Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use?


The broom is a very simple, but effective device that helps at home cleaning. There are so many different types of product data. Each option is designed to solve certain tasks. From the material of this article we will find out how to properly choose a quality broom for cleaning.

        Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_2

        Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_3

        What is it and from what?

        Household broom is a device by which the owners can maintain purity in the house. Using this product, you can easily remove various contamination, clusters of dust. Despite the fact that today there are practically in every house there is a vacuum cleaner, the popularity of brooms is still not lost. For the manufacture of modern brooms for home cleaning use various materials.

        We will get acquainted closer with the most popular of them.

        • Millet and sorghum. For natural home brooms, millet or sorghum is very often taken. More specifically meet model from sorghum. This is a cereal plant having dense and strong stalks. From them up are somewhat inflorescences. Oboy stems can also be used in the production of brooms, but they are less durable.

        Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_4

        Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_5

        • Rod. Often there are brooms that are made of Willow, Birch or Dereza branches. The main requirement for such billets is their sufficient subtlety and softness. At the same time, the materials must be durable. Twitches are trimmed in such a way that they have equal length. Next, they are associated together. Of these materials, brooms are more stringent, so they are more often used on the street, and not at home.

        Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_6

        Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_7

        • Lyko. Another material, often used in the manufacture of brooms. As a rule, under the mainstream of the raw material is activated. In many cases, preference is given to such rocks such as oak, birch or linden. Lyko is mild in its structure material. It is subjected to special processing, and then divided into fibers.

        Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_8

        Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_9

        • Polymers. Funds for cleaning made of polymers are synthetic analogues of natural products. There are a lot of various design options for these devices. Instances from polymers can be painted in different colors and shades. The working part is often produced from high-strength plastic wire. One of the types of synthetic products is a tool made of useless plastic bottles.

        The role of the workshop in this case plays such a container, sliced ​​on thin stripes.

        Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_10

        Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_11

        • Rag. The use of vet in the production of blizzard makes it possible to give the second life to unnecessary things. For example, brooms made from old fabric sliced ​​on strips are comfortable. Through such a device, it will be easy to cope with dust. In addition, water products can be used for wet cleaning in the house.

        Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_12

        Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_13

        • Rope, ropes. For the manufacture of efficient and convenient accessories, it is allowed to use durable ropes or ropes. It is possible to use both natural and synthetic material. The principle of manufacturing this type of product is similar to the creation scheme from the vet.

        Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_14

        Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_15

        Of course, this is not all materials from which you can make a good broom for cleaning at home or on the street. In the arsenal of many users there are options, in the manufacture of which plastic, bamboo and other natural or synthetic raw materials were used.

          Species species

          It has already been said that brooms are different. There are many criteria for the separation of such household accessories. One of the main parameters for which panicles are separated are their purpose. Brooms of different species will be applied to sweep the street or house. We learn more about the characteristics of devices intended for different operating conditions.

          Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_16

          Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_17

          For floor sweeping

          An ordinary household broom allows you to silently collect all the dust and garbage from the floor. This home instrument is produced, as a rule, from very thin twigs and twigs. Most often, products from sorghum or millet are used to sweep the floors.

          The stalks collected in the tight bundle are tied in such a way that the most comfortable rounded handle is formed, and the lower half was a kind of fan. This structure is necessary so that the working part can capture a fairly large area along the sweeping. Besides, Lyko, ropes or polymer materials are often used to create household products.

          Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_18

          Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_19

          For dust

          A separate category includes brooms designed to remove dust from various surfaces. Such models are usually characterized by not very large sizes. The working part of these products is made of soft and fine materials. Tools can be made of feathers, threads, synthetic raw materials in the form of fibers, similar to thin hair.

          The working nozzle of a small broom is fixed on a comfortable handle.

          Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_20

          Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_21

          For Street

          Street varieties of blizzard are distinguished by what is ideal for guiding purity outside of residential premises. For the manufacture of such devices, more dense and coarse materials are usually involved. For this purpose, the branches of Willow, Birch or Dereza are ideal. They are much more solid than in the case of household goods.

          In addition to blizzards made from raw materials of natural origin, you can also use brooms from polymeric material to sweep the street. A good efficiency is demonstrated to devices that are made of conventional plastic bottles.

          Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_22

          Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_23

          Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_24

          How to choose?

          Despite the fact that a broom is an ordinary household appliance, it should also be selected correctly. You should pay attention to several basic parameters of this product.

          • First of all, you should learn from which material a broom is made. It can be both natural and synthetic. Both options with proper use will demonstrate high efficiency, as well as long service life.
          • The product length parameter is important. To sweep the floors, it was most convenient and easily and easily, it is advisable to acquire products with an optimal length of about 85 cm. Such values ​​are due to the fact that it will be completely uncomfortable to use too short broom.
          • It makes sense to pay attention to the width of the working part of the product. It should be at least 25 cm, and even better if this indicator will be within 35-45 cm. With such products, it will be possible to reach a more impressive area for one passage.
          • It is recommended to look at the colors of the broom. Artificial options that are made from synthetic materials can be painted in almost any shades. Buyer can choose absolutely any instance that he will like it. If the thing is made of such a natural material, like a sorghum, then it is best to give preference to instances that have a light reddish tint of surfaces.
          • It is very important to make sure of the high quality of the execution of such a device. The brushless broom must be sufficiently thick enough to capture the whole garbage and dust. It is necessary to ensure that all twigs are most securely secured, do not fall out if they pull over the brush of the product.

          Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_25

          Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_26

          If you pay due attention to each of the listed criteria, the buyer will be able to acquire a really high-quality and reliable broom, with which to support the dwelling in cleanliness is extremely simple.

          How to fervent to use?

          If you have just purchased a new broom, it should be subjected to special processing before starting operation. Such preparatory activities are required to ensure that the product lasts as long as possible, and also had good performance.

          To correctly fervent or soak new household appliances, you will need:

          • bucket;
          • boiling water;
          • 1 cup of food salt.

          Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_27

          Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_28

          Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_29

            If all components are ready, then you can start directly to bearing a new broom. Consider gradually how to do it right.

            • First you need to take a bucket and fill it with boiling water.
            • Further, the liquid will need to pour out the usual kitchen salt and mix it.
            • After that, the bucket can be lowered by a broom. In the liquid you will need to mock only a panicle of the product.
            • The broom must be left to break off for a couple of hours.

            Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_30

            Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_31

            After completing the soaking flow of the branch branch, they will quickly acquire the desired elasticity and high level of softness. Thanks to this, the product will not break and can serve much longer.

            Tips for care and storage

            Like any other household device, the cleaning broom needs competent storage and proper care. Consider how it is necessary to correctly treat this product indispensable in the farm.

            • If you want a broom to serve longer, it makes sense to be stored exclusively in a suspended state. Storage is allowed by tanks up, if you move to the device nowhere. Due to this method of storing the rod, the product will not bend and break.
            • It is not allowed to set the products under consideration in the immediate vicinity of heating radiators or household heaters. Because of the similar neighborhood, the metelka will soon trigger, and then they will come into disrepair.

            Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_32

            Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_33

            How to make your own hands?

            Many people decide not to spend money on the purchase of a broom, manufacturing it with their own hands. In conducting such works there is absolutely nothing complicated. If the product is cramped from sorghum shoots, then recommended Enter overwhelmed sprigs that have already begun to push the root. True, this recommendation does not work in all cases, because even in a moderate climate, the sorghum does not always completely ripen.

            If branches are selected for a broom, it is necessary to ensure that the tank width is at least 25 cm. Otherwise, the device will not demonstrate the desired level of functionality. Optimal will be the following dimensions:

            • Working pan - 0.25-0.4 m;
            • Broom length - approximately 85 cm.

            Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_34

            Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_35

            We will analyze step by step, how to independently make a quality broom for cleaning.

            • In the autumn season you will need to cut off the branches in an amount of from 20 to 35 pieces per fix.
            • From the branches will definitely need to remove absolutely all available leaves.
            • Next, cut natural blanks will need to dry well. For this branch, you will need to spend so that the belts "watched" down. In such a state, the product must remain within 10-30 days. The best solution is to leave them so before the arrival of the spring season.
            • As soon as the dying period is completed, you will need to carefully remove all the remaining seeds.
            • Stays of the plant will definitely need to be sorted. At the same time, special attention is recommended to pay the level of the thickness of the shoots, as well as the pomp by the blizzard.
            • Then it is necessary to gently decompose the dry twigs on a flat horizontal plane. At the same time, it is recommended to lay stronger and durable parts on the outside, and more fragile and thin - in the central part.
            • After that, you can safely bind the stems by means of a rope, forming beams. At the same time, additional efforts must be made to achieve the appropriate stiffness of fasteners. Tinging the branches should be as high as possible.
            • Next, the metels will need to be thoroughly flashing by making fixation in the form of a fan.

            Working a broom must be cut to give it the scheduled correct form.

            Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_36

            Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_37

            Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_38

            Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_39

            Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_40

            General recommendations

            We will get acquainted with some useful recommendations regarding the choice of the optimal model of a broom or brush-broom.

            • There is a device that is often confused with a broom. This broom. The broom is different from it with its shape and design, as well as manufacturing material. For the manufacture of natural brooms, millet and sorghum are most often used, and for brooms - birch or willers. The handle in this case is usually designed from wood or plastic. The result is an excellent mechanical tool for cleaning.
            • It is not recommended to neglect the brewing broom after its purchase. If you do not bother this household device, it will last much less.
            • Models of brooms that are made from sorghum on an industrial scale, Be sure to meet the technical conditions of the OST 65-31-91.
            • Very good brooms are obtained from materials such as chiliga or wild acacia. These plants are characterized by strong and durable shoots. True, for cleaning at home, such adaptations are hardly suitable, because they differ in high rudeness. They are more suitable in order to fit the street and someone's territory.
            • Shaft broom in salt water It is recommended before each application, not just after the purchase.

            Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_41

            Cleaning broom (42 photos): What makes a broom to sweep the floor of the premises? What is the name of a dust broom? How to fervent to use? 21901_42

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