How to distinguish the male Amadina from females? 10 photos How to determine the floor in appearance? How to distinguish a boy from the girl?


It often happens that there is a desire to purchase a singing bird for your home, but the question arises as the floor to buy a favor favor it. Most often only the males sing well. Here Amadin has the same story: males are significantly superior to females in their vocal data. Immediately, we note that Amadins are accustomed to communication, which is characteristic of artistic birds, so they should acquire a couple of birds: female and male. But in order not to confuse, having bought either 2 "singers" or "educators" of chicks, you need to take care and learn how to distinguish these ptah on the floor.

How to distinguish the male Amadina from females? 10 photos How to determine the floor in appearance? How to distinguish a boy from the girl? 21978_2

Features of the floor definition

In many birds, including Amadin, sexual dimorphism in anatomical features is very poorly developed. This circumstance can be explained by the complexity of the determination of the floor from them at a glance or even with a detailed consideration. This is especially difficult for beginners in breeding birds, and even in cases when you compare nothing with anything (for example, the seller's bird is one or all the same on external signs). But it is not worth a hurry, and even more so trust the assurances of the seller about the floor of birds, as there are some ways to determine the amadin sexuality, which will help solve this task on their own. You can determine:

  • in appearance (the sizes of different individuals within one species, the color of the plumage and beak, the size of the beak);
  • voic data;
  • on behavior.

Each of the presented ways of distinguishing the boy from the girl among Amadin requires a more detailed consideration.

How to distinguish the male Amadina from females? 10 photos How to determine the floor in appearance? How to distinguish a boy from the girl? 21978_3

In appearance

In size, the males are a little largest females, but this sign is a rather weak help when choosing a pet of young age, as well as in cases where there are no other external interpovers. Many species have such a fact: the beak of the boy usually looks massive, rather than in girls (it is thicker), and some subspecies have a small hubber at the base (from the side of the head). In addition, the beak of males is characterized by its brightness, if compared with the beak of females.

How to distinguish the male Amadina from females? 10 photos How to determine the floor in appearance? How to distinguish a boy from the girl? 21978_4

If it is possible to compare several birds within one variety, then a good sign is the intensity of their color. On the color you can define not only the subspecies of amadines, but also the floor, and even the age of the bird. There are several varieties of amadins in the color of general plumage or individual parts of the body that have become popular in our country. We list as an example several of them.

  • Redhead amadins. Their main plumage is brown with dark stripes. The females have a faded color, and in the males in the chest area there is a saturated brown spot, which distinguishes in color from the general plumage. The most important sign of the male is a red collar in the form of a Latin letter V on the neck, if you look at a straightly sitting bird. The females on the head there is no red.

How to distinguish the male Amadina from females? 10 photos How to determine the floor in appearance? How to distinguish a boy from the girl? 21978_5

  • Chestnuting a variety. The floor in these birds to distinguish between the boost is very difficult, females and males are practically indistinguishable by color. The only "beacon" is a cross black strip on the chest, separating chestnut breasts and a white abdomen of birds. The male is wider than the female. Yes, and the belly in the female has a color not purely white, but rather grayish.

But these signs are noticeable only in the case of comparison, when 2 different solutions are sitting nearby.

How to distinguish the male Amadina from females? 10 photos How to determine the floor in appearance? How to distinguish a boy from the girl? 21978_6

  • Bronze-core amadins. The floor of these birds is also quite difficult to distinguish separately. On their heads and tails there are islets of black color, males have them much more. In addition, bronze strips on the boys's sides are brighter than girls.

How to distinguish the male Amadina from females? 10 photos How to determine the floor in appearance? How to distinguish a boy from the girl? 21978_7

  • Zebra. The main distinguishing sign in the male Zebric Amadina - the presence of a "zebra" pattern at the junction of the chest and neck. It consists of alternating strips of black and light color. The female does not have this drawing. In addition, there are several artificially broken mutations of this variety of Amadin. Among them, there is a white subspecies, in which males from females can be distinguished only by the color of the beak: he is bright red, the males is less saturated. There is also a subspecies of silvery amadines having a pearl color of the plumage, sometimes so light that is similar to white.

How to distinguish the male Amadina from females? 10 photos How to determine the floor in appearance? How to distinguish a boy from the girl? 21978_8

By voice

Experts consider singing the most accurate sign in determining the Paul Amadin. The longest and sophisticated sounds can make only the male of this type of singers of birds . True, it should be noted that some varieties of Amadine abilities for singing have no males, nor in females, but this circumstance can be considered an exception. Amadin's females can only produce short sounds that resemble the sound of some electronic alarm clocks with a ripple "peak". But the volume of bird sounds is much quieter.

The method of determining the floor by voice has a significant drawback - Sing birds start between 4 to 6 months, not earlier.

By the way, it is at this age and you need to look for a pet from Amadin. In addition, the "punch" can also males. And on the team, they are unlikely to sing in trills, so it is often to check when buying a pet, its vocal data is not possible.

How to distinguish the male Amadina from females? 10 photos How to determine the floor in appearance? How to distinguish a boy from the girl? 21978_9

By behavior

Differences in the behavior of the feathers are more noticeable during the nesting period in order to breed the offspring. The females are engaged in the nest device more actively, rather than the second half of the bird family. But the male at this time can manifest itself as a singer. According to the behavior outside the marriage period, the female from the male is difficult. These birds are quite active, yurt and curious regardless of gender.

If there are 2 male in the cell, that is, there is a chance to "expose" them, as they will definitely conflict on different trifles: When feeding, for the right to take the best place in the acklock. And on the contrary, 2 females will live together, they will not have collisions. But the last, unfortunately, can mean that in the cage you have a female, and the male. They will show themselves later. For breeding to buy a better pair of or several birds, among which there will be only 1 male.

How to distinguish the male Amadina from females? 10 photos How to determine the floor in appearance? How to distinguish a boy from the girl? 21978_10

Learn more about how to determine the floor of the Zebra Amadin, look in the video below.

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