed

Review reviews

Despite the special purchasing demand, the feed "Night Hunter" from the domestic producer has contradictory reviews. This is evidenced by numerous comments left on the thematic portals of the World Wide Web.

Most cat breeders note that brand feeds like homemade cats. However, animals do not attach their products as on the analogs of other manufacturers. After meals, pets are active and cheerful.

Violations of the chair and other negative processes are not marked. However, in comparison with the feeds of other suppliers, this product, according to, buyers, is not so good. It is an alternative to a nutrient diet in the absence of funds on expensive food.

Pets are eaten, and some absorb additives. The smell of the quality product is weaker than the analog products of advertised brands.

Cat feed

However, breeders do not like that the prices for the manufacturer's feed began to strive for expensive feed. As for the packaging, breeders prefer small packages, tin cans and dai-packages.

Food weighing 10 kg over time loses the smell. As practice shows, this product pets eat not so happy. Many people refuse him at all, even if there is no other meal.

Pretty cat breeders write that their grinds do not eat moist, nor granular feed. Separate comments point: Among the shopping comes with a spoiled feed with a terrible smell. This concerns the varieties of liquid type in small sachets.

The owners of cats and cats notice: the liquid feed of their pets like more granules, regardless of taste. At the same time, most negative feedback on feed in the form of pieces in jelly. Buyers do not like that jelly in banks too much.

Separate breeders note the taste quality of canned sauces. Even special quantities completely lick canned sauces in banks and milking packages.

Cat feed

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