How to determine the floor of the chinchilla? 9 photo How to distinguish a boy from the girl on external signs and behavior?


For the dilution of animals at home should be made seriously, even if the animal of a small size. Chinchilla can be attributed to the most popular pets. In order to properly contain this animal, you must be able to determine its sexuality. These data will help not only during the selection of pairs, but also, if necessary, the definition of sex at the offspring.

How to determine the floor of the chinchilla? 9 photo How to distinguish a boy from the girl on external signs and behavior? 21958_2

How to determine the floor?

Determining the sexual agent of such a little animal, as chinchilla can be made in several ways. Namely:

  • to size;
  • on behavior;
  • According to genitals.

Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that it is advisable to compare the size of the two animals only in the case when they are one age. First of all, it concerns the choice while buying in the pet store. Often, even the seller cannot confidently distinguish age and the floor of animals. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the size only in the case when the age of compared chinchillas is accurately known. So, of individuals-peers, the female will have large dimensions than male.

How to determine the floor of the chinchilla? 9 photo How to distinguish a boy from the girl on external signs and behavior? 21958_3

Also worth keeping in mind that Dimensions depend on the diet of individuals, as well as on the state of health. In the case when the animal is painful, it receives unbalanced food and not enough vitamins, its size can be less than in peers. An important role is played by age. If in one cell is the male, which is older than females, then its size can be large.

The behavior of animals of different floors can also be used to determine the floor, as it has certain differences. So, in a pair of chinchilla females play a dominant role, which can be determined by their greater activity and temperament of behavior.

It is worth especially to focus on the fact that in the process of mating the male is behind the female not the whole period. Often, the female individuals of chinchillas are planted by male, imitating his movements during mating.

How to determine the floor of the chinchilla? 9 photo How to distinguish a boy from the girl on external signs and behavior? 21958_4

The females of this species are distinguished by both great curiosity, as well as playfulness. Thanks to this, their behavior is always more interesting to observe. Also, girls can be called sharper and sociable, which can be explained by their dominant role in the flock, be it natural environment, pet store or home environment. However, such a tempement has its own drawbacks to which excessive aggression can be attributed during the flow period, as well as low stress resistance of girls-chinchillas.

Men's individuals, on the contrary, always calm and affectionate. They are much easier to tame . Therefore, if you plan to start one chinchilla for a child, then the boy will become the best choice. However, passivity and lack of living interest in the owner can disappoint a child.

How to determine the floor of the chinchilla? 9 photo How to distinguish a boy from the girl on external signs and behavior? 21958_5

The definition of the floor of the animal in genitals can be called the most difficult way, but at the same time, the most accurate. The complexity of actions to inspect the genital lies in the fact that the animal can decide what fell into a dangerous situation, to experience stress. In this case, the chinchillas reset the fur that it does not always please the owners.

In order for chinchillas to feel stress, when checking, it is necessary to perform all actions with maximum caution and delicacy. Taking the chinchilla in the hands, you need to stroke the animal. So he will be calmer and more comfortable. Then you need to gently grab the animal for the camp and turn the abdomen upwards, and the muzzle to my own.

After that, it is necessary to slightly delay the skirt in the place where the genitals are located. It is a looser and will help to consider. With independent definition of Paul Chinchillas worth knowing that Visually make it quite difficult in view of the similarity of their appearance. The only difference of females from the male is the distance from the anal hole to the urethra. In men's individuals, it is more - about 4 mm. In female individuals, the distance is slightly up to 1 mm. After inspection, the chinchilla can be stroked again. An excellent solution will be a small treat at the end of the procedure.

How to determine the floor of the chinchilla? 9 photo How to distinguish a boy from the girl on external signs and behavior? 21958_6


Due to the fact that the genitals of the young animal have even smaller sizes than in adults, the definition of the floor becomes a more difficult task. However, it is still necessary to perform it.

Chinchillas are able to multiply in three-month age, however, for female it can be a big stress. Therefore, the definition of the gender and the resettlement of boys and girls of this type of animals must be carried out before the onset of three months of age.

How to determine the floor of the chinchilla? 9 photo How to distinguish a boy from the girl on external signs and behavior? 21958_7

In order to learn the floor of the animal, there is an alternative - show the most animal or photo of his genitals by a specialist. It can be:

  • Professional breeder;
  • veterinarian.

In the case of transportation of chinchilla in the veterinary clinic, it is necessary to take care of the minimum stress for animals. To do this, you can cover the cage by a towel, and in winter it is pre-put in it small pieces of fur and wool, in which animals will be able to hide from the cold.

How to determine the floor of the chinchilla? 9 photo How to distinguish a boy from the girl on external signs and behavior? 21958_8

Neighborhood of individuals

Such an animal like chinchilla is considered stylish. The content of only one individual can lead to the aims of the animal, its apathy. To avoid these consequences, it is recommended to start a couple of chinshill. If the breeding of the offspring is undesirable, then you can buy two female individuals. However, it is necessary to remember possible conflicts and the struggle for the territory and leading role in the pack.

Negative moments can be minimized if to acquaint animals on neutral territory, without labels and smells. To do this, it should be carefully flushed out the cell from the chinchilla with the detergent. The acquisition of a new, more spacious cell will be a good option.

How to determine the floor of the chinchilla? 9 photo How to distinguish a boy from the girl on external signs and behavior? 21958_9

The best vacation option is the neighboring of two same-sex individuals, which appeared in one litter. Such animals will easily endure the neighborhood and smell of another secret. Chinchillas are excellent small pets, which, with proper sexual combination, will delight their owners with playfulness and tenderness.

On how to determine the floor in newborn chinchillas, you can learn from the following video.

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