The content of Amadins (17 photos): Bird care rules at home. How to care for offspring when breeding them?


Amadins are becoming increasingly popular among domestic birds. These feathers have a spectacular appearance, a pleasant voice, a beautiful plumage. In care, they are not too demanding, although they can be buggy. Cheerful Amadins will definitely bring a variety of life.


Birds belong to the family of facilities, where rich species diversity. At home, the Japanese amadins are most often divorced - they are not capricious in care, although the most concisely externally. Zebra birds are also very popular, more energetic and active. Less often houses Amadins:

  • redhead;
  • diamonds;
  • Parrot.

In general, to maintain and care for all kinds of Amadins needs approximately the same.

The content of Amadins (17 photos): Bird care rules at home. How to care for offspring when breeding them? 21984_2

The content of Amadins (17 photos): Bird care rules at home. How to care for offspring when breeding them? 21984_3

Cell selection and its filling

To keep and care for the Amadins, it is necessary that the birds multipliate, develop and did not hurt. The location depends largely on the possibilities of the owner. It can be a cell or aviary, the main thing, to equip the housing for the feathers. In the apartment most often the birds live in cells, this type of placement is compact and does not occupy a lot of space, in addition, it is much easier to clean in the cage. First of all, pay attention to the material of the manufacture. Cells are made of metal, wood or combined.


  • Metal cage Pretty durable, the light goes inside, the term of operation is long, a large plus metal in hygienicness, simplicity in care, but they are quite noisy, all prank jumps are heard to households;
  • Wooden cage aesthetic, beautiful, in her birds hear less while driving, but this species is not too hygienic, less durable in comparison with the metal, in addition, they require more reverent care;
  • Combined models Combine the advantages and disadvantages of both varieties.

The content of Amadins (17 photos): Bird care rules at home. How to care for offspring when breeding them? 21984_4

The content of Amadins (17 photos): Bird care rules at home. How to care for offspring when breeding them? 21984_5

Important moment: not all material for metal cells is suitable for birds. Buy aluminum and steel models, but give up copper. In the process of oxidation, copper allocates harmful substances, it can lead to poisoning of feathery. Also should pay attention to the shape of the cell, its size:

  • A single pair space is longer than 45 cm long and a height of more than 25 cm;
  • When birds breed, it is necessary to provide places 2 times more than usual;
  • The form of the rectangle is more comfortable for the stay of birds, for cleaning the cage;
  • Refuse the dome-shaped models, there will be no amadins;
  • Round form disorienting this breed in space;
  • Refuse cells with excess decor: balconies, turrets, otherwise they will have to often wash them off from mud clusters.

The content of Amadins (17 photos): Bird care rules at home. How to care for offspring when breeding them? 21984_6

The design of the cell is another nuance that requires an attentive relationship:

  • Removable tray will make cleaning easier;
  • The small door below the porchos will allow you to clean and put food and drink without the risk of bird departure.

For high-quality development and a comfortable stay of birds in aviaries and cells, you need to competently equip them. You will need:

  • one feeder for grain sam;
  • feeders for additional types of feed;
  • POWER;
  • place for mineral feeding;
  • two or more frenches;
  • bathroom bathing;
  • place for nesting if breeding is planned;
  • Attributes for cleaning cells: scoops, brooms, brushes, rags.

The content of Amadins (17 photos): Bird care rules at home. How to care for offspring when breeding them? 21984_7

To drink tanks and feed there are a number of requirements to be taken into account:

  • Preferred plastic, glass or porcelain products, they are sufficiently hygienic, they are easy to wash;
  • Refuse products from wood, copper;
  • Place the tanks better on the wall of the cell or the floor, not under the cakes, otherwise the feces will fall there;
  • Drinking and feeder are located in different zones of the cell.

Pilia is preferred from wood, the size is selected by scribbling the paw, otherwise the amadin will be uncomfortable. The optimal number of jelia is at least 2, they are not very close from each other, then the birds will fly. By installing barbells, keep in mind that the tail of the bird should not touch the walls of the cell. The bottom of the cell or body of the enclosure is lined with the following materials:

  • wood chips;
  • sawdust;
  • river sand;
  • pieces of paper.

Only after all for the cozy life and the development of birds is equipped, you can run the feathery.

The content of Amadins (17 photos): Bird care rules at home. How to care for offspring when breeding them? 21984_8

Detention temperature

Amadins belong to the exotic types of feathery, so there are many features of the content in the house, although usually the birds of this breed are not too capricious. First of all It is necessary to choose the placement of the cell.

In many ways it depends on the species of birds. The Japanese are calmer, they can be put on any height from the floor, they are not afraid of the human approach. Zebras are more disturbing, the optimal location of the cell installation is a wardrobe, shelves on top.

It is very important that the birds are in a well-lit zone are hidden from drafts. If the house is heated with a furnace, a fireplace, cells can not be put and hang under the ceiling, they can be lit.

Do not put birds in the immediate vicinity of heating devices. As for the air temperature and humidity level, the stability is primarily important here.

The content of Amadins (17 photos): Bird care rules at home. How to care for offspring when breeding them? 21984_9

Features of the content:

  • The perfect temperature fluctuation interval from 15 to 24 s;
  • Overheating and supercooling are equally harmful to amadins, and the last they are then transferred easier;
  • The temperature of more than 25 seconds for several days will lead to a deterioration in the state of birds;
  • If the temperature is below the norm, it is necessary to increase the power, so the bird moves the discomfort;
  • The average humidity level is optimal for the development of this breed;
  • It is necessary to ensure that the oscillations are not too sharp, especially in the direction of temperature reduction.

It is very important to ensure competent lighting. This factor also affects development and health as temperature and humidity. The duration of the day varies ideally from 12 to 15 hours. Birds are needed straight rays, so in the warm season they should be on the street about 40 minutes a day. If you do not comply with these recommendations, feathers can get sick. In winter, it is not worth too much to increase the length of the daylight, it can lead to fatigue, sluggish behavior.

In order to provide birds with the desired degree of light, incandescent lamps should be applied, artificial light. So that there is no overheating, they should not be closer to the cell closer than 1.5 meters.

The content of Amadins (17 photos): Bird care rules at home. How to care for offspring when breeding them? 21984_10

What to feed birds?

The development and health of amadins at home directly depends on the quality and balance of nutrition. Feed the birds are diverse, to withstand the balance, ensure a full-fledged complex. There are several varieties:

  • Zernost - make up the basis of the diet;
  • roasting of plant origin;
  • soft, protein feed;
  • Additives of vitamin and mineral types.

The main part of the ration of grain sesters, which make up different types of millet, oatmeal, plant seeds. This kind of feed must be poured every morning. The quantitative rate is calculated individually, since all birds have different appetites. The average varies From 1 to 1.5 teaspoons on an adult bird.

The content of Amadins (17 photos): Bird care rules at home. How to care for offspring when breeding them? 21984_11

Approximately once in 7 days of birds feed the additional types of feed, for example, soft. It consists of boiled eggs, cottage cheese connected with grain. It must be remembered that this product is perishable, so it can not be left for a long time and lay out in a tank for grain scene. Several times a week should be born herbal food:

  • salad;
  • nettle;
  • dandelion.

Periodically, you can add protein to the diet, that is, different types of dried insects. As for mineral supplements, the most relevant chalk, shell, sand, mineral mixtures with calcium and phosphorus are given periodically.

Water changes twice a day, in the heat it should be done more often. In addition, water tank must be worn thoroughly so that the mucus does not appear.

The content of Amadins (17 photos): Bird care rules at home. How to care for offspring when breeding them? 21984_12

The content of Amadins (17 photos): Bird care rules at home. How to care for offspring when breeding them? 21984_13

Rules for breeding and caring for chicks

Amadins are able to bring offspring in captivity. Reproduction is a process requiring attention, but not too complicated. You need to know the following rules:

  • For successful reproduction, it is necessary to increase the day day about up to 16 hours or a little less;
  • A separate cell and a nester house will be required, it is enough to put a house so that the instinct earned, it is better if the nests are 2;
  • The minimum age suitable for breeding is 9 months, the maximum - 5 years;
  • The male and female should be prepared for the process, the male at that time increases activity, singing is read, the female tries to equip the house, takes a call position;
  • If you notice that the birds are engaged in busting feathers from each other, then the pair has developed;
  • These recommendations are common to all types of Amadins.

The preparatory period smoothly enters the tab and extending. Instinct developed in females very well, no problems arise. Moreover, males often help females in survival. In one masonry, usually from 3 to 6 eggs, but not all of them get out. So that parents do not overlook the shell, during the period of sitting, it is necessary to increase the protein and calcium content in the stern.

The surveillance period lasts about 2 weeks, then naked and blind chicks appear. They are asking immediately, but the female perfectly feeds them, after the Father also begins to feed. A day after 3 appears the first squeak, a week later, the eyes open. Then the period of active plumage begins, after about a month, the chicks are separated from the nest.

The content of Amadins (17 photos): Bird care rules at home. How to care for offspring when breeding them? 21984_14

Features of tame

To tame the bird of this breed, you need to work with only one individual - this is the main dresser rule. If you want to tame a few feathery, you have to do it in turn. If Amadins are more than one, they are not able to focus, distracted. Birds are trained as follows:

  • separated the individual from the neighbors for the entire period;
  • It is worth placing a bird during the period of studying is needed in a small cage with a folding riding or a wall, otherwise the catch will be inconvenient;
  • Wings are mandatory, otherwise the bird can accidentally fly out of the house, hit, twisted in the fan;
  • A short period and feathers will take place again, but contact with the bird will already be adjusted;
  • In the case of regular birds, periodic trimming is required on an ongoing basis.

The purpose of the taming is to force a pet to sit on your hand. Algorithm of actions:

  • Select the room of a small area;
  • Close the doors;
  • Do not force the poultry randomly to return to the cage immediately, pour food on the floor of the cell;
  • It is necessary to carefully force the bird to be in the corner and substitute your hand so that the feathel does not have a choice but to sit on it;
  • Show perseverance and be tolerant, this process will take time;
  • It is necessary to train the bird every day;
  • After the bird jumps on his own and sits on the hand willingly, long, you can pull out from the cage, only as much as possible;
  • refuse to try, if the bird is afraid;
  • After the pet gets used to his hand, and it will be possible to get it, gradually teach it to the seat on the shoulder.

As soon as the bird gives a sign that he wants to get out of the cage - the pet is tamed.

The content of Amadins (17 photos): Bird care rules at home. How to care for offspring when breeding them? 21984_15

The content of Amadins (17 photos): Bird care rules at home. How to care for offspring when breeding them? 21984_16


Amadins are a rather sociable breed, so one representative is better not to start. These are artistic birds, buy them with couples. If you do not plan to breed, you can buy not a female and male, but two males or females. Choose birds older than a year, be sure to evaluate their view when buying and follow the rules range:

  • should not be properly, unfaithfulness, ulcers, inflammation;
  • The plumage is dense, healthy amadin respanted, eyes shine;
  • Energetic behavior, active;
  • Voice should not be hoarse;
  • transport birds in special cells of small size;
  • After transportation, you need to withstand a monthly quarantine, so as not to put a sick bird to the flock;
  • The best time for acquisition is autumn.

The content of Amadins (17 photos): Bird care rules at home. How to care for offspring when breeding them? 21984_17

In the next video you will find additional information about the content and care of amadins at home.

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