Food for rabbits Little One: for young rabbits and green valley, 15 kg and 400-900. Composition. Assortment of good feed for decorative rabbits


Today, decorative rabbits are quite popular pets. Caring for it is simple, does not require too much time. The same applies to food - it is combined and combines various vegetables and fruits in the fresh form, hay and ready-made dry food.

The Little One trademark produces one of the best quality of ready-made diets for decorative rabbits, in which all the necessary vitamins and trace elements are collected.

Food for rabbits Little One: for young rabbits and green valley, 15 kg and 400-900. Composition. Assortment of good feed for decorative rabbits 21939_2

Food for rabbits Little One: for young rabbits and green valley, 15 kg and 400-900. Composition. Assortment of good feed for decorative rabbits 21939_3

Food for rabbits Little One: for young rabbits and green valley, 15 kg and 400-900. Composition. Assortment of good feed for decorative rabbits 21939_4

Advantages and disadvantages

Food for rabbits Little One is designed to take into account the needs of this type of animal in vitamins, micro- and macroelements, so it can be used as the only power source of a pet. Consider what the advantages of the dry mix Little One:

  • Comfortable packaging with the possibility of choosing a different weight - by 15 kg, 900 g, 400 g;
  • A large range of treats for rodents - Calrob, herbal pads, berry assorted, flower lukashko, meadow herbs sticks and many other;
  • The feed includes a large amount of fiber, which promotes healthy digestion;
  • Basic sources of fiber - grass, barley, air corn, wheat, stuffy peas, yukki extract;
  • For the prevention of coccidiosis in food for young individuals, an oregano extract is included;
  • In order for the hardware better than the organism, the feed includes copper sulfate;
  • No longer need to spend your free time to cook food to your pet;
  • Feed does not contain dyes and preservatives, have a completely natural composition;
  • rather long shelf life;
  • The optimal ratio of all components is fiber, vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.

With a large number of advantages, many veterinarians still do not recommend feeding their pet only with a dry mixture of Little One. It should be noted that non-compliance with the correct storage conditions of the feed will quickly lead it to disrepair.

Food for rabbits Little One: for young rabbits and green valley, 15 kg and 400-900. Composition. Assortment of good feed for decorative rabbits 21939_5

Food for rabbits Little One: for young rabbits and green valley, 15 kg and 400-900. Composition. Assortment of good feed for decorative rabbits 21939_6

Food for rabbits Little One: for young rabbits and green valley, 15 kg and 400-900. Composition. Assortment of good feed for decorative rabbits 21939_7

Basic feed

Little One in the catalog of Little One shows several types of feed for decorative rabbits. We offer more details with the assortment of brand ready-made rations.

  • Food for rabbits. Full diet for adults, rich in all necessary useful substances that contribute to the normal life of the animal. The composition is a high proportion of fiber, which is responsible for maintaining the normal state of the digestive system. Available in several packaging options: in small - 900 g and 400 g, and in a large economical - by 15 kg.

Food for rabbits Little One: for young rabbits and green valley, 15 kg and 400-900. Composition. Assortment of good feed for decorative rabbits 21939_8

  • Food for young rabbits. The specially designed composition of the feed is saturated with all the necessary substances for the full development of the pet, as well as its normal life activity. Dry mixture has a high nutritional value and easy digestibility. In order to prevent such a disease as coccidiosis, which is exposed to young rabbits, an oregano extract is present among the components. This is a good finished diet for decorative rabbits by age up to 6 months. Available in packing at 400 g, 900 g and 15 kg.

Food for rabbits Little One: for young rabbits and green valley, 15 kg and 400-900. Composition. Assortment of good feed for decorative rabbits 21939_9

  • Food from the dispensing for rabbits "Green Valley". The product includes 60 types of herbs that are necessary for the health of the decorative rabbit. Special technology, with which feed is made - cold pressing, allows you to maintain all nutritional elements necessary for the health of the teeth and the digestive tract of the animal. To maintain healthy microflora in the intestine, the composition includes prebiots of natural origin - fruitoligosaccharides. Omega-3 and Omega-6 will provide shiny and thick wool and healthy skin. To give taste among the components there are dried flowers and fruits. Available in packing at 750 g and 15 kg.

Food for rabbits Little One: for young rabbits and green valley, 15 kg and 400-900. Composition. Assortment of good feed for decorative rabbits 21939_10

Overview of gentlemen

In the assortment of the Little One brand you will find a large number of diverse delicacies that you can pamper your pet. Read more familiarize yourself with some of them.

  • Cober Little One (200 g). This delicacy is the fruits of the horn tree - a valuable source of vitamins of group in, iron, calcium and many other useful elements. The fruits have a pleasant sweet taste, which very much like all rodents, including home rabbits.

Food for rabbits Little One: for young rabbits and green valley, 15 kg and 400-900. Composition. Assortment of good feed for decorative rabbits 21939_11

  • Herbal pads Little One (100 g). Cristest delicacy made of grain and grass will surely like your pet. The pads are saturated with fiber required for optimal digestion. And also, the shelter is such a delicacy, rabbits can carry out the cutters that they are constantly growing.

Food for rabbits Little One: for young rabbits and green valley, 15 kg and 400-900. Composition. Assortment of good feed for decorative rabbits 21939_12

  • Fruit mixture Little One (200 g). Fruit mix, consisting of dried banana, raisins and candied. The use of a banana helps to strengthen the heart, raisins are saturated with natural acids, and the candiedies are a valuable source of potassium, keratin, as well as several groups of vitamins A, B and C.

Food for rabbits Little One: for young rabbits and green valley, 15 kg and 400-900. Composition. Assortment of good feed for decorative rabbits 21939_13

  • Ilicate peas of Little One. Delicious delicacy, available to all rodents, thanks to the loyalty, which they can easily spray. Peas are filled with a large number of nutrient elements, useful rabbits.

Food for rabbits Little One: for young rabbits and green valley, 15 kg and 400-900. Composition. Assortment of good feed for decorative rabbits 21939_14

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