Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove?


It is impossible to tell all about the mop rags in a short publication: in the range of goods for cleaning, these adaptations were noticeably transformed and turned into light, comfortable designs. They can wash not only the floor, but also windows, walls, contaminated surfaces in the corners and under furniture. Weight and complexity of the device, replacement rags, fastening - indisputable advantages of products in the ranking of popular. The noteworthy of some is fragility. And this is the only one, in which modern species are inferior to the most primitive, made of wood.

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_2

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_3

Features and requirements

The right choice of device depends on what goals are prosecuted when purchasing it, and this explains the variety of proposals from manufacturers. By purchasing a specific model, the user or the clinical company is customized for variable targets - the maximum clean floor, washing various surfaces, the ability to keep the hand clean and back health. An important role in achieving the goals is played by a rag for mop.

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_4

The manufacturer determines the methods of attachment, the variable height of the handle, the material to which the floor was decorated. A variety of devices is due to the demand of consumers, inquiries of owners, their reviews and requirements expressed in stores, social networks and special forums.

Consider the requirements that need to be taken into account by choosing Mop.

  • Location of floors indoors . Laminate is still the device, but for parquet you need to choose with minimal humidity.

  • Use of detergents with disinfectant properties In any case, makes you choose a mop, which is not required by manual spin - otherwise you have to wear protective gloves.

  • Wooden floors are undemanded to the material of the rag, but it is better to choose enough for linoleum . Pollution from it is easily eliminated by a pre-wet wip, then final - dry. If you use a material with a certain level of rigidity, the effectiveness will not increase, but the probability of damage will be much larger.

  • There are mists for owners who have pets . This special nozzle allows us to collect wool from the floor without much difficult. The triangular form will be needed with the abundance of furniture with concealed corners, for the same purpose it will take a long handle. It makes sense to purchase a telescopic principle, but they, with all undoubted convenience, it is characteristic of it often to break precisely because of this beneficial property.

  • Easy - another requirement for good swing . But the use of plastic with its undoubted advantages is the relief of the weight of the structure, the lack of pollution and bright colors, the owner of the eye, is also fraught with a quick breakdown. Therefore, aluminum, although he lends the cost of costs, is considered an optimal option if durability and reliability is required.

  • MODING MODING RAYS ON ROW - Another important point taken into account when buying. Otherwise, you will have to constantly lean and adjust the canvas kinning with fasteners.

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_5

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_6

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_7

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_8

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_9

Another, the most important point is the material from which the rag is made. It is difficult to distribute the recommendations here, each user can have their own preferences - from a banal cotton rectangle to rope, sponge or microfiber. Sometimes the next choice is dictated by the habit or tradition.


Components for mop depend on the material and design of the device itself, the objectives that are scheduled in its use. They are largely determined by the fastening and raw materials used in the manufacture. If it is assumed that the device will only be involved in floor washing, any - microfiber, cotton, rope, rubber or spongy.

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_10

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_11

Nice, but not very economically use disposable, although they facilitate the resolution of the problem of washing, laundering, disinfection, search for convenient locations and storage conditions.

By material

In some species, a fixed rag is light in washing and care, but is not calculated on shift, so it should be borne in mind that such a mop is enough for a limited number of manipulations to guide purity. With the advent of the nozzle, the new device will have to buy a new device for its attachment.

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_12

You need to think if there is practical meaning in a separate acquisition of each component, or it is easier to acquire each time in the kit, and destroyed - throw away.

  1. Chemical industries and weaving industry - Manufacturers whose products prevail in the manufacture of rags for mop. Materials are selected not only with the design, but also price segments, functionality and guaranteed life.

  2. Square or rectangular cotton - An integral component of a simple wooden mop. In total, this is the cheapest and usual floor washing device. "Lazyka" got rid of the need for washing in an inconvenient position, but did not rule out other tedious processes - rinse and washing in a bucket, manual spin, skin lesions when using antibacterial detergents.

  3. From a sponge or porous rubber Initially, cheap options were produced, tightly fixed from the uninforced base. Minus such a mop in a small coverage of the cleaned area. You can now purchase a device with a fastening involving the possibility of replacing the nozzles, but the duration of the cleaning process and frequent breakdowns are still relevant in the most common variety.

  4. Microfiber nozzle, flat shape It makes it easy to carry out the floor cleansing in all directions, easily erased and happens with a spin lever. Some consumers are confident that it does not have the necessary hygroscopicity and is not suitable for wet cleaning, but perfectly performs its functions when removing dust from parquet and other surfaces.

  5. The same flaw and Rope Swabra However, it is popular for mobility and ability to remove dirt in the most problematic places - under the cabinets and in the corners between the furniture.

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_13

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_14

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_15

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_16

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_17

Cleaning companies use steam mop, however, they are not suitable for all materials manufacturing materials, and they are not cheap.

In size and form

There are cases where the acquisition of a fundamentally new type suggested by other people's advice, online advertising or simply dissatisfaction with the result obtained at home.

The desire to experiment often leads to an excellent result, acquiring new attachments. The choice of rags and mop is not so simple as it appears at first glance.

Conventional configuration (square, rectangular), mobile, as in the case of a long rope, which takes any desired shape, even if fixed on a round head, triangular. The most convenient model - Flower , with a flat platform and axis of rotation, you can wear any rag, regardless of the material and size.

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_18

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_19

How to wear and shoot on different types of mop?

Replaceable nozzle assumes the presence of certain skills in circulation with a modern "rag". If there is a small mixture and instructions for the user, you can master and unusual models.

For mops - "lazy"

In the modern version, it is not necessary to diligently wipe the material around the handle and the base - there is a mount. If it is with a clamp, it is enough to deduce it, insert according to the instructions and secure, as shown in the picture.

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_20

On ordinary

You can wind on the ground, while wraping the corners so that they hold the cloth. Simply now is not very popular due to the need to constantly refuel the rag after each flashing in the bucket.

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_21

On others

The subtleties of circulation with more complex devices depend on the design, the shape of the nozzle and its replacement.

Often, it is not necessary to change the spongy due to the unreliability of the attachment, so For a fleournader are produced on velcro (not always justified with wet cleaning) or on riveting . This ensures reliability and ease of removal.

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_22

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_23

Round rope is unfastened from the head, and the triangular can be in different versions depending on the manufacturer and price segment.

How to erase and store?

All recommendations depend on which material was used for the manufacture of mop. A simple cotton for a wooden design can be cracked in a bucket and wash in a washing machine. The same rule is applied to the microfiber. In other cases, you need to be guided by the instructions from the manufacturer.

Roy for mops: on velcro and with clip, other species. How to wear a removable floor washing rag and how to fix? How to remove? 21867_24

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